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My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

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Just leave it outta there. Best not stir 'em up.

Feel free to post all the Simpsons macros you want though

/edit Oh, anybody planning Pony E3 macros outside of this thread is going to get reamed. This is a prediction, but it's probably accurate.


To be fair it's not an untenable decision. This shit just riles people up for no good reason and creates more work for them.


Everything is moe to me
Master Milk said:
... I get sad just typing this up. Gaming side, that should really be enough . . .
there's your problem, den of self important manbabies who retard the legitimacy of their hobby by pretending if everything is grimdark and serious they'll be accepted by the cool kids. the existance of sales-age should be enough to scare anyone away from that board. >_>


Membero Americo
Pandaman said:
there's your problem, den of self important manbabies who retard the legitimacy of their hobby by pretending if everything is grimdark and serious they'll be accepted by the cool kids.


I wouldn't say that, if I were you.


Jintor's correct. Regardless of the intention pony pics do tend to derail threads. Non-Pony-GAF tends to erupt in a fit of rage when they see ponies for some reason.

Sucks, but whatever. Plenty of MLP in this thread.


Oh, stop generalising, Panda

The main problem is this weird auto-savage reaction MLP generates. If you posted a macro from pretty much anything else it'd be fine, but MLP... well, whatever. Just keep your heads down and stay outta trouble. I've had enough of the fucking Pony wars.
Pandaman said:
there's your problem, den of self important manbabies who retard the legitimacy of their hobby by pretending if everything is grimdark and serious they'll be accepted by the cool kids. the existance of sales-age should be enough to scare anyone away from that board. >_>

Whoa, hey. We're not all like that.


One of my favorite games of the generation was about as far from "grimdark" as you can get.
All that happened was some junior dared to ask where it was from. It would have been done with in a single reply if people hadn't carried on with "OH NO HERE WE GO AGAIN."


jogarrr said:
Jintor's right. Regardless of the intention pony pics do tend to derail threads. Non-Pony-GAF tends to erupt in a fit of rage when they see ponies.
While this is true, and I'm certainly against spamming other threads (or this one? :p), if the official position has become "we'll ban you if you ever stick your head out of there", I think I'd prefer to just leave.


Obsidian fan
Nishastra said:
Wow. The mod replies honestly make me want to stop posting here altogether.

"Disgusting shit" indeed.

I actually felt a little uncomfortable reading all that, something that has never happened in all my time here.

Also, it wasn't an Apprentice thread, so why wasnt the guy who posted that Trump gif threatened?

Makes me fucking sick.


Kulock said:
All that happened was some junior dared to ask where it was from. It would have been done with in a single reply if people hadn't carried on with "OH NO HERE WE GO AGAIN."

This is probably something that should be taken up in PMs to the mod in question. Although given the hostile response I saw in that thread, I don't fucking know anymore. All I know is that I'm sick of this bullshit.


I'm mostly annoyed that the mods called it "disgusting pony crap," but if it has to explode every time ponies are even hinted at, then yeah, maybe it can't belong.
It isn't all the mods.
Obviously Duckroll has no problem with PonyGAF, and I doubt Evil Lore even gives a shit.
However, you do need to remember, that with a board that is monitored constantly, you're going to have certain rules enforced in different ways by different mods.
Particularly when it comes to something that seems to get people in a tizzy.
Also, you need to realize that the last couple of PSN threads have been pure shit holes. There have been massive ban waves caused by them.

Unless one of you feels like taking some defiant stance against it, then there's no point in worrying about it.
I dunno if "it's their site, it's their rules" works when Evilore has posted pinkieshrug.png all the time. I don't think this is any high level consensus.


Wow, I just drove home from work in silence because I didn't even feel like listening to anything after what I saw in that thread.

The message is pretty clear, mods don't like pony shit and don't like seeing pony shit, not even in the OT forums. Nevermind the off season sports threads, that pony shit needs to go to community. Nevermind the Simpsons or thousands of other reaction images, if it's a pony reaction image you will be banned.


ivedoneyourmom said:
Mac users are sad, we sometimes like to watch videos in the Finder. :lol
I imagine it is because of quick look previews.

I'm on a macbook, but if I was on an iMac I would definitely use icons larger than my normal setting of 152x152.[/QUOTE]
Is this, uh, something you really want to be posting here?

