One of the greatest of all time lol. Incredible what a series can do to people.The salt, the rage, the denial.
Today is a good day friends.
LadyGT - she's a brilliant artists who's been shipping NS for years and made all kinds of fan art. She was apparently so heart broken that she was crying all day and her sister posted on tumblr to try and cheer her up. I'm sad for her. She's, understandably, decided to never draw fan art for NS again. :/
In the wake of these spoilers someone looking in this thread unaware of what Naruto is about would be forgiven if they left thinking it was a haphazard romance series and not the cycle of hate breaking adventures of Ninja Jesus.
Safe to say I never imagined the final chapter fallout would go in such a humorous direction, for now at least.
I don't know you if you were being sarcastic or not, but this post sums up everything wrong with the Naruto fanbase.That's the only part people care about dude
She was also heavily against garbage like SasuSaku which degraded Sakura's character. Yeah it's easy to say "just a manga jeez" but y'know people take things differently. :/
I don't know you if you were being sarcastic or not, but this post sums up everything wrong with the Naruto fanbase.
Seriously, why care more about this...[iMG]
Than this?
I'm not against pairings, but the level that people place them at in the fanbase is way out of proportion. Shonen seems like the wrong genre for romance to be so prominent in.
That said, I was a supporter of Lee and Sakura. But I can live with the pairings we got. I thought Samui and Kakashi would have ended up together, too, but, oh well.[/QUOTE]
Eh, you like what you like. Some people like the Zelda series for combat and hate dungeon exploration and some people feel the reverse way.
But, I do agree that sometimes the fandoms of certain series can contain cringeworthy shit with the extreme shippers.
At the end of the day, none of the pairings really bother me either. Some of them are random as hell but whatever lol.
After I read it of course.Dont you need to read it
Is the actual chapter out and being translated? I need to know if we actually have a shot of getting it tonight :x
This salt, lol
I don't think you could make an argument for Naruto and Sakura without making it look dumb, all things considered. Sakura's barely had any real feelings for Naruto in the series while Naruto's shown some for Hinata. Sasuke and Sakura kind of make sense as long as you interpret Sasuke's actions as business rather than actual hating on Sakura herself. At least, that's how I've always seen it. He's never hated Sakura or many of his peers but if they were obstacles he wouldn't hesitate to deal with them as necessary. As you recall, Sasuke has never hated Naruto, per his monologue in 698, but was willing to kill him to achieve the goal he aimed for, as it was necessary.
I don't know what's worst: the meltdowns or the people celebrating and mocking fans of other pairings.
Personally, I'm leaning towards the latter.
They should reject kishi reality and substitute their ownPeople are melting down because two fictitious characters didn't bone.
I know LadyGT. She is usually level headed but the ship was special to her and put a lot of effort into the art she drew as well as being part of the NaruSaku fanbase.
She was also heavily against garbage like SasuSaku which degraded Sakura's character. Yeah it's easy to say "just a manga jeez" but y'know people take things differently. :/
What's funny is at a time I didn't think even the worst author out there would promote/support the concept of SasuSaku (will always despise it for what it did to Sakura's character), guess I was proven wrong today.
For the record I haven't heard anything about her actually crying, just being really down on the ending.
My whole problem with SasuSaku. Any one the remotely cared about her as a characters wouldn't want her with Sasuke. Absolutely an abomination of a ship.
People are melting down because two fictitious characters didn't bone.
This is false.
Sakura has been hinted at numerous times to have conflicting feelings that weren't platonic.
Naruto has literally never showed any interest in Hinata beyond that of a friend.
The best part is this is only the preview.
Wait till it releases proper.
The best part is this is only the preview.
Wait till it releases proper.
And if the reverse had happened, I betcha Frog wouldn't be going on here about "Lol look at these salty tears!" like quite many of you have been doing in the past several pages.People are melting down because two fictitious characters didn't bone.
And if the reverse had happened, I betcha Frog wouldn't be going on here about "Lol look at these salty tears!" like quite many of you have been doing in the past several pages.
As for the whole LadyGT thing, she's 21 and most likely spent most of her life following the manga. It's totally understandable to me how she feels. I felt the same way too when I read Harry didn't end up with Hermione. And that led to me no longer caring about pairings and shit.
What was everyone's favorite fight in the series?
Lee vs Gaara.What was everyone's favorite fight in the series?
What was everyone's favorite fight in the series?
Yeah... no. Sakura's feelings were never stated nor was the intention clear. It was left ambiguous enough to maybe interpret that way if one was inclined for that perhaps...
The more I think about it, the more I think Kishi is a master troll and king of torpedoes.
The only shipping that matters in real life is Spider-Man and Mary Jane. Fuck you Marvel.
But Gwen...The only shipping that matters in real life is Spider-Man and Mary Jane. Fuck you Marvel.
Frog probably had his HAHAHAHAHA post queued up and ready to go.
Lee vs Gaara.
NarSar vs NarHin
Gai vs Madara
I wont lie I'm still salty about Sasuke x Sakura. That just sends all the wrong messages.
Maybe there will be some sort of Sasuke redemption arc. Otherwise its just an awful pairing.
Classic for sureWait I just got here, Sakura/Sasuke is confirmed?
I gotta bring out the an old classic for this one
Gwen.The only shipping that matters in real life is Spider-Man and Mary Jane. Fuck you Marvel.
Frog probably had his HAHAHAHAHA post queued up and ready to go.
And if the reverse had happened, I betcha Frog wouldn't be going on here about "Lol look at these salty tears!" like quite many of you have been doing in the past several pages.
As for the whole LadyGT thing, she's 21 and most likely spent most of her life following the manga. It's totally understandable to me how she feels. I felt the same way too when I read Harry didn't end up with Hermione. And that led to me no longer caring about pairings and shit.
But Gwen...
I like youGwen died for the superior comic book couple could blossom.
This salt, lol
I don't think you could make an argument for Naruto and Sakura without making it look dumb, all things considered. Sakura's barely had any real feelings for Naruto in the series while Naruto's shown some for Hinata. Sasuke and Sakura kind of make sense as long as you interpret Sasuke's actions as business rather than actual hating on Sakura herself. At least, that's how I've always seen it. He's never hated Sakura or many of his peers but if they were obstacles he wouldn't hesitate to deal with them as necessary. As you recall, Sasuke has never hated Naruto, per his monologue in 698, but was willing to kill him to achieve the goal he aimed for, as it was necessary.