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My name is Alan Wake. I'm a writer. |OT|

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
i love the genre but AW doesn't seem to hold my interest even after 2 chapters... something about the gunplay doesn't feel right (lack of customization, dodging mechanic fucks with the camera too much)

tonight i will try to give it another shot


I don't know whether I hate this game or like it. When describing it to friends who ask, I list about 100 complaints and realize "Damn, I must not like this very much". Yet, I continue to play it, but I think only for the core story. I'm at the
transformer yard
in Chapter 5, so I will save my overall assessment until I finish the game, but here are my thoughts so far...

The game had potential but was borked, I lay that at the feet of the fact this was developed by the guys who made Max Payne. I thought Max Payne was awful, but apparently a lot of people really enjoy terrible dialog and everything else but can overlook it due to slow motion jumping and shooting.

ANYWAY, I like the atmosphere of the game...it's spooky I guess. It'd be a lot spookier if there weren't ridiculous "Night Springs" episodes on the TV that completely ruin any sense of tension or terror that's going on (I know you don't have to watch these). The things the Taken yell are just sometimes laughably horrible and instead of being scared I find myself LOLing. It's like the game couldn't decide if it wanted to be a scary thriller, or a cheeseball romp through the woods. Which brings me to my next complaint.
Fuck me
, but after this game I never want to go into the woods ever again...in real life or in a game. Alan Wake has officially ruined forests for everyone, making them monotonous and predictable. I couldn't be more excited the few times I actually didn't have to play in the woods.
If it weren't for Chapter 5 so far and getting to run through the town
I might have been bored to death of the trees and quit playing.

I enjoy the forest setting, it's just...the game's linearity killed it for me. I had assumed watching preview vids from a while back the game was more free-roamish and that's my fault for still assuming it was. But...there's like no choices to be made here. Point A to point B, no diversions unless you go hunt for coffee thermoses (wtf? these things are annoying.) I know you don't HAVE to collect them, but still. Speaking of, what a way to throw a wrench into any sort of tension building/story telling when you run off into the woods toward the darkness to look for a thermos. I think that was a horrible idea. The manuscript pages are fine, they at least provide something to the story.

The combat - awesome for Chapter 1, but then I realized that's all. There would be no variation, no new weapons, no new tactics. I can deal with that, but it doesn't help the game's linearity and monotony.

If it weren't for a very interesting core storyline, I probably would have gotten rid of the game by now. The voice acting is awful, with a few exceptions, the character models and animations leave something to be desired for a third person cinematic game. And the lip synching...my god...if you can even call it that. Half the time the characters mouths open up and a voice falls out with little to no movement. The manuscript pages sound like they were written by a Jr. High English class and seem really cheesy. The writing is just awful. And
the ball of white light floating around doing shit? Re. Tar. Ded.

Again, I will finish the game and contemplate on it all but I doubt my opinions will change. How anyone can call this a game of the year contender is beyond me. Sure it's a good game - don't get me wrong. But it's not GOTY caliber stuff here, it just isn't.

I will never criticize MS for taking a chance on a new IP though, and I hope there is another Alan Wake title, I just hope they fix some stuff...a lot of the core game mechanics are just dry and boring.

So far, Chapter 5 is better than anything else yet. The beginning of Chapter 4 was good until you left the
lodge. And I didn't really care for the whole rock concert stage thing. Again, kinda ruined the spooky tension by putting in something incredibly silly

Here's hoping it wraps up with a bang!


Game of the fucking year, even though the pacing was pretty bad around episode 3 it paid off for me,
about the ending i kinda didnt get it as as a whole so he wrote himself into the darkness to save her, but whos voice was that at the end can someone re-explain it for me


Just finished the game today. Overall I liked it a lot more than I had anticipated. I didn't really care for the story very much, but everything else about it was top notch.

I have a craving for some RE now.


just started last night, finished ep 1, doing ep 2 now

first thing, i'm sure this has been said before, the graphics are a blurry mess, too much bloom when there is light in contrast with dark, terrible low res textures
lighting, i didnt find impressive in a sense that this is what the devs where working on all this time

i finished ep 1 at 1 am last night, while it wasnt particularly scary, there was definitely a spooky vibe that i did not like because i wanted to do to sleep after
playing it in the evening now while there's still some light out, lol

like the episodes format, since i know when it's a good place to stop
charsace said:
I don't think you got what the game was doing. It spoofs horror and fantasy authors like King, Brown, Hamilton, Harris, Vaughn and other authors in the same vein. The dialogue is ripped from that style. If you didn't see that from the character dialogue then the pages should have clued you in.

