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Naruto Manga Thread (OT) - The End is here

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You know, it like all shonen manga hit a point where a main character and a rival become super OP for plot sake. Bleach is pretty much at that point now too.
Another Obito Flashback (before he dies)
Madara Flashback
Sage of Six Paths Flashback
Black Zetsu Flashback
Kaguya Flashback
Sasuke speaking to Orochimaru about the village Flashback

C'mon Kishi.

Kishimoto reached his climax when he had Hashirama do a flashback fight against Madara, then Flashback Hashirama had a flashback when him was little, all while giving Sasuke a plot not jutsu.


Unconfirmed Member
(deleted some text)
complained because I didn't give a shit when
Neji dies
. But, why should I? That character disappeared for 300 chapters. It's hard to empathise with somebody that I haven't seen on screen in years (fillers aside).

death was great because he "cooked".
death was great (in a really sad way) because it was "cooked" too and he is an important character on its own. If
Kakashi died
it would have been great (in a really sad way too) because it's an important character.

At this point they could kill every of the original Genins outside Rock Lee, Shikamaru and Chojin (and Akamaru lol. He is a dog, so I must love him) and I wouldn't give a crap, tbh.

Can't go through him dying again :(


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
The gripes everyone has with the anime/manga are pretty well known. I think they've been said and said well tons of times and I think most of us agree with it. So lets switch it up. What is one thing you guys really like about it these days?

For me I guess it would be the fact that I have no idea what will happen. And I enjoy that feeling. That's the upside of things getting crazy.
Naruto has some of the most original characters/techniques I've seen in an anime. It has the whole elemental motif going with Fire/Wind/Water/Earth/Lightning release, the bloodline limits, etc. I'm a huge sucker for that kind of stuff and Naruto pulls it off really well.
Does anyone remember that short period when ANBU ninjas were threatening, because I sure don't?

You mean for like 5 seconds when they thought Haku was an Anbu? They've always been chumps. Couldn't even see through a trap by a bunch of ninja that were eventually defeated by 4 genin and a chunin.
Can't go through him dying again :(

When Kakashi died the first time, I went into straight denial. Any time his death was discussed in the anime I'd say to myself something like: "Why are they acting like he's dead, he's clearly still alive, he's just resting."

And then when he got revived, I was like to myself: "I guess he really was dead afterall."


When Kakashi died the first time, I went into straight denial. Any time his death was discussed in the anime I'd say to myself something like: "Why are they acting like he's dead, he's clearly still alive, he's just resting."

And then when he got revived, I was like to myself: "I guess he really was dead afterall."

I was sorta like that too, I couldn't tell if he was dead or just really low on chakra. Going to have to go re-read the whole Pain arc, so much stuff I blew over just to see Naruto vs Pain.
Only can be one Hokage.
I agree with that but I'm still going with the theory that Naruto will become Hokage and he will appoint some sort of high position for Sasuke to be protector of the village or in charge of all the ninjas or something. Or Naruto will make Tsunade/Kakashi/Sasuke the new Sanin for the new era!


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Naruto has some of the most original characters/techniques I've seen in an anime. It has the whole elemental motif going with Fire/Wind/Water/Earth/Lightning release, the bloodline limits, etc. I'm a huge sucker for that kind of stuff and Naruto pulls it off really well.

The elemental stuff was a focus while naruto was coming up with the rasenshuriken and in the fight against the immortals. It's basically not mattered at all outside of those moments.

Then you had yin, yang, and yin-yang release introduced, which is basically kishimoto's way of saying "This shit is so rad it has its own nature classification"


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
The elemental stuff was a focus while naruto was coming up with the rasenshuriken and in the fight against the immortals. It's basically not mattered at all outside of those moments.

Then you had yin, yang, and yin-yang release introduced, which is basically kishimoto's way of saying "This shit is so rad it has its own nature classification"
That's not true at all, that's just the first time they mentioned it outright. All of the techniques in the series have always had a release element to them, and characters have shown certain affinity to certain elements long, long before the Rasenshuriken moment. Kakashi and lightning, Sasuke and fire, The Second and water, The Third and Fire, Temari and Wind, etc. And even when characters haven't gravitated towards elements, almost every ninjutsu technique has had some sort of nature to it, outside of the non-elemental stuff like clones/shadow clones.


latest chapter 685

I'm fanboying all over the place right now. Sasuke-kun is so coooooooooool!! This is how it should be. Sakura with Sasuke. Karin can go suck Suigetsu's dick.

I'm so excited for the next announcement. let's hope Naruto part 3 is in way... lol

I think it will be the new movie #7 coming this christmas.


New chapter was cool beans.

And now this.



lmao good ending kishimoto, sakura should of lost more clothing though è.ë

the start was a bit confusing but ending redeemed it


So the beginning was just explaining last chapter?

