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Naruto Manga Thread (OT) - The End is here

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Wait you think Naruto is going to continue chasing Sakura despite knowing she's hopelessly in love with Sasuke......yeah no thats not Naruto at all.

Naruto has always known Sakura likes Sasuke, and he could tell when she fell in love with him. That never stopped him from loving her. All the way up to 698, probably 699, he loved her anyway.

Two years after 699 he falls in love with Hinata during the events of The Last, so I'm assuming he was still in love with Sakura for quite some time.
Naruto has always known Sakura likes Sasuke, and he could tell when she fell in love with him. That never stopped him from loving her. All the way up to 698, probably 699, he loved her anyway.

Two years after 699 he falls in love with Hinata during the events of The Last, so I'm assuming he was still in love with Sakura for quite some time.

I'm gonna laugh if the Last still shows at the beginning he's still in love with Sakura before moving on to Hinata.

Which is probably the case.
The movie is about first love. He was never in love with Sakura.


I'm gonna laugh if the Last still shows at the beginning he's still in love with Sakura before moving on to Hinata.

Which is probably the case.

Don't see why he would wait 2 years otherwise.

I'm actually dreading it though because it'll probably downplay what Naruto felt for Sakura in some kind of attempt to legitimise Naruto's relationship with Hinata as more than a fallback - which is exactly what it looks like now.

The movie is about first love. He was never in love with Sakura.

Straight up bullshit.
Don't see why he would wait 2 years otherwise.

I'm actually dreading it though because it'll probably downplay what Naruto felt for Sakura in some kind of attempt to legitimise Naruto's relationship with Hinata as more than a fallback - which is exactly what it looks like now.

Straight up bullshit.
He never once said he loved her. He was never in love with sakura, it was a crush. He got over it cause he was pretty chill when sasuke nearly stabbed her with a chidori.


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
Having a crush and being in love are two different things, you can't possibly argue that a 13 years old (the time at which Naruto starts) Naruto could possibly know what loving someone other your than family is.

For 699 chapters Sakura couldn't show any affection other than frienship towards Naruto, for 699 chapters seriously. It was just hokey parallels to keep the fandom interested, Yamato lol-worthy "But you really...", and Sakura crying when Naruto went 4-tails on Orochimaru.

And like I said, this whole "He failed, like Obito and Jiraiya, to get the girl" is what I call straight up bullshit, he succeded where they couldn't, he moved on like any sane person would've done. Well except if you are a shitty character like Obito.
You're not seriously trying to waste my time with this shit.

He's a little right you know when it comes to Naruto and Sakura. Now hear me out,speaking from experience who which we all can relate too. Naruto liked/loved Sakura at a young age right?

During his teenage years its totally possible to fall out of love with Sakura and for Hinata. I mean looking at it seriously,who really stays in love from that young age with the same girl? He's doesn't even know what love is and Sakura doesn't as well.

You can argue about some development over part 2,but as the outcome of the ending it seems Hinata was the winner during the time skip. Sakura no matter how she was edging toward Naruto's side was always deep down a endless Sasuke lover. Naruto would be a straight ''simp' if he didn't wise up and notice this in his teen years lol.


But hey that's just my 2 cents looking at it from a real perspective.

Having a crush and being in love are two different things, you can't possibly argue that a 13 years old (the time at which Naruto starts) Naruto could possibly know what loving someone other your than family is.

For 699 chapters Sakura couldn't show any affection other than frienship towards Naruto, for 699 chapters seriously. It was just hokey parallels to keep the fandom interested, Yamato lol-worthy "But you really...", and Sakura crying when Naruto went 4-tails on Orochimaru.

And like I said, this whole "He failed, like Obito and Jiraiya, to get the girl" is what I call straight up bullshit, he succeded where they couldn't, he moved on like any sane person would've done. Well except if you are a shitty character like Obito.

Well said and I agree 100%,none of us knew what real love was at that age.


The movie is about first love. He was never in love with Sakura.

First love or First real relationship?

