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Naruto Manga Thread (OT) - The End is here

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This means you were a great fan of this series.

Yup. Hated the ending, but I was a huge fan of this. I don't think I'll look at it the same way.

I feel the same way.
Naruto was the first manga I ever read. I have been following this manga for 10 years and I can't believe it is over.

It's the first manga I got into as well and I been with it for so damn long. It's going to be weird not waking up to a new chapter next week.

let's try this again


lol, definitely in the case of Sasuke. Not sure about Naruto, but presumably.
let's try this again


There no evidence that Naruto is neglecting his kids. He can be both Hokage and dad. It's actually very typical for kids to act up and want more attention when their parents start new jobs.

And as much as I hate Sasuke, for all we know he could be on a mission for Naruto.


They still have there mothers and fathers and Naruto child also has a sister .
So they really not the same to tell the truth especially compare to Naruto .
Plus, Naruto being a busy parent that has to carefully split his time between his family and being a head of state is a lot different from him being a neglectful parent.


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
And about Sarada, she adjusts her glasses like Karin, stalks Bolt/Baruto like Karin stalking Sasuke, even has a slight gleam in her eye like her. Is it possible that she's Karin's, and for whatever reason, Karin is out of the picture, and Sasuke married Sakura (who takes in Sarada as her own)?

Heh heh probably not!
She has Sakura's trademark "Shannaro!" line, so it's definitely Sakura's kid.

Sasuke is a shitty dad, Naruto's kid is an asshole because he feels like it, Gaara has a terrible haircut. Truly this is the darkest of times.
Hey, I like Gaara's haircut. And we learned a grand total of zero information about adult Sasuke. He could have been taking a walk in the woods, for all we know. Bolt is acting out for attention, but, yeah, he is an asshole.
I'm a big fan of character development, so this epilogue is a mixed bag for me.

The spares were all paired, the relationship with most of the development in Naruto Sakura was strangled by the red string of fate...Technology suddenly showing up everywhere. A laptop? What? And when did they decide to make Konoha a metropolis, and who thought it would be a good idea to build skyscrapers on a cliff?

Naruto as a father and Hokage looks great. The interaction with his son was very nice, it's something I'd like to see more of. He seems to have matured, and it was rewarding to see him have his dream recognized.

I wish his relationship with Hinata had been better explained, and not have everything done off panel, but I suppose that is what the movie is for. It should have been done in the manga and now just anytime a huge battle was taking place.

Sasuke is my biggest problem with all of this. He killed, he committed numerous atrocities, was a psycho because of what had happened with his brother. Then he just suddenly mellows out, and all is forgiven. No repercussions or consequences, he is free to go, and puts himself into temporary exile for the hell of it. And suddenly, he is very apologetic to Sakura, the girl who he tried to kill and called annoying. They really shoehorned their relationship.

Sakura has actually grown as a person for the most part. She wasn't a fangirl anymore, she learned how to fight and to heal. She and Naruto bonded together, complimented each other well, and thrived in their desire to save their teammate.

It just annoys me that she still wanted to be in a relationship with Sasuke so easily after everything he'd put them through, It looks like everything was fixed with a forehead flick, he dumped a kid on her and has gone back to doing whatever he wanted to do.

I really detest most of what happened after the pein arc. Overall though, I had fun following the series and i'm sad to see it end, I was still a high schooler when I started watching the anime and reading the manga. And it's not a small part of my childhood over with. I wished it had ended better, but I will definitely miss it all.


There no evidence that Naruto is neglecting his kids. He can be both Hokage and dad. It's actually very typical for kids to act up and want more attention when their parents start new jobs.

And as much as I hate Sasuke, for all we know he could be on a mission for Naruto.

I agree, but Kishi could've portrayed their respective fatherhood better. Naruto showing up to scold his kid for pulling a prank to gain his attention, and Sasuke only showing up because his daughter mentions him really wasn't what I was hoping for.

Then again, I was hoping for NaruSaku and SasuKarin, so there's that. Forever salty on that score.
So, in the end, the change the " child of prophecy" was Macbooks and momentary peace? I hope that one day, if we really have a proper part 3, Kishi will not be part of it, or just be an advisor or something. This is not the ending Naruto deserved :(

Edit : also what's the business with calling your child Salad? Sakura is skilled in medical ninjutsu, if she hated her child she could have had an abortion by herself, for free.
People are saying that when Sasuke figured out that his Uchiha daughter have to use glasses he left the village and never looked back. lol
This is actually a good point. He has no excuses at all to be absent.

That is just spoiling the child , Naruto can't be with him all the time.
Also him leaving a clone with him can also send the wrong message .
Plus for all we know his son just being a asshole cause he can .


Ok, read 699&700, and all i can think is... what the hell did i just read?

