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Naruto Manga Thread (OT) - The End is here

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Just thought of something because of this chapter. We saw Naruto communicate with his clone via Kurama. Naruto never internally communicated with his clones before. I wonder can he share intel via Kurama as well. Since his BM has 3 heads now, won't that be a pseudo Bakugan/Rinnegan sharing vision?






Just thought of something because of this chapter. We saw Naruto communicate with his clone via Kurama. Naruto never internally communicated with his clones before. I wonder can he share intel via Kurama as well. Since his BM has 3 heads now, won't that be a pseudo Bakugan/Rinnegan sharing vision?

It would be quite a power up.

Anime time:

I have been watching OP 16 a lot lately. I am super pumped for Madara's spot-light mini arc, specifically when he stabs Sasuke. The Sauce has been deserving some smacking for a long time in the anime.

I mean, look at this:


Does he think he is cool or something?

Btw, Itachi needs to be removed from the Obito/Uchiha family gif.


Madara is kawaii

Where did this originate

The good part of the internet.

There's tons more of these. I'll try to find some.
I don't know dude, Danzo is a hugely belligerent dick himself. He probably started half those wars one way or another. He just forgot about it somewhere in between the child kidnapping/ murder, brainwashing, blackmail, and mass murder.


I don't know dude, Danzo is a hugely belligerent dick himself. He probably started half those wars one way or another. He just forgot about it somewhere in between the child kidnapping/ murder, brainwashing, blackmail, and mass murder.

you mean literally the things Mist and Cloud were doing? Lets not forget that Rin was kidnapped by mist and Hinata and kushina were taken by cloud.

Danzo also did the village a favor by plotting the uchiha massacre.



When the story opens, Sakura's ideals are mostly concerned with keeping her promise with Ino and herself to become, as she puts it, a full-fledged ninja. They slowly converge with her desire to free Naruto and Sasuke from their crap karma. Then they do so again with all of her work toward getting the original Team 7 back together. Sakura has also accepted the responsibility of preserving Tsunade's legacy and freeing her of her guilt over the deaths of Dan and Nawaki.

The problem with this is that we rarely get to hear any of that. Almost all of her growth and dialog always revolve around Naruto and Sasuke. It might have been better if we got to see her actually talk about that dream outside that one time. I mean Naruto wants to be Hokage. Sasuke is doing whatever the flavor of the month he wants

After a certain point, Sakura stops talking about her own goals and dreams. This would have been easily solved if sometime during the war when she was healing someone she said a line like. (Well I wanted to be a great medical ninja/Ninja one day) Without even a hint or reference to Sasuke or Naruto


you mean literally the things Mist and Cloud were doing? Lets not forget that Rin was kidnapped by mist and Hinata and kushina were taken by cloud.

Danzo also did the village a favor by plotting the uchiha massacre.

To be fair, two wrongs don't make a right. Though if it wasn't for him Orichmaru wouldn't have been redeemed and Kabuto wouldn't have reached the top 20 ninja's in the world. So in a weird way, he did do some good.

Speaking of that, I wonder what those two are going to do after the war is over?
The Cloud were assholes, the Mist was being controlled by Madara/ Mr. I Can Do Anything. Also other people being assholes doesn't, you know, excuse deliberately kidnapping children and then brainwashing them to kill each other.

It's also a cop-out to say Danzo "solved" anything by having all of the Uchiha killed. Kishimoto had to clumsily write his way out of that corner (Why the Uchiha would want to overthrow the 3rd Hokage, a guy who we've never seen as anything but wise, understanding, and everyone's hero) with the whole CURSE OF HATRED shit and making them all act irrationally.
danzo was a boss, kept shit real. You literally have every village hoping to destroy you and are constantly at war, yet when Danzo plays it even he's a pos. Dude kept it real.

No this shit he pulled on Kabuto and Mother was some foul shit. Danzo, Madara and Black Zetsu are responsible for most of the bad shit that happens in this manga.
you mean literally the things Mist and Cloud were doing? Lets not forget that Rin was kidnapped by mist and Hinata and kushina were taken by cloud.

Danzo also did the village a favor by plotting the uchiha massacre.

Remember that was orchestrated By Madara.



that's basically what happens in 632

It's not unlike how nardo connects becoming hokage to keeping his promise to save sasuke; it's a component part of something larger
That's fine, I was just saying that the fights needed a bit of space in between them. We've had almost constant fight scenes for coming on 4 years now with almost no time to take a breath. It's been like a 4 year old arc and that's way too long.

When Kaguya summoned the big tree was a good spot to have a little arc with Naruto and co busting out of a fake reality like when it happened in Gurren Lagann. It didn't need to be long, just long enough to give us some downtime. That goes double for the war arc, which feels like it never really ended due to a lack of downtime.