To be honest, I always thought naruto was very immature to be taken seriously when it comes to romance (in the first part at least). Naruto liked sakura because she is pretty, that's it, it's very child-like. It wasn't LOVE.

As the story went on, this weird triangle developped into a mess of nobody acknowledging nobody's confessions. But I feel that naruhina was intended from the very beginning because, generally in shonen manga, who the hero ends up with at the end is a given.

I can't believe i got caught up in this thread.
Having a crush and being in love are two different things, you can't possibly argue that a 13 years old (the time at which Naruto starts) Naruto could possibly know what loving someone other your than family is.

For 699 chapters Sakura couldn't show any affection other than frienship towards Naruto, for 699 chapters seriously. It was just hokey parallels to keep the fandom interested, Yamato lol-worthy "But you really...", and Sakura crying when Naruto went 4-tails on Orochimaru.

And like I said, this whole "He failed, like Obito and Jiraiya, to get the girl" is what I call straight up bullshit, he succeded where they couldn't, he moved on like any sane person would've done. Well except if you are a shitty character like Obito.
The whole thing of naruto succeding in getting the girl demeans sakura completly cause it makes her a prize not someone he loves. I like naruto and hinata cause hinata really loves naruto and has for a long time. Her love started as just admiration but then it grew into love. Thats the difference between naurtos crush different than hinatas love. Hinata words didnt cause naruto to hyperventilate. Hinata has only ever made naruto happy, except when he thought she died which is understandable. Hell sais words of "they say you love someone if you always smile around them" makes more sense with naruto and hinata cause hes only frowned once around her. Unlike sakura who makes naruto unhappy all the time.
You would be surprised. The Hidan and Kakuzu arc was made shorter to make way for a sooner Sasuke appearance.

Again, this isn't a manga in the romance genre.

as much I like the Sasuke hunting down Akatsuki arc its a damn shame that the Hidan arc was compromised. Honestly it deserved more recognition.

Since when is the manga on such a time crunch that we have to cut out basic character interaction and the concept of closure or reflection? It's not strictly necessary that Naruto acknowledge Hinata's sacrifice either but it makes little sense from an actual story and character perspective to ignore it.

The context of Sakura's and Naruto's argument changes completely once Sai reveals the true motivation; Naruto would have said completely different things to Sakura had he known what was really going on. The elimination of the gap between the two character's understanding is the type of realization that should be fleshed out, especially given the heated nature of their exchange.

How does Naruto feel about Sakura's decision and vice versa? Does he want to admonish her or express empathy and ask for her to trust in his ability to save Sasuke? How does Sakura feel about Naruto's claim that Naruto and Sasuke will both die next fight? Is that an outcome Sakura wants or thinks is ideal? Talking to Sasuke is not talking to Sakura, and it treats her character as disposable if Naruto's uniquely about Sasuke speech is supposed to be equally applicable to her. And even if it was, Naruto never takes the time to verify that Sakura has received or accepted the message within it. What if she still wanted to kill Sasuke anyway, Naruto wouldn't know because he never bothered to ask. Unless characters actually talk and get closure about how they feel, they can't possibly have an understanding about one another.

The characters in a story don't have the reader's knowledge. Just because we know something doesn't mean the character can or should know what another character is thinking. They still have to actually say things out loud. Is it necessary? I guess not, we can just make all characters pseudo mind readers who know the impact of their words on others. That would 'save' time by not duplicating a characters internal thoughts that the reader already knows with a verbal expression of it to other characterss. But writing isn't about efficiency, it's about quality.

Too often the manga moves from action to action without enough downtime. Characters need time to talk about things outside of the context of immediate plot threats. That's how storytelling works, otherwise character development comes across as artificial, unearned, and arbitrary.

Okay. I see what you're saying and i think some of the stuff we as the reader get from Sakura should of been said by her to Kakashi and Naruto.......stuff like her having confidence that Team 7 can have a happy end due to what Naruto said.

I think Naruto and Kakashi also don;t expect Sakura to do this again after what Naruto said as well.

