Very nice series of threads. No desire to beat Echoes again (100%'d it on the hardest difficulty a few years back), but have a very strong desire to replay the first and 100% that. Oh, and eventually play the third, which will hopefully be backwards compatible on the Wii U.
Still think MP :Echoes is still my favorite game name of all time though. Very cool sounding.
Really glad you guys have enjoyed the thread! I originally intended to combine my MP2 and MP3 discoveries, but managed to find enough content from the former to make a whole thread - the OP is something like four characters beneath the limit before the forum software automatically prevents submission.
I very much appreciate the nice comments and feedback, it encourages me to dig further.
In 3 Dark Samus controls the space pirates like their Phazon god and has them breed Metroids such as the Miniroid, Hopping Metroid and Metroid Hatcher. Phaaze especially seems to have been turned into a Metroid breeding ground. There’s a specific breed of Phazon Metroid there and what looks like husks similar to Metroid Prime's.
Spoilered just in case.
So I wouldn’t say the Metroid aspect of her was effectively ignored.
Ha I never thought of it that way before! Metroid Prime could understand (with a human-like reasoning and comprehension abilities) that Phazon-poisoned worlds are perfect breeding grounds for the Metroid race. With the species only existing on a single world (SR-388) and foreseeing a time in which the Galactic Federation will order their genocide ("Metroid II: Return of Samus"), the objective of Dark Samus/Prime is to infect as many worlds as possible with Phazon for greater survival of her race.
Its certainly an interesting motive for the character, and could even suggest that she wants more Metroids to undergo the growth and intelligence-development that she has, in order not to be alone in the universe.
I like that interpretation of Dark Samus' actions. Shame the games only seem to overtly portray her as a cackling madwoman.
Really, the most fascinating things about this particular investigation into the concept materials for Echoes is the suggestion that Dark Samus could have been much more Metroid like in ability. I love the suggestion that the being could become an otherworldly consumer driven by a perversion of the Metroid's sole instinct to feed while further mutating and enhancing itself into something truly alien versus the semi-hamfisted stalker rival type they made her in Prime 3.
Its certainly interesting to consider! The Boost Ball Boss is such a sudden and insane leap in difficulty, its quite noticeably jarring and counter to Nintendo's usual difficulty progression. The idea that the boss may have once included Light Bombs would certainly be supported by the fact that the battle is entirely played out in Morph Ball mode.
No idea what the Dark Bomb and Annihilator Bomb would have done though, and I'm a bit stumped on theories.
Dark Bombs could have been a freeze-like bomb where anything that is in its range gets frozen for a bit and you can catch fast foes that are hard to hit with the beams once you figure out a pattern in their movement.
i got nothing for annihilator bomb. the annihilator beam's most useful feature is its fast fire rate and that's not something that translates well as a bomb. also, if we think about blowing up enemies at long range, the Sonic Boom does that already.
Not really a point related to any unused content but the addition of the spring ball jump in the trilogy edition of MP2 makes the Spider Guardian so much more manageable, not sure why this sprung to mind, I guess all this boost guardian talk made me remember those progression halting bosses.
Wonder why they waited until Prime 3 to implement the spring ball? aside from the whole motion control bit.
As for those other bomb types, if we assume the light bomb would create a temporary light bubble then I guess the Annihilator Bomb could have just done what the beam itself does to them which is the whole luring in dark enemies and vaporising them trick, just anywhere you feel like without the need of an energy crystal.
Dark bombs, well I picture the blast being like the finish of the dark beam charge combo, either that or a damaging field to use in standard Aether, I can't think of much else it could be practical for.
edit: actually the idea above for Dark Bombs would be handy against those durable pirate commandos and their teleporting tricks.
I don't even like Metroid but I just wanted to stop in and say...Mama Robotnik is a crazy motherfucker (in a good way). The stuff you are able to find is amazing.
Yet another fantastic job, that final boss concept could have been such a cool encounter.
Mama Robotnik said:
Multiple Viruses
Buried in the obsolete menu code, reference has been discovered to two different types of suit viruses:
In the final release of Metroid Prime 2, the Suit Software Virus is used by the Rezbit creatures to plague Samus on her journey, but no Weapon Virus exists.
I wouldn't be surprised if the "WeaponVirus" was the same as the multiplayer ability that got cut. If I remember right you were going to be able to "scan" your opponent and cause malfunctions (disable?) to their weapon.
Dark Bombs could have been a freeze-like bomb where anything that is in its range gets frozen for a bit and you can catch fast foes that are hard to hit with the beams once you figure out a pattern in their movement.
