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Naruto Manga Thread (OT) - The End is here

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Sorry, I wasn't clear.

I meant when The Sauce took down the gangster so Suigetsu could get his sword and when he let free those prisoners who Karin was watching over, Suigetsu was telling everyone to spread the word that The Sauce was the one who freed them and took down the gangster.

I felt that could have worked as basis for starting a following for The Sauce, a cult of sorts.

I think it was supposed to lead into a plot involving Sasuke becoming a sort of anti-hero, but Kishimoto mentioned he and his editors decided to take his character in a different direction around the Kage Summit Arc, which is why Sasuke sort of abruptly turns into a psychopath.


I think it was supposed to lead into a plot involving Sasuke becoming a sort of anti-hero, but Kishimoto mentioned he and his editors decided to take his character in a different direction around the Kage Summit Arc, which is why Sasuke sort of abruptly turns into a psychopath.
Do you have a source? I did think it was weird how it seemed Kishimoto was going out of his way to not have Sasuke actually kill people, and then, yeah, no, he's slaughtering samurai left and right...










I really wished that Hinata was the female lead instead of Sakura or something, Sakura feels so meh. Honestly I can account Hinata's uselessness due to the fact that she had little screen time. But Sakura had a huge amount of screen time and I feel she hasn't evolved much. Even at her best she just feels like a direct rip from Tsunade which is a shame since Sakura always felt she was lacking compared to the other characters in her class.

Though I'm mostly saying that because I like Hinata's design more, (Even if the personality was Hinata from Road to Ninja) as well as ability.

It just...hitting things really hard never felt super interesting to me. Doesn't really lead itself to interesting battles. And I would have like to see how the Byakugaun developed if it was actually put on a major character rather then sidelined


^^ I blame the Sharingan. If it wasn't for strong genjutsu ability of the Sharingan that was later developed in the show (hence, making it a corner stone for Sasuke's abilties), I feel Sakura's path would have been a strong genjutsu kunoichi. Currently, she is just a Tsunade 2.0. That would have been fine, except she added nothing new from her own abilities like Sasuke and Naruto did to their techniques learned from their respective masters.

I think Kishi's original setup was:

Naruto- Taijutsu
Sauce- Ninjutsu
Sakura- Genjutsu


I really wished that Hinata was the female lead instead of Sakura or something, Sakura feels so meh. Honestly I can account Hinata's uselessness due to the fact that she had little screen time. But Sakura had a huge amount of screen time and I feel she hasn't evolved much. Even at her best she just feels like a direct rip from Tsunade which is a shame since Sakura always felt she was lacking compared to the other characters in her class.

Though I'm mostly saying that because I like Hinata's design more, (Even if the personality was Hinata from Road to Ninja) as well as ability.

It just...hitting things really hard never felt super interesting to me. Doesn't really lead itself to interesting battles. And I would have like to see how the Byakugaun developed if it was actually put on a major character rather then sidelined

Hinata would be written just as badly as Sakura if she was the female lead. It would probably be worse because we'd have to see her fawning over Naruto all the time since the series is based on him, at least we don't have to see Sakura/Sasuke interacting much.

I like the idea that a regular girl like Sakura has advanced as far she she has without any special bloodline or ancestors to level her up whenever it's convenient. Almost all of her flaws can be attributed to shitty writing. She could be doing a lot more than hitting things hard if Kishi wanted to and I can almost guarantee that if Hinata was the female lead she would be relegated to being a seeing eye dog for her team, staying out of the way during battles, clutching her pearls while worrying about Naruto-kun's safety.
Hinata would be written just as badly as Sakura if she was the female lead. It would probably be worse because we'd have to see her fawning over Naruto all the time since the series is based on him, at least we don't have to see Sakura/Sasuke interacting much.

I like the idea that a regular girl like Sakura has advanced as far she she has without any special bloodline or ancestors to level her up whenever it's convenient. Almost all of her flaws can be attributed to shitty writing. She could be doing a lot more than hitting things hard if Kishi wanted to and I can almost guarantee that if Hinata was the female lead she would be relegated to being a seeing eye dog for her team, staying out of the way during battles, clutching her pearls while worrying about Naruto-kun's safety.


Sakura is BY FAR (like not even up for debate) the most wasted potential in the manga.


That's a fair point, really I don't think Sakura or Hinata are good characters, and I only like the later more because of her design.

Hell, we're not even sure if Sakura is better than Tsunade at her ability yet. But it's not just comparing her to the other characters of her team. Shikimaru, Choji, Ino and Kiba all felt they have more interesting abilities even if none of them were for direct combat.

I actually don't know what they are doing with Sakura though. Despite easily being one of the strongest leaf 12. She feels like the least interesting in terms of abilities.

