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My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

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I can deal with abstract art though.


what RPGs should I be playing now? I just finished Tales of Symphonia 1 & 2, and Vesperia. Where else am I going to get my Tales fix? :(

Deleted member 10571

Unconfirmed Member
RiccochetJ said:
Not sure I'm understanding your analogy. Which one's the Coke and which one is the Shasta? When I was down there, it was long before the influx of Dos Equis commercials. I actually liken it to how Fosters is somewhat popular here and yet when you go to Australia, a lot of them think it's a low end beer.
Fun Fact: While Beck's isn't considered "low end" exactly in Germany, it's pretty much the casual 'bleh, I'll drink it' beer. We have so much better stuff :)
Ultimoo said:
I can deal with abstract art though.


what RPGs should I be playing now? I just finished Tales of Symphonia 1 & 2, and Vesperia. Where else am I going to get my Tales fix? :(

Abyss 3D comes out this fall.
You could try Star Ocean 3. It was a lot of fun... well mostly.


AceBandage said:
Abyss 3D comes out this fall.
You could try Star Ocean 3. It was a lot of fun... well mostly.
No 3DS, and I hear the PS2 version has terrible loading / can't find it, lol. What battle system does Star Ocean 3 use?
As a Tales fan I should add I hate the battle system in SO3. I hate everything else in SO3 too, but if there was one place it should've clawed back some affection it was there.
Let's just go ahead and stick to the combat, because there's enough bad with the game that you have to take a narrow focus. The AI is terrible, like suicidally dumb. Pretty much any character you're not directly controlling will take any opportunity to kill itself as quickly as possible, so most of the time in combat is spent fighting your party's urge to kill themselves as opposed to the enemies. Which is fine, since the actual combat is incredibly dull. It's hard to put exactly into words what's wrong with it, but everything in the game feels off. The controls are loose, combos and specials are inaccurate and unsatisfying, enemies have odd invulnerability periods, but they can beat the hell out of you because playing defensively doesn't work. It's like they're aware of the combat in Tales games, but have absolutely no idea how to copy the feeling of it. The combat was made somewhat better for SO4, but to compensate they made everything else unimaginably worse.
If you have a PSP, Star Ocean 2 is a pretty good bet for a Tales fan. Definitely one of the reasons I don't like SO3 is because the one before it was so good. I'd also have a look at the SMT Devil Summoner games. They're massively different in terms of tone (though I love what they do with story and characters) but they're great Tales-y action RPGs.


Master Milk said:
PS2's an option? Play Makai Kingdom if you haven't before. That game needs more love.
It is, but availability is still a big issue though. I don't know if that's a easy thing to find. :p


Master Milk said:
Amazon Listing
Does that work for you? I don't trust my formatting skills. xD
Looks okay guess though, I live in Canada though, and it's on Amazon Canada so I'll look at some videos of it.

but yeah, dolphin ponies are the best, Myke knows the best.


It's an image with two parts, each of which matches one of GAF's post background colors.


If you put it on a different background (like a quote box), you can see what's going on :p


Neo Member
Nishastra said:
It's an image with two parts, each of which matches one of GAF's post background colors.

If you put it on a different background (like a quote box), you can see what's going on :p

IE 6 users may think you like Pinky Pie more...


CHEEZMO™ said:
Is it just me, or do the colours not match up exactly?

I can still see them, faitly, in the background.
The colors look fine to me. That'd be a weird thing to mess up anyway. It's not like it's tough to tell what the background colors are.

The RD one clearly has some lines going through it but that's only because the images can't actually overlap.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
AceBandage said:
Abyss 3D comes out this fall.
You could try Star Ocean 3. It was a lot of fun... well mostly.

I love the Tales series. One of my absolute favorites.

There is no game on this planet that I hate more than Star Ocean 3.


Obsidian fan
On his post, I can still see Dash but very faintly.

It's as if the colours are ever so slightly off from the GAF background colours.


Nishastra said:
It's an image with two parts, each of which matches one of GAF's post background colors.

If you put it on a different background (like a quote box), you can see what's going on :p

oh, well that's just awesome.

Deleted member 10571

Unconfirmed Member
CHEEZMO™ said:
On his post, I can still see Dash but very faintly.

It's as if the colours are ever so slightly off from the GAF background colours.
If I put my face very close to my monitor and look at the picture from below, you are actually right. Maybe it's a Photoshop/Calibration problem, I just made a screenshot of GAF and used those colors with the color picker tool :/


Obsidian fan
Bufbaf said:
If I put my face very close to my monitor and look at the picture from below, you are actually right. Maybe it's a Photoshop/Calibration problem, I just made a screenshot of GAF and used those colors with the color picker tool :/
Ah, I was worried there was something wrong on my end.