Not really a point related to any unused content but the addition of the spring ball jump in the trilogy edition of MP2 makes the Spider Guardian so much more manageable, not sure why this sprung to mind, I guess all this boost guardian talk made me remember those progression halting bosses.
Wonder why they waited until Prime 3 to implement the spring ball? aside from the whole motion control bit.
As for those other bomb types, if we assume the light bomb would create a temporary light bubble then I guess the Annihilator Bomb could have just done what the beam itself does to them which is the whole luring in dark enemies and vaporising them trick, just anywhere you feel like without the need of an energy crystal.
Dark bombs, well I picture the blast being like the finish of the dark beam charge combo, either that or a damaging field to use in standard Aether, I can't think of much else it could be practical for.
edit: actually the idea above for Dark Bombs would be handy against those durable pirate commandos and their teleporting tricks.
Wow, I actually had NO IDEA about the Spring Ball in Metroid Prime 2 Trilogy version! I actually own the bloody disc too so I really have no excuse. Damnit that game is overdue for a playthrough! These ideas about the bombs are also really good stuff.
I wouldn't be surprised if the "WeaponVirus" was the same as the multiplayer ability that got cut. If I remember right you were going to be able to "scan" your opponent and cause malfunctions (disable?) to their weapon.
This is Nintendo's original Metroid Prime 2 website, in which the game has been reinterpreted as a point-and-click adventure. Its been offline for many years, but Nintendo's lead webdesigner of the site (Shane Miekle) is hosting a copy with all attached video and downloads accessible.
Its certainly an interesting, if inefficient way of disseminating information about the game.
Ha I never thought of it that way before! Metroid Prime could understand (with a human-like reasoning and comprehension abilities) that Phazon-poisoned worlds are perfect breeding grounds for the Metroid race. With the species only existing on a single world (SR-388) and foreseeing a time in which the Galactic Federation will order their genocide ("Metroid II: Return of Samus"), the objective of Dark Samus/Prime is to infect as many worlds as possible with Phazon for greater survival of her race.
Its certainly an interesting motive for the character, and could even suggest that she wants more Metroids to undergo the growth and intelligence-development that she has, in order not to be alone in the universe.
I like that interpretation of Dark Samus' actions. Shame the games only seem to overtly portray her as a cackling madwoman.
If we expand the theory a bit, we can answer this question:
-The Chozo of Tallon IV had become a reclusive society of isolationists. They cut off contact with the rest of the universe and become a peaceful race of philosophers and romantic dreamers. They discipline their minds to such a point, they can separate their life force into a semi-corporeal form (Chozo "ghosts") and certain members of their race begin to see vaguely into the future.
-The Chozo Prophets foresee a great catastrophe, in which a "worm" will infest their planet and cause their deaths. In an attempt to defend themselves from this apocalypse (and in a parallel scientific development to their cousins beneath SR-388), they engineer the "Perfect Warriors" known as Metroids.
-Phaaze enters its reproductive cycle and launches its seed. After a journey through space, the seed senses Tallon IV and crashes into it causing mass devastation.
-During the chaos, the Metroids escape from their captivity. One is lured into the Phazon Core and becomes its Guardian. It slowly begins to mutate.
-The Chozo survivors use their remaining resources to construct the Great Shield around the Impact Crater, sealing it and reducing Phazon leakage. They also dispatch the Metroids using their ice weaponry, deciding that the creatures could become a planetwide menace. The only Metroid to survive is the one sealed in the Impact Crater.
-The Phazon poisoning slowly begins to consume the planet, and the Chozo undergo an agonising poisoning. They abandon their bodies to exist as Chozo Ghosts, their life essence existing in the physical world for brief moments.
-The Phazon dominates the planet, and manages to poison the ghosts themselves, driving them into fury. The ghosts retain some minimal vague memory of the prophecies of a hero who will save the planet, and instinctively protect the Impact Crater and the keys to the shield.
-The sealed Metroid gorges on pure Phazon in the Phazon Leviathan. The reduced leakage of Phazon due to the Chozo Shield, combined with the Metroid's innate absorption-based biology, allow it to consume more than any other Phazon Guardian in history. It undergoes mass mutation and evolution, gaining intelligence, engineering capability, reproductive abilities and other unknown qualities. It becomes the most advanced and dangerous Metroid in the universe.
