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My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

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Foxix Von

BakedPigeon said:
Is this MLP craze on GAF for the lols or is it a real fascination. Serious question, not trying to troll. I may need to watch this shit, sounds better then the drugs I do.

Most people aren't sporting avatars for trolling. The vast majority of us have a legitimate fascination with the show. If it clicks with you it's really something special.
yeah, in an interview she said that she and the guy who was stephen stills took lessons for their stuff since michael cera already knew how to play guitar.

anywho, here's an image of pinkie for those that have played dead space 2:



BakedPigeon said:
Is this MLP craze on GAF for the lols or is it a real fascination. Serious question, not trying to troll. I may need to watch this shit, sounds better then the drugs I do.

In my particular case it was first for the lols (when i just watched the image macros and stuff) then i go to watch some episodes and i realized that it was an Excelent and well made show and some of the best mind in the bussines work in it, yeah, it doesn't have the "edge" that some other shows has (Adventure Time for example) but it compensate that for the quality in animation, voice acting, and it's clean but very good humor. As you can see, i really like it.


BakedPigeon said:
Is this MLP craze on GAF for the lols or is it a real fascination. Serious question, not trying to troll. I may need to watch this shit, sounds better then the drugs I do.
It's an honest fascination. It's a My Little Pony cartoon that's actually good, has an innocent sense of humor and tackles some surprising subjects in a fair and straightforward way. Add some interesting characters and a stellar voice cast, plus a very proven writing staff and you've got a show that's a lot better than anything with the My Little Pony brand has any right to be.

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is just good. Which, considering the brand, is fascinating.

Also it's a genuinely "nice" show. You know how a lot of series have a cynical view with people being jerks? My Little Pony has none of that. Well, almost none of that, but those characters that behave that way usually get what's coming to them, without the main cast becoming jerks, too. Watching the show does require a certain tolerance for cuteness, I'll admit, but it IS My Little Pony. You wouldn't watch Transformers if you hated trucks and robots either.

The avatars? It's a fad. It happens. Give it a month or two, then the season is over and there'll be a new fad. Like Duke Nukem Forever, perhaps. That'd be about that time.


I'd liken this show to Arthur (the PBS show) really. Good kids' show with high production values and a strong message. If you like Arthur, you should like MLP.


I'm really looking forward to when MLP goes full on into more Chuck Jones inspired antics. They've already flirted with it in Pinkie Keen and Over a Barrel but I would really like an episode dedicated as a complete homage to Looney Tunes. I think they could really do something special with it kinda like how Batman: The Brave and the Bold had an episode dedicated to the silly covers of classic comic book covers a while ago.


Sharp said:
I'd liken this show to Arthur (the PBS show) really. Good kids' show with high production values and a strong message. If you like Arthur, you should like MLP.

The main difference is MLP will never get Neil Gaiman on as a guest star!

coldvein said:
so what is good about this show? why would i, 26 yr old male, enjoy it?

From teh OP

awesome said:
Why you should care about this

Everybody knows that MLP is geared at little girls, and the main objective of the animated shows has always been to advertise the line of toys, by shoving as many colorful ponies in saccharine situations down the viewer's throats as possible. However, not every iteration of the show has been the same. In the 80's, the first show had a relatively well thought-out fantasy setting and interesting conflicts. The 90's political correctness mania, however, combined with retarded mandates from corporate idiots, turned the next few iterations into inane drivel unwatchable by anyone except little girls with undeveloped taste.

Fans of the original show, however, kept it in their fond memories of the decade of awesome cartoon shows, in the image of what has happened with many 80's properties. Lauren Faust is one of these people.

When she was offered the job of producing a new MLP show, she jumped at this chance with the intention of bringing back that long-lost dignity to the franchise, and reviving a concept that had been almost dead and buried since the 80's: a show geared at young girls that is watchable and enjoyable by anyone, including adults. Something in the spirit of the original MLP show, mixed with elements from PPG and Foster's, bringing to the table the following ingredients:

- A compact cast of easily identifiable, likeable characters, following certain archetypes but with surprisingly multi-layered personalities.
- A world with well-defined rules and mythology.
- Simple but well-written stories revolving around the theme of "friendship". This may seem somewhat limiting, but allows for relateable and realistic conflict between characters that can be resolved within the 22 minutes of each episode.
- Excellent voice acting for every. Single. Character.
- Extremely appealing character designs and surprisingly fluid and detailed flash animation, particularly for character expressions.
- Great comedy sense, with cartoon wackiness mixed in with surprising references to other shows and popular culture (nothing too obtrusive, don't worry).
- Morals that are transmitted in a way that doesn't feel like getting hit with a stick in the head, and that apply to adults as well as children.
- A lack of the cynicism that seems to infect most pop culture these days. This is a genuinely good-natured show, and a welcomed change of climate to those tired of the rudeness and nastiness that is pervasive in almost everything we see on TV.

