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Naruto Manga Thread (OT) - The End is here

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I think its crazy how a package from Matsuyama, Japan can get to my house in Florida in the matter of 3 days. Package delivery services are truly an amazing thing. Now to reread and experience all the feels again of Naruto 699 and 700 all over again in their original glory.

You might want to put that image in like an email tag quote or something so those that haven't read 699 or 700 yet get spoiled.

I know a significant portion of people here probably read it to it's conclusion, for the sake of those who haven't, the images are pretty glaring.
You might want to put that image in like an email tag quote or something so those that haven't read 699 or 700 yet get spoiled.

I know a significant portion of people here probably read it to it's conclusion, for the sake of those who haven't, the images are pretty glaring.

Done and done, thanks for the tip. ;)


For me Naruhina was obvious because of what Kishi said in interviews, not because of stuff happening in the manga. There was also no way it wasn't happening after the volume 64 cover.

Kishimoto also said in an interview that Sakura was a lot like his wife (because Oda of all people made the connection) and that Naruto was like himself.

There was definitely a bait and switch but looking back I can see how it was red herring. Kushina asked Naruto to do a whole bunch of things. Naruto...kind of does all of them. So....Why would he follow her last plea, regarding girls, to a T?

It was made to be broken.

I don't think it was a red herring. I think he just changed his mind.

Naruto was supposed to succeed where Jiraiya and Obito and failed, but in the end he, of all people, the one guy that never gives up on anything, gives up on reaching the girl he loved, just like Jiraiya and Obito. The fuck was the point in setting up those two other relationships to mirror Naruto and Sakura?



This. NaruHina never got the development it should have. If it was the intended pairing all along, then the manga would reflect that, but it doesn't.

Were people really expecting a well developed romance in a battle manga?

The fact this is a shōnen battle manga lowers our standards and expectations, but it shouldn't be a blanket pass.


Kishimoto also said in an interview that Sakura was a lot like his wife (because Oda of all people made the connection) and that Naruto was like himself.

I don't think it was a red herring. I think he just changed his mind.

Naruto was supposed to succeed where Jiraiya and Obito and failed, but in the end he, of all people, the one guy that never gives up on anything, gives up on reaching the girl he loved, just like Jiraiya and Obito. The fuck was the point in setting up those two other relationships to mirror Naruto and Sakura?

This. NaruHina never got the development it should have. If it was the intended pairing all along, then the manga would reflect that, but it doesn't.

The fact this is a shōnen battle manga lowers our standards and expectations, but it shouldn't be a blanket pass.

Nice Avatar bro. :)


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
There were several moments most notably after the pein arc that started developing the romance for naruhina, for instance every moment naruto and hinata had was treated more serious then naruto and sakura


Well it's been a very very long time since I have reread Naruto, I remember Naruto and Hinata getting more romantic development then Naruto and Sakura. Not a lot mind you, but it is a battle manga for 10 year olds, so it's not exactly surprising.

When Naruto and Hinata interacted it was usually played straight, with her showing how much she loved him, and him liking and respecting her as a person.

With Sakura, it was usually always comedic, and a lot of him teasing her. The only time they had serious moments was when it was about Sasuke, or during that awful confession.

I guess it can be kinda weird because of the Jiraya/Tsunade parallel, and his mom being a creep.

To be honest, I remember Naruto getting over Sakura in like the middle of part 1, when he realized how weirdly devoted Sakura was to Sasuke, and realized he had no chance. Since then, they just had a brother/sister type relationship, and he just really enjoyed teasing her.

Then again, I'm not exactly an expert on love, especially when it's written by someone who understands it even less then I do.


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
For me Naruhina was obvious because of what Kishi said in interviews, not because of stuff happening in the manga. There was also no way it wasn't happening after the volume 64 cover.

But stuff that happened in the manga made it obvious to me. The paralolz was the only thing keeping the NS ship afloat during part 2, NH got a lot more pivotal scenes and Naruto didn't outright reject her like Sasuke with Sakura.

There aren't any moments between Naruto and Sakura that can compare to Hinata protecting Naruto from Pain, Hinata slap to Naruto, or the holding hand moment.

