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My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

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Myke Greywolf said:
Again, speculation, but either this was an animation error, or Sapphire covers hers with makeup, like Lady Gaga does with her eyebrows sometimes. :p
I originally just chalked it up to an animation error but it's very possible she just covered it up somehow. My other theory was that she originally had a microphone but then they remembered that they were saving that for someone else. *winkwinknudgenudge* C'mon CMC, it's right in front of your faces!


Confused101 said:
I originally just chalked it up to an animation error but it's very possible she just covered it up somehow. My other theory was that she originally had a microphone but then they remembered that they were saving that for someone else. *winkwinknudgenudge* C'mon CMC, it's right in front of your faces!

I am wondering if they won't wait till an episode after CMC Chronicles for them to get their cutie marks. How I see it playing out is they do their flashbacks to see how the mane ponies got their marks, then the next CMC episode one gets their mark right at the beginning and there may be a falling out, but they all get them by the end of the episode and go back to being best friends - something like that.

Oh and it's Pinkie Π day!


Junior Member
Phew, glad I missed most of the breakdown though when I got up this morning to check on the situation in Japan, that was quite an unpleasant wakeup. Checked during work, nice to see things are back on track.

Should show this to my sister, when we watched District 9 recently she really liked it but noted that again there were no good female characters. Would probably like this show :)
ivedoneyourmom said:
I am wondering if they won't wait till an episode after CMC Chronicles for them to get their cutie marks. How I see it playing out is they do their flashbacks to see how the mane ponies got their marks, then the next CMC episode one gets their mark right at the beginning and there may be a falling out, but they all get them by the end of the episode and go back to being best friends - something like that.
It's almost a sure bet that Apple Bloom is going to get hers last. Both of her siblings were last in their class to get theirs. However, they are treating the CMC almost like a single entity so I wouldn't be surprised if they all got them at the same time.
Choppasmith said:
Okay, I've got some good news! I've been looking at those 720p rips with the 5.1 Sound mix, separated the channels into individual WAVs, looks like I can get some clean (or mostly clean) Soundtrack rips!

Here's a quick MP3 of Winter Wrapup I made with only the Left and Right sound channels active. I'm no audiophile, but I'll experiment and see what I can cook up. Any suggestions would be appreciated!


I'm just going to requote this, since people might've missed it last night. I could really use some suggestions.

Puddles said:
This is weird.

Is it? What would you suggest, because I do think a list of "rules" for the thread would be nice to have. I presume Myke saw the /b/rony Commandments on 4Chan. I thought they were kinda funny myself and that we should have a GAF version and Myke just beat me to it. But seriously to all those who said "Eww that's so over the top" What would you suggest?
Furret said:
Pinkie Keen is great too if you turn it off just before the end.

Pinkie Keen was fucking awesome. I guess if I had kids I would be worrying a little more about the anti-science message, but I would talk to them about it. Pretty sure you're supposed to do that regardless of what your kids are watching.

Plus, supernatural interpretations aside, I find that it really -is- the case that I have friends who have talents that I literally cannot comprehend. I know folks with business sense, fashion sense, [software] design sense, cooking sense, etc. that will make statements about stuff where I'll just be like, uhhhh, okay? And they end up being totally right.

So I guess the lesson is, despite what Twilight did, don't jump off a cliff without good data! But seriously sometimes people know better than you do to the point that you can't understand why they know what they do, and that's ok. Try to work together with these people and you'll go far.


So is this a "theme of the week" show or are there arcs like in anime?

I was kind of hoping for an arc but it seems like it's just themed episodes after the first few. Nothing wrong with that, I just enjoy arcs/longer storylines more.

Edit: Fail "their" instead of "there".

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
Hey Mike, I just wanna say I'm sorry about my remark about you and ponies last night. It was playful banter and I'm used to make jokes like that to other users here on GAF. I didn't want it to come across as me attacking you or whatever, and I actually really appreciate all the work you put into making this thread amicable for everyone.