Forgive the comparison, but this is where something like One Piece does a good job. After every major arc we're given a bit of a breather to draw down what just happened, build up what's to come and add a little bit more to the overarching plot lines. Naruto hasn't had a moment like this in four years and as a result this fight feels, to me and a few others, rushed and like it has no real impact despite being something the series as a whole had been building up to. We went straight for Kaguya to Sauske with barely a breath in-between.
Completely agree....

and to add, I think One Piece only gets boring because sometimes it's hard to really understand what's filler and what's not. There is definitely some parts that seem to be filler even in the manga like Thriller Bark/Fishmen Island. They just seem to be unnecessarily long for what the end goal of them turn out to be.

But overall, it's sooo much better paced than Naruto it's not even a comparison.



that's basically what happens in 632

It's not unlike how nardo connects becoming hokage to keeping his promise to save sasuke; it's a component part of something larger

I can see that, but at the same time Naruto mentions becoming Hokage without mention Sasuke at times. Like pain, or even to Obito. Saving Sasuke is a part of it, but I never felt like that was the majority of his character even it it's a big part of it.

Every time Sakura wanted to get stronger or do better for herself it was for Sasuke and Naruto. I think outside the conversation Ino and her had they rarely touch upon it. I think the female lead should have a bigger goal or at least a goal that is more upfront.

Though, I'm probably just reading too much into things and shouldn't think too hard about it.


People like Danzō are why the shinobi world is fucked. They're all cogs in a diseased machine that produces countless casualties, of which many become a threat, e.g. Orochimaru, Nagato, Obito, Zabuza, Haku, Itachi, Kabuto, Gaara, and many, many more. That literally become the focal point of Part II. It's why Naruto wants to become Ninja Jesus and change the world for good.

Danzō was a self-serving coward and deserved so much more than the humiliating death he got.


Danzo still has one of the best lines to me at least in the series.

"You are the leaves bathing in the sun. I am the roots that grow in the dark." So good and so true to his character.


you mean literally the things Mist and Cloud were doing? Lets not forget that Rin was kidnapped by mist and Hinata and kushina were taken by cloud.

Danzo also did the village a favor by plotting the uchiha massacre.

In what realm.

We don't even really know if the uchiha's were actually doing dick shit. He could have just made that shit up to get eye ball arms. They he made it as such that sasuke would never know then get murdered by him or either become a terrorist and figure out what happened. But by becoming a terrorits no one would ever believe what the fuck sasuke was saying. And now that he is dead, sasuke's entire family is gone for selfishness legacy gone nothing and no one will ever know what the hell happened and he's all war crazy. I'm surprised sasuke can speak coherent sentences.

By doing that he has created Sasuke " Frank Castle" Uchiha who nothing to fight for and nothing to loose and keeps geting jesus power ups.


Don't get me wrong guys, I agree that Danzo is one of the tru "villain" characters in the manga. Sasuke is on the same route to becoming one like him.


Don't get me wrong guys, I agree that Danzo is one of the tru "villain" characters in the manga. Sasuke is on the same route to becoming one like him.

Eh, sasuke believes he i doing something right, there is a grey area type situation.

Danzo knew what he wanted and was an asshole and knew he was an asshole. Danzo could have given a fuck about greater good.


Danzo is amazing in the sense that he actually became less likable after his death. The shit he did to Kabuto was straight up vile. And I love how the Anime tries to make us feel bad for him.


The Uchiha Massacre was such a huge mistake. It weakened the village by removing one of its strongest assets and it set up the second coming of Madara to turn against it.
I don't get how the Uchiha massacre was a mistake? It was the only way out of that situation with the least amount of casualties. If the Uchiha carried out their plan they would have all died anyway and taken a lot of lives of the leaf village and stain their name for history. Instead, only one member, Itachi, looks bad and less people died. Well madara now too looks bad.

IMO Hiruzen was kidding himself if he thought he could talk it out.
The Uchiha were going down one way or the other, the manga never posits a realistic scenario where the Uchiha could have been talked down from attempting their coup.(the best is Minato saying maybe he could've stopped it) Every time the coup is mentioned it's under the premise that the Uchiha absolutely were going to do it and the 3rd failed to reach them in time.

The Uchiha were going to plunge Konoha into civil war and they would've been crushed, worst case is another country decides to take advantage and everyone loses.

Sasuke ending up the way he did is mostly on Itachi for letting him live and then mindfucking him with tsukiyomi, Danzo wanted him dead along with the rest of the Uchiha. Hell Sasuke himself admits that his brother's one mistake was letting him live.


I don't get how the Uchiha massacre was a mistake? It was the only way out of that situation with the least amount of casualties. If the Uchiha carried out their plan they would have all died anyway and taken a lot of lives of the leaf village and stain their name for history. Instead, only one member, Itachi, looks bad and less people died. Well madara now too looks bad.