And when Minato is fading away when the edo tensei techinique is wearing off in the final arc after the fight with Kaguya, Naruto tells him that he didn't follow Kushina's advice by the letter, that he did stuff differently. Implying that NS was not happening
There aren't any moments between Naruto and Sakura that can compare to Hinata protecting Naruto from Pain, Hinata slap to Naruto, or the holding hand moment

Let's totally ignore the fact that Sakura LITERALLY held Naruto's heart in her hand to save his life by any means necessary.


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
Yeah after the sasuke retrieval arc it never really felt like Naruto was really "inlove" with her like he use to, he teased her way less after his 2 years of training.


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
Let's totally ignore the fact that Sakura LITERALLY held Naruto's heart in her hand to save his life by any means necessary.
Besides the fact that she was trying to save him, I will concede that kishi tooottallly was taking advantage of shippers to fuck with everybody and I bet he enjoyed it.


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
And I don't get this "Naruto failed to get the girl like Obito and Jiraiya" argument. Those character didn't have a Hinata with them. That's why the parallels don't work.


All of you need to stop with this "My interpretation is more correct than yours!" nonsense.

You won, NH. No doubt, but let's not try and pretend that if say Sakura held Naruto's hand or whatever, you wouldn't have dismissed it at the time, simply because it didn't support your pairing. If Hinata was called Naruto's GF, you all would've been screaming canon (the fact that is canon is besides the point).

So, honestly, you have no logical high ground to stand on. Which is why shipping is a perfect example of confirmation bias.


So how long was Naruto in regards to timeline. Series started when Naruto was 11 and ended when he was 17, right?
12 to 17, I believe.

Now then the post-war / final battle. We see Naruto married and with his oldest child being what about 8 to 11 years old right? So Naruto is likely be in his mid to late 30's
Probably something like that, yeah.


There were several moments most notably after the pein arc that started developing the romance for naruhina, for instance every moment naruto and hinata had was treated more serious then naruto and sakura

I suppose that has to do with the fact Naruto and Sakura had shit to do and Kishi, treating romance as a background subplot throughout the entire manga, didn't dedicate every scene they had together to romance. There wasn't a need to. The readers knew Naruto loved Sakura, and he had never been pushy about it aside from asking her out on dates on occasion.

NaruHina had two moments in Part II of the manga. The confession and the handholding. The confession went ignored and was pretty much made inert when, after he beat Pain, Sakura was seen unhappy with the revelation Hinata loved Naruto and hugged him when he returned. It clearly wasn't just a regular hug between teammates considering how everyone reacted.

The handholding was followed by Kishimoto focusing on Sakura and how she felt about Naruto, she was obviously concerned, and it wasn't the first time, nor was it out of the ordinary considering they were close friends, but the fact that was followed by Minato showing up, inferring Sakura was Naruto's girlfriend and comparing her to Kushina, thus coming full circle on a reference from 130 chapters or so ago, with all this happening around the time Road to Ninja came out, the first movie Kishimoto wrote that was like a dream come true for NaruSaku fans - there's no way this all didn't dwarf the development of NaruHina, and I shouldn't even have to mention the whole CPR business, which is commonly used a plot device for romantic development.

It seems to me that right up until the end, every significant Naruto x Hinata development, was followed by an even more significant Naruto x Sakura development. I think Kishimoto was heavily invested in those two ending up together, and he wouldn't have neglected Hinata and made her feelings so decidedly one-sided if he wasn't. I believe that, though he changed his mind the end, he didn't have the heart to provide any closure on that front.

Well it's been a very very long time since I have reread Naruto, I remember Naruto and Hinata getting more romantic development then Naruto and Sakura. Not a lot mind you, but it is a battle manga for 10 year olds, so it's not exactly surprising.

When Naruto and Hinata interacted it was usually played straight, with her showing how much she loved him, and him liking and respecting her as a person.

With Sakura, it was usually always comedic, and a lot of him teasing her. The only time they had serious moments was when it was about Sasuke, or during that awful confession.

I guess it can be kinda weird because of the Jiraya/Tsunade parallel, and his mom being a creep.

To be honest, I remember Naruto getting over Sakura in like the middle of part 1, when he realized how weirdly devoted Sakura was to Sasuke, and realized he had no chance. Since then, they just had a brother/sister type relationship, and he just really enjoyed teasing her.

Then again, I'm not exactly an expert on love, especially when it's written by someone who understands it even less then I do.