Premise: i got Volume 1 in 2003, i was 10 then.
I totally loved the first series and still keep it in high regards, but my interest kept falling because of quality drop, but went on and kept on following it just for some childhood affection.
And this is extactly the kind of finale i'd expect after the downhill of the last... can't even remember when it started going south, damn.

First of all, it's so feel-good. We basically got WWIII for what, 30 volumes? And it almost feels like the thing passed without any consequences. This because not only of the "important" characters only Neji and Obito died, but because the autor kept on implying lot of the ninjas weren't happy with the current socio-political situation of the world. And in the end, they still seem to keep the same structure, just better because "now we're all friends and we don't have to keep secrets from each other". And come on i'm not saying the Naruto and Sasuke, but the way everything is just patched up it's surreal. Eugh.

And most of all, what makes me sick it's how the last chapter it's just pure, unadulterated fanservice. I mean, obviously we were bound to get the "who ends up with who" list, but that's basically all we got. It read like a fan fiction, really. This just feels like Kishimoto legitimating the more superficial side of its fanbase. Hell if i knew things would have gone this bad, at this point i would have preferred the gay ending, at least he would have failed doing something original.

And what about people like Orochimaru (big bad for 1/3rd of the series? Hello?)?

But man, i feel like i should be heavily disappointed, but in truth i just knew what to expect.
And i thought i would feel somehow sad for the series to finish, but in the end i'm not even that.


Naruto doesnt need her thanks. Hes the got dang hokage and has babies with Hinata

Perhaps, but the promise of a lifetime he made to Sakura was a huge part of their dynamic, and for them to not interact even once, that's just annoying. The latest data book even touched on the importance of that promise, and yet it goes ignored.


Perhaps, but the promise of a lifetime he made to Sakura was a huge part of their dynamic, and for them to not interact even once, that's just annoying. The latest data book even touched on the importance of that promise, and yet it goes ignored.
It's fucking Sakura man, just leave her alone now. Shitty character is a shitty character.


Perhaps, but the promise of a lifetime he made to Sakura was a huge part of their dynamic, and for them to not interact even once, that's just annoying. The latest data book even touched on the importance of that promise, and yet it goes ignored.

I hope they give closure to some of these things in the movie.
People who want Lee to be training his own child missed the entire point of his relationship with Guy. The bond and mentorship they shared was about so much more than that. It was about hard work, guts, drive, and the desire to prove you could be a ninja with taijutsu alone no matter what, even if it meant dying in the process. Their bond transcended mere familial ties and such a bond would cheapen the relationship if it's just a "I raise my boy after my image".

I assume Lee has found a similar disciple within the village to train who shares his nindo, just as Guy found Lee. It's also why I hate putting Guy in a wheelchair for no reason, accepting such an outcome is like the antithesis of the character. Like Lee, I'm sure he would have pursued an operation to get back in fighting shape, even at great personal risk. I mean, can regrow arms but can't fix Guy's leg?
Perhaps, but the promise of a lifetime he made to Sakura was a huge part of their dynamic, and for them to not interact even once, that's just annoying. The latest data book even touched on the importance of that promise, and yet it goes ignored.

I feel like most of these will be addressed in the movie, which feels like the *real* ending of the series. The manga ending was just too abrupt, feels like Kishi made lots of last minute decisions to wrap up the manga.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
I like how like 90% of the random pairings were fake


Well, that was really really bad. I'm relieved that it's over honestly. The writing was slowly deteriorating during and after the Pain arc and by the end it was a nonsensical mess.

I felt nothing other than "that's it?" after reading the last chapter and the best thing about this is that I can stop reading this junk.


People who want Lee to be training his own child missed the entire point of his relationship with Guy. The bond and mentorship they shared was about so much more than that. It was about hard work, guts, drive, and the desire to prove you could be a ninja with taijutsu alone no matter what, even if it meant dying in the process. Their bond transcended mere familial ties and such a bond would cheapen the relationship if it's just a "I raise my boy after my image".

I assume Lee has found a similar disciple within the village to train who shares his nindo, just as Guy found Lee. It's also why I hate putting Guy in a wheelchair for no reason, accepting such an outcome is like the antithesis of the character. Like Lee, I'm sure he would have pursued an operation to get back in fighting shape, even at great personal risk. I mean, can regrow arms but can't fix Guy's leg?

Guy's own father taught him in that way. There's no reason why that kid isn't Lee's son.


I'm still bitter we didn't get to see Sakura thanking Naruto. He fulfilled his damn promise.
Sakura is a shit person. You really expected Sakura to thank Naruto? lol. You give sakura far too much undeserved credit.

My only disappointment is no Naruto/Hinata scene but otherwise, content and satisfied with the ending.
That shower grout isn't going to clean itself! Why do you think she spent years mastering medical ninjitu for?

She spend years mastering medical ninjutsu so she can keep up with Naruto and Sasuke and bring him back which she did .
Plus just cause she home in the chapter don't mean she stays there all the time .
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