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My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

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EmCeeGramr said:
thank you gentle mod

pony shit was getting unbearable on sa and they took a stand

now gaf too must confront the manchildren

Yep. The pony stuff is getting out of hand. I'm talking about drawing a line in the sand. Across this line, you DO NOT...


Prodigal Son
SalsaShark said:
This thread should be closed just to see the hilarious repercussions
As much as I would enjoy teasing the fans here, this thread's existence needn't bother anyone else. After all, dream chose to enter by his own volition.
TRU Employee: Now remember everyone, for this midnight launch of the new MLP figurines, we are limiting it to one per customer. No, your parole officer does not count.


Everything is moe to me
irregardless of any ongoing disagreements, the title change just legitimizes some peoples desire to troll the thread. this is a backwards step for all parties involved.

people will just see this as the next creepy thread to have their fun with until it inevitably crashes.
ninj4junpei said:
I am aware of the YouTube postings, but I think I will just cross my fingers for a Blu-ray release.
There actually aren't any plans for DVD's or the like at the moment. That could change, but just letting you know.

Anyway, outside of starting a new thread, the most you can do is just try to get things back on track.

So, to get started, a macro:



FTH said:
The pony trolls have been spreading their shit in here for awhile now, you don't see us complaining.

That's because it's hard to defend grown men watching a show about pretty little princess ponies.


EmCeeGramr said:
TRU Employee: Now remember everyone, for this midnight launch of the new MLP figurines, we are limiting it to one per customer. No, your parole officer does not count.

Please go away. You don't see me shitting in whatever threads you contribute to.


Kills Photobucket
Didn't like the show, but I had fun watching this thread. some of the .gifs and pictures were funny. Be looking for the thread next season.

My one contribution to the thread is now appropriate.


lexi said:
Agreed 100%. We had the occasional troll but this has just opened the floodgates and completely fucked the thread. Thanks.

The pony avatars already annoyed me in other threads. So I am quite happy you weirdos are getting trolled here.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
I wanna blame the trolls and particularly the "bronies" for the current state of affairs. I told you to keep the fanart and fanfics minimal. :/

Pandaman said:
irregardless of any ongoing disagreements, the title change just legitimizes some peoples desire to troll the thread. this is a backwards step for all parties involved.

people will just see this as the next creepy thread to have their fun with until it inevitably crashes.
Pandaman said:
irregardless of any ongoing disagreements, the title change just legitimizes some peoples desire to troll the thread. this is a backwards step for all parties involved.
Pandaman said:
irregardless of any ongoing disagreements
Pandaman said:
irregardless of any
Pandaman said:

Never watched the show but the thread does make me interested to give it a try.

But WTF at all the trolling that just went nuclear? Why is it banworthy in other threads and not this one? Is it because of all the avatars? If so, then why didn't we ban Community and Lost threads last year?

Where is Bish when we need him?


Pimpbaa said:
The pony avatars already annoyed me in other threads. So I am quite happy you weirdos are getting trolled here.

Community avatars annoy me. I never once complained or trolled any Community thread; I even like the show. I think you should show a bit of maturity and just ignore them if they upset you so much.
Pandaman said:
people will just see this as the next creepy thread to have their fun with until it inevitably crashes.

Best stealth troll ever. Props to you man, taking them down from within. A man worthy of the highest praise.

I should've checked in weeks ago but for my mental well being, my brain triggered a protective killswitch before I was able to click on the thread title. If only I had known what I was missing...
Trent Strong said:
Yep. The pony stuff is getting out of hand. I'm talking about drawing a line in the sand. Across this line, you DO NOT...
Also, I believe the preferred nomenclature is infant equestrians, dude.


*Shakes fist at mod who changed thread name*

Go away trolls, let us enjoy our show, your got the name change you wanted BUT QUIT SHITTING UP OUT THREAD. It's fucking ridiculous what the mods are letting people do in this thread. This shit would be instantly bannable on the gaming side, why are mods letting trolls ruin our thread.

EDIT: I will come back in a couple hours and hopefully the trolls will have died down. Shit is beyond derailed right now.


Snuggler said:
No need to be so hostile, not everyone has to love your show.
You don't have to come in here and troll either. Or stomp on us in every thread we enter just to tell us your shitty opinion on our show. Shitty shitty shitty and its a pity pity pity


erotic butter maelstrom
FTH said:
You don't have to come in here and troll either. Or stomp on us in every thread we enter just to tell us your shitty opinion on our show. Shitty shitty shitty and its a pity pity pity

So is this the official fan club for the show? Are we not allowed to have our own opinion on it? This is open for everyone to share their thoughts.


lexi said:
Community avatars annoy me. I never once complained or trolled any Community thread; I even like the show. I think you should show a bit of maturity and just ignore them if they upset you so much.

How about you all show a bit of maturity and stop being manchildren.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
Pimpbaa said:
The pony avatars already annoyed me in other threads. So I am quite happy you weirdos are getting trolled here.

Not to sound butthurt because at most I'd be bummed if the thread got locked, but you can always block avatars.


geeko420 said:
*Shakes fist at mod who changed thread name*

Go away trolls, let us enjoy our show, your got the name change you wanted BUT QUIT SHITTING UP OUT THREAD. It's fucking ridiculous what the mods are letting people do in this thread. This shit would be instantly bannable on the gaming side, why are mods letting trolls ruin our thread.

