Has Temari done anything notable since Part 1 ended?
Besides the annoyance of constantly shitting on Shikamaru, nope.
Has Temari done anything notable since Part 1 ended?
that's how the girls in naruto express interestBesides the annoyance of constantly shitting on Shikamaru, nope.
The Enton was never actually hotter than the sun, no matter how matter how much of it was ignited upon their focal point. It was just stupid hot, and inextinguishablethat much we've seen.Well to be fair, if it really was hotter than the sun. Itachi would had pretty much evaporated when he used it point blank on the crow on his shoulder. I believe in the focus theory, in which the caster can control the heath by focusing on it. Which makes sense for Sasuke at least.
That was canon; a part of the Kage Summit arc. I thought you meant something with a more prominent role.Hmm, I thought I saw a scene where Sand Team try to fight Sasuke in Shippuden, or was that filler I guess?
terrible teacher? he took scrub sasuke and gave him rock lee speed and chidori in a month, he also helped develop rasenshuriken.
they're in the white room so we're going to see lots of talking/convincing.What do you guys think is going to happen next chapter? we already so Sasuke used his rinnegan switcheroo which it supposed to mean, he now needs to recharge (but I'll buy that he kept saying that because he knew he was going to fight Naruto and wanted to trick him ) Will he use new tecniques? If his Susanoo can use all his regular tecniques, that should be cool. Which means we can get a mega version of Kirin.
they're in the white room so we're going to see lots of talking/convincing.
He basically ignored his other two students. He knows over a 1000 ninjitu and didn't teach them a damned one. He says Sakura is a genjutsu type then proceeds to not teach her any. And he basically pawns Naruto off of on other teachers.
The only skill he showed his students was tree climbing and that consisted of a 10 minute explanation then him peacing out.
Let be honest here dude. Sakura Naruto and Sasuke all learned and grew under the Sannin.
I think it's from a poster. If I'm not wrong.Why couldn't we have Kishi art for the last 3 panels? They pale in comparison to the manga shots.
I think Kakashi will be Hokage because Naruto is leaving at the end to train or learn more about the world.
The move just takes up to much preperation time. He used it on Itachi as a one step ahead kind of move and to counter act Itachi to make sure he couldn't dodge it. To use it he would have to light the area on fire and make clouds to start up weather that could make be thunderstorms.Whatever happened to Kirin? Never seen it again after the Itachi fight.
The move just takes up to much preperation time. He used it on Itachi as a one step ahead kind of move and to counter act Itachi to make sure he couldn't dodge it. To use it he would have to light the area on fire and make clouds to start up weather that could make be thunderstorms.
Naruto better be shown as hokage in the last chapter at least. I didn't listen to kid Naruto shout that he was gonna become hokage for years just for it to not happen.
get ready to be disappointed.
That's because you have be strong AND a good leader. Naruto can do both. And the kid isn't dumb. Just because he doesn't get good grades and doing work isn't his thang doesn't mean he can't learn. That's one thing he is best out. The village respects the shit out of him, the ninja world in general warships him, he is strong as fuck.
He is a no brainer. Don't see how anyone can deny that he wouldn't be a great leader. I could buy that he may be slightly too young but it's coming!
Those are some very indepth and valid points, villiage. But trust me, if you asked Naruto straight out, "Do you want to be Hokage, or become Hokage? He's snap it up in a heartbeat. He's matured greatly, but he's still a kid at heart.
Naruto will save Sasuke, just as he promised Itachi.
Naruto and Kakashi will become hokage, just as Obito told them.
Naruto will break the Hyuuga clan bs, just as he promised Neji.
Naruto will fix up Amegakure and protect it, just as he promised Nagato.
Why couldn't we have Kishi art for the last 3 panels? They pale in comparison to the manga shots.
What's the point of becoming Hokage if Naruto has already gone way beyond that? I feel it's just a silly title at this point, the purpose behind wishing for the Hokage is something he already achieved.
That his goal in life. It would be really crappy if Naruto then acted like being Hokage is suddenly beneath him. That's something Uchihas will do.
This design is so cool. I love it more every time I see it. I mean, the whole traditional Japanese thing he had going on in Shippuden was cool and all, but modern day clothing (at least, sort of) is the look for him.![]()
Okay, this is pretty boss
Naruto going to give up the dream and give it to sasuke as a sign of faith and trust in him. Sasuke will either take it and become Hokage like Madara should have been originally or Sasuke will turn it down because all he wanted to know was that naruto was serious and they become bros and hug.
I don't think he will do any of things.
Nor should he
I just think he will do what he can. Thats all you can do. Epically in the sasuke situation.
Sometimes you don't get what you want. I think thats better lesson to end the series on.
Goddamn... Really puts the scale of the world and characters into perspective. It's a shame so many people love to shit on a series that has managed to world-build to this magnitude. What an insane ride Kishi has taken us on. Time to bring it home.Kakashi becomes hokage.
Naruto and Sasuke meet halfway and save the ninja world. Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura then become like the 3 legendary sannin and roam the ninja world solving problems along the way (cue part 3 anime).
Also don;t know if you guys know about it but this site has brought me to my tears:
Seems like an official compilation of the 15 years of Naruto....