I think all of these factors would be enough to let anyone who can overcome an hypothetical aversion to the colour pink to give it a shot, and maybe come out surprised at liking a show aimed at young girls and featuring talking ponies.


coldvein said:
so what is good about this show? why would i, 26 yr old male, enjoy it?

Well-written episodes and gags, solid characterisation, extremely pretty animation, innocent sense of humour, lack of cold-hearted cynicism, and general all-around feel-goodness.

May not be for everybody. Standard PonyGAF recommendation is the first two episodes plus two random episodes from later, but I appreciate you might not want to watch two hours of Ponies before you decide whether you like it or not.


coldvein said:
so what is good about this show? why would i, 26 yr old male, enjoy it?
if you like animation/cartoons, then you might like it. If you treat the show as a light-hearted affair where funny stuff happens, you'll enjoy it so much more than looking for some deeper story or meaning.
Sharp said:
I'd liken this show to Arthur (the PBS show) really. Good kids' show with high production values and a strong message. If you like Arthur, you should like MLP.

I have yet to see the show, but this is the strongest selling point to me by FAR. I loved Arthur as a kid.

Just a strong, wholesome cartoon. Also, D.W. was my annoying sister. rrraaarggghhh

Where are my moon boots? I want moon boots.
coldvein said:
so what is good about this show? why would i, 26 yr old male, enjoy it?
I a 23 male loves this show because of the Humor, great use of animation principles that were used in old disney movies but are being flash 8:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/12_basic_principles_of_animation and its by a female animator that knows how to her stuff and is married to Craig McCracken( creator of Fosters Home For Imaginary Friends + Power puff girls) Also i love the BG/characters.


Snaku said:
Taking this, since G-fex ditched it. One of my favs, and I'd hate to see it rot in the ponytar pool.

I love pinkie pie too much.

Plus Swarm of the century was a good ep, tribbles!
Just got done watching the most recent episode.

that was.... terrible. The political message was ham-fisted, the moral as saccharine as all the detractors think the whole show is, the new secondary characters were either dull or annoying, and seemingly everypony was out of character. Even the musical number sucked. Only redeeming feature was the first 5 or so minutes, the fluttershy/tree conversation especially.


limlark said:
Bulbasaur eliminated by Rainbow Dash (Pinfall)

Magikarp enters the ring. Magikarp uses splash. But nothing happens.

Rainbow Dash, confident from the thrill of victory, boasts that she's about to end this match in ten seconds flat, but that's when Twilight Sparkle notices that Magikarp's got a foreign object. Suddenly she understands what's going on -- it's an Exp. Share, and the whole time the rest of his team has been fighting, Magikarp has been gaining experience from the battle.

And now, that experience is paying off: Magikarp is evolving.

Twilight tries to warn Rainbow Dash, but it's too late; she flies right into a Hyper Beam and gets instantly KOed.

Rainbow Dash eliminated by Gyarados (Pinfall)


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
BakedPigeon said:
Is this MLP craze on GAF for the lols or is it a real fascination.

Little of column A, little of column B.

Amibguous Cad said:
the new secondary characters were either dull or annoying

Are you dissing Brayburn? You better not be dissing Brayburn. Because if you are, I might have to go to your house and stab you repeatedly with a blunt object.


ZealousD said:
So how you guys doin' tonight?

Post in any good threads lately?

did make a huge post about how I hated how someone changed their avatar to an MLP avatar, but besides that, not really.
G-Fex said:
New Resident Evil game. Mortal Kombat looks promising too.

The MK resurgence is so WIERD to me.

Although I just realized people's interest in that game is to me what your interest in MLP is to MLP haters, so I have now learned a lesson.


FlightOfHeaven said:
The MK resurgence is so WIERD to me.

Although I just realized people's interest in that game is to me what your interest in MLP is to MLP haters, so I have now learned a lesson.

Dear Princess Celestia...


FlightOfHeaven said:
The MK resurgence is so WIERD to me.

Although I just realized people's interest in that game is to me what your interest in MLP is to MLP haters, so I have now learned a lesson.

I always loved MK, I was obsessed with it when I was little.

