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My son wants an Xbox One


Gold Member
My 8 year old son wants an Xbox One for xmas (not even Series S|X) even though we already have both a PS4 Pro and PS5 with quite a large library of games.

He says he's better at Crash Bandicoot on Xbox than Playstation.

What should I do?

Get him an adaptor and xbox pad then sub to PS+ Extra for Crash Bandicoot 4. if he still complains then that line about being better at the game is him trying to say something else.
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Yeah, as stated above, if you don’t need a disc drive then the Series S is way better than a One. But I guess a One would be cheaper if you bought it 2nd hand and you could get some games on disc for pretty cheap I’d say. But if your son wants a newer game that’s only on Xbox in the future then there’s a good chance as time goes on that the One may not have many of the newer games that will be released.


I second the Series S suggestion. I was in the same situation recently, I needed an additional Xbox mostly for media apps and playing Apex Legends and an Xbox One would have done the job. But the little price different with the S makes the upgrade more logical since it does everything the One does but better (only reason to stay on previous gen would be to use the few remaining Kinect games/features, really)
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Ask me about my fanboy energy!

No Offense REALLY NO OFFENSE, but I Think you Should Delete This Video but if Not THE CAN OF WORMS IS NOW OPENED!!!!!!!! I HAD TO STEP IN SO HERE IT GOES!!! This is The Classic Excuse of Liberal Generation Z I Do not Understand why Anybody would claim Bill Gates Console and To Relate being a xbox fan is American Wich The people on the Left Are Not for America The Gamers for America Are Not Xbox Supporters Only Playstation Fans Who Support President Trump can Say it Was Their First Gaming Console and Relate To Being a PlayStation Fan to being a Patriot American Claiming The Truth About Xbox is in a Bible Stand Point Xbox is The Mark Of The Beast and Those Who Support Xbox are saying The Support X Marks The Spot The Mark Of The Beast on The Right Hand and Forehead and will Join The people on The Left Against Jesus Christ You Can't Tell xbox fans Anything of my inpute They have to See It for Themselves if Not I Think Xbox Supporters will Use Xbox to Put it as Jesus Christ But Really are Worshipping the Antichrist Agenda Every xbox fan thinks this same thing And This is Further From The Truth He does Not Present a Conclusion based upon Rashional Thinking instead this is based On Politics in Gaming I Suggest This Goes Even Further, White Liberal School Teachers have Programed him to The Frequency of Satan And The Antichrist Spirt is What He Sounds like a The same White Liberals who can't Comprehend that Your Not American for Having a Xbox first gaming console and some how Relate this to what being an American What Next your going to Say you follow the Bible and Jesus Christ? This Sounds more like What White Liberal Jews Would say, I Support Only Conservative Jews for Jesus Christ And He needs to hear that he is Being Led Astray by The Devil at the Liberal Public Schools like what I say or Not but in Your Hearts Of Hearts (YOU KNOW!) WWE Paul Hey Man Scream, I'm Telling People like him The Truth to Drop your Xbox, it's Bad for Ya just like George Carlin Said in his Comedy Liberal Republicans or Biased Democrats I have talked to are the only fools who I have seen to Glorify a Gaming Console above Jesus Christ in The Holy Bible The Worship of Computers is What The Mark Of The Beast is and Means I don't believe in the comments here that support this Antichrist Gaming Console, I Don't Care Not Only his opinion but those who Support Xbox Do Not Speak for My Fanship of Playstation or America, Xbox Supporters hate America You Would Think Democrats would Support Playstation being they Always Got there Nose Overseas for Emeny Countries like China who both Playstation and Xbox are made and assembled in I Conclude The Console Wars to The Battle of Armageddon, The Last War of Man And The Battle Of Good and Evil The Last War in Heaven, Xbox Supporters For Evil The Mark of The Beast and Playstation Good Supporters of The Light Of Jesus Christ, His 2ND Coming The Mark Of GOD IN HEAVEN Revelations 21:4 For My Reasons, I Will NEVER Support Any Generation Who Sides With Satan and his Unholy Companies in Gaming Besides I Will Not Take The opinion of Generation Z Who Ate Tide Pods, ALL CREDITABILITY IS GONE PAL!!! You can't have An Opinion about Playstation Products And Another Thing In Genius After Michael The Ark Angle Throwed Satan to Hell Satan's Face was So Horrible and Hideous Then Tricked Adam And Eve into Biting The Apple To Rebel Against God saying "You Can Do As You Please" And The Golden Calf That Was Worshiped When Mosses came down from the Mountain to See All people Worshiping False God's and Golden Calf This is Really Disheartening and American People should Homeschool to Stop the Liberal indoctrination This is more Like MK ULTRA what Xbox Supporters are Supporting All the Worst Traits that Can't get a Person into Heaven Without Great Great Great Repentance Turn Away from xbox Sin, people and So what Both Companies in America have More Employees and Bosses who are Liberal Democrats, This is My Opinion based Solely Upon The American Constitution and Besides being a xbox supporter you Can't Claim you Support America and You can't call yourself An American when the Democrats are Responsible for Slavery And Started The Civil War Prager U Youtube Channel Game OVER!!! GLORIFY THE JESUS CHRIST IN THE HOLY BIBLE!!!!!!!!
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For questions like this we really should be encouraging households to go for multiple platforms. For one, this is a gaming enthusiast forum and secondly to get rid of fanboyism.

