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Naruto Manga Thread (OT) - The End is here

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Finally decided to get back to where i left off in the anime before realizing that Taka Fansubs closed down. GOD FUCKING DAMMNIT!!!!
Crunchyroll and hulu?


But did Naruto showed any romantic interesting in Hinata? Even when she confessed to him after the battle with Pein he didn't seem to retribute her feelings in a romantic way. Maybe Hinata deserved better. Someone who would notice her and not being her second option. I blame Kishimoto for this. He could make them work better and have a proper reunion but he didn't.

And that's why they had to make a movie all about explaining the start of their relationship.


But did Naruto showed any romantic interesting in Hinata? Even when she confessed to him after the battle with Pein he didn't seem to retribute her feelings in a romantic way. Maybe Hinata deserved better. Someone who would notice her and not being her second option. I blame Kishimoto for this. He could make them work better and have a proper reunion but he didn't.

Regarding Sakura trying to "manipulate" him that was for the best. She was feeling guilty because Naruto was suffering to fulfill his promise to bring Sasuke back. She was trying to protect him even if she wasn't being sincere. In that moment she was sacrificing her will to bring Sasuke back. She chose Naruto over Sasuke in that situation because she also cares about Naruto.

Saying that, I think NaruHina is okay, but I think NaruSaku would work too. I don't believe in that "he/she would never fall in love" thing. I do believe people can change, that people can move on from a rejection and develop romantic feelings after being friends.

lol it's pretty weird seeing people framing this as "that bitch, she tried to manipulate Naruto!!1" when it was pretty obvious she was lying to him to get him to give up on Sasuke. There was no real personal benefit for her, she was doing it for Naruto. Sure, it backfired but it wasn't the selfish bitch move people seem to be interpreting it as.

As for Sasusaku you would think people would get that Naruto characters don't really hold serious grudges, not against Sasuke at least.


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
Posted the new/appreciation/finale thread I was working on, even though someone else already made a "Naruto is over" thread.


lol it's pretty weird seeing people framing this as "that bitch, she tried to manipulate Naruto!!1" when it was pretty obvious she was lying to him to get him to give up on Sasuke. There was no real personal benefit for her, she was doing it for Naruto. Sure, it backfired but it wasn't the selfish bitch move people seem to be interpreting it as.

As for Sasusaku you would think people would get that Naruto characters don't really hold serious grudges, not against Sasuke at least.

On the flip side, she completely ignored the fact that Naruto wanted to bring Sauske back as much as she did, even more probably then she did. She completely ignored that and assumed that he was doing it only for her, while telling a lie that was obviously could hurt Naruto.

Not saying she was a selfish bitch, but it was obvious she didn't understand Naruto's personality at all and felt like she did it to relieve some of her own guilt for sending Naruto on the task rather genuine concern.

It really doesn't matter considering she completely botched the assassination twice.


I wonder if Sasuke only having one child was a specific choice, to avoid any temptations of trying to obtain EMS.

I know the rock was probably disposed of, but you can never be too careful.

I would imagine he would probably go out of his way to make sure his kid never even found out about the regular MS.


Are we even sure that Bolt or Salad even have the Byakugan? It seems to me that their eyes are normal.
We don't know, but logically, they should have Rinnegan. Or they just have normal pupils until they actually activate the power when the vains will appear.


I just checked, chapter 117. We only see the first two coffins.
Yes, we only saw two coffins in the manga, but Orochimaru did try to summon a third coffin, which was explicitly stated to be Minato's (volume 55, episode 520).
Kabuto explained that third one failed because Minato's spirit had been sealed away years prior, but that doesn't quite make sense, as that failure should have occurred during the preparation stage (actual Edo Tensei), not during the fight (Orochimaru was just summoning coffins).

The 3rd does nothing to stop it, he just thinks to himself that it didn't work for some reason.
He does think he managed to stop the third summon, actually:
"くっ…… 三人目は何としても…" -> "どうにか三人目はくい止めたが…"
(I guess that's what those hand seals were supposed to be about.)


lol it's pretty weird seeing people framing this as "that bitch, she tried to manipulate Naruto!!1" when it was pretty obvious she was lying to him to get him to give up on Sasuke. There was no real personal benefit for her, she was doing it for Naruto. Sure, it backfired but it wasn't the selfish bitch move people seem to be interpreting it as.

As for Sasusaku you would think people would get that Naruto characters don't really hold serious grudges, not against Sasuke at least.

Yeah, it's a weird way to frame it because she wanted to keep both of them from killing each other. That was the worst case scenario for her seeing both her teammates kill each other. So even if could be considered manipulation, she had damn good intentions. I mean seriously, right after that Naruto said that if they fought, they'd die together, lol.