I know people love to throw that excuse, but no. As shitty as they are, King, Brown and Harris are so, so, so much more talented than Wake that it is perplexing to me that anyone would think otherwise. It's middle school level writing at best. The only thing I think could compare would be lovecraft at its very worst (which was horrendously bad, I'll try to find a quote if I have time). The scripts and twists in those books are also usually corny as well, but have a much better execution. The only thing Alan Wake reminds me of is a bad episode of Goosebumps.

I wish it had been good. I would have settled for so bad it's good. But I didn't even get that.
Bpatrol said:
Man I am just having a shitty time trying to get across the bridge in Chapter 6. Anyone have any tips here?

I'll have one useful contribution to this thread. In the first parts, move slowly disintegrate the objects one by one. At the end of the bridge, just spam flashbangs. I thought that even in hard they somehow load you with ammo towards the end (can't speak for nightmare).


One reason I'm loving the game so much is because it reminds me of Twin Peaks, mixed with Twilight Zone...like you can smell and feel the sarcasm and more like the irony surrounding everything, but you can't point at it.. :D

Love also the whole episode thingie..right when you solved something..something else appears..cuts..end of episode..would've loved if they threw credits at least for the voice actors and the music used in that chapter...
Anony said:
done ep 2

i notice i am so stingy on ammo and battery, i finish the ep and have alot left

Don't be. There's a shitload of ammo everywhere, and they constantly take away your guns. So, you might as well use them while you have them.


Just finished the game. I did enjoy myself, although the facial animation was pretty terrible.

Ending spoilers!
From what I understood Alan basically sacrificed to the darkness to save alice. I guess he was the balance he was talking about. I'm assuming the ending was sort of cliffhanger like, with the ellipse(and the statement at the end of the credits). I'll be getting the DLC episodes. Hopefully they keep the quality up with them.


More (?) images from The Signal: http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=9649&id=102932166411157





After completing the game last night am I the only one wondering what all these years of development time and release delays achieved. I can deal with the bad lip syncing, resolution issues and, linearity but somehow they managed to create a game with little to no suspense, a complete lack of "shock" moments, and heaps uninteresting writing.


"But yeah, Microsoft are interested in more episodes. Where we're sitting right now is we'll see how these go. We'll see how the attach rate is to the episodes. The first one is free so hopefully that will have a decent attach rate at least. But the second, does that leave people wanting more? Do they want more of the fiction? Are they ready to download it and pay for it? If that attach rate is then reasonable, I think we can look at maybe do some more specials. At some point we've got to go into full production of the sequel if we get that confirmed."

Ah yes, a sequel. Hakkinen seems optimistic that Alan Wake will be picked up for another season and that it would only take about a third of the development time it took for the first Alan Wake game to be completed. "Max Payne 1 took us also five years to make. Max Payne 2 took us 18 months. I think we'd be looking at something of a similar cycle."

Currently, such a sequel has not been officially confirmed. "We're in a limbo at the moment where neither of us are talking about it. We're still in launch phase of Alan Wake 1…but Microsoft have an option for it. That was in the deal a long time ago…and I don't see why they wouldn't. We're happy with the partnership and they're happy with the game. I think it fits in their portfolio quite nicely. I don't see any reason why we wouldn't continue with Microsoft and why we wouldn't renew the IP…we definitely want a sequel of course."


In the hands of MS for the sequel. I really do hope they can do another title here especially with an 18 month turn around and all they have learned from the first. Buy those episodes folks!

Oh yea those are some nice new screens.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
There was a Taken monster-truck in Chapter 6. =3


I know I'm about to finish it..but I don't want to. :lol
At least there's a new episode in around a month; then another one later..plus the book in the limited edition seems interesting; but every time I check around it I stumble in some spoiler from the game..so I'll read it when I finish the game. :lol

Adam Prime

hates soccer, is Mexican
I'm selling my DLC code for $5 if anyone is interested in the upcoming DLC and didn't get one when they purchased the game. Shoot me a PM

mr stroke

final thoughts after finishing the game-


+Story and Atmosphere
+Amazing lighting
+Sound track
+Game broken into episodes TV style
+Voice acting is above par


-Ugly Graphics(Bad textures, pop in, tearing, etc..)
-Poor shooting mechanic
-Level Design(how many times can you run through the dark forest?)
-Final Boss and ending

Its unfortunate because the game is boarding on awesome(Chapter 5) but most are lame(running through the dark forest over and over)
I would like to see a PC release to clear up the graphics and hopefully a sequel to flesh out the story.
Finally beat it on Nightmare. I love this game sooooo much.
The pacing the combat and atmosphere have combined to make this one of my favorite new franchises this gen.