Myke Greywolf

Ambassador of Goodwill
Amibguous Cad said:
How'd you handle the translation? Did you try to figure out the common terms in Portuguese religious debate (leap of faith, etc.) to keep the undertones the same, or did you try to write it out of the dialogue?

I think I will love you forever if you figured out what the traditional translation of Kierkegaard's leap of faith is in Portugese and rendered it that way.
I'm sorry to disappoint you, but it turns out that portuguese translators and authors always translate it literally as "salto de fé", and since it was so adequate for the occasion, I kept it that way. I'm not worthy of your love. ;_;

Amibguous Cad said:

What do we do now?
That's your answer for everything!

Rainbow Dash is boss.
Flutttershy is 100% played as a moe character, yes. And there's nothing wrong with that, because she's probably the better implemented moe character I've ever seen. She doesn't get grating or irritating. Most moe characters in anime become annoying because they never totally let go of their moeblob natures, even when they're supposed to actually be competent, because the creators seem to be to afraid that we stop liking them if they grow a spine or something. The payoff when Fluttershy finally gets to the point where she is able to rise above her limitations is incredible, and that is enough for us to know: yes, she's shy; Yes, she's adorable; But the spine is there, and we'll go all IGN-guys-cheering whenever she gets to show it.

As for Rainbow Dash, even though I don't really appreciate her cockiness, I could actually appreciate her more if she got humbled more often. Most of the times, it just seems like she's a jerk for whom being "friendly" is something that doesn't come naturally, and she only keeps the act because she doesn't want to be alone, and needs someone around to praise her "awesomeness" and mad flying skills. The episode that pushed her to last place in my eyes, was "Fall Weather Friends", where she seems to be itching all the time to use under-hoofed tactics and cheating, because winning is more important to her than keeping Applejack's respect.

Jintor said:
So I guess we're on persecution cycle five? One more and we get a free Subway sandwich!
Man, why do these things always happen while I'm asleep? It's like I have the curse of the blitz or something!

Jintor said:
Yeah, I actually would like it if people stopped posting unrelated MLP pictures outside the thread though. Actually, stop posting MLP pictures outside the thread. They just seem to aggravate people.
That's why it's part of the Pony-GAF commandments. I'd better include them in the OP, don't you think?


Bizarrely enough, if you post a code of conduct, they'll make fun of us for having a code of conduct.

Fucking insane troll logic! You can never have enough of it.

Anyway, I've been playing some Atom Zombie Smasher. Turns out to be quite excellent.

Foxix Von

bananas said:
Why is she not Queen Celestia?

Because Disney has demonized the concept of queens in their fiction instead favoring princesses as being good natured icons. Apparently this is so ingrained into the minds of our youth that if I remember correctly Hasbro denied Lauren's request for a Queen Celestia. Fearing that her image would be immediately recognized as being villainous.


bananas said:
Why is she not Queen Celestia?

After a little searching through here:

Princess Celestia was originally supposed to be Queen Celestia, as is logical considering her position, but Hasbro requested the name be changed as Disney has caused princesses to be associated with good and queens associated with evil. At best, we can assume that Equestria is a principality. Lauren Faust has confirmed that Celestia is the highest authority - there is no "king" or "queen" to speak of.

EDIT: late XD


Everything is moe to me
Foxix said:
Because Disney has demonized the concept of queens in their fiction instead favoring princesses as being good natured icons. Apparently this is so ingrained into the minds of our youth that if I remember correctly Hasbro denied Lauren's request for a Queen Celestia. Fearing that her image would be immediately recognized as being villainous.
right, the name.

...and not locking her fully conscious sister in the moon for a thousand years of nightmare fuel...


get some go again

made this avatar off a gif i saw earlier today. if anybody wants it then just use it. sorry if somebody already made it into an avatar.

Foxix Von

Pandaman said:
right, the name.

...and not locking her fully conscious sister in the moon for a thousand years of nightmare fuel...

I hate to go off topic but maybe it's because it's so late and I'm so tired. But damnit if I wouldn't love to have an energy drink with that name.

Edit^ I made a similar one but it doesn't loop :p


Everything is moe to me
smurfx said:

made this avatar off a gif i saw earlier today. if anybody wants it then just use it. sorry if somebody already made it into an avatar.
i know i already have a pony avatar, but may i?


Pandaman said:
right, the name.

...and not locking her fully conscious sister in the moon for a thousand years of nightmare fuel...

We all know that was in pony years. That equates to something like 10 real years.
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