To answer OP's questions. Get your son a Xbox. A Series console. With Gamepass and PS Extra you'll have access to such a huge library of games.


Someone is messing with his head.
My son was around 3/4 years old when my wifes aunt (who was his nanny), started brainwashing my kid. One day he was playing some football in the backyard, and i thought i heard him say Porto wtf! So i went to check out on it, and there he was _ kicking the ball against the wall and shouting Porto goal, Porto goal!
... I never tried to influence my sons club preference before, but shit, since that day I was 24/7 all over him with everything that would make him feel the love for Benfica like his father, and his grandfather, and his great grandfather before him! And soon he was a devoted and hardened SLB supporter, a true Red Devil.

Wish you the best OP in this hard times, be safe.
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That really is a terrible reason to buy a console. But if you have to then buy a series s, no reason to get an XBO unless you really want to use discs.


Maybe he really just hates the Playstation controller. Buy him a third party Playstation controller with an Xbox stick configuration.

Also, not all kids get what they want, so there's no reason to give in to his demands. When I was a kid I wanted an AM/FM stereo boombox with a tape cassette player, but I got a mono 8-track shoebox tape recorder instead, AND I TURNED OUT JUST FREAKING FO9INE.
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My 8 year old son wants an Xbox One for xmas (not even Series S|X) even though we already have both a PS4 Pro and PS5 with quite a large library of games.

He says he's better at Crash Bandicoot on Xbox than Playstation.

What should I do?
If your kid wants an Xbox and you are willing to buy it, for the sake of God and our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, buy and Xbox Series S, not Xbox One.


My 8 year old son wants an Xbox One for xmas (not even Series S|X) even though we already have both a PS4 Pro and PS5 with quite a large library of games.

He says he's better at Crash Bandicoot on Xbox than Playstation.

What should I do?
Get the Series S. He won't know the difference. Games all say Xbox one anyway. He's 8. He thinks that game he likes is on that system and he wants said system only. He doesn't know any better. You can tell him it's an Xbox One, but a super version.


Gold Member
My 8 year old son wants an Xbox One for xmas (not even Series S|X) even though we already have both a PS4 Pro and PS5 with quite a large library of games.

He says he's better at Crash Bandicoot on Xbox than Playstation.

What should I do?

Sounds like a case of spoilt brat syndrome to be honest if he already has access to the game in question.

Personally I wouldn't get him anything unless he can provide reasons that actually make sense (e.g. He wants to play some games that aren't accessible on the platforms you already have in the home). If not you're potentially setting the stage for a world of issues going forwards.

Just my two cents.


A One S will do just fine. No 8-12 year old will notice and/or be bothered by the difference in graphical fidelity. You can get it for dirt cheap too.

A Series S would be a purchase more worthwhile if you're looking at current-gen exclusives. But I don't think we'll be seeing those for his age any time soon. And then there's also cloud streaming which worked great for me when trying out Scorn (current-gen exclusive) on my dad's One S, but you'll need a stable connection for that.


Can’t Git Gud
wtf, do kids nowadays not talk about always online DRM and what Don Mattrick did? kids these days...
Kids are stupid.
But also it's how propaganda works and how we get born into shitty system and there is no comparison.
That's why Russians believe Nato is attacking. They were born to propaganda. Even the oldest russians don't remember times when it was NOT propaganda.


Can’t Git Gud
how have you linked this to propaganda exactly
how it is not?
First, everyone was angry that games have always online drm.
Then everyone accepted it because years passed by. You think 10yo boy every thinks it could be different? that he could own anything?!
Same will be with sub services.


Gold Member
Do you have a baguette?



I mean Series S or One X would be my advice if you don't want to splurge for a Series X.

Also, solid proof which sticks are better :messenger_smirking:
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Get him a series X, and I'm sure you can enjoy it too. (Or use it as excuse to have another system in the house)

Plus you can enjoy cheaper disc games too!

That being said, buying an Xbox for a game you can already play, might open the flood gates and expectations to get his own way going forwards. 🤷‍♂️
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