[QUOTE=Kulock]All that happened was some junior dared to ask where it was from. It would have been done with in a single reply if people hadn't carried on with "OH NO HERE WE GO AGAIN."[/QUOTE]
Y'know, I was thinking maybe the pony hate was on track to die down, and after awhile it'd end up like anime where a lot of idiots hate it but at least it's begrudgingly tolerated.

Instead we're just going down the same road as 4chan and SA.


tiff said:
Y'know, I was thinking maybe the pony hate was on track to die down, and after awhile it'd end up like anime where a lot of idiots hate it but at least it's begrudgingly tolerated.

I'm sure it will die down eventually.


Gold Member
Eh, Duckroll had to clean up this thread before. Just let it be. It's NPD day and PSN is still out. I bet a lot of the mods are busy today.


Kills Photobucket
Just move on guys. It's over, we'll be more careful in the future.

Recommence friendship and magic.

Here's an adorable filly picture to get us going.


Obsidian fan
DrForester said:
Just move on guys. It's over, we'll be more careful in the future.

Recommence friendship and magic.

Here's an adorable filly picture to get us going.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
DrForester said:
Just move on guys. It's over, we'll be more careful in the future.

Honestly I don't see people's problem with My Little Pony. It's like a western K-ON! in terms of content and fanbase.

Wait a minute....


Kills Photobucket
Regulus Tera said:
Honestly I don't see people's problem with My Little Pony. It's like a western K-ON! in terms of content and fanbase.

Wait a minute....

Don't bring that disgusting K-On shit into this thread.
Negator said:
The message is pretty clear, mods don't like pony shit and don't like seeing pony shit, not even in the OT forums.
Through sheer osmosis of avatars, people will eventually get used to them. Like AceBandage said, PSN threads apparently make people lose their minds. So many people were banned from the first one due to meltdowns that it created a massive backlog. SERIOUS BUSINESS (etc).

And there's no point in seeing the move to Community as a bad thing. If the 30 Rock thread somehow moved at the speed this thread moves during the off-season and remained on the front page, it would probably end up here as well.

Edit: beaten a million times over like Applejack in a race against Rainbow Dash


Universal Access can be found under System Preferences
CHEEZMO™ said:
And lol @ Amir0x's remark about PPG.

PPG rules, loved that comment.

Fake edit: Used to chase my niece around saying I was Mojo Jojo...she still remembers that so many years later and loves me for it.


Everything is moe to me
BY2K said:

I wouldn't say that, if I were you.
I say it because i am me.

AceBandage said:
Whoa, hey. We're not all like that.
of course not, i apologize if that was the implication you read. the individual niche gaf communities is 90% of the appeal of gaf, I'm just saying they're far smaller than they should be because collectively people still judge games off of art direction before game play and gaf is the picture of popular opinion ruling the day.

this is a forum that loves and hates a game based off of leaked alpha screenshots. that trolls console manufacturers over 'over ambitious' target renders and derides any cutesy anime artstyle game as belonging to an 'icecream thread' and perhaps most importantly, this is a forum where targets for abuse can expect to be abused. be it for the community you associate with, the tag under your name or the avatar you associate with. I have trouble taking such people seriously when they call for 'maturity' from others with insults and threats. So while it can be temporarily amusing to marvel at their indignation when their attitudes are mirrored upon them, people who think so lowly of others cannot be expected to give you your due defense.


Hrmph. It was really just that one dude, and then Amirox tweaking that dude's nose, and then a bunch of no-Pony dead-enders piping up with their needlessly hateful opinions. There's probably some bad blood from the last Pony incursion into a PSN-is-dead thread. So keep ponies out of PSN=dead threads. Just don't self censor in Off Topic threads, and maybe use caution in gaming threads where that guy might show up. I don't think he has the authority to banish all ponies to this thread all on his lonesome, unless there was some announcement. The reasoning for relocating this thread seemed sound, but some people out there seem to think this was some kind of punishment, and they'll press us like we should feel shame. But they don't know what they're talking about. So step lively, keep your heads down, try not to draw any fire, but don't hide what you believe in.

Viva la Ponies.


I don't know if anyone else saw EviLore's original posts in this thread before he edited them but I did. He is not neutral on the matter of ponies. Just keep it out of other threads.
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