i dont mean to take anything away from fluttershy, but lets not get toooo crazy here.Myke Greywolf said:1. Fluttershy
Yes, she's the moe factor, but she's far from being a blob. She's moe done better than the japanese have ever done it, truly adorable and endearing, but at the same time having a strong personality. She makes us go "daaww" and then cheer for her in the next moment, but manipulates us that way in a subtle, peaceful, delicious manner.
pandas list:
1. Rainbow Dash - Dash rounds out the top of the list for being the pony she wants to be. from start to finish Dash can set and clear goals and will always do so with a long term plan in mind, she has a dream and she chases it without neglecting her friends and without bias. people say She's competitive to a fault due to the iron pony episode, but we see differently in sonic rain boom where she drops everything about an event that she was panicking over [for fear of not living up to her own dreams] and immediately swoops down to help a friend in need. Also she has the best dress.
2. Fluttershy - moe~. yeah, nobodies shocked. myke hit up the strengths of this character quite well.
3. Rarity - I have to admit that from the moment i saw rarity, i was waiting for an excuse to drop her to the bottom of my list. as myke said, she's a character type that has historically been so so easy to hate. But the truth is, nothing about her has ever been deserving of the animosity the fashion oriented deva character usually gets and the more i see her the more she reminds me of my grandmother, who is awesome.
4. twilight - I liked twilight early on for embodying the strong intelligent nerd character who is proud to be a bookworm and can inspire aspirations towards science and history oriented careers in young women, but as the series aged she kept feeling somewhat mary sue-y. her magic seems to solve most problems and her power level keeps approaching 9,000. I'd like to see more of her character without magic being a factor. someone grind some of those blue flowers into her breakfast for a few episodes.
5. pinkie pie - i wish there was a way to have all lists be tied at 1, because being #5 seems really bad when it really isn't. she's looney tunes, but she's also vulnerable and before my little pony i would have called that a contradiction.
6. spike - he seems to be coming into his own as an avatar for the older audience and id like to see how much they can get away with that.
7. celestia - sometimes i wonder just how close to canon trollestia really is, but other times everything just seems to make sense from a beenvolent loving ruler point of view. but then more trollestia, but then more lov-
8. scootalo - she's just so fricken adorable.
9. applebloom - see scootalo
10. applejack - eh.
11. sweetie belle - being frank, sweetie belle is only at the bottom because im not entirely sure what her character is yet. she hasnt come into her own yet in my eyes so we'll see.