That final page doe... Kishi gotta give each community some love every now and again.


ö manga stream translation group said a special announcement for naruto is going to be revealed next week, maybe another movie is my guess.


Sasuke's Rinnegan jutsu would be a lot more impressive if the substitution jutsu wasn't a thing that existed, and everyone and their dog could do it.

And even then, both Flying Thunder God, and Kamui seem like more useful jutsu's in most situations.
Sasuke's Rinnegan jutsu would be a lot more impressive if the substitution jutsu wasn't a thing that existed, and everyone and their dog could do it.

And even then, both Flying Thunder God, and Kamui seem like more useful jutsu's in most situations.

eh, you need setup with ftg, and this super susbtitution technique seems a lot faster than kamui.


I'm completely lost. I can't tell where they're supposed to be going or jumping or whatever. I wish Kubo did backgrounds for this series.
Great Chapter. Sakura is at her best when she is using Medical Ninjutsu. Sasusaku Fandom is going to go supernova!!!!

I like the idea of an acid dimension it was also great. Kaguya knew the real Naruto has the balls attached but she seems to just go along with this.

Sasuke's I think is that he can trade places with an object immediately. I'm guessing a sand particle made it across the dimension and he swap with it.


Unconfirmed Member
Interesting that the Gudoudama can't be represented in Kage Bunshins.

He's probably going to stick them on a clone to trick them into thinking he's the original.
He pulled something similar with Neiji. He made a bunch of clones and had one hold back to look like it was the original.


This is the first chapter in a while in which I understood what was happening.

So many things yet to resolve, or did Kishi just forgot about the Hokages?

Edit: Do you think the manga will end this year?


I'm pretty confused by the explanation for Sasuke's ability. He's been teleporting all over the place without the need to switch places with anything.
I thought that was a good chapter. I lol'd at Kishi giving the Saskura fans some hope in the end. Even though I don't care for them either way being together I did enjoy Sakura being useful and I'll enjoy anything that makes team 7 homies again. Knowing Kishi though Sasuke will say/do something hurtful to her imminently.

This is the first chapter in a while in which I understood what was happening.

So many things yet to resolve, or did Kishi just forgot about the Hokages?

Edit: Do you think the manga will end this year?
It depends if there is another entire arc after this, or if it will just be an epilogue of sorts.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
That's not true at all, that's just the first time they mentioned it outright. All of the techniques in the series have always had a release element to them, and characters have shown certain affinity to certain elements long, long before the Rasenshuriken moment. Kakashi and lightning, Sasuke and fire, The Second and water, The Third and Fire, Temari and Wind, etc. And even when characters haven't gravitated towards elements, almost every ninjutsu technique has had some sort of nature to it, outside of the non-elemental stuff like clones/shadow clones.

I mean that it basically hasn't played a role outside of those moments. It's just been there as additional information, a sort of "yeah, this technique is fire. And that one's wind. And that one's water. And you might notice this guy uses a lot of fire and lightning techniques. Pay it no mind."

I think outside of those two events the only time it's mattered is in the combo amaterasu rasenshuriken, in which the flames became more powerful.

There haven't been any clever uses of elemental nature in battle strategy otherwise. You'd expect to see battles like, say, Yamato vs a fire user, where Yamato ends up at a disadvantage because of his wood release, so he switches to water only (which is a component of the wood release). Even really, really basic things like that are missing. Chakra nature just flat out doesn't matter for the most part in battles. It's weird.


I'll be hella surprised if Naruto doesn't end up with Sakura. This entire damn war arc has been rife with all these little hints. This one chapter where there is one panel dedicated to Sasuke and Sakura can't outweigh that. The chapter even had another hint at Sakura's feelings for Naruto. I'd be surprised if she loves him but I can see that happening. Kishimoto has done stranger things.


I'll be hella surprised if Naruto doesn't end up with Sakura. This entire damn war arc has been rife with all these little hints. This one chapter where there is one panel dedicated to Sasuke and Sakura can't outweigh that. The chapter even had another hint at Sakura's feelings for Naruto. I'd be surprised if she loves him but I can see that happening. Kishimoto has done stranger things.

Yup, honestly I'm in denial that's all, naruto and sakura are a given really with all the hints. 4th asked if its his gf and naruto said yes and the 4th said it reminded him of his own wife and all the other hints. I just find that choice boring that's all. I want that aspect to be unpredictable.


Did I miss the part where you proved the negation effect is tied to the Gudōdama?
You mean not tied to them, right? That's what I was trying to prove. And..

You have offered no clear evidence that the negation is in effect outside of them.
..as I mentioned, Tobirama's analysis immediately after the Senjutsu Rasengan made contact inferred as much.

