3 Chapters left right? How the heck is this going to wrap up..
Next chapter Sasuke deliberately drops his guard.
"Now that I finally got you to be serious, the curse of the Uchiha can finally be put to rest... with my life."
the entire fight and speech was a ruse to rile Naruto up and get him to end the curse of the Uchiha, and for Sasuke to die honorably, in battle, and at the hands of his best friend.
Naruto uses his super speed to get to Sasuke before his rasenshurikens, and pushes Sasuke out of the way. Naruto's hand is sliced up by one of his own rasenshurikens in the process.
Sasuke decides to go into seclusion for a while and do some soul searching on what he wants to do with his life - Until recently, he had lived only for revenge, and recently, to end the conflict brought about by the uchiha, and die. He has not thought about a life beyond all that. Naruto decides to travel the world and learn about the other lands. Cue 2 year timeskip and Naruto: The Last.