They really didn't.

Naruto and Hinata's best interaction, in my opinion, was the one before the Chūnin Exams finals when he opened up to her in a way he hadn't to anyone else and confided in her that he wasn't as confident as he pretended to be. That was a genuinely good moment, and it so happened to be when Hinata had such untapped potential, and I could've easily shipped those together if they kept going in that direction, with the two of them actually having a moment. That's not what happened though, and it's kind of my main gripe with NaruHina aside.

Every instance that could be construed as a NaruHina moment makes Hinata seem so damn self-centred. She wants to be at Naruto's side, she wants him to acknowledge her, she wants to hold his hand, she wants this, that and the other, but it never seems like she really cared about much about him outside of his importance to her. Has she ever even mentioned to be supportive of his dreams? I don't recall, and I've read this manga so many times that I think I would if she did.

It's kind of funny in a very shitty way that Hinata gets all this praise for "supporting Naruto all along" while fans accuse Sakura of doing so only when things got good. It really couldn't be further away from the truth. Naruto and Sakura were friends. He wanted more, but at the start it was just a crush he could've gotten over. I think he fell in love with her around the time he saved her from Gaara. Prior to that Sakura already knew he liked her, but aside from him playfully pestering her for dates every now and then, they didn't address it. Kishimoto just didn't put it out in the open. That's why they could be friends while still potential love interests, and during that time Sakura came to support Naruto and his dreams, and she became more and more selfless over time as the series progressed, and it's really no surprise that it was one of the first things Sai and Yamato picked up on. At some point, it wasn't just entirely platonic feelings from her side.

That's why I shipped these two. They were like Jiraiya and Tsunade, and I always wanted those two to be happy together, but they actually had a chance to be together because, you know, with Naruto being the protagonist that never gave up and all, it just seemed like a shoe-in.

Naruto never got over Sakura in Part I. Not even close. I think the moment you're referring to is when Tsunade brought Sasuke out of his coma and Sakura was elated. Naruto smiled, but he was obviously hurt, and he left the room, which only Tsunade picked up on by noting he was more sensitive than he looked. Naruto had a similar reaction when Sakura asked him to bring back Sasuke. The latter is partly why Sakura felt so guilty she thought she had to be with Naruto because it only then really dawned on her how much she pain she caused when Sai confronted her.

Naruto always knew Sakura loved Sasuke, and that didn't stop him from loving Sakura. Tsunade loving Dan didn't stop Jiraiya either, neither did Rin loving Kakashi stop Obito from loving her.

That's just one of the many reasons why Naruto not ending up with Sakura sucks. He ultimately doesn't get the girl - just like the other two.

If Naruto and Sakura shared a sibling-like relationship, most of this would not have been written.


This is an embarrassingly long post.
LoL@ all the people still having a problem with SasukexSakura,ignoring the time skip or what relationship/mending could of happened during time skip. Yes we know its a cheap cop-out by Kishi,but you still cant ignore that its there. Plenty of relationship blooming could of happened for those two during that time,hell the NarutoxHinata starts soon with the Naruto: The Last movie. Anyways enjoy the fantastic art of this power couple. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯



Also other than Macbooks and skyscrapers,seems man purses are in as well in Konoha



It's kinda shit how all that's really left to discuss is pairings, but after 15 years of serialisation, people are bound to be invested, no matter how badly it was all written.

SasuSaku lived and died by whether or not Kishimoto could redeem Sasuke.
NaruSaku lived and died by whether or not Kishimoto chose SasuSaku.
NaruHina lived and died by whether or not Kishimoto chose NaruSaku

It was set up in a pretty shit way. Just too many love triangles.


LoL@ all the people still having a problem with SasukexSakura,ignoring the time skip or what relationship/mending could of happened during time skip. Yes we know its a cheap cop-out by Kishi,but you still cant ignore that its there. Plenty of relationship blooming could of happened for those two during that time,hell the NarutoxHinata starts soon with the Naruto: The Last movie. Anyways enjoy the fantastic art of this power couple. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I acknowledged this possibility on the last page of the thread.

I mean a LOT can happen in 4 to 5 years.

As I said before, we are talking about the same series that Sasuke looked up and idolized his older brother wanting to emulate to a degree, to overnight wanting to kill him because of what happened to his family, to again respecting his brother over a small time period after learning the truth.

