And here we have...
Myke's Season One Song Ranking
1. At The Gala - When around mid-season, composer Daniel Ingram was asked what song he had composed for the show was his favorite, he told us it was a song we hadn't heard yet and gave us a few details on how that song just blowed the others out of the water in terms of scope. I found it hard to believe - I was still fresh from Winter Wrap Up and Art of the Dress, and had a hard time imagining how those could be topped in sheer appeal. And then I heard it, and it all became clear. What I couldn't imagine, was how far they were willing to go for such a low-budget show. And if the show was at a level far above what we could expect from the MLP franchise, then this song is at another whole level above the show itself. The whole package, despite its limitations, leaves about half of all musical acts from Disney movies sobbing in the corner of the room. From the distinct solos for each character, full to the brim with personality, to the incredibly catchy "at the gala" riff, ending with the spectacular climax, it all comes together to form the perfect introduction to "the best night ever".
There's only one thing that keeps this song from perfection: the horrible trumpet playing along with the chorus near the end. Once you hear it, you won't be able to unhear it. I would leave it out or replace it with some softer horns.
This song actually makes me sad when thinking of my season two introduction project, because I'm never going to be able to write something that comes even near to living up to this.
2. Art of the Dress - What, no "Winter Wrap Up"? WWU might be the catchiest song in the season, but AotD does something different: whereas WWU is an exposition song, AotD is part of the story itself, serving both as a montage and a chronicle of Rarity's ever-increasing stress and frustration at her friends. The singer nails it perfectly too, with the enthusiasm and joy patent at the beginning replaced with growing anxiety and exasperation for the second part of the song. And then, there's the message, that ressonates within each of us that has ever been in Rarity's position of having to do creative work at the bidding of a client. It's this relevance to the adult listener that sets this apart from the next entry.
3. Winter Wrap Up - So, so, so catchy. And so well executed. You just feel like singing this, despite being incredibly tricky to sing, due to all the fast part switching. It's the most catchy song in the show so far, and despite being simpler than the two songs above it, is deceivingly complex for a "poppy" song. Twilight's singing voice really gets a chance to shine here.
4. The Cutie Mark Crusaders Theme - Awesome glam 80's pop/rock reference, and an hilariously bad performance (way better executed than Pinkie's attempt at a stage trainwreck). It's not a song to remember for itself, but for the part it played in its episode, and what it ended up being rewarded for: a great comedy act.
5. My Very Best Friends (intro song)
6. Giggle at the Ghostly
7. So Many Wonders
8. Evil Enchantress (particularly the Flutterguy version)
9. The Pony Pokey - Hilarious when you're watching the video, particularly the parts with Rarity and Fluttershy ("COME OUT!")
10. Pinkie's Singing Telegram
11. Hush Now, Quiet Now
12. The Grand Galloping Gala
13. Cupcakes
14. You Gotta Care, You Gotta Share - I really don't care for this one, as much as Pinkie would like me to.
15. Hop, Skip and Jump
16. Twilight is my Bestest Friend