What would a part 3 even entail? What big bad could be powerful enough to threaten Naruto or Sasuke? Anyone that can do anything to Naruto and Sauske are either dead or sealed away in another dimension that you can't get to.
I really doubt there's going to be a part 3.
Kishi has been dragging out shit for years, and then comes the main event finally comes around and he rushes it. I can't imagine a good conclusion to this battle and the entire Damn manga in 5 chapters unless we get an unnaturally long chapter. Hell, the battle hasn't even really started.
Kishi should redo the whole series as a Senien manga. We've had 15 years worth of Shonen.
And get Studio Shaft to animate the Senien series![]()
5 weeks!? The epic final fight in cancelled?
.Part 3 sci fi naruto based around a kunoichi who lives in the rain village
If the last chapter is indication, I definitely do not foresee a satisfying conclusion to the series. I wonder how many chapters the Talk-no-Jutsu will span.I don't know if it's possible for a satisfying end in just 5 chapters from where we are right now. At least that's how I feel.
Have they still not revealed if Anko is dead or alive?
Biggest fight in the Manga, the aftermath, the epilogue, all in 5 chapters? Fuck, either this is going to be rushed as hell, or they're setting up for part 3. Far, farrr too many things that need proper leg room before we see this epic come to a close. Hopefully it wraps with an extra long chapter to send it off.
they go to punch each other and completely whiff the punches and start making out.see where you went wrong is assuming sasuke and naruto are fighting right now. actually, they just rushed into kiss each other finalizing the true love story of naruto.
I can see it going beyond 700 chapter
Edit:Nevermind I saw the article
But Please don't do a part 3 Kishimoto
The story is done we don't need a GT on our hands
YupGT wasn't in manga and had nothing to do with Akira right?
Hey so did Saskue ever use that jutsu the first hokage gave him or do you guys assume it will be used in the final fight?
It isn't canon at all just a money pull
But seeing as the Naruto movie is part of a project called the "Opening" Project for a new era I have my fears
It was in the Naruto the LAST MOVIE article announcementHuhh Opening Project? Where did you read that
The Last -Naruto the Movie- will open on December 6. It will be the first Naruto film in two years, and it is part of the larger "Naruto Shin Jidai Kaimaku Project" (Naruto's New Era Opening Project) marking the 15th anniversary of the original manga.
It was in the Naruto the LAST MOVIE article announcement
Road to Ninja and Will of Fire are my personal faves.Talking about the movie, what are the best Naruto movies? Looking for something to watch while the new anime season starts.
This still makes me think there is more than just the movie.