If you look at things in this angle, It doesn't seem out of reason or impossibility for Sasuke to get over his "annoyance" with Sakura in a 4 to 5 year time period for that kind of relationship to make sense.


I think Naruto pushed somewhat during the end of part 1 and during part 2, but he never really showed that much interest outside of the subtle comedy moments between the two. And honestly, I don't think Sakura could have cared less about Naruto until the Chunin exams and that was her more focusing on her own uselessness to the team.

I'm not saying Sakura was some monster, but she only really got interested in Naruto during or after the second Sasuke retrieval arc. Even then, anytime Sasuke was brought up, he was always kicked to the back burner.

It's not hard to see why people prefer Hinata who while shy didn't insult Naruto behind his back in her first appearance.


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
Kishimoto is self admittedly bad at romance and didn't like writing romantic scenes. So of course he decided to do all the important romantic development off screen, during a 15 year time skip.

Also, new team InoShikaCho is underrated. People love Bolt, Himawari, and Salad, but nobody cares about Chocho, Inojin, or Shikadai. Sure, they all look like Frankenstein mishmashes of their parents, but their team dynamic seemed really interesting. Imagine Chocho using Choji's butterfly thing, only with lightning. Asuma's daughter is also a fantastic design.

I still want to know if Lee had a kid or just picked up a mini-me the same way Gai did.


I think Naruto pushed somewhat during the end of part 1 and during part 2, but he never really showed that much interest outside of the subtle comedy moments between the two. And honestly, I don't think Sakura could have cared less about Naruto until the Chunin exams and that was her more focusing on her own uselessness to the team.

I'm not saying Sakura was some monster, but she only really got interested in Naruto during or after the second Sasuke retrieval arc. Even then, anytime Sasuke was brought up, he was always kicked to the back burner.

It's not hard to see why people prefer Hinata who while shy didn't insult Naruto behind his back in her first appearance.

I think one of the biggest poking points that probably annoy some NaruHina shippers, is well Naruto didn't even acknowledge Hinata's confession during the battle with Pein. Sure he heard her message, but we didn't ever see him talk to her and address it.

Or perhaps Naruto had a memory lapse when he went Six Tails but still, having that thing out in the open and just almost being entirely forgotten about is one the only things I think some against the idea of NaruHina being possible could take advantage of.

I'm partial to the couple, but I'm not so overzealous with fandom to not acknowledge there can be flaws in some of it.

Kishimoto is self admittedly bad at romance and didn't like writing romantic scenes. So of course he decided to do all the important romantic development off screen, during a 15 year time skip.

Also, new team InoShikaCho is underrated. People love Bolt, Himawari, and Salad, but nobody cares about Chocho, Inojin, or Shikadai. Sure, they all look like Frankenstein mishmashes of their parents, but their team dynamic seemed really interesting. Imagine Chocho using Choji's butterfly thing, only with lightning. Asuma's daughter is also a fantastic design.

I still want to know if Lee had a kid or just picked up a mini-me the same way Gai did.

I refuse to acknowledge the name Bolt. I still think it's a food based pun name like Naruto (i.e Fishcake) is...So I'll continue to call him Baruto i.e Buritto. and Salad is well...Salad.

The fact that Naruto's own clan logo mimicks the design on the food is another thing entirely - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Narutomaki


Unconfirmed Member
The fact this is a shōnen battle manga lowers our standards and expectations, but it shouldn't be a blanket pass.

In all honesty I would rather there was no romance than badly written romance. Given what Kishi has said about writing romance I just hope someone is helping him write the romantic scenes in The Last.
You know it's sad when I feel like Kubo handled the Ichigo/Rukia/Orihime situation far greater than he did with his own relationships and Kubo doesn't even write romance.


Also, Naruto not getting a girl is a messed up way of thinking about the relationship. It meant that someone gave their all while the other person choose to accept them. The fact that Sakura only started to get interested in Naruto after Sasuke left told you a lot.

Then she pretty much begged Sasuke to not fight Naruto and come back with obvious love vibes from it. What showed it even more was the fact that Naruto didn't even seem to mind that much during the whole conversation.

You don't win someone in relationships.
All of you need to stop with this "My interpretation is more correct than yours!" nonsense.