Brony hug?
Einbroch said:
So is this a "theme of the week" show or are there arcs like in anime?.
Unfortunately it's "theme of the week". Faust originally wanted the episodes to have a running storyline but Hasbro said they wanted the episodes to be able to be watched in any order. So much for that. There are call backs to other episodes and a certain future event has been referenced more than once, but that's about all you'll get.

I kind of wish that Faust had gotten her way. I'd really like to see what she would've done with an ongoing story. Apparently Hasbro has given Faust a great many liberties with the show so we can't complain too much. The show is great as it is. I wonder if Hasbro will become even more lenient considering how well the show seems to be doing and all the feedback it's getting.


I bet the season finale will be a two parter, so that's cool.

It's sad there isn't more of an arc, however I'm pretty glad we don't have 11 minute episodes - that would really suck.


Not A Fur said:
Pinkie Keen was fucking awesome. I guess if I had kids I would be worrying a little more about the anti-science message, but I would talk to them about it. Pretty sure you're supposed to do that regardless of what your kids are watching.

Plus, supernatural interpretations aside, I find that it really -is- the case that I have friends who have talents that I literally cannot comprehend. I know folks with business sense, fashion sense, [software] design sense, cooking sense, etc. that will make statements about stuff where I'll just be like, uhhhh, okay? And they end up being totally right.

So I guess the lesson is, despite what Twilight did, don't jump off a cliff without good data! But seriously sometimes people know better than you do to the point that you can't understand why they know what they do, and that's ok. Try to work together with these people and you'll go far.

All of those "senses" (even fashion) can be learnt skills, regardless of whether you're naturally talented in that area or not.

Pinkie Keen's message seemed to be "There are some things you will never understand and you shouldn't try to", which is pretty scary stuff.

I'm willing to believe that's not what the writer meant (although I'm not sure what they did mean) but that's how it came out.

Since the show is American were we meant to interpret this as some sort of pro-religious message? I wish the episode hadn't ended that way because it's my favourite otherwise.
Furret said:
All of those "senses" (even fashion) can be learnt skills, regardless of whether you're naturally talented in that area or not.

Pinkie Keen's message seemed to be "There are some things you will never understand and you shouldn't try to", which is pretty scary stuff.

I'm willing to believe that's not what the writer meant (although I'm not sure what they did mean) but that's how it came out.

Since the show is American were we meant to interpret this as some sort of pro-religious message? I wish the episode hadn't ended that way because it's my favourite otherwise.
Lauren Faust actually got some comments and responded to them about the episode.




It's really nice to have someone this open to questions and the like.


Furret, one thing about Pinkie Pie's abilities is they are reproducible. Science obviously can't find 'good' answers to things that can't be predictably repeated, but that's not the case with Pinkie Keen. Just because Twilight failed at interpreting the relationship between Pinkie's senses and the physical world does not mean no pony can.

The message came out wrong at the end, and that greatly turned me off of this episode as well, however I don't think children are going to go too deep into this anti-science/pro-faith thought without considerable encouragement by adult figures that have precisely that view and teach it to their kids.

Like I said, I hope Lauren makes an extra science packed episode in the future and resolves this, but as it stands, I don't think children are going to automatically get a pro-religion lesson from it. We are deeply insightful adults, and we are projecting a lot of our thoughts and knowledge about the world on this show. Much like Dash being a lesbian. We interpret her as gay because we have special knowledge as to the relationship of rainbows and their use by the homosexual community, we then take our stereotypes about butchness, and see that Dash does not fit into societies preconceived notions of femininity due to her sportiness and competitive attitude. We, adults, have applied our knowledge of the world to Dash to flesh out her sexuality when in all likeliness she has none because she is created to entertain children.

I'm not going to stress about Pinkie Keen, and I hope others don't as well. We've got another guaranteed 33 episodes to go - that's plenty of time to mend the issue.


There are some things you can't explain which aren't religious in nature. Like why someone might enjoy rainy days and someone else hates them. Or people's preferences for certain colors or foods. It's not something readily explainable, and even if could and you took the time to narrow down the reasons, that doesn't change who they are as a person.

