I wonder what Weekly ShonenAxe is going to do now
Never forget Hungry Joker
Maybe Naruto will curb stomp Sasuke if there is only 5 chapters left.
It's exactly how I feel, feeling quite emotional about it actually. Tears will be shed no doubt in the last issue.So weird to have a 15 year chapter of a life closing.
Manga lasts for 15 years, rush the ending in 5 weeks.. that's some fucked up logic.
I hope we get a massive 50 page last chapter at least....
You are.
Last chapter is reportedly 37+ pages plus some bonus content.
You are.
Last chapter is reportedly 37+ pages plus some bonus content.
seems so. according to the assistant its due to the vol limit (around 10 chaps each) to end at vol 72.
the very last chap, #699 might be longer tho.
i donno kishs assistant said he has to find a new assistant job.
he on the other hand said "narutos ending but not really (shouldnt touch this!!(lol))"
n "too early for a sequel"
I don't see what's so great about the animation in the Obito vs. Kakashi episode. Looks way too washed out, and doesn't even look like Kishi.
It's extremely high quality animation and was one of the best animated fights in the shows history.
The washed out look is the animators style of colouring.
You're probably used to the 5 frames a minute panning treatment Naruto usually get.
Yeah that Naruto,
Twitter account of one of Kishi's assistants.
And according to takl (translator) from NF, basically chapters will be longer by 2 pages and then we get the final chapter and an extra. But it's not clear if the two of them combined are 39 pages. The reason for only 2 pages
also, another thing the assistant wrote
if the anime did the obito/kakashi fight that amazing justice, I'm sure they'll deliver on this so we will have that at least. But yeah we're going to have to see the length of some of these chapters.Really, why is he rushing it? This is one of the few fights that he should take his time on. Seeing everything both characters have learned and apply it to the biggest fight yet. Making it 5 chapters plus a extra long one is kind of cheap.
Why not just do ten chapters? 5-8 for the fight itself and 2-3 for a mini epilogue for the movie. Even then I'd say it was a bit rushy.
In terms of the manga, what is the 'best' shortest fight?
Wait the whole manga is going to end in the next 5 chapters? D:
The Naruto vs Sasuke fight in part 1 was like 7 chapters on its own!
VotE part 1 counting the opening, Sasuke backstory and conclusion was 17 chapters. Counting only the pure fighting chapters it was around 8-9.
Knowing this whole thing ends in 5, the longest case scenario for this fight is if it ends in the final chapter. But we need a proper conclusion for this war, cancellation of IT, aftermath, then the epilogue. So realistically maybe the fight will last 3-4 chapters.
In terms of the manga, what is the 'best' shortest fight?
I don't usually fan art but I had to do a sketch
Is over guys, end of an era.
you can always read hxhGuess I'm moving to One Piece.
Guess I'm moving to One Piece.
you can always read hxh
Not much hate going on here, unless you mean the other thread. That's why I haven't posted in it. I just like discussing things with the big fans here where the haterade is kept to a minimum while still criticizing nicely and still enjoying things.All the Naruto hate makes me sad. It has some genuine heart touching moments to be hated on.
Not much hate going on here, unless you mean the other thread. That's why I haven't posted in it. I just like discussing things with the big fans here where the haterade is kept to a minimum while still criticizing nicely and still enjoying things.
All the Naruto hate makes me sad. It has some genuine heart touching moments to be hated on.
Not much hate going on here, unless you mean the other thread. That's why I haven't posted in it. I just like discussing things with the big fans here where the haterade is kept to a minimum while still criticizing nicely and still enjoying things.
It's generally like that too across the interwebs. If you mention Naruto, you automatically awaken the hate train. Some even question your intelligence, suggesting that Naruto is for those taht are not very intelligent. I honestly don't even find it that bad. Perhaps it's my bias but I generally don't agree with some of the faults pinned against it.It's why I'm so happy we have this exclusive Naruto Manga thread. The main manga thread gets so fucking elitist and smug sometimes, it smothers any possible discussion. Without fail it always turns into a competition of who can shit on Naruto the most. As if it's the only piece of fiction going on this long that has had ups and downs. Despite that, the "haters" keep reading it anyway. Really makes it look like a symptom of 'the cool thing to hate on' syndrome.
For everything that's happened, both good and crazy, it's been one hell of a ride.
The akatsuki who manipulated Sasuke, who manipulated Karin, who manipulated unknown character #53.The other thread did remind me that Kaguya's appearance was utterly pointless and robbed us of Madara actually being defeated, though. We still don't know what her motivations were, and Black Zetsu just cheapens everything even further. Madara's reach and influence were already past suspension of disbelief ("I corrupted Obito on purpose" was dumb), now you want us to believe Black Zetsu manipulated Madara who manipulated Obito who manipulated Pain who manipulated Akatsuki?
I forgot Sasuke dropped his sword in the lava during the Kaguya battle. Hope that means he and Naruto will have some hand-to-hand fighting for a bit, I've missed that.