You won, NH. No doubt, but let's not try and pretend that if say Sakura held Naruto's hand or whatever, you wouldn't have dismissed it at the time, simply because it didn't support your pairing. If Hinata was called Naruto's GF, you all would've been screaming canon (the fact that is canon is besides the point).

So, honestly, you have no logical high ground to stand on. Which is why shipping is a perfect example of confirmation bias.

At the time. Right now I think hindsight offers us a lot.


At the time, I wasn't sure if Neji's death was permenant. Obito could have easily pulled a Nagato cop out and resurrected everyone.

Naruto protagonists are the furthest thing away from being expendable. Gaara is still alive. Gai is still alive. Chouji is still alive. Killer Bee is still alive. Tsunade is still alive.

So why would a relationship built off the death of a character developed as much as Neji be a last minute decision? This had to be planned in advance.
In all honesty I would rather there was no romance than badly written romance. Given what Kishi has said about writing romance I just hope someone is helping him write the romantic scenes in The Last.

The No Shipping Team makes its triumphant resurrection from the ashes! We may have lost the war, but your victory came with a horrible price. Your shipping has driven you to the maw of madness; return to the shallow grave of No Shipping and you can finally lay down down your weary hearts and minds for a final slumber.
I acknowledged this possibility on the last page of the thread.

I mean a LOT can happen in 4 to 5 years.

As I said before, we are talking about the same series that Sasuke looked up and idolized his older brother wanting to emulate to a degree, to overnight wanting to kill him because of what happened to his family, to again respecting his brother over a small time period after learning the truth.

If you look at things in this angle, It doesn't seem out of reason or impossibility for Sasuke to get over his "annoyance" with Sakura in a 4 to 5 year time period for that kind of relationship to make sense.

Me and you think alike,I said the say thing your saying a couple of pages back but was ignored. People want to focus on the now for some reason and don't want to except the time skip relationship building scenerio.

You know it's sad when I feel like Kubo handled the Ichigo/Rukia/Orihime situation far greater than he did with his own relationships and Kubo doesn't even write romance.


Please enlighten me on that because Bleach is one big clusterfuck? Rukia seems to have a brother complex that far outweighs Ichigo and Orihime's ''Kurosaki-kun'' one liners the whole series hardly count as any relationship building. God Bleach as a whole manga has been in the gutter after the Soul Society arc, Kubo has been clocked out on this series and seems to be phoning it in weekly for that paycheck.


To be fair, love triangles are always a dumb way to do relationships outside of a harem series. The best relationships are simply two characters getting to know one another and them falling in love.

I think Tskihime does this the best in terms of the two main characters in the Manga.


To be fair, love triangles are always a dumb way to do relationships outside of a harem series. The best relationships are simply two characters getting to know one another and them falling in love.

I think Tskihime does this the best in terms of the two main characters in the Manga.

You should check out the source material for Tsukihime. It's bit more complex then what is implied in the Manga, I'm referring to the visual novel from Type-Moon.


As for a subject change.

Would it be out of the realm of logic to presume the reasons for why Naruto and Sasuke's kids are named as such, is because they some how got into an argument over which food is better.

Naruto : No Buritto is better
Sasuke : Salad!
Naruto : Nah, Vegetables suck!
Sasuke : It's because you don't eat vegetables is why your brain works half the time!
Naruto : BURITTO
Sasuke : SALAD.

And then Hinata and Sakura come into the room and assume they are arguing over a name for their children, and settle it without knowing the context of the argument.

I can picture the scenario. I just don't know how this would coincide with the names of their children without some sort of "one-upmanship" that Sasuke and Naruto would have. Fighting over something silly.


You should check out the source material for Tsukihime. It's bit more complex then what is implied in the Manga, I'm referring to the visual novel from Type-Moon.


As for a subject change.

Would it be out of the realm of logic to presume the reasons for why Naruto and Sasuke's kids are named as such, is because they some how got into an argument over which food is better.

Naruto : No Buritto is better
Sasuke : Salad!
Naruto : Nah, Vegetables suck!
Sasuke : It's because you don't eat vegetables is why your brain works half the time!
Naruto : BURITTO
Sasuke : SALAD.

And then Hinata and Sakura come into the room and assume they are arguing over a name for their children, and settle it without knowing the context of the argument.