And yeah, Naruto characters don't hold super serious grudges because they're ninjas, they know that it comes with the territory. It's business and all that to fight where necessary. I mentioned it in the other thread but Sasuke probably didn't want to fight either of them initially because I recall him saying that they shouldn't follow him. But as soon as they started interfering with what he was doing, he had to deal with them otherwise he couldn't achieve what he wanted. It's why I said the relationship makes sense if you think about it being all about business.


Hinata getting Naruto is the best thing. Sakura does not deserve him. She treated him like crap in the beginning, and manipulated him in part 2 when she said she loved him. Sakura always had love feelings for Sasuke. Naruto´s feeling towards her were never reciprocated.
Hinata on the other hand always cared for Naruto, even when all he did was causing trouble. I am really glad that Naruto ended up with Hinata instead of a person who never showed any romantic feeling for Naruto in the manga.

If anyone deserves anything, then Naruto deserves to be end up with Sakura. It's funny how everyone always seems to focus on what the female characters think, how they feel and what they want, but no one seems to care that Naruto has loved Sakura for 698 and not only did the girl he love up with his supposed best friend, who had done to earn that, he was was bereft of any closure whatsoever. None whatsoever.

As for Sakura, I have to ask whether you've read the same manga I have. Sakura was mean to Naruto a handful chapters at the start, if that, and that had nothing to do with the fact Naruto ostracised by the village and everything to do with her belief that all he did was get in her way of reaching Sasuke. She crossed the line and got told off for it by Sasuke. That was in chapter 3. Everything that followed was her realising how wrong she had been about him and her growing respect and admiration.

By Sakura's "manipulation" I assume you're referring to the fake confession. If so, then I remind you of the fact she was trying to make him happy. The promise he had to her and pursuing Sasuke was hurting Naruto. She felt guilty and wanted to take the weight of those burdens off him. To that end she was willing to kill Sasuke for him and give him what he wanted, which was her love. Though she was misguided, it was entirely selfless on her part.
Are people still sulking over Sakura and why she isn't with Naruto? Hate to be that guy but as much as people say Hinata was useless,Sakura can be put in that same category. She hasn't done ANYTHING noteworthy in part 1 but been a love sick puppy,who even asked Naruto to bring back Sasuke totally ignoring his feelings for her which he made known from day one. In part 2 aside from the Sasori fight she has been just as useless with a sprinkle here and there of her getting new ability. Name something Sakura has done that validate her to end up with Naruto,oh wait you gonna bring up that half hearted confession/lie? The point is Kishi went with what was apparent from day one and that is Hinata's love for Naruto from day one which finally paid off(cliche).One could say the same for Sasuke and Sakura but that is a shitstorm in its own right lol.

Well, she just saved Naruto's life giving her chakra directly into his heart with her own hand.

And that's why they had to make a movie all about explaining the start of their relationship.

Yeah, I'm really looking for it. Naruto deserves some real relationship after all. He and Hinata deserve to be happy.


On the flip side, she completely ignored the fact that Naruto wanted to bring Sauske back as much as she did, even more probably then she did. She completely ignored that and assumed that he was doing it only for her, while telling a lie that was obviously could hurt Naruto.

Not saying she was a selfish bitch, but it was obvious she didn't understand Naruto's personality at all and felt like she did it to relieve some of her own guilt for sending Naruto on the task rather genuine concern.

It really doesn't matter considering she completely botched the assassination twice.

Eh, Naruto wanted to chase Sasuke for his own reasons but it's undeniable that Sakura's wishes were a part of it. Of course she would feel guilty after years of seeing Naruto go through the same shit over Sasuke, especially if she felt like it had anything to do with her request. I'd like to think that if she truly didn't care about Naruto she'd constantly pressure him to chase Sasuke and put himself in danger.
For those angry at SakuraxSasuke,lets look at it this way.They have a kid way down the line not anytime soon.So who's to say if he made up to her or what kind of changes happened during this time skip? Kishi kinda left wiggle room with this time skip,also the same could be said about NarutoxHinata during the time skip even though the new movie will kick off this suspicion. You know now that I think about it,Naruto continuing in ODA/OVA/movie forms could be awesome.Especially if they show how everything has come to past.


We don't know, but logically, they should have Rinnegan. Or they just have normal pupils until they actually activate the power when the vains will appear.

Why Rinnegan? I thought you need chakra from both Indra's transmigrant as well as Ashura's transmigrant to activate the Rinnegan.


It bothers me how plain and open the environments are.

No environmental destruction sucks as well :/

They tried to do that with Storm 3...

Lets just say the game framerate imploded and everything was laggy as hell. There was actually a lot of destructible stuff in Storm 3. But I rather have a more stable framerate.


