mazeedibeedi said:
I found this little gem
Its interesting to see how some gaffers, who originally had no interest in the show, slowly develop an interest for this show. Then they start posting regularly.
Indeed. I was actually surprised how the show stuck with me. I browsed the thread initially, and the sheer attention it was getting was enough to motivate me to watch the first episode. Though I didn't enjoy it that much, the animation style and overall feel of the show stuck with me, and I found myself drawn back to the thread again and again merely for the .gifs and screencaps to get more glimpses at the animation.
After a few weeks, I went back and started watching other episodes, beginning with the ones that seemed the most "popular" and moving onward. After a few episodes, I was officially hooked (I think Dragonshy and Dog and Pony Show got me the most of those I remember).
I think the show is really easy to pick up on, it's just that you have to give it a chance (or two, if you don't care too much for the first episode, which seems to be the usual consensus).