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My son wants an Xbox One

Jesus christ. I imagine this how @bryank parents raised him.

Who gives a shit if he wants to play with his friend or prefers the controller?

If you can't afford it the kid will understand, if you can and choose to be an asshole like this, I have no words.

I imagine you'd be seething in the corner when the kid still chose Xbox and you heard him having fun without his PS.
Clearly you dont know Jack shit about parenting.
I have 2 kids and they are wanting for NOTHING!

You're so oblivious I'm not even going to try and explain it.
Its about managing expectations and telling No. They wont have a life long trauma you know.... Its not about personal preference either.

All you are doing is being narrow minded, talking about a subject you dont have ANY knowledge of, making assumptions and yet I am the bad guy?

Man, GFY, seriously.....
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Yes, that's gonna teach her a lesson! I assume she will see why her ways are just plain wrong!
She just refuses to see beyond the plastic box!
Let the hat burn on his head while you tell him about the great battles of the console wars.
Ok, you should see an article un the news with a title like this:

Father saves his son from Xbox despite best efforts from firemen and police.
Mom is held by child protection services for children molestation for questions about the Xbox hat.

At least this is what I think will happen when the police gets here and I call the local news to report my story.

Too late for an abortion?
It depends what state you live in, as long as the kid interfers with the mother's bodily freedom or shows any kind of dependency she can abort legally.
Jesus christ. I imagine this how @bryank parents raised him.

Who gives a shit if he wants to play with his friend or prefers the controller?

If you can't afford it the kid will understand, if you can and choose to be an asshole like this, I have no words.

I imagine you'd be seething in the corner when the kid still chose Xbox and you heard him having fun without his PS.
What kind of a genius are you? Have you ever been around kids?

Calling someone a hole because they don't want to buy a games console? That has to be the worst take I heard. You don't even need a reason to refuse to buy something like that to a kid... And they already have two consoles in the house, which is a luxury in and of itself.


4-Time GIF/Meme God
Eight years doesn't know that much, bro. You have to teach how the SX is an investment in comparison. He will see how greater it is and he will come around
What kind of a genius are you? Have you ever been around kids?

Calling someone a hole because they don't want to buy a games console? That has to be the worst take I heard. You don't even need a reason to refuse to buy something like that to a kid... And they already have two consoles in the house, which is a luxury in and of itself.
Leave him be. He clearly has no fucking clue.... It's like a mailman joining a conversation on Rocket Science.....
Might be simpler to disown him for letting the side down.

I'm joking of course. We got a controller for our little boy that's third party but it's better for his hands. Now he can hold the pad properly so it's not an issue. But with the cost of living going up the way it is, the cost of a pad vs a new console is the way I'd go. Because keep in mind you'd have all the subscription cost to pay for in addition.


the lion king nba GIF


Some updates..

* We have Crash1-4 + CTR on Playstation already so its not like he can't play them.

* The PS5 is mine and he's pretty much not allowed to play it except for together with me. He had pretty much occupied my PS4 so now I've got my own place to play.

* He likes platformers so I was planning on getting him a Switch for xmas. He has never had his own console, just used mine, and I vividly remember getting my first one as an xmas present when I was 7. He said he didn't want a Switch though so fuck that.

* It turned out he wanted an Xbox One due to the controller stick placement (and as mentioned probably some cool kid at school). I could just get him a PS controller with alternative placements, but the more important question is:

Who the fuck plays Crash Bandicoot with sticks instead of dpad?
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Writes a lot, says very little


All joking aside, I'd get a Series S and just plug in the XONE controller or something.

DryvBy DryvBy lol I would lie too.
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Does he want one to keep in his room or something? Unless there's some sort of actual reason just tell him no, I like the controller better is a frivolous reason to drop several hundred dollars on a console


* It turned out he wanted an Xbox One due to the controller stick placement (and as mentioned probably some cool kid at school). I could just get him a PS controller with alternative placements, but the more important question is:

Who the fuck plays Crash Bandicoot with sticks instead of dpad?
Mystery solved, just get him an Xbox controller and a PS4 adapter.
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Gold Member
Is there some sort of Xbox exclusive he wants to play or something? Apparently not.
And you would expect he simply doesn't have the ability to discover what he likes? He's a kid. His experience is likely limited at best right now. He may get the S for one reason and discover gamepass, which honestly might save his dad a crap ton of money. Your arguments are simply that because the kid has a PS4, not even current gen and that he doesn't know what exclusives he wants, as if he knows all the exclusives that are available, this basically disqualifies another ecosystem. Are you listening to yourself? So obviously biased and opposed to letting the kid explore anything other than Playstation. Absolutely disgusting.
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And you would expect he simply doesn't have the ability to discover what he likes? He's a kid. His experience is likely limited at best right now. He may get the S for one reason and discover gamepass, which honestly might save his dad a crap ton of money. Your arguments are simply that because the kid has a PS4, not even current gen and that he doesn't know what exclusives he wants, as if he knows all the exclusives that are available, this basically disqualifies another ecosystem. Are you listening to yourself? So obviously biased and opposed to letting the kid explore anything other than Playstation. Absolutely disgusting.
Dude it's normal for kids to use hand me down consoles from dads or older brothers. I don't know what kind of childhood you had but a child has no god-given right to a new video game console at the start of the generation.


Gold Member
Dude it's normal for kids to use hand me down consoles from dads or older brothers. I don't know what kind of childhood you had but a child has no god-given right to a new video game console at the start of the generation.
Yea that's cool. So because it's normal, means you gate them to that experience? My childhood was that I chose my console, I waited til Christmas and maybe my folks would by it for me. That was until I was 13, when I decided to buy N64 with my own money I saved up. great story n all, but I don't see how that's relevant to this. Just because that was my experience I'm not suggesting to D dwish to make his kid save up his allowance if he wants an Xbox One, so this is irrelevant.

OP is considering what he should do. Which means he's not saying outright "NO". The kid's reasoning for wanting an Xbox One is, well, insufficient, IMO. However, if I was his parent I would get him an S for some specific reasons.

#1. Kid says he plays Crash better on the Xbox controller. He's a kid, whatever, let him have that.
#2. Kid will now have a chance to discover other types of games he would like
#3. The S is a great entry level console with a low barrier of entry.
#4. Value proposition of gamepass, saving D dwish potentially hundreds of dollars over however long he's subscribed, should he choose to subscribe. Shit's still $1 for the first month right now.
#5. Sense of ownership and a teaching moment. Kid now has his own console, current gen. If Dad plays it right he can teach him the importance of taking care of his own shit. Best way to do this is to make a deal with the kid. "Hey son, I know you want the Xbox One, but you know we already have a PS4 and a PS5. I'll tell you what, let's make a deal. Let's get the XSS, it's yours, but you gotta take care of it. Controllers put away before bed, make sure your room's clean...etc...etc. Let it be a bargaining chip.

That's how my Dad taught me anyways. If I wanted something bad enough, be willing to sacrifice something for it, time, money or effort. Makes you appreciate your property.

That should address your "God-given" theory you pulled out of thin air.
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