Though that was probably just not giving her enough time to develop
Do people actually think Studio Perriot is shitty? I can't tell if it's hyperbole or not.

They are decent for me
Toei on the other hand is the worst

But still.... you can tell the difference in quality when faced with other top tier studios

An example being when both Studio Perriot and Studio Meer animated The Legend of Korra Book 2
They are decent for me
Toei on the other hand is the worst

But still.... you can tell the difference in quality when faced with other top tier studios

An example being when both Studio Perriot and Studio Meer animated The Legend of Korra Book 2
this scene in the 1st episode for korra book 2 by perriot was amazing though though.

perriot as a whole is pretty mediocre apart from a couple teams and when they hire the top tier animators. but when they do, their shit is really good.

studio perriot is a much larger studio than studio MIR though so obviously skill si stretched thin.

I really love good action animation so I only watch episodes of shippuden when I know the key animators involved(norio matsumoto,hiroyuki yamashita,etc..). because lol why would i watch shippuden otherwise. It looks fucking terrible most of the time. As do most long running manga adaptations that don't take breaks between seasons.

If you guys want consistent god level animation, Space Dandy Season 2 is the best shit I've seen since Tetsuwan Birdy.
lol why do you keep saying studio meer? did they change from mir?

studio 4c is also amazing. Trigger is fantastic too. Every single fucking frame in LWA is amazing. I Love Production I.G too. Tetsuya Nishio is in my top 3.
this scene in the 1st episode for korra book 2 by perriot was amazing though though.

perriot as a whole is pretty mediocre apart from a couple teams and when they hire the top tier animators. but when they do, their shit is really good.

studio perriot is a much larger studio than studio MIR though so obviously skill si stretched thin.

I really love good action animation so I only watch episodes of shippuden when I know the key animators involved(norio matsumoto,hiroyuki yamashita,etc..). because lol why would i watch shippuden otherwise. It looks fucking terrible most of the time. As do most long running manga adaptations that don't take breaks between seasons.

If you guys want consistent god level animation, Space Dandy Season 2 is the best shit I've seen since Tetsuwan Birdy.
You said it yourself, Perriot is stretched to it's limits covering a series as demanding as Naruto (not to mention other projects), so the top talent is allocated sparingly for key episodes. With such a large bulk of work done at that speed, it's only natural for the lapse in quality. That's why I only judge studios by their best output, and not the results of little time/money with a lot of milage to cover. They have no control over that, which is why I think it's unfair to compare them to smaller studios with less on their plate.

And to be honest, the war arc this year has been adapted extremely well all things considered. Taking in the scale of this war, and the over the top events and fights that have and are yet to happen, the quality has been very acceptable. Nothing near the sloppiness of the Team Gai clone fight days at least.


yeah people knock naruto's animation but when there is a big fight they usually go all out. Naruto's best animated fights are truly spectacular, that rock lee and gaara episode is still amazing.
Hinata obsession with Naruto is just like Sakura's obsession with Sasuke or should I say a bit worst? Sakura doesn't think about Sasuke 24/7, while Hinata thinks about Naruto 24/7.

Both of them are terrible. Ino ftw.

yeah people knock naruto's animation but when there is a big fight they usually go all out. Naruto's best animated fights are truly spectacular, that rock lee and gaara episode is still amazing.

They really dropped the ball on a lot of his fights. Especially when he gained BM. The quality was atrocious.
*stolen from narutoforums*
Naruto 696: "A clash of words"

Sasuke: Naruto, why doth thou interlope in my resolveth? Hast thou not supplicate me enough with thine saccharine words?

Naruto: Good sir Sasuke, mine words are not honeyed to veil a malefic intent, only to save thee from...

Sasuke: Govern thy tongue! My will is naught that of knaives but of purest intent.

Naruto: Pure in what sense?! Pray do tell the justification of thine resolveth to baptize 'tis world in a sirocco of blood? Dost thou thinketh of such act as immaculate?!

Sasuke: ....

Naruto: If thou acts on thine misguided judgment, thou will make a mockery of thine elder brother's sacrifice.

Sasuke: Hast thou naught been listening or are thine ears too craven to not have heard? Mine elder brother and kin are but specters of days long past, as thou will soon be at the pointed thrust of mine hand's Chidori.

Naruto: To embrace a serpent is to invite poison into thy veins, art thou so firm in thy shadowy resolute to allow such pain to coil thy heart, eat thy flesh that consumes one's being?

Sasuke: I am made of sterner stuff than thee

Naruto: Thou art mistaken, for mine resolve to save thee from erring is in equal measure adamant.

Sasuke: Enough with 'tis prattle! Draw thy Rasengan and face me in the ephemeral solace of combat, Narutooo!!!

Naruto: Sasuuuukeeeee!!!
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