I can picture the scenario. I just don't know how this would coincide with the names of their children without some sort of "one-upmanship" that Sasuke and Naruto would have. Fighting over something silly.

Oh, I know, I read the VN, and even then they did romance well...outside of Ciel's route...but that route was irritating.
"On-topic" though, it's pretty obvious Kishi used romance more as plot devices or fanservice than for actual character development. There is absolutely no reason why Naruto should have never acknowledged or discussed Hinata's sacrifice. Likewise, why did Naruto never follow up on Sakura's Land of Iron "confession" after he realized Sakura was trying to kill Sasuke? There's not even a "we got bigger problems", "We can talk about this later", "Now's not the time for that kind of thing" dismissal to justify ignoring it.

My guess is that Kishi realized that following up on these two things would force him to get on the record about how characters felt toward each other because the incidents were so overtly about romance. They would be almost impossible to reasonably address without making some kind of statement one way or the other. And that would be anathema to the love triangle that gets free fan interest and activity going.

So instead Kishi just completely avoids and ignores any and all possible consequences or results that could flow from these incidents despite the fact that they were pivotal moments in Naruto's development. Surely he could think of other plot devices to get Naruto to turn tailed beast mode or to get Sakura to Sasuke's location first without using lazy unresolved romance?

I also think people who have pairings they support tend to look at things from a different lens. Actions or incidents get interpreted in the context of a possible romantic relationship, rather than the context of what's actually occurring in that moment. There's also a tendency to always go with the complicated Romantic explanation rather than the simpler alternative. Perhaps we need a Cupid's Razor:

If a friendship between characters can satisfactorily explain actions or behavior, then we should not make additional assumptions to impute unstated or sub-textual romantic motivations to the character's action or behavior.

This pairs nicely with Kishi admission that he doesn't like doing romance (or whatever he said). If he wants it to be about romance, he's going to be explicit about it. "You have to read into it" most likely means it was an unintended accident or the natural result of interpretive selection by the reader.
Yeah after the sasuke retrieval arc it never really felt like Naruto was really "inlove" with her like he use to, he teased her way less after his 2 years of training.

Naruto must have realised truly how much Sakura loved Sasuke. I think the fake confession was the point (maybe even before that) where we can see Naruto understanding Sakura and that she's still in love with Sasuke. Calls her out on her bullshit straight away when she says she loves him.

random fan art insertion:

Likewise, why did Naruto never follow up on Sakura's Land of Iron "confession" after he realized Sakura was trying to kill Sasuke? There's not even a "we got bigger problems", "We can talk about this later", "Now's not the time for that kind of thing" dismissal to justify ignoring it.

The confession was never genuine.....Sakura wanted to use the confession as a way to stop Naruto going after Sasuke and getting himself hurt. Naruto saw straight through it, and the best bit was when he said he's not chasing Sasuke because of her promise.....no he's chasing his friend because he understands whats happened and wants to save him from the path he was going to take.

Sai later explains to Naruto Sakura's actions: that she loves Sasuke so she doesn't want to see him go down that path.....she wants to end even if it means killing the one she loves.
The confession was never genuine.....Sakura wanted to use the confession as a way to stop Naruto going after Sasuke and getting himself hurt. Naruto saw straight through it, and the best bit was when he said he's not chasing Sasuke because of her promise.....no he's chasing his friend because he understands whats happened and wants to save him from the path he was going to take.

Sai later explains to Naruto Sakura's actions: that she loves Sasuke so she doesn't want to see him go down that path.....she wants to end even if it means killing the one she loves.

I know that, hence the use of quotations around "confession". What I meant is that as characters and people, Naruto and Sakura should have talked with each other to get some closure and understanding over what had just happened and what to do moving forward. Now maybe we're just supposed to assume Naruto's speech to Sasuke was intended for both parties and resolved Sakura's issues, but she never gets a chance to express her understanding to Naruto after the poison takes effect or to apologize for trying to pull one over on him.

Also I thought it was Kakashi who said that during the clash, not Sai later on. Hence the callback when Kakashi says/does the same thing about Obito, never mind I remember what you're talking about.
I know that, hence the use of quotations around "confession". What I meant is that as characters and people, Naruto and Sakura should have talked with each other to get some closure and understanding over what had just happened and what to do moving forward. Now maybe we're just supposed to assume Naruto's speech to Sasuke was intended for both parties and resolved Sakura's issues, but she never gets a chance to express that to Naruto after the poison takes effect.