The message wasn't; don't question God/religion or 'science is bad'. It was more, don't over analyze things that don't need it.


SpeedySwaf said:
Lauren Faust actually got some comments and responded to them about the episode.




It's really nice to have someone this open to questions and the like.

Thanks for those, very interesting. (Faust is really great about interacting with her fans.)

I can sort of see what she's getting at but her examples in the first link are weak. But she seems genuinely aghast at the interpretation (which matches mine) in the third.

Since I've only seen half a dozen episodes does Twilight remain an anal retentive nerd throughout? I hope so, I'd hate to see her "cured" of that, because it easily forgives the dodgy message in this one episode.


Junior Member
Koomaster said:
There are some things you can't explain which aren't religious in nature. Like why someone might enjoy rainy days and someone else hates them. Or people's preferences for certain colors or foods. It's not something readily explainable, and even if could and you took the time to narrow down the reasons, that doesn't change who they are as a person.

The message wasn't; don't question God/religion or 'science is bad'. It was more, don't over analyze things that don't need it.

What's even more, Pinkie's skill IS scientific. That means there is rhyme and reason, it can be observed and is consistent. She even does assesments of the skill herself, drawing from empiric knowledge.

For a long time, people didn't accept mental disorders. "Don't be so hysteric" was a phrase thrown at women for a long, long time. Only in more recent decades we have come to take them serious and study them and lo and behold, there is rhyme and reason.

And I think that is what Lauren was going for with that episode.
Faust sounds like she's genuinely disappointed about the "Feeling Pinkie Keen" episode. That's a real shame. It's definitely one of the better episodes and it's saddening to see so many people get turned off by it. Perhaps she'll be able to revise the episode for a DVD release.

Personally, I took the lesson at face value. Did I see the possible religious undertones? Sure, but I really didn't think much of it. In fact, I kind of saw it as Twilight needing to put a little more faith in her friend which she eventually realizes. She's still a "by the book" nerd though. :)


EmCeeGramr said:
see my bronies we can join together and saddledarity to pfffffffffffffhaahahaha i can't even do it anymore you're trolling yourselves at this point

look at this post

god this is the first time I missed the lol emotion for even half a second

:lol :lol
Choppasmith said:
I'm just going to requote this, since people might've missed it last night. I could really use some suggestions.
Oh man that is fantastic. I hate that there's always an echo from the other channels though. This has made me want the soundtrack actually, it's a shame that one will likely never be released officially.

By the way the instrumental version is probably the best out of all of them, all the sound effects seem to have been removed really cleanly.

Myke Greywolf

Ambassador of Goodwill
Regulus Tera said:
Hey Mike, I just wanna say I'm sorry about my remark about you and ponies last night. It was playful banter and I'm used to make jokes like that to other users here on GAF. I didn't want it to come across as me attacking you or whatever, and I actually really appreciate all the work you put into making this thread amicable for everyone.

Brony hug?
No hard feelings, man. When I was catching up with the thread this morning, I read your post, and first I thought...

"Now, who might this «Mike» be, that he's writing about?"

Then it dawned on me that, even though my nickname is Myke, it could only be me. :p

Posting that kind of stuff in the context of the environment we had last night, just seemed to me like a smear attempt. People who like unconventional stuff already have enough trouble dodging bullets from the kind of people who don't understand their tastes, without having to deal with people who invent other "tastes" for them without any kind of basis.

I wouldn't even have given a fuck if it was just a standard troll, but I found it really weird coming from a person who I had been chatting cordially with until then. What made you point me out in particular for that post?

Choppasmith said:
I presume Myke saw the /b/rony Commandments on 4Chan. I thought they were kinda funny myself and that we should have a GAF version and Myke just beat me to it.
LOL, I hadn't seen that before, honest!