True so true. Go ahead and ban me but the fact you went through the trouble to change the title but not do anything about these fucking trolls is stupid.

Pimpbaa said:
How about you all show a bit of maturity and stop being manchildren.

Pimpbaa said:
The pony avatars already annoyed me in other threads. So I am quite happy you weirdos are getting trolled here.


geeko420 said:
*Shakes fist at mod who changed thread name*

Go away trolls, let us enjoy our show, your got the name change you wanted BUT QUIT SHITTING UP OUT THREAD. It's fucking ridiculous what the mods are letting people do in this thread. This shit would be instantly bannable on the gaming side, why are mods letting trolls ruin our thread.

They encourage and condone it, as evidenced by the thread title change. Even the most subtle inoffensive trolling on gaming side is met with swift retribution. Nothing here. It's a double standard and reflects poorly on what has previously been a well moderated forum.


-COOLIO- said:
dude, youre a grown man trying to a be a middle school bully.

Who am I trying to bully? I said it was a weird fetish to defend, not that it was wrong.

The heart wants what it wants, dude.
Pandaman said:
Pony gaf, i am disappointed. so quick are you to abandon the purity of your newfound moe~ when something unnerves you. where is the spine that held us together in the face of our earliest detractors? where is that courage and depth of spirit now?

i say to you, look not upon that image and see a pony and a man, the characters of MLP are not mere ponies. they are the encapsulation of ideal personhood and that is what draws us to them. Loving a MLP character is nothing so strange that we must hide it away in fear of being judged socially and having shame in their appearance betrays the very root of our love for them in the first place.

people do not love rainbow dash because she's a pony with a rainbow mane, they love her for the strength of her spirit and her character. we love applejack because of the honesty and down to earth goodness of her character, not because shes an orange pony with apple tattoos. it is the personality of these characters that is the true force of attraction and personality exists independent of physical appearance.

I am so disappointed, i thought others had discovered a new path to the true beauty of moe~, but it seems some of you really are just creepy and crass. :(

indeed. :(

a waifu is not something so easily replaced that one finds a new one every other season, you insult my love sir!

Hah! This thread got a whole lot more amusing

If this kills PonyGAF, I am so okay with it

RiccochetJ said:
Yea it did. I enjoy the show for what it is. 22 minutes of innocence and fun. Nothing more. Nothing less. I'm standing along side with G-Fex saying "Don't you fuck this up for me"!

The way PandaMan enjoys the show shouldn't have anything to do with you.

Besides, there's like an 80% chance he's trolling anyway.

Anywho, a lot of YOU'RE HAVING FUN THE WRONG WAY in this thread. Panda wants to be creepy, it's no skin off my nose. But the insecurity about how fans are perceived makes the pony fandom extraordinarily easy to troll. Ignore him and Panda'll go away.


Pimpbaa said:
The pony avatars already annoyed me in other threads. So I am quite happy you weirdos are getting trolled here.

Are you so insecure about your manhood that you think it's wrong to watch a kid's show? Come on.


Choppasmith said:
Kinda sucks to see the thread degenerate so fast.

WTF, man, I mean really, why so hateful?

Pimpbaa is special. He goes into threads that make him uncomfortable, and cries WIERDO, FREAK, PEDO, FURRY at everyone as loudly as he can until he gets banned for it.

My bet is he drives an ice cream truck dressed as a fox trying to get kids to follow him home to Uncle Touchy's Naked Puzzle Basement and needs to deflect. That's just my opinion, of course.


Prodigal Son
Amibguous Cad said:
But the insecurity about how fans are perceived makes the pony fandom extraordinarily easy to troll. Ignore him and Panda'll go away.
Reminds me of a certain other internet subculture... Just roll with the punches guys.


Snuggler said:
So is this the official fan club for the show? Are we not allowed to have our own opinion on it? This is open for everyone to share their thoughts.

Trolling used to be a bannable offense on GAF. No one is coming here and giving legitimate criticism on the show. You're just plain trolling.
geeko420 said:
*Shakes fist at mod who changed thread name*

Go away trolls, let us enjoy our show, your got the name change you wanted BUT QUIT SHITTING UP OUT THREAD. It's fucking ridiculous what the mods are letting people do in this thread. This shit would be instantly bannable on the gaming side, why are mods letting trolls ruin our thread.
Isn't the OT as a whole more lax than the gaming side?

That aside, most of this "trolling" could be easily dealt with if you guys just stopped responding to it.

If y'all are ever able to get the thread back on track, you could probably have the title changed back in a few days. Assuming, of course, you learn how to better deal with the "trolls" that definitely aren't going away. This show, and seemingly most fans, are too easy targets. Where's a deal with it gif when you need one.


The Everyman
dream said:
Who am I trying to bully? I said it was a weird fetish to defend, not that it was wrong.

The heart wants what it wants, dude.

either youre poor at choosing words or youre an actual manchild


Snuggler said:
So is this the official fan club for the show? Are we not allowed to have our own opinion on it? This is open for everyone to share their thoughts.
Snuggler, honey, this-
Snuggler said:
oh well, maybe it's time to move on and pretend to like something else
isn't just an opinion. It's not just a thought. It's an insult. You don't bring anything to the conversation with that. If you said that in a real life conversation I'd walk away from you.
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