Naruto knew exactly what Sakura was doing and Sai explains why she went to kill Sasuke. After the confrontation its clear that she can't do the deed and yeah after Naruto's speech I wouldn't be surprised if Sakura has faith in Naruto's words with Sasuke. Is it really necessary to spend time on that?


I don't know what's more irksome, SS/NH shippers just outright ignoring events in the manga, or construing them in a way that is so contradictory they might as well just write fan fiction.

Saying Naruto got over Sakura before the final chapters is like saying Jiraiya and Obito moved on from Tsunade and Rin. It's bullshit.
I don't know what's more irksome, SS/NH shippers just outright ignoring events in the manga, or construing them in a way that is so contradictory they might as well just write fan fiction.

Saying Naruto got over Sakura before the final chapters is like saying Jiraiya and Obito moved on from Tsunade and Rin. It's bullshit.

Wait you think Naruto is going to continue chasing Sakura despite knowing she's hopelessly in love with Sasuke......yeah no thats not Naruto at all.
Naruto knew exactly what Sakura was doing and Sai explains why she went to kill Sasuke. After the confrontation its clear that she can't do the deed and yeah after Naruto's speech I wouldn't be surprised if Sakura has faith in Naruto's words with Sasuke. Is it really necessary to spend time on that?

Since when is the manga on such a time crunch that we have to cut out basic character interaction and the concept of closure or reflection? It's not strictly necessary that Naruto acknowledge Hinata's sacrifice either but it makes little sense from an actual story and character perspective to ignore it.

The context of Sakura's and Naruto's argument changes completely once Sai reveals the true motivation; Naruto would have said completely different things to Sakura had he known what was really going on. The elimination of the gap between the two character's understanding is the type of realization that should be fleshed out, especially given the heated nature of their exchange.

How does Naruto feel about Sakura's decision and vice versa? Does he want to admonish her or express empathy and ask for her to trust in his ability to save Sasuke? How does Sakura feel about Naruto's claim that Naruto and Sasuke will both die next fight? Is that an outcome Sakura wants or thinks is ideal? Talking to Sasuke is not talking to Sakura, and it treats her character as disposable if Naruto's uniquely about Sasuke speech is supposed to be equally applicable to her. And even if it was, Naruto never takes the time to verify that Sakura has received or accepted the message within it. What if she still wanted to kill Sasuke anyway, Naruto wouldn't know because he never bothered to ask. Unless characters actually talk and get closure about how they feel, they can't possibly have an understanding about one another.

The characters in a story don't have the reader's knowledge. Just because we know something doesn't mean the character can or should know what another character is thinking. They still have to actually say things out loud. Is it necessary? I guess not, we can just make all characters pseudo mind readers who know the impact of their words on others. That would 'save' time by not duplicating a characters internal thoughts that the reader already knows with a verbal expression of it to other characterss. But writing isn't about efficiency, it's about quality.

Too often the manga moves from action to action without enough downtime. Characters need time to talk about things outside of the context of immediate plot threats. That's how storytelling works, otherwise character development comes across as artificial, unearned, and arbitrary.
Since when is the manga on such a time crunch that we have to cut out basic character interaction and the concept of closure or reflection?

You would be surprised. The Hidan and Kakuzu arc was made shorter to make way for a sooner Sasuke appearance.

Again, this isn't a manga in the romance genre.
You would be surprised. The Hidan and Kakuzu arc was made shorter to make way for a sooner Sasuke appearance.

Okay but I think we can agree that decisions motivated by these kinds of concerns are usually bad and result in poor writing by raising complex issues and then not properly executing them.

Nothing I talked about has anything to do with being a romance manga or not. A character should acknowledge if someone sacrifices their life to save them, regardless of romantic issues. Characters should get closure on a fight, especially if it has to do with whether another character should be killed or not. These issues go beyond whatever romantic motivations may have originally prompted it (though one wonders why all the romantic motivations are in there at all if its not supposed to be about romance. In any event not focusing on romance is not a shield from criticism for using it extremely poorly).

If you're going to raise issues you need to be able to actually deliver on them.
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