I guess people from outside were just weirded out by the whole "religious" vibe I put into it. They must think that I believe that a pegasus unicorn pony really controls the sun, or something equally dumb. I just thought it would be funny to put it that way, and it helped to distract from the fact that I was dictating a code of conduct made up by myself, since I really don't think it's up to me or anyone (except the mods, of course) to tell people here how they should behave.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Feelin' Pinkie Keen is certainly one of the funnier episodes, but the bungling of the moral wasn't limited to just the wording of the ending. The show makes it pretty clear that Twilight is being too stubborn about her skepticism very early on. After just a couple minutes, she's made to be the target of ridicule. It sort of bothered me throughout the whole episode, not just the ending.


Myke Greywolf said:

I'm gonna take this one!!
in exchange for
which was located on line 1


ZealousD said:
Feelin' Pinkie Keen is certainly one of the funnier episodes, but the bungling of the moral wasn't limited to just the wording of the ending. The show makes it pretty clear that Twilight is being too stubborn about her skepticism very early on. After just a couple minutes, she's made to be the target of ridicule. It sort of bothered me throughout the whole episode, not just the ending.

That's true, but it could've been saved by the ending. In story terms things pretty much had to happen the way they did in the first two acts.

It's just that after setting Twilight up for a full the show not only went ahead and pushed, it dropped a piano on her head afterwards. And the figurative one hurt a lot more than Derpy's.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Dai101 said:
Something for all those Rarity fans:


I find this kinda funny, because I always interpreted this show as basically the gender opposite of Transformers. Males can enjoy a show about magical ponies because the characters and story are good in much the same way that females can enjoy a show about robots and cars.


I like that a piano fell on Twilight, it was straight out of Looney Toons. - I have a feeling that all of Pinkie Pie's episodes are inspired by Chuck Jones.
Confused101 said:
Unfortunately it's "theme of the week". Faust originally wanted the episodes to have a running storyline but Hasbro said they wanted the episodes to be able to be watched in any order. So much for that. There are call backs to other episodes and a certain future event has been referenced more than once, but that's about all you'll get.

I kind of wish that Faust had gotten her way. I'd really like to see what she would've done with an ongoing story. Apparently Hasbro has given Faust a great many liberties with the show so we can't complain too much. The show is great as it is. I wonder if Hasbro will become even more lenient considering how well the show seems to be doing and all the feedback it's getting.

I'm kinda interested to see how it would have turned out the original way, but seeing as how the pilots are generally considered some of the weaker episodes, the way things turned out isn't too bad.

I will maul someone if we don't get payoff for all the Grand Galloping Gala buildup, though.
ZealousD said:
Feelin' Pinkie Keen is certainly one of the funnier episodes, but the bungling of the moral wasn't limited to just the wording of the ending. The show makes it pretty clear that Twilight is being too stubborn about her skepticism very early on. After just a couple minutes, she's made to be the target of ridicule. It sort of bothered me throughout the whole episode, not just the ending.

I think the problems could have been solved by a different ending. What didn't sit right with me was that Twilight was essentially a straw skeptic, being entirely unreasonable and disregarding the evidence in front of her. An ending that had Twi learn a lesson about not being so closed-minded or something along those lines, instead of a lesson where she jumps from unreasonable skepticism to naive credulity would have felt much less anvilicious.

ivedoneyourmom said:
The message came out wrong at the end, and that greatly turned me off of this episode as well, however I don't think children are going to go too deep into this anti-science/pro-faith thought without considerable encouragement by adult figures that have precisely that view and teach it to their kids.

Kids are more on the ball than we give them credit for. The target audience might not appreciate the finer distinctions of epistemology, but you better believe that the ways we portray belief and the ways in which we come to know the truth in popular media affects the way kids and the adults they grow into perceive the world.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
Myke Greywolf said:
I wouldn't even have given a fuck if it was just a standard troll, but I found it really weird coming from a person who I had been chatting cordially with until then. What made you point me out in particular for that post?
Well you are an easy target...

Myke Greywolf

Ambassador of Goodwill
Regulus Tera said:
Well you are an easy target...
I see. Well, I'll write nothing more about this, even though I could, and you can probably guess what I would say. But if I did write more, I'd be making this thread a disservice. Let bygones be bygones, friendship is magic, and all that jazz. :)
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