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My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

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Pankaks said:
I'm not skilled enough to make a decent wallpaper but I did make an avatar and a render:Edit:

Well I gave it a try. Any improvements I could make to this?

Wow this is amazing. But could you just remove the bottom half of the pony along with the orange portal? Thanks again


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
mazeedibeedi said:
Wow this is amazing. But could you just remove the bottom half of the pony along with the orange portal? Thanks again

Like this?


Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Regulus Tera said:
It's the same shit. You are drawing stuff in a style that it was not meant to be drawn as. Stop whining.

Anthro style is not meant to be anthro style?

Damn it Trollestia, stop trolling me!
Jintor said:
Very nice work.

Deleted member 10571

Unconfirmed Member
Bufbaf said:
lol, Equestria Daily found my video -> Instant +1000 Visits :D

Now, which songs did I forget so far?

Lets check - if anyone has (or is able to create) the following Songs as A cappella versions

- My Little Pony FIM Theme Song (possibly with the Chorus part at the beginning?)
- Pinkie's Grand Galloping Gala song
- Twilight is my bestest friend
- Evil Enchantress
- Hop, Skip & Jump :D
- Hush now, Quiet now
- CMC Theme Song of absolute awesomeness
- Pony Pokey

I'll be happy to try to mix them, too :)
Still searching :)
Bufbaf said:
lol, Equestria Daily found my video -> Instant +1000 Visits :D

Now, which songs did I forget so far?

Lets check - if anyone has (or is able to create) the following Songs as A cappella versions

- My Little Pony FIM Theme Song (possibly with the Chorus part at the beginning?)
- Pinkie's Grand Galloping Gala song
- Twilight is my bestest friend
- Evil Enchantress
- Hop, Skip & Jump :D
- Hush now, Quiet now
- CMC Theme Song of absolute awesomeness
- Pony Pokey

I'll be happy to try to mix them, too :)
Isn't Evil Enchantress already in acapella form? Or do you want the Flutterguy one?

OMG Aero

Note sure if anyone else is interested in this but a few weeks ago I came across a site where someone is making metal pins of the various characters marks and selling them.
Here are the designs they are making:

Pre-orders for the pins closed in April, but a few days ago he/she opened a store page where you can buy the extra pins that are leftover. The pins are still getting made so they won't be shipped until mid-June, but I emailed the person running the site and it seems they already have a few Rainbow Dash pins made and here's a photo of one to give you an idea of what they will look like.

Now obviously I can't speak for the reliability of the person running this, but they have a feedback page on their site that seems to be good so far. I just ordered the 6 main character pins so I'll be sure to post about them again in the thread when/if they arrive but if anyone else wants to order some, here's the store page.

Deleted member 10571

Unconfirmed Member
OMG Aero said:
Awesome Pins
Dayum, about 15 bucks for shipping alone. Here's waiting for next month, then. If anyone from europe is ordering, I'll probably join in with a Pinkie/Rainbow combo :)

edit: Daaww, Pinkie is out. Luna/Trollestia? Well, I wait then.


Oh, the belated drama!

It's not like she made the show on her own, even if she was its creator, and her work on the early episodes of season 2 was already done before she left.

I have faith in the rest of the staff :p

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
duckroll said:
So Faust is done with MLP? I guess I am too. It's been fun. :(

We've been told that if we've been enjoying plenty of recent episodes, then it's possible that we can enjoy the upcoming season.

Regulus Tera said:
The American Bald Eagle does not have nipples, dammit!

But it's not a plain eagle! O:


I've got faith in the team as well and as others have said it wasn't like she had no involvement with season two as she was there during the story conception stage.

Also, according to a layout artist on the Allspark forums her involvement with production for season two was actually very similar to what she did for season one so I'm not too worried.


jogarrr said:
Still haven't read it. Not gonna do it. Nope, nope, nope.
It's worth reading for the plot twist at the end!

Cheezmo, I'd say you would probably like it. It isn't really that long, 15 minutes max and you should be done. Amazing stuff, my life is changed. FOREVEERRRRRRRRR.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
CHEEZMO™ said:
I dont plan on reading it.

Could someone gimme a synopsis?

From what I've heard, some very dark stuff goes down. I'm talking about some SAW level detail.

I wouldn't recommend reading it unless you want to ruin Pinkie Pie for yourself.
Faust attended all of the preliminary writing meetings, and so I'm not readying the token bailout.gif just yet.

There's still a chance that hasbro notes could ruin everything she set up, but as a matter of sheer budget feasibility, there's not a whole lot that can instantly ruin the series this far into pre-production.

Based on the schedule the team have been mentioning, there's simply no time to completely ruin the series even if someone wanted to. You can only rewrite a script so many times before it goes into the pipeline.

Also, Myke_Greywolf pony. Some weird wolf/pony hybrid.

Myke Greywolf

Ambassador of Goodwill
meltingparappa said:
Also, Myke_Greywolf pony. Some weird wolf/pony hybrid.