IMO Hiruzen was kidding himself if he thought he could talk it out.

The massacre was a mistake because it led to Sasuke, who, even if is ultimately not successful in his vengeance, became an enormous risk.

Plus, peacemaking attempts were still undergoing when Danzō orchestrated the massacre. One could argue it was a preemptive move for the greater good of the village, but seeing how Danzō turned out to be nothing but a power hungry cunt, I'd argue it was a premature response to a situation that not yet escalated to a point to warrant the extermination of another entire clan, including mere civilians that posed no threat whatsoever. I believe Danzō had other interests in mind and his this ulterior motive. Remember, this dude used to work with Hanzō (who, in part, led to the creation of Pain), and Obito alluded to the possibility he had a hand in the invasion of Konoha during the Chūnin Exams.

It seems to me Danzō was just a sly old warmonger that would do whatever necessary to further his own interests and justified that with flowery language expressing how he supposedly did everything for Konoha. To this end he
  • recruited orphans to do his dirty work after taking away their identities and branding them with his own cursed seal to silence them
  • had his operatives take each other out when he no longer had any use for them
  • stole Shisui's eye and drove him to kill himself
  • had the entire Uchiha clan exterminated when diplomatic solutions had yet to be exhausted
  • killed Kōsuke to prevent him from recalling Naruto earlier
  • held back his Root operatives from assisting during Pain's attack
  • manipulated and used others by using Shisui's eye and arm, as well as they eyes he pilfered off the remains of the Uchiha clansmen that were murdered by Itachi and Obito
  • had dealings with Orochimaru (likely for the Mokuton implant), and Obito (though this was never truly elaborated upon)

That's just the stuff I can remember from the top of my head.

In the end Danzō was just a cunt, plain and simple, and his death was far to good for him.


I can see that, but at the same time Naruto mentions becoming Hokage without mention Sasuke at times. Like pain, or even to Obito. Saving Sasuke is a part of it, but I never felt like that was the majority of his character even it it's a big part of it.

Every time Sakura wanted to get stronger or do better for herself it was for Sasuke and Naruto. I think outside the conversation Ino and her had they rarely touch upon it. I think the female lead should have a bigger goal or at least a goal that is more upfront.

Though, I'm probably just reading too much into things and shouldn't think too hard about it.

but Sakura-as-Tsunade is one of the key thoughts and lines of the story from since the beginning of its second major section; as Sakura perfects her sealing tech in 632, we even get a cool scene of their training together where Tsunade says becoming a full-fledged kunoichi is part of the promise and responsibility Sakura takes on when she became the student of a living legend and the fifth hokage


One thing I really hate about Naruto's new design, even if we don't get to see it, is the change from this:

to this:

One thing I really hate about Naruto's new design, even if we don't get to see it, is the change from this:
to this:
I doubt he'll be wearing the T most of the time. I like his hoodie outfit and his mission one, they've grown on me a lot. Dude looks slick and mature and strong for some reason. Much cooler.


I doubt he'll be wearing the T most of the time. I like his hoodie outfit and his mission one, they've grown on me a lot. Dude looks slick and mature and strong for some reason. Much cooler.

The new design has definitely grown on me. I actually like the black shirt if its form-fitting like the latest images would suggest. I'm honestly stick of the puffy stomach he got from the jacket.
Probably, I only watch the Naruto episodes with good animations. But I rarely see new series, with Naruto ending so will slowly end my consumption for anime/manga.

Open your horizons fellow Gaffers

Lots of good Animes and Mangas that are out there
I currently read all the ones some claim are better than naruto and I don't like any of them better. Different strokes and stuff.

Listen to this man, the more manga I read the worse Naruto gets.
not for me, I actually appreciate some things even more after reading a lot of other manga.


but Sakura-as-Tsunade is one of the key thoughts and lines of the story from since the beginning of its second major section; as Sakura perfects her sealing tech in 632, we even get a cool scene of their training together where Tsunade says becoming a full-fledged kunoichi is part of the promise and responsibility Sakura takes on when she became the student of a living legend and the fifth hokage

That is true, but I want the series to point that out more. I want that part of her to be pushed more then her obsession with Sasuke. Though you could argue her dream is already been fulfilled so it makes sense that she is worrying about Sasuke and Naruto


Listen to this man, the more manga I read the worse Naruto gets.

Honestly, this is how I feel. The more Manga/ entertainment as a whole I consume, the more Naruto feels somewhat lacking in terms of story telling. There are so many good series out there, and I'm glad DBZ and Nartuo introduced me to them.


My heart.

I wonder how many of these other manga out there that are supposedly "so much better" are anywhere near as long as Naruto. The quality may have dipped, but it's still pretty good, and still has the ability to wow you every now and then. Naruto has reached DB levels for me. Don't care what people say, I still love it, and I'm going to be rekt when it's over.
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