Do we have a release date for The Signal? I need to add it to the OP.
derFeef said:
Must not watch!
tell me, is it awesome? It is, right?

27th of July.

Glad you liked it on nightmare :)

Thanks derFeef. The only thing I wish they would do is make it so that on nightmare it wouldn't zoom out to reveal where the shadows are coming from.


BruceLeeRoy said:
Thanks derFeef. The only thing I wish they would do is make it so that on nightmare it wouldn't zoom out to reveal where the shadows are coming from.
Yup, I agree. There are often moments when this does not happen though and then those sneaky bastards scare the shit out of me with hitting an axe in Alan´s back.

Looking forward to my 3rd playthrough before the DLC hits. I have yet to collect all manuscripts. I do not care for the thermoses and so on, but the pages are important to me because they are part of the story.
derFeef said:
Yup, I agree. There are often moments when this does not happen though and then those sneaky bastards scare the shit out of me with hitting an axe in Alan´s back.

Looking forward to my 3rd playthrough before the DLC hits. I have yet to collect all manuscripts. I do not care for the thermoses and so on, but the pages are important to me because they are part of the story.

:lol I know. I love the parts where you run up to what you think is a safe haven with the lamp signal and you open a chest to get some more goodies and you turn around and with no visual cue at all 3-4 guys are running up on you. Ive dropped my controller when that has happened.


derFeef said:
Must not watch!
tell me, is it awesome? It is, right?

27th of July.

Glad you liked it on nightmare :)

It is although there is some really wierd stuff going on so it's going to be interesting to see where they take this.


derFeef said:
Must not watch!
tell me, is it awesome? It is, right?

I just watched a few seconds and, seriously, it looks really awesome. On par with the crazy chapter 6 ending (good thing for me, maybe not for others :D ).


Diamond_4444 said:
I just watched a few seconds and, seriously, it looks really awesome. On par with the crazy chapter 6 ending (good thing for me, maybe not for others :D ).
Yeah, remember that time when the wind picked up...wow that was intense. :p


Drunky McMurder
Just finished up the game. A few things really bugged me (the camera was the most frustrating I've dealt with in years) but I really enjoyed it overall.

Plus, when I was finished I got to listen to some Bowie.
I'll be starting my Nightmare run sometime this weekend and a question regarding the manuscripts. Will all pages be visible or just the ones marked for Nightmare mode only?


Jeff Stephen said:
I'll be starting my Nightmare run sometime this weekend and a question regarding the manuscripts. Will all pages be visible or just the ones marked for Nightmare mode only?
All pages will be visible. Also the ones you already collected. But you can tell by the appearing "press back to read manuscript" hint, that you picked up a new one.
just watched a bit of the videos.

Looks like some major concerns about enviroment are being met. And there's some really nice touch ups, both graphically, and other...

liked how he said the signal was going haywire and the indicator was flipping around everywhere.


I just thought I'd post my impressions after finishing the game last night. I thoroughly enjoyed it, easily the best game I've played all year
although I still haven't got into RDR and ME2 so that could change :p

-Loved the combat. Was a little confused about the gunplay at the start as I didn't know the dark aura had to fully removed in order to hurt/kill the Taken. The gunplay was solid (except for the autoaim grrr) and the dodging mechanic was very very satisfying.

-The atmosphere. I'm not much of a horror/thriller gamer so this was something new for me. I played the game mostly during the wee hours of the night so this added to the tension. You never felt you were fully alone/and or safe. I only experienced a few OH SHIT moments though, far less than what I was expecting. :D

-I found the story to be pretty engaging, found it a little confusing at times and especially during the ending
The doppelganger, the window behind Rose during the parade
If there is a link? that summarizes everything a bit more clearly I would love to give it a read.