You are my hero! WHY IS THIS SO AWESOME? I'M FREAKING OUT HERE! Teach me, sensei! :D

Now, my turn: your pony version 2, because I need the practice with the tools of the trade, and to make sure I am doing it right before attempting any others:


- Redone from sketch up.
- Used Inkscape to lay curves over all the borders on the sketch

- Saved as .svg, imported on GIMP to a 5,000 pixel high canvas.
- Traced over the curves with a 2 pixel-wide black line, and started selecting closed areas to color them.
- Cutie mark was ripped from Parappa official art, and used perspective tool to lay it on the flank.

I took about 5 hours, in all, to do the above. What am I doing right and wrong?

Should I try to make curves correspond to the lines on the sketch, instead of line borders?


Still without luck
Whoa, did anypony know that Flying_Phoenix was banned today?

I was just scrolling down the "Valve: No existing plan for 'Source Engine 2'" Thread and saw banned next to his name right here.

He appears to be angry at the thread and the OP for taking Valve's statement out of context.


OMG Aero

Bufbaf said:
Dayum, about 15 bucks for shipping alone. Here's waiting for next month, then. If anyone from europe is ordering, I'll probably join in with a Pinkie/Rainbow combo :)

edit: Daaww, Pinkie is out. Luna/Trollestia? Well, I wait then.
You mean it's out of stock? Where do you see that? I just had a look and it's still there for me, and I can get as far as the submit order button without it telling me otherwise.

Myke Greywolf said:
meltingparappa pony
Nice job Myke, that looks much better. I have no experience at all with Inkscape or GIMP so I can't tell you if you are doing it the right way or not but it looks good.
Only two things stand out to me now and they are really minor things but the black line on the right eye looks a bit too thick and, I'm not sure if it's a stylistic choice or not, but in the show I don't think the black outline on the eye ever goes under the eye, it usually ends on the side like so:

But those minor things aside, it's a definite improvement.


ChuckNoLuck said:
Whoa, did anypony know that Flying_Phoenix was banned today?

I was just scrolling down the "Valve: No existing plan for 'Source Engine 2'" Thread and saw banned next to his name right here.

He appears to be angry at the thread and the OP for taking Valve's statement out of context.

Ever since they made banned members' names grey it feels like a lot more people are getting banned.

Foxix Von

ChuckNoLuck said:
Whoa, did anypony know that Flying_Phoenix was banned today?

I was just scrolling down the "Valve: No existing plan for 'Source Engine 2'" Thread and saw banned next to his name right here.

He appears to be angry at the thread and the OP for taking Valve's statement out of context.



I wonder what he got banned for, reading that post didn't seem ban worthy to me. In fact I sort of agree with him. o_O

Someone's picking off users with pony avatars...


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Foxix said:

I wonder what he got banned for, reading that post didn't seem ban worthy to me. In fact I sort of agree with him. o_O

Someone's picking off users with pony avatars...

Nah, it's a combination of the PSN outage and the pre-E3 craziness that usually occurs.

Foxix Von

CHEEZMO™ said:
I think more people are being banned than usual.

Yeah I seriously don't think it's just that we're noticing it more. I keep seeing a lot of users I recognize getting banned recently. I think they're doing a series of preemptive bombing runs before E3 get's into full swing.

I'm relatively certain the overall amount of bannings has been up the past few weeks. Shanadeus is gone, flying phoenix, 2th(Ok, he really had it coming though), and I know a couple of others are out for a while too although I can't remember them off the top of my head.

EDIT: ^ lol yeah I know, I wasn't serious, I just felt like making a watchmen joke. :p


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Foxix said:
Yeah I seriously don't think it's just that we're noticing it more. I keep seeing a lot of users I recognize getting banned recently. I think they're doing a series of preemptive bombing runs before E3 get's into full swing.

I'm relatively certain the overall amount of bannings has been up the past few weeks. Shanadeus is gone, flying phoenix, 2th(Ok, he really had it coming though), and I know a couple of others are out for a while too although I can't remember them off the top of my head.

EDIT: ^ lol yeah I know, I wasn't serious, I just felt like making a watchmen joke. :p

Doh, that's what I get for cross posting while watching the TSL >_<.

Myke Greywolf

Ambassador of Goodwill
OMG Aero said:
Nice job Myke, that looks much better. I have no experience at all with Inkscape or GIMP so I can't tell you if you are doing it the right way or not but it looks good.
Only two things stand out to me now and they are really minor things but the black line on the right eye looks a bit too thick and, I'm not sure if it's a stylistic choice or not, but in the show I don't think the black outline on the eye ever goes under the eye, it usually ends on the side like so:

But those minor things aside, it's a definite improvement.
Yeah, I know what you mean. That is something I had noticed was weird on the sketch and I had corrected it while coloring the first version, but forgot to do it the second time over. I've edited the image above with the correction. :)

Thank you for the warning.

Foxix Von

OK so it looks like we've also lost FTH, Uchip, Jenga & Coldvein(RIP you beautiful, beautiful trolls), and I am now.

I'm sure there's more but I haven't gotten around to looking through the entire list of posters but right now there's a bare minimum of 5 bronies that were taken out to pasture.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
NEO0MJ said:
Wasn't a member during last E3, but how bad is it to post macros/memes?

There is usually nothing wrong with posting them so long as they're slightly funny and not NSFW. Add to that, that you're not spamming them.

Posting Pony .gifs is a shot in the dark though, it's probably best to avoid doing so.
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