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My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

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Trent Strong said:
Yep. The pony stuff is getting out of hand. I'm talking about drawing a line in the sand. Across this line, you DO NOT...

EmCeeGramr said:
TRU Employee: Now remember everyone, for this midnight launch of the new MLP figurines, we are limiting it to one per customer. No, your parole officer does not count.

dream said:
That's because it's hard to defend grown men watching a show about pretty little princess ponies.

Pimpbaa said:
The pony avatars already annoyed me in other threads. So I am quite happy you weirdos are getting trolled here.

Trent Strong said:
Not at threads are created equal. Horrifically offensive threads deserve to be trolled. You have been judged.

Pimpbaa said:
I've watched spongebob. It's one thing like that, but to like something intended for little girls, yeesh. It's like Smithers and his Malibu Stacy collection. Even if he was real, he'd still be less creepy than this.

Ferga said:
loving the thread title change heh

Pimpbaa said:
Damn, didn't know there were so many furries here. Definitely creeped out.

EmCeeGramr said:
thank you gentle mod

pony shit was getting unbearable on sa and they took a stand

now gaf too must confront the manchildren

Snuggler said:
oh well, maybe it's time to move on and pretend to like something else

EmCeeGramr said:
mayhaps it's time to take this thread to the glue factory

All this trolling because a mod decided to mess up our thread. SMH.
If you guys keep replying to the trolls and the thread title change you're going to keep getting poked and prodded. Think of the thread title as a badge of courage and carry on with whatever the fuck you were doing before it happened.


TheLegendary said:
That's because the fans weren't all man-children that fought every "insult" someone hurled.

Best way to move on from the trolls and such is to vacate the thread for a few days and let it run its course. Longer you defend it the more ammo people have. And there's already a ton of ammo. If you're going to love baby shows you should expect some ridicule. Accept it and move on.
Ok, I'll come into the NFL thread next season and shit on the team in your avatar everytime they lose, because they are technically a very shitty team. Accept it and move on.
EmCeeGramr said:
unfunny garbage
I bet you expected everyone here to quote that and marvel at your comedic genius right?


Prodigal Son
Hellsing321 said:
If you guys keep replying to the trolls and the thread title change you're going to keep getting poked and prodded. Think of the thread title as a badge of courage and carry on with whatever the fuck you were doing before it happened.
Seriously. If you can't laugh at yourself then being active in a thread like this won't be pleasant.
G-Fex said:
I used to like you trent, now I see the real you.

Jesus G-Fex, I'm just kidding. I like Orphan, but I didn't get mad when you called it the worst movie you've ever seen. I still thought you were my homie even though you were hating on Orphan.

dream said:
I have it on good authority that the real Trent Strong is a pastry baking pony named Cuppycake, if that changes your mind.

I do like Squid Girl a lot, so maybe I'm being a hypocritical.
TheLegendary said:
That's because the fans weren't all man-children that fought every "insult" someone hurled.

Best way to move on from the trolls and such is to vacate the thread for a few days and let it run its course. Longer you defend it the more ammo people have. And there's already a ton of ammo. If you're going to love baby shows you should expect some ridicule. Accept it and move on.
I have never watched My Little Pony. All I know of the show are the avatars on Gaf. I didn't even read a post of this thread until tonight once the title changed. It is one thing for people to keep defending it and "feed the trolls." The only reason I am posting is because I find all of this trolling nonsense to be annoying and bad for the forum in general.

I pray it is short lived and this thread returns to normalcy. But the calm, adult respsonses to the show from some gaffers I like have made me interested in trying the show.


Trent Strong said:
Jesus G-Fex, I'm just kidding. I like Orphan, but I didn't get mad when you called it the worst movie you've ever seen. I still thought you were my homie even though you were hating on Orphan.

I do like Squid Girl a lot, so maybe I'm being a hypocritical.

im having a laugh right now


FTH said:
Ok, I'll come into the NFL thread next season and shit on the team in your avatar everytime they lose, because they are technically a very shitty team. Accept it and move on.

If we're going to draw parallels between this weird fetish and sports, I'm a Clippers fan and I expect to be regularly ridiculed for it in NBA-Age because I know I root for a shitty team.

Just like there's a certain reaction that comes when grown men watch a show about pretty little ponies. If you enjoy it for whatever reason, sexual or otherwise, that's cool but growing some thicker hide would probably save you a lot of grief.
Salazar said:
This is just bullying drivel.