Ultimoo said:
No 3DS, and I hear the PS2 version has terrible loading / can't find it, lol. What battle system does Star Ocean 3 use?

This is my point of view as a new tales fan that recently became a fan with Vesperia:

I thought Star Ocean 3 had one of the best jRPG combat systems I've ever played. The combat revolves around light and heavy attacks. Light attacks are quick and do less damage and consume less of your RAGE bar, while heavy attacks do more damage and allow you to more easily interrupt spell casting. Also, whenever you or an opponent's RAGE bar is full, a light attack will be blocked completely by a shield that triggers an aura, but a heavy attack will shatter the shield and drain their RAGE bar if it is full. This RAGE bar recovers quickly when standing still.

The game also has techniques and a multitude of different shield auras that you equip to your character. Depending on the range of how far your character is, your character will do differently assigned 'artes.' Those 'artes' are also assigned to light and heavy buttons that also follow the same rules as light and heavy attacks, and can be cancelled into eachother for massive damage. Oh, and if it's not magic, it costs HP to use. You or your enemy can also die by running out of MP. Some attacks do MP damage, and some bosses/enemies have low MP allowing an MP kill strategy to be viable.


CHEEZMO™ said:
Stop talking about silly RPG games >_>
What else we would we talk about? Human ponies? ha. HA.

P.S I can't wait for Tales of Grace F, I'm going to buy that day 1, omgosh. looks awesome.


Bufbaf said:
If I put my face very close to my monitor and look at the picture from below, you are actually right. Maybe it's a Photoshop/Calibration problem, I just made a screenshot of GAF and used those colors with the color picker tool :/
What colors are you using? I'm getting #DFDFDF for dark and #F1F1F1 for light.


CHEEZMO™ said:
Stop talking about silly RPG games >_>

Don't mean to derail the thread, but I can't just sit by while one of my favorite games is hated on so hard.

Ultimoo said:
What else we would we talk about? Human ponies? ha. HA.

P.S I can't wait for Tales of Grace F, I'm going to buy that day 1, omgosh. looks awesome.

Oh yeah. I'm totally with you on that one. Hopefully Bamco releases it sometime before I die.
Ultimoo, have you played the Ys series? Ys and Tales are my goto series for Action RPGs. If you have a PSP I'd recommend Oath in Felghana (Ys 3 remake), Ys 7 and Ys I&II Chronicles. PS2 version of Ys 6 isn't the greatest port, but it's still playable too.

I was listening to the My Little Vocaloid album earlier and I realized that for the longest time I thought Rainbow Dash's line at the end of The Art of the Dress ("All we really like is what we know") was an Applejack line. I know Ashleigh Ball voices both, but that one line is probably the only time I ever got confused about which one of the two were talking without seeing the character on screen.

Deleted member 10571

Unconfirmed Member
tiff said:
What colors are you using? I'm getting #DFDFDF for dark and #F1F1F1 for light.
Took the chance and remade it, let's see how this turns out ^^


Obsidian fan
Negator said:
Don't mean to derail the thread, but I can't just sit by while one of my favorite games is hated on so hard.
Derailing's fine. Just make it about something interesting :p

Ultimoo said:
What else we would we talk about? Human ponies? ha. HA.

OMG Aero

CHEEZMO™ said:
Stop talking about silly RPG games >_>
Okay then how about some more Viva Ponyata?

The other day I found out there is a glitch/trick in Viva Pinata that lets you stop a Pinata from growing to full size, so today I went back to my Ponyville garden to make some new Pinatas now that I could stop them being completely the wrong size.
First up here are the ponies and their pets: Rarity and Opal, Fluttershy and Angel, Twilight and the owl with the stupid to spell name and here is Pinkie with a very depressed Gummy. He got all dressed up for his after birthday party and then Pinkie just fell asleep.
I did have a Winona for Applejack but she kept trying to kill Opal so I had to fence her off. Then she randomly died and I have no idea why.
I also used the size trick to make an appropriately sized Spike (Complete with Fluttershy practising her cheer in the background) and everyone's favourite trio.
And finally here's two bonus pictures of things that randomly happened while I was playing, the first picture is of Scootaloo trying to impress Rainbow Dash as usual and the second picture confirms that, just like in that song, Applejack is a silly pony. Unless they can fly, Pinatas can't get into fenced off areas like that without destroying the fence and I didn't remove the fence or repair it at all so I have no idea how she managed to get trapped in there. She didn't seem to mind though and just slept all the time unlike her dog.