-The Soundtrack. Some great tunes during cutscenes and exploring. tbh I didn't recognize any of the licensed stuff during the individual Episode credits, being so young and all that. However I found myself listening to Space Oddity again after the credits rolled, it's quite a nice song ;).

My main complaint would be the characters. I liked Alan the most, although that isn't saying much. Everyone else just sucked. Barry is the X360's Zeke.

Awesome game otherwise.


Wow just started playing this game this week and it;s amazing...one of the best section/moment in a game ever last night in chapter 4:

the Tor and Odin rock stage battle and the events leading to it hehe


Awesome stuff.


Ricker said:
Wow just started playing this game this week and it;s amazing...one of the best section/moment in a game ever last night in chapter 4:

the Tor and Odin rock stage battle and the events leading to it hehe


Awesome stuff.

Oh yea. If they could just replicate chapters 4 and 5 for the next gaming as far as pacing and environments it would be a great thing.


finished ep. 2 yesterday... I like it but the combat is not that interesting or fun... it is solid. I like the Night Springs TV show... how many are there? They keep me going since the mission design is fairly linear... my mission is to watch all TV shows now :)

Also the creepy waitress is great. Uncanny valley works wonders here...
(graphics are fine... don't understand the hate)... story is quite interesting... how will it get together...?

Also great: you read the pages before events happen ... I like that

Don't like: the chainsaw dude. I let him kill Alan to compare to Resi 4... no head chopping here :-( makes me sad... In Resi4 I had to laugh when that happened. Here just indifferent slaughting :)

Don't like: It is also fairly derivative ... too much cut and paste from TV and cinema... why was Twin Peaks great? They were original... David Lynch and Mark Frost had an agenda.... Alan Wake not so much. They copy, but do not invent... so emotions for the game will stay lukewarm...
Finished the game yesterday.

Pretty awesome experience. TBH I think it is really a bit more for the older gamer. You have to understand that it is a bit of a spoof, just like Max Payne.

Combat was not that easy... and the atmosphere just right. A lot of people complain about the endless forest section, but in the end I think Remedy really tried to add different location to the game.

I hope they make a game with this engine. There are some really cool things they can do.


Finished it a few minutes ago, such a fantastic game. I just have one question,
what was the deal with obviously still possessed Rose holding the lantern at the parade and the fbi agent in the window? I assumed that Alan sacrificed himself to save his wife and wrote everything back to normal?

Now to start on my nightmare run, and look forward to the dlc.
It seems that I missed one of the manuscripts in Chapter 4 on Nightmare, so is it possible to go back and replay the chapter without it effecting my save?
I'm not sure if the game calls for each episode to be played consecutively rather handpicking a chapter of the game.
Jeff Stephen said:
It seems that I missed one of the manuscripts in Chapter 4 on Nightmare, so is it possible to go back and replay the chapter without it effecting my save?
I'm not sure if the game calls for each episode to be played consecutively rather handpicking a chapter of the game.

Yes, that's fine.


I am a huge fan of the genre and I beat the game few weeks back, and here are some thoughts:

I think the game overall is good, but was a huge disappointment to me. The repetitive nature of the game really suck out a lot of the atmosphere. I can actually accept those repetitive combat and enemies much more so than many others, but when 85% of the game is in a dark forest it really feels like a drag.

The game also heavily focused on collect-a-ton. I mean A TON. I know many of those are not required, but the game is set up in a way that encourages you to pick up every manuscript, TV show, treasure box, ammo, Radio, Thermos etc. That really makes it into a chore.

Now onto the story. As a fan of the genre, I understand gameplay is usually the biggest weakness to this kind of games. Usually it's the story (usually by cutscene or notes scattered around) that captivate me to push forward. However, the story usually only present during the very beginning or the end of a chapter. The stuffs that are presented through manuscripts are mostly just generic stuffs that you, as a player, will actually go through later in the game. While it sounds intriguing, they don't really push the plot forward but simply re-describe your action through words. In other words, it makes the story itself into another 'repetitive' element. I don't know if it was the cause, but it also made me feel the game lacks a climax.

I remember reading somewhere in the past that Remedy originally planned this as an open world game. I can't believe I would say this, because I was glad with their choices when I heard about it and thought an open-world game would dilute the story (as most open-world games do), but now when I finished this game and think about it a little, the game day and night mechanic would actually be amazing had the game push on with that open-world idea.
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