Honestly, Faust laid the groundwork for this series. While I was definitely bummed out at her leaving at first, but as long as the core cast/writers remain, I think this show will remain good. Just hope outsourcing the animation to the other studio won't have much of an impact on the animation as that was one of the things that made me curious about watching this show at first.
Art timmee!
I lolled at hipster gilda
Nice Luna artwork
Partying it up at the gala
She's an evil enchantress...Not sure about evil dances though...
The reason why Luna was a no show at the gala
Sol et Luna
High Class Rogue
Samus Derpy
Pinkie and Al
Whats with derpy and wanting to empty out fridges?!
Oh god Derpy is teaching physics, run!
I really hope we have an episode where Spike turns into a pony just to see the hijinks that'll happen
Hah! Raiders of the lost mark
Trollestia is shocked that you made her into a tryant!
Happy mothers day!
All grown up Scootaloo
Fluttershy with Butterfly