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
If anyone deserves anything, then Naruto deserves to be end up with Sakura. It's funny how everyone always seems to focus on what the female characters think, how they feel and what they want, but no one seems to care that Naruto has loved Sakura for 698 and not only did the girl he love up with his supposed best friend, who had done to earn that, he was was bereft of any closure whatsoever. None whatsoever.

As for Sakura, I have to ask whether you've read the same manga I have. Sakura was mean to Naruto a handful chapters at the start, if that, and that had nothing to do with the fact Naruto ostracised by the village and everything to do with her belief that all he did was get in her way of reaching Sasuke. She crossed the line and got told off for it by Sasuke. That was in chapter 3. Everything that followed was her realising how wrong she had been about him and her growing respect and admiration.

By Sakura's "manipulation" I assume you're referring to the fake confession. If so, then I remind you of the fact she was trying to make him happy. The promise he had to her and pursuing Sasuke was hurting Naruto. She felt guilty and wanted to take the weight of those burdens off him. To that end she was willing to kill Sasuke for him and give him what he wanted, which was her love. Though she was misguided, it was entirely selfless on her part.
She was trying to make him happy, with a lie? How's that being good to Naruto? She had a noble purpose, sure, but that doesn't hide the fact that she played with Naruto's feelings towards her, it's manipulation. It was a good thing that Naruto at that time had already moved on from his childish crush with Sakura.

The Pain invasion arc is when things changed, whereas Sakura stood by and let Naruto get beaten the fuck out by Pain. Hinata was willing to say "fuck it all" and throw down her life to protect Naruto.

Sorry man, but I don't buy your defense towards Sakura. In almost everything she screwed up with Naruto, no wonder he went with Hinata in the end.
She was trying to make him happy, with a lie? How's that being good to Naruto? She had a noble purpose, sure, but that doesn't hide the fact that she played with Naruto's feelings towards her, it's manipulation. It was a good thing that Naruto at that time had already moved on from his childish crush with Sakura.

The Pain invasion arc is when things changed, whereas Sakura stood by and let Naruto get beaten the fuck out by Pain. Hinata was willing to say "fuck it all" and throw down her life to protect Naruto.

Sorry man, but I don't buy your defense towards Sakura. In almost everything she screwed up with Naruto, no wonder he went with Hinata in the end.




Fuck both Hinata AND Sakura.

How about that?

The former didn't earn him and the latter doesn't deserve him.

Honestly, I've never disliked Hinata, and though I want to, I've never hated Sakura nor can I bring myself to do so even now, not completely, because the simple fact of the matter is that 699 and 700 were completely out of character. Kishimoto never gave either character the care and attention they deserved.

What I dislike about Hinata has more to do with her fans than the character. Hinata is an intriguing character in her own right, or at least she was before Kishimoto decided she only mattered in the context of pairing wars. She was the meek little girl that was an outsider with her own clan, perceived to be weak and worth nothing. I wish Kishimoto had given her a character arc after Naruto avenged her loss against Neji. It would have been great to see her become stronger and more determined over time before she finally had her moment. I mean, just imagine if got to a Hyūga Crisis Arc of some sort in Part II, which culminated with Hinata defeating Hiashi in a duel and reclaiming her rights as the heiress to the clan? Something like that would have been awesome, and if Naruto came to see her as potential more during such an arc that would've been much better. Instead, all we got was from Kishimoto was Hinata Naruto-kunning whenever she was on panel and used nothing as nothing more than pairing fodder.

Sakura was actually pretty well developed before she began to regress. It's unfortunate she was never given a proper fight after Ino. I would have loved to see her fight one on one after Sasori, and perhaps we could have seen her use the Byakugō seal earlier, which would've made that power up looks less like an retroactive attempt to make her stronger to make up for neglect. It would have also been nice if we got more focus on Sakura wanting to reunite Team 7 rather than just Sasuke (which didn't happen until late into Part II), and, really, more than anything, it would have been nice to see her overcome her lack of confidence when Sasuke was around. Honestly, that was perhaps the worst part about 699 for me, the way she came full circle in the worst possible way and reverted to the Sakura from chapter 3.

Both of these girls deserved better than having their validation rest solely upon whose babies they ended up having.

You said to show anything that Sakura did for Naruto and I showed. I clearly won. xD

By the way, I'll just troll and say that Hinata didn't believe in Naruto and stepped in the middle of the fight. Sakura stood there because she trusted Naruto's skills. lol

As I said before, NaruHina is okay. She loves him and eventually Naruto would fall in love with her, there's nothing wrong there. Wouldn't be my first choice but I respect that and it is canon.
This thread became a long debate about Mrs. Hinata Uzumaki it seems

this is what I will forever refer to her as hehehehehehehehe

On a side note Bolt has some new symbol on his back.... I wonder if that is the new clan insignia for the merger of the two


You said to show anything that Sakura did for Naruto and I showed. I clearly won. xD

By the way, I'll just troll and say that Hinata didn't believe in Naruto and stepped in the middle of the fight. Sakura stood there because she trusted Naruto's skills. lol

As I said before, NaruHina is okay. She loves him and eventually Naruto would fall in love with her, there's nothing wrong there. Wouldn't be my first choice but I respect that and it is canon.