Senjusu is the only means to get past the negation effect, as demonstrated when Obito blocked Gamakichi's senjutsu based attack, which erode the shield Obito with his Gudōdama.
No argument here, except for the point about Gamakichi's Senjutsu "eroding" Obito's Gudōdama; it was just sticking to it.

It was the clue that lead Naruto to resort to Sennin Mode, causing the Senjutsu Rasengan to succeed where the Rasenshuriken/Kagutsuchi combo to failed in actually damaging Obito's body.

It wasn't just about getting past the Gudōdama.

I'm getting the impression the original contention, that being that the negation is in effect constantly and thus all ninjutsu is useless, isn't the thrust behind your arguments and that we've shifted the discussion to only tangentially related items.
Kind of but I suppose I'm used to discussions branching off in this manner from the years I've spent at NF.

This was originally brought up due to Sasuke bi-secting Madara with the black Chidori Eisō. I suggested a form of Senjutsu was likely at play, due to the fact that it had been established that only Senjutsu-based attacks could actually damage the Jūbi Jinchūriki, and Sasuke stating that he also has "Rikudō's power" before using the black "Habataku" Chidori moments before.

You retorted that it was a common misconception, suggesting that Onmyōton's Ninjutsu-negation was tied to the Jūbi Jinchūriki's Gudōdama alone. Am I missing anything? 'cause I'm writing this up on my mobile device, and can't leisurely review the exchanges we've had thus far.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
The only thing is I've never had any impression that Naruto is attracted to Sakura as a person. Just her looks. Unlike Hinata.


The only thing is I've never had any impression that Naruto is attracted to Sakura as a person. Just her looks. Unlike Hinata.
Check one of the early chapters of the series, when Naruto's impersonating Sasuke with Henge no Jutsu.

I hate pairing discussions... Especially when it concerns Naruto, because the author isn't doing anywhere near of a good enough job of handling romance in this manga to justify all the vitriol it spurns among so many of the readers... That said, I still hope that Naruto doesn't end up with her in the end, if only to surprise everybody—go against the grain that is protagonists ending up with heroines like Sakura.

Note: I don't hate Sakura.


You mean not tied to them, right? That's what I was trying to prove. And..

..as I mentioned, Tobirama's analysis immediately after the Senjutsu Rasengan made contact inferred as much.

Yes, my bad.

Tobirama's analysis came after the Gudōdama got rid of the Amaterasu flames though so he didn't infer that, not really. If you're referring to the negation taking effect outside of the Gudōdama in the sense that Minato couldn't regrow his arm, then I'll agree with you.

No argument here, except for the point about Gamakichi's Senjutsu "eroding" Obito's Gudōdama; it was just sticking to it.

It was the clue that lead Naruto to resort to Sennin Mode, causing the Senjutsu Rasengan to succeed where the Rasenshuriken/Kagutsuchi combo to failed in actually damaging Obito's body.

It wasn't just about getting past the Gudōdama.

Whatever it did, it caused holes to form in Obito's shield. Check it out in chapter 642.

Kind of but I suppose I'm used to discussions branching off in this manner from the years I've spent at NF.

This was originally brought up due to Sasuke bi-secting Madara with the black Chidori Eisō. I suggested a form of Senjutsu was likely at play, due to the fact that it had been established that only Senjutsu-based attacks could actually damage the Jūbi Jinchūriki, and Sasuke stating that he also has "Rikudō's power" before using the black "Habataku" Chidori moments before.

You retorted that it was a common misconception, suggesting that Onmyōton's Ninjutsu-negation was tied to the Jūbi Jinchūriki's Gudōdama alone. Am I missing anything? 'cause I'm writing this up on my mobile device, and can't leisurely review the exchanges we've had thus far.

Sasuke said he inherited Hagoromo's Yin power, so whatever that Chidori was, it was probably the same as Madara's Yin based lightning attack and thus capable of damaging him.

I think that the manga is pretty clear on negation being tied to Gudōdama but I also believe this argument has run its course as we're just regurgitating points we made earlier at this point.
I mean that it basically hasn't played a role outside of those moments. It's just been there as additional information, a sort of "yeah, this technique is fire. And that one's wind. And that one's water. And you might notice this guy uses a lot of fire and lightning techniques. Pay it no mind."

I think outside of those two events the only time it's mattered is in the combo amaterasu rasenshuriken, in which the flames became more powerful.

There haven't been any clever uses of elemental nature in battle strategy otherwise. You'd expect to see battles like, say, Yamato vs a fire user, where Yamato ends up at a disadvantage because of his wood release, so he switches to water only (which is a component of the wood release). Even really, really basic things like that are missing. Chakra nature just flat out doesn't matter for the most part in battles. It's weird.

They had some uses, for example Danzo vs Sasuke and Naruto vs Third Raikage. But very limited.
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