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Naruto Manga Thread (OT) - The End is here

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Can't believe it's really over, been reading it weekly for over 10 years now. It was a pretty good conclusion, and to finally see Naruto as Hokage was fantasic. I'm glad Kishi took the time to tie up a few loose ends that were hanging forever (Like the two siblings finally being released from the gourd). It was also pretty cool that Gaara was still the Kazekage, as well as seeing Darui and Chojuro become their respective Kages... Especially Chojuro, always loved that dude's design. Kind of sad to see it come to an end, but it was a fun ride.

I think the biggest revelation of all was that the shinobi world has wifi ;0

edit: I would like to know what happened to the rest of the cast we didn't see, namely wanted criminals like Orochimaru and Kabuto. I highly doubt everyone just said "Oh, free pass for you too!" like they did with Sasuke.
Ok Lets just take ONE of Sakura's feats in the Manga.

Sasori poisons Kankurō. Sasori poison is so incredible that no one in Suna could counteract. They pull Chiyo-baasama out of retirement and even with her decades of experience and mastery of the poison art she can't figure out Sasori bass ass poison. Sakura come along and not only pulls the poison out of Kanauro, but analysis the poison and develops an antidote. All in a matter of hours without and complete chart of the original poison. Sasori himself wouldn't be able to pull that off!

Imagine the skill, intelligence and mastery of chemistry needed in order to pull that off. Sakura should ether be The leaf's chief medical officer or have her own lab and a staff devoted to making and improving medicines.

But what we got was and house wife with barely any lines.

Fuck you Kishimoto.

lmao you're still going on about this hit hahahah how sad.
Can't believe it's really over, been reading it weekly for over 10 years now. It was a pretty good conclusion, and to finally see Naruto as Hokage was fantasic. I'm glad Kishi took the time to tie up a few loose ends that were hanging forever (Like the two siblings finally being released from the gourd). It was also pretty cool that Gaara was still the Kazekage, as well as seeing Darui and Chojuro become their respective Kages... Especially Chojuro, always loved that dude's design. Kind of sad to see it come to an end, but it was a fun ride.

I think the biggest revelation of all was that the shinobi world has wifi ;0

edit: I would like to know what happened to the rest of the cast we didn't see, namely wanted criminals like Orochimaru and Kabuto. I highly doubt everyone just said "Oh, free pass for you too!" like they did with Sasuke.

We have no idea and I doubt they got a free pass....more likely they escaped and are still wanted criminals.
Wow, there must have been one hell of a technology revolution in the last few years. Then again, if things were overall peaceful, I can see that happening.

I think beyond some medical screens and TV camera, we don't see much of any high technology, yet Naruto has a nice looking laptop. Furthermore, the New Konoha looks very, very modern, with a much larger population.

Hell of a lot of progress for what, 12 years or so post series? maybe more, given that Asuma's kid appears to be full on Chunin now.


I don't get the whole "housewife" anger thing. It doesn't necessarily mean she strictly became a housewife, she's likely just cleaning in the one page we see her in.

You also have to keep in mind the world is at peace now, so there would be a need to show her in that role of a medical ninja anyways.


Wow, there must have been one hell of a technology revolution in the last few years. Then again, if things were overall peaceful, I can see that happening.

I think beyond some medical screens and TV camera, we don't see much of any high technology, yet Naruto has a nice looking laptop. Furthermore, the New Konoha looks very, very modern, with a much larger population.

Hell of a lot of progress for what, 12 years or so post series? maybe more, given that Asuma's kid appears to be full on Chunin now.

Pain's country was already full on urban--it's not that much of a stretch.

I would imagine the modern leap comes from the ninja villages actually collaborating with their countries.


Oh Bolt better fucking have the Bayakugan, or some variation of it.

Kishi ignored it all through out part 2, I want to see it finally get some spotlight, and what better way then give it to the main character.


So, I assume Kabuto peaced out and became the wandering super powerful snake Sage.

Seriously, Oro and Kabuto are way to skilled and powerful not to have some sort of idea or help advanced the world in some way.
I like that Bolt is just little Naruto. Since Naruto is a lot like his dad mixed Jiraiya and they're all dorks.

Also, fucking tears. It's over. :( I need a new manga.
Sooo whatever happened to Naruto's solution to end the cycle of hatred (mission handed to him by Pervy Sage)?

As Hokage he decreed that everyone in his generation pair off for ninja loving to break the ninja hate, Choji being the true hero making connections with the cloud village.
I don't like the modernity thing either. Village in the rain being urban always struck me as a stylistic choice rather than an intended reflection of the world's level of technological development. Sure everyone had radios and tv monitors but I liked the anachronism of some tech being present in an otherwise fuedal age (and it was necessary for plot purposes in some cases).

Seeing skyscrapers out of nowhere just takes away a lot of the tranquility and charm that the world and series had. It's just jarring and hard to imagine the ninja system still existing at all in a more modern world.
Himawari (sunflower)

Her name if they had kept Hyuuga would have been a palindrome -_-

I wonder how old Naruto kids are. I though they may have been twins just going by the leaked artwork. But Bolt seems to be the oldest in the epilogue


I wonder how old Naruto kids are. I though they may have been twins just going by the leaked artwork. But Bolt seems to be the oldest in the epilogue

I don't remember the leaked picture, but I would imagine she probably said "oniisan" or something in that panel.
season 3 when?

Spring 2015 :D

Wow, there must have been one hell of a technology revolution in the last few years. Then again, if things were overall peaceful, I can see that happening.

I think beyond some medical screens and TV camera, we don't see much of any high technology, yet Naruto has a nice looking laptop. Furthermore, the New Konoha looks very, very modern, with a much larger population.

Hell of a lot of progress for what, 12 years or so post series? maybe more, given that Asuma's kid appears to be full on Chunin now.

I think the time skip is 15 years

I don't get the whole "housewife" anger thing. It doesn't necessarily mean she strictly became a housewife, she's likely just cleaning in the one page we see her in.

You also have to keep in mind the world is at peace now, so there would be a need to show her in that role of a medical ninja anyways.

Any rational person see's no problem with it.......unfortunately not everyone in the fandom can be rational at this moment in time.


I'm ready for a new generarion of female characters with wasted potential.


Considering I followed the series for over 10 years...kinda bittersweet to see it end. While I don't agree with all the pairings and shit that went down,
all that matters is that he became Hokage. I'm not sure if I even had to spoiler tag this but whatever.

Kishi could have done better, especially with the female characters, but what's done is done now.



I edited sauce

Deadbeat dad mode


The Sauce hit it and quit it, he aint got time for no sharingan-less kid who wears glasses, guy must've been devastated.

This made me spit out my drink lol. He gave her a garbage name too. I was never that into Naruto but I followed it a bit once I found out it was ending. Who's that black girl Chouji ended up with? Who's the one Kiba ended up with? Some random girl? More importantly, why the hell is Anko fat?
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