-The events of Metroid 1 occur. The Space Pirates flee to Tallon IV, bringing with them their Metroids discovered on SR-388. Samus Aran follows and the events of Metroid Prime 1 occur, with Samus decimating the Space Pirate forces. Samus fulfills the Chozo Prophecy (with the help of the Chozo Ghosts, who eventually recognise her coming) and enters the Impact Crater.
-Samus Aran defeats Metroid Prime. Due to its incredibly advanced biology, the creature grabs her Phazon suit in its death throes, and regenerates using its shell and the human DNA within.
-Metroid Prime develops a human-level consciousness and emotional intelligence. It begins to understand the universe and her role in it. It is also overpowered by its desire for Phazon, and senses the presence of the material on Aether. It travels there to voraciously consume the substance.
-The events of Metroid Prime 2 occur. After barely surviving its duel with Samus on Aether, Metroid Prime realises that it is the only one of its kind. It also comes to understand (from assimilated Space Pirate intelligence) that the only stable Metroid inhabited ecosystem is that on SR-388, and Space Pirate High Command strongly suspects that the Galactic Federation will employ Samus to commit a full-scale genocide of the Metroid race. With these concerns in mind, Metroid Prime dedicates herself to the preservation of her species, and hopefully one day elevate her kin to her advanced intelligence.
-Metroid Prime forms a plan. She understands from experience, observation and Space Pirate assimilated information, that Phazon seems to provide an efficient and successful breeding ground for Metroids. She resolves to make more Phazon worlds.
-Metroid Prime uses the Phazon absorbed on Aether to develop a powerful telepathic mind-control ability, and mentally ensnares a Space Pirate Homeworld. She commands their forces to obtain an Aurora Unit, and uses Space Pirate research to locate the Phazon planet of Phaaze. Metroid Prime travels to Phaaze and inserts Aurora Unit 616 into it, bonding an organic brain to the barely-sentient planet. Using her mind-control technique applied to the organic brain inserted into the world, Metroid Prime directs the planet to accelerate its reproductive cycle, firing out Phazon Leviathans to predetermined targets. These worlds have been carefully chozen due to their similarities to Tallon IV, they are nutrient-rich and full of life to be absorbed for efficient Phazon spread.
-Eventually, hundreds of planets across the universe become infected with Phaaze. They transform into Phazon worlds, in which Metroid Prime spreads Metroids. The Metroids eventually evolve into forms similar to Prime, producing an intelligent and advanced Metroid race that dominates the universe. Metroid Prime wins, and is no longer alone.
-The events of Metroid Prime 3 occur. Samus turns up and goes apeshit, destroys the Phazon Guardians, destroys the Leviathans, invades the Space Pirate Homeworld, destroys Phaaze, destroys Dark Samus, destroys Aurora Unit 616, and as Metroid Prime foresaw (and the events of Metroid 2 depict), Samus travels to SR-388 to commit a genocide against the entire Metroid race.
If we consider this as an explanation for Metroid Prime's motives, she becomes a more understandable figure. Her hatred of Samus is not due to some sort of shallow rivalry, more the understanding that Samus will one day travel to the Metroid Homeworld and mercilessly exterminate Prime's species.
Shane Mielke keeps a portfolio of all the official websites he's designed archived on his site, including more than a few for Nintendo. The official Metroid Trivia and Metroid Prime Pinball sites are mirrored there, and sites for other Nintendo games that have been long since offline at their Nintendo-hosted URLs.
Hey there, mama. Thanks for crediting us. We really appreciate it. We just did a headline a few days ago about all these threads.
I just wanted to point out (I don't think anyone else did) that if you look at these final boss concepts for Dark Samus, it's actually quite similar to the final boss in Metroid Prime 3. Samus sinks into AU313, that's plugged into Phaaze at this point, and then begins to control it directly. They're very similar concepts.
I'm also pretty sure they reused some of the code, or possibly the old rig from Flagghra since their shapes are very similar.
This could have been so much better than the final boss fight with Dark Samus that we end up getting in Prime 2. I can only guess that the power of Game Cube wasn't enough to implement such awesomeness into the game and that's way the final and much more epic boss fight was scraped and scaled down by a lot. I really hope that we'll see something like this in Prime 4.
This could have been so much better than the final boss fight with Dark Samus that we end up getting in Prime 2. I can only guess that the power of Game Cube wasn't enough to implement such awesomeness into the game and that's way the final and much more epic boss fight was scraped and scaled down by a lot. I really hope that we'll see something like this in Prime 4.
I dunno, it looks epic but you could conceivably do it on the Gamecube with some skilled modeling and art direction. I'd guess at time and budget constraints if anything.