Foxix Von

Still getting caught up with this thread haha, you guys might see some necromancy quotes from me, that being said...

Pandaman said:

Yeaaahhh..... I don't know how I keep finding this shitstuff but I actually found that guys deviantart page. There's some funny stuff on there but my god.... ugh. Just ugh. It's like a self contained midnight equestria. For the sake of our sanity I won't link to it for obvious reason but for those who are interested just search for kloudmutt on DA.



Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Ultimoo said:
What would you recommend then? :p

The World Ends With You, Valkyria Chronicles, and Knights in the Nightmare. In that order.

None of them are particularly copies of the Tales formula, but they are some of the few JRPGs I can really get into.

But just avoid the Star Ocean 3. That game is horrid and rife with some truly awful design decisions. And it's not the kind of thing you can figure out within a couple hours either. I wasted about 60 hours into the game because the terribleness is like a cartoon snowball when it rolls down a hill.

Negator said:
Don't mean to derail the thread, but I can't just sit by while one of my favorite games is hated on so hard.

Oh it's not the battle system that's the problem. It's everything else.

Oh hey, let's give you new party members halfway through the game on the second disc. And start them off at LEVEL ONE.


ZealousD said:
The World Ends With You, Valkyria Chronicles, and Knights in the Nightmare. In that order.

None of them are particularly copies of the Tales formula, but they are some of the few JRPGs I can really get into.

But just avoid the Star Ocean 3. That game is horrid and rife with some truly awful design decisions. And it's not the kind of thing you can figure out within a couple hours either. I wasted about 60 hours into the game because the terribleness is like a cartoon snowball when it rolls down a hill.

I've played the first, loved it, probably one of the greatest jRPGs I've played. The second I've played the demo and it was kinda fun, but I don't know if I really like Strategy RPGs anymore. The only one I could ever finish was FFT, I always get burned out on other strat RPGs. Never heard of the third one, but it looks decent, but I'm not sure how popular Atlus games are in brick and mortar stores. :O I was also looking at Radiant Historia, is that any good? :p

@Foxix: I looked at the Twilight pic and it made me all :( Twilight Dolphin is so much more awesome, that is like, lol.

Oh hey, let's give you new party members halfway through the game on the second disc. And start them off at LEVEL ONE.
lol oh my, that sounds terrible. I like grinding sometimes, but not that much grinding, especially when one person drags you down. D:


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Ultimoo said:
The second I've played the demo and it was kinda fun, but I don't know if I really like Strategy RPGs anymore.

The RPG part of it is actually pretty light. It's way more turn-based strategy than it is RPG. I don't know if that would make you more or less interested in it.

Never heard of the third one, but it looks decent, but I'm not sure how popular Atlus games are in brick and mortar stores.

It is admittedly pretty hard to find in a retail store atm, although you might have better luck with the PSP version.

:O I was also looking at Radiant Historia, is that any good? :p

Never played it myself.
Goddamn I couldn't stand SO3. I got to this mine where you rode these bugs around, and I just quit, never to return. I wasn't really understanding the battle system either, since by buddies were dying right away and everything moved to fast for me to react.

The only Tales game I played was Symphonia, and that was pretty good from what I remember. Sure, my party would kill themselves during a difficult battle but I don't really remember having too many problems.

I've played the first, loved it, probably one of the greatest jRPGs I've played. The second I've played the demo and it was kinda fun, but I don't know if I really like Strategy RPGs anymore. The only one I could ever finish was FFT, I always get burned out on other strat RPGs. Never heard of the third one, but it looks decent, but I'm not sure how popular Atlus games are in brick and mortar stores. :O I was also looking at Radiant Historia, is that any good? :p

The only SRPG I've played is FFT and FFTA, and those will probably be the only two I ever play. I pretty much realized I loved Tactics despite the battle system (which is, uh...all of the gameplay :p), and was more interested in the story. So, I never beat FFTA because I didn't like the story.

And all these DS games...I never owned a DS, so when I get a 3DS in a couple years, at least I'll know I'll have a hell of a back catalog to fall back on.


ThreeSix said:
Gah, that's two Synctube sessions I've missed in a row. Curse you social life!

But I will try to be there next weekend.

don't worry, it's not like they were watching a good episode or anything. :D

@ZealousD: I wish I had a PSP, so many good rpgs on it. also, no pony avatar? :(

The only Tales game I played was Symphonia, and that was pretty good from what I remember. Sure, my party would kill themselves during a difficult battle but I don't really remember having too many problems.

If you have a 360, it'd be a shame if you never tried Vesperia. Probably one of the best Tales, if not the best.
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