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My son wants an Xbox One


0G M3mbeR
The “can play better” comment from him likely comes from kids at school from someone that owns an old xbox one. My daughter went through a phase at that age where she wanted to like everything her friends had even thought she later admitted she didn’t like some things and just wanted to fit in (there was a huge Billie Elish phase who she now “hates”). There isn’t anything wrong with that, but the specific ask for an almost decade old system is pretty telling to me.

If you are going to go that route, get a series S, but be prepared for some slight disappointment until you show him that the system is not only the same, but much better..
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how it is not?
First, everyone was angry that games have always online drm.
Then everyone accepted it because years passed by. You think 10yo boy every thinks it could be different? that he could own anything?!
Same will be with sub services.
oh. my post was a joke post. didn't expect anyone to take it seriously.


Gold Member
There's only one correct response, OP:



My 8 year old son wants an Xbox One for xmas (not even Series S|X) even though we already have both a PS4 Pro and PS5 with quite a large library of games.

He says he's better at Crash Bandicoot on Xbox than Playstation.

What should I do?
Buy him another playstation so he can get even better.
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Dick Jones

Gold Member
Regarding being better at Crash on Xbox than PS, how would he know if there is no Xbox in the house. Could it likely be that a friend has one (Xbone) and he wants to play online with his friend. That would explain wanting a last gen console over the newer versions and possibly thinking he needs an Xbone to play with Xbone owners online. Talk to the child about other uses and see if it is based on friends already in the Xbox ecosystem
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the Xbox One/One S is a piece of shit... I wouldn't buy that thing under any circumstances nowadays.

get a Series S
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Gold Member
Get the Series S. He won't know the difference. Games all say Xbox one anyway. He's 8. He thinks that game he likes is on that system and he wants said system only. He doesn't know any better. You can tell him it's an Xbox One, but a super version.
James Franco GIF

This is terrible advice. We all had parents or grandparents pull the “he/she won’t know the difference” card at one point. Nobody who had that experience ever forgot it. Nobody likes that.
Kids that age know every single facet of what they’re asking for, usually much better than their parents. He’s 8, talk to him about this and try to understand the real reason behind his request.


My 8 year old son wants an Xbox One for xmas (not even Series S|X) even though we already have both a PS4 Pro and PS5 with quite a large library of games.

He says he's better at Crash Bandicoot on Xbox than Playstation.

What should I do?
He's your son, get him what he wants or tell him no?

The stanboyism is killing any innovation these companies have to make because they know you'll drink the same tap water labeled premium by them.
My 8 year old son wants an Xbox One for xmas (not even Series S|X) even though we already have both a PS4 Pro and PS5 with quite a large library of games.

He says he's better at Crash Bandicoot on Xbox than Playstation.

What should I do?
get the series S

Ev1L AuRoN

I would do what my parents would in that situation:
1- Ask don't you already have a PS5?
2- Make him choose between the two platform.
3- If he really wants an XBOX, sell the PS5 and buy him a Series X

I'm not against having multiple consoles, but I think it's important to do so on their own cash.

Call me old school, but I believe that it's important not to spoil our kids, or else, you will end up with a 30-year-old that don't want to leave the home...


did you explain to him that the cpu is trash on Xbox 1 ? clearly you are failling as a father.

Jaguar cores.... that is soooo 2012....

quit living in the past...


Reverse groomer.
weird kid, but uhh if he's better on Xbox than Playstation it has to do with the controller. Get him an asymmetrical PS controller or alternatively get an adapter and an xbox controller.

If he really wants to get one for his friends though then get him a series S, it's only 200 bucks these days

also, why the fuck is no one mentioning that an 8 year old in the year 2022 is playing crash bandicoot? that's a fucking classic, anyone saying this guy is a bad parent is out of their fucking mind


There have to be third party ps5 controllers that look like the one for xbox one?

And never on any condition buy him Xbox One. I say that as someone who's had it since day one and enjoyed it for what it was. That is like buying abacus instead of using a calculator app.
My girlfriend bought an Xbox hat for my son.

What should I do? Cut his head if he wears it? Or Burn the hat while I tell him about the great battles of the console wars?


Do nothing. What he says make no sense at all. Let the kid learn he can't always get what he wants.
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The only upside to going One X/S over a Series S is having UHD blueray.. if he's not using that I see no reason not to go Series S.
personally when it comes to kids, Xbox + gamepass is just the best..
I got a PS5 2 weeks back and while it has a lot to offer me, not seeing much for my kid.


Gold Member
You do not have to buy your child more stuff just because they want it. Tell him to enjoy what he has.
Probably wants his own console because his parents are hogging the PS5 and he's tired of the worn out hand-me-down PS4. He knows dad won't take over his Xbox.
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Gold Member
Can't you just get him one of those adapters that allow you to use an Xbox controller on a Ps4/5?
I know kids aren't particularly rational but what other reason could he have to be "better at crash on Xbox" other than a controller preference?


Gold Member
Can't you just get him one of those adapters that allow you to use an Xbox controller on a Ps4/5?
I know kids aren't particularly rational but what other reason could he have to be "better at crash on Xbox" other than a controller preference?
He’s just coming off as very precocious console warrior.
My 8 year old son wants an Xbox One for xmas (not even Series S|X) even though we already have both a PS4 Pro and PS5 with quite a large library of games.

He says he's better at Crash Bandicoot on Xbox than Playstation.

What should I do?
Tell him you got 99 problems but an Xbox ain't One.

On a serious note - tell him you got something better and newer that still plays Xbox One games and purchase the Series X.
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James Franco GIF

This is terrible advice. We all had parents or grandparents pull the “he/she won’t know the difference” card at one point. Nobody who had that experience ever forgot it. Nobody likes that.
Kids that age know every single facet of what they’re asking for, usually much better than their parents. He’s 8, talk to him about this and try to understand the real reason behind his request.
I have an 8 year old and I deal with this on a daily basis. I didn't tell him to lie to his kid. The kid wants the game because he played it on the Xbox one, so he wants that experience. He's still getting the same Xbox One game but on a better Xbox One, the Series S. Still the same dashboard and OS. Same experience but enhanced and modern hardware. So he can tell him it's the same thing but a new version.

It's not like I told him to get a Switch and tell him it's an Xbox portable.
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