I don't see how anything I said there can be construed as bullying. It's just a suggestion on how the thread can move on from this if you really want to. I don't really give a damn.

Everyone has a source for childish escapism at times, and when it's discovered by others who don't share that source, you're going to get flak for it. Some people choose to like pony shows. If you accept the fact that you're watching a baby show and that with that you're going to get some shit for it then you're in a much better spot rather than fighting each insult tooth and nail.

Laughing Banana

Weeping Pickle
My... what's the deal with the thread title change?

There are so many insecure people here. Additionally, it seems rather sad that trolls can just run rampant here... unchecked, and even encouraged?

Not the best example of the supposed 'goodness' of GAF as a proper discussion forum.


No matter the opinion of this show or its fans, pretty shitty thread re-titling that's gone on here. There are countless threads on here for pieces of fandom that other people don't like or can't understand, and they don't get something like this done to them.

Feels like a case of a mod doing something just to amuse themselves, and not for the betterment of the forums.


Been breezing by this thread occasionally. Mostly in utter confusion.

Case in point, from the OP:

Why you should care about this


- Extremely appealing character designs and surprisingly fluid and detailed flash animation, particularly for character expressions.
Um, what?

Anyway, so the justification for grown men liking this show is that Lauren Faust says it's directed at little girls and their parents. But if you're a full-grown man who's not a parent, it's difficult to see a substantial reason for spawning an initial interest in this show, even if it's good. I think everyone's welcome to enjoy what they like, but you'll just have to expect some justified ribbing on your sense of taste for this one. I find it funny that fans are getting extremely defensive at a little trolling. You're not helping your case, but you are reacting exactly the way the trolls want you to react.


dream said:
If we're going to draw parallels between this weird fetish and sports, I'm a Clippers fan and I expect to be regularly ridiculed for it in NBA-Age because I know I root for a shitty team.

Just like there's a certain reaction that comes when grown men watch a show about pretty little ponies. If you enjoy it for whatever reason, sexual or otherwise, that's cool but growing some thicker hide would probably save you a lot of grief.
HAHAHAHA I thought I told you IDGAF. If you think I'm seriously offended by message board text then I'm trolling you.
How About No said:
Dammit GAF I'm...


I'm taking the dip.

Just started the first episode.
The title change is annoying, though I admit, I'll be amused if it actually makes fans out of the people tricked by it.
So after reading the last few pages of this I decided to watch an episode on youtube. I can appreciate the animation but I don't see where the appeal is beyond that especially for someone like me who is an adult male without children although if I had a kid I could see this as being the lesser of two evils given the other kids shows out there.


Laughing Banana said:
My... what's the deal with the thread title change?

There are so many insecure people here. Additionally, it seems rather sad that trolls can just run rampant here... unchecked, and even encouraged?

Not the best example of the supposed 'goodness' of GAF as a proper discussion forum.

I realise the comical futility of an entreaty for some kind of consistency - and its misguidedness, because moderation consists just as much in discretion, but this seemed like a damned good phrasing of a damned good view:

FTH said:
Ok, I'll come into the NFL thread next season and shit on the team in your avatar everytime they lose, because they are technically a very shitty team. Accept it and move on.

Besides the fact that they are in fact not a shitty team and they just won the Super Bowl, you'd be well within your right. That's half the fun of NFL-GAF. People talk shit about other people's teams all of the time there, just like in real life. You just ...dealwithit, as they say.

I suggest you join us this year! We can use some entertainment since there won't be any football any time soon.
SpeedySwaf said:
The title change is annoying, though I admit, I'll be amused if it actually makes fans out of the people tricked by it.
To be fair, I had been thinking of watching it ever since the thread started.

Edit: the voice of the little dragon is driving me nuts, I've heard it before
G-Fex said:
I say one thing about women, insta ban. These guys go on for pages, it's all cool.
Ugh, I neigh in support brother. I say one thing about these crazy fillies, and the mods pull out the riding crop.

Baraka in the White House

2-Terms of Kombat
There's a South Park episode in all this, I'm certain of it.

Randy catches Stan watching the show, is horrified, then starts watching himself and gets really into it full-blown Randy style.

Call me, Comedy Central.

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
I just discovered MLP Wesker from Resident Evil, so amazing. Can't get enough of these crossovers.

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