What really happened is Hinata could see what was going on with her eyes while Sakura couldn't


She was trying to make him happy, with a lie? How's that being good to Naruto? She had a noble purpose, sure, but that doesn't hide the fact that she played with Naruto's feelings towards her, it's manipulation. It was a good thing that Naruto at that time had already moved on from his childish crush with Sakura.

The Pain invasion arc is when things changed, whereas Sakura stood by and let Naruto get beaten the fuck out by Pain. Hinata was willing to say "fuck it all" and throw down her life to protect Naruto.

Sorry man, but I don't buy your defense towards Sakura. In almost everything she screwed up with Naruto, no wonder he went with Hinata in the end.

Sakura was desperate to make him stop hurting, so yeah, she lied to him. She wasn't trying to hurt him, she was trying to do the opposite, but that's the thing about lies, they tend to hurt people, even they come from good intentions.

Naruto specifically told everyone to stay the fuck back because they would only get in the way. Sakura did just that. Hinata even admitted to being selfish when she pulled her love martyr act. You take it as a sign of Sakura not caring enough, which I find a little silly considering how faith Sakura had in Naruto. It actually reminds of that time they went after Itachi and Sasuke and ran into Tobi. Naruto seemingly got hurt, Hinata freaked, but Sakura remained calm and told her to calm her shit and that it would take more than that to take Naruto down. It just went to show different their dynamics were and how much better Sakura understood Naruto, which was to be expected since they were much closer.


Yeah, it's a weird way to frame it because she wanted to keep both of them from killing each other. That was the worst case scenario for her seeing both her teammates kill each other. So even if could be considered manipulation, she had damn good intentions. I mean seriously, right after that Naruto said that if they fought, they'd die together, lol.

And yeah, Naruto characters don't hold super serious grudges because they're ninjas, they know that it comes with the territory. It's business and all that to fight where necessary. I mentioned it in the other thread but Sasuke probably didn't want to fight either of them initially because I recall him saying that they shouldn't follow him. But as soon as they started interfering with what he was doing, he had to deal with them otherwise he couldn't achieve what he wanted. It's why I said the relationship makes sense if you think about it being all about business.

Oh my god thank you , booking marking this for future bct use
Sakura was desperate to make him stop hurting, so yeah, she lied to him. She wasn't trying to hurt him, she was trying to do the opposite, but that's the thing about lies, they tend to hurt people, even they come from good intentions.

Naruto specifically told everyone to stay the fuck back because they would only get in the way. Sakura did just that. Hinata even admitted to being selfish when she pulled her love martyr act. You take it as a sign of Sakura not caring enough, which I find a little silly considering how faith Sakura had in Naruto. It actually reminds of that time they went after Itachi and Sasuke and ran into Tobi. Naruto seemingly got hurt, Hinata freaked, but Sakura remained calm and told her to calm her shit and that it would take more than that to take Naruto down. It just went to show different their dynamics were and how much better Sakura understood Naruto, which was to be expected since they were much closer.
I have no reason to argue cause no matter what you say it doesnt matter cause naruto and hinata ended up together. Its canon and no amount of arguing will change that
I think the minimum was a month

I would get one with the whole family.... but when you shrink these things it becomes overly small and all the detail vanishes


Are we even sure that Bolt or Salad even have the Byakugan? It seems to me that their eyes are normal.
You mean Bolt and Himawari? 'cause the Uchiha's eyes always appear normal unless their dōjutsu is active.

Naruto's kids do appear to have normal eyes, compared to what we've seen of the rest of the Hyūga, anyways. It's possible that they could still "awaken" the Byakugan at a later time, but if a single union outside of their bloodline could lead to their offspring not inheriting the dōjutsu, then it makes perfect sense why they kept such a tight reign on it all this time.

We don't know, but logically, they should have Rinnegan.
Why would they awaken the Rinnegan? the Byakugan has no relation to the dōryoku that stemmed from Kaguya's Rinne Sharingan.


My terms were that the thread decides; the avatar is either of Hinata or NaruHina, and it'd be for a month. I'll accept one of the kids though Bolt is retarded and Himawari is hideous.


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
My terms were that the thread decides; the avatar is either of Hinata or NaruHina, and it'd be for a month. I'll accept one of the kids though Bolt is retarded and Himawari is hideous.
Well, that settles it. Someone must include all of these things in a single avatar.
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