Was I right, or was I right?Maybe she said something about her feelings for him, and Sauce kills her emotionaly
fuck SasuSaku
Was I right, or was I right?Maybe she said something about her feelings for him, and Sauce kills her emotionaly
fuck SasuSaku
It's out now.
Sakura dying was a genjutsu Sasuke used on her. And SasuSaku is 100% dead in the dirt.
Was I right, or was I right?
I'm partially amazed he didn't actually physically kill her lol.
Sasuke better not fucking prattle on next week. Kishi's got 6 regular chapters and 1 extra long final chapter to wrap this shit up if he wants to top off at 700.
I doubt we'll see them fight next week.
This really was not worth the wait.
yeah I'm expecting a mostly talking chapter again...
Dude this fight is not going to start till Nov
yeah I'm expecting a mostly talking chapter again...
Don't even say that.
The best we can hope for is a clash on the final page I guess.
This is frustrating af.
what? it's the exact opposite.Oh well, at least SasuSaku has died in a garbage fire once and for all.
Inb4 some derranged soul claims that since sasuke didnt actually killed her it means he loves her deep down...
Sasuke better not fucking prattle on next week. Kishi's got 6 regular chapters and 1 extra long final chapter to wrap this shit up if he wants to top off at 700.
what? it's the exact opposite.
Suit your self I'm in not race to see Naruto finish. Plus I really want to know what Sasuke wants
Dude, no way this is ending in 7 chapters, come on lol. Best case scenario is a decisive final attack at ch 700. The aftermath and epilogue remains after that. I'm thinking a finish at 715 chapters at least.
So narusaku will happen because Sakura got friendzoned? Kinda shitty for naruto being a second option.
sasuke is basically emotionally dead and she will be the one that changes that.Nah, Sauce put like 25 nails in that coffin and poured concrete over it after power-bombing the thing 6 feet deep. It's dead as dead gets.
Why Sakura? There is Karin.sasuke is basically emotionally dead and she will be the one that changes that.
i bet she ends up getting those feeling back when he ends up crying and apologizing for treating her like crap.Even if Sasuke still cares for Sakura deep down, I don't see it happening. This chapter, if anything, was the final nail in the coffin for SasuSaku.
Why Sakura? There is Karin.
i bet she ends up getting those feeling back when he ends up crying and apologizing for treating her like crap.
Or they can't believe it.Seems like Tumblr hasn't read the chapter yet, what a shame I wanted to drink the tears.
sasuke is basically emotionally dead and she will be the one that changes that.
You mean Naruto.
Naruto seemed to handle himself pretty well this chapter. He was annoyed Sasuke used a genjutsu on Sakura but aside from that he was pretty calm, especially the way he reminded Kakashi of his promise to Sakura, which I find odd because Sakura already relinquished him from that promise (a number of times), and he said around the Kage Summit arc this motivations for saving Sasuke wasn't the only reason he had.
Lol go sasuke....if only he really did kill Sakura :/...kinda disappointing it was just a genjutsu
But yeah Sakura confirmed worst character in the series ho still loves the dick that tries to kill her.
Argh, another setup chapter after a break.
Still doesn't make up for the two attempts to kill her before, but I'm glad that was just Genjutsu.
Yes, lots of people decided the promise has been called off. But that was never in Naruto's character.
Yeah i remember itachi giving something.I predict Itachi is going to come out of Naruto again. AKA a second crow to try and talk to Sasuke.