I agree intentions could be clearer if she said that to her team mates, but its not out there on what happens.

Naruto has always known Sakura likes Sasuke, and he could tell when she fell in love with him. That never stopped him from loving her. All the way up to 698, probably 699, he loved her anyway.

Nah. I see the fake confession scene as the moment Naruto truly realises that Sakura's love for Sasuke is unwavering. She's not going to back down from it. Naruto still cares deeply for Sakura as a friend (best friend pretty much) and I think your confusing that with romantic feelings.

Naruto would be a straight ''simp' if he didn't wise up and notice this in his teen years lol.

lol unlike Obito


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
Having a crush and being in love are two different things, you can't possibly argue that a 13 years old (the time at which Naruto starts) Naruto could possibly know what loving someone other your than family is.

For 699 chapters Sakura couldn't show any affection other than frienship towards Naruto, for 699 chapters seriously. It was just hokey parallels to keep the fandom interested, Yamato lol-worthy "But you really...", and Sakura crying when Naruto went 4-tails on Orochimaru.

And like I said, this whole "He failed, like Obito and Jiraiya, to get the girl" is what I call straight up bullshit, he succeded where they couldn't, he moved on like any sane person would've done. Well except if you are a shitty character like Obito.
to be fair jiraiya moved on from tsunade in a big way, went out, got laid, and then never looked back.
to be fair jiraiya moved on from tsunade in a big way, went out, got laid, and then never looked back.
Plus he became a millionare and the difference between Naruto and Jiraya is that he and tsunade went through way more shit, they were in a full fledged war, where nations were fighting against each other, not the whole world against plants, zombies, and 2 guys, and they didnt have ninja jesus on their side and it didnt last 2 days.
Okay. I see what you're saying and i think some of the stuff we as the reader get from Sakura should of been said by her to Kakashi and Naruto.......stuff like her having confidence that Team 7 can have a happy end due to what Naruto said.

I think Naruto and Kakashi also don;t expect Sakura to do this again after what Naruto said as well.

I agree intentions could be clearer if she said that to her team mates, but its not out there on what happens.

Yeah, I'm not trying to say Naruto needs multiple chapters dedicated to this kind of exchange every time it pops up. Even something as minimal as a "We good? "We're good" kind of exchange goes a long way towards letting the reader know that the characters have acknowledged what's happened externally without having to repeat internal dialogue verbatim. Now I obviously want a lot more than that, but that at least crosses the threshold of unspoken to spoken.


Naruto the manga is so devoid of any character development or interesting story lines that all there is to talk about are these goofy ass pairings.

Looking back, everything is so shallow as to make conversation discussing it feel rote. The finest moments come in the first half of the manga, when it was forming its identity and establishing the world. But the continuity in part 2 veers off into a land of poor pacing and poorer plotting, muddying the very foundation of the story.

There is no reasoning behind many of the decisions that lead to entire critical plot points to appear as random, contrived scenarios. Characters often serve to be nothing but devices that spit out essential plot to move things forward. It's utterly boring when so many one note characters get such entrenched roles in the manga, constraining any and all imagination and imparting no favorable elements to any other part of the story. So we're left with husks of superficial memories trying to reach an audience intelligently on an emotional level, and it's just the funniest thing to think about.


Naruto the manga is so devoid of any character development or interesting story lines that all there is to talk about are these goofy ass pairings.

Looking back, everything is so shallow as to make conversation discussing it feel rote. The finest moments come in the first half of the manga, when it was forming its identity and establishing the world. But the continuity in part 2 veers off into a land of poor pacing and poorer plotting, muddying the very foundation of the story.

There is no reasoning behind many of the decisions that lead to entire critical plot points to appear as random, contrived scenarios. Characters often serve to be nothing but devices that spit out essential plot to move things forward. It's utterly boring when so many one note characters get such entrenched roles in the manga, constraining any and all imagination and imparting no favorable elements to any other part of the story. So we're left with husks of superficial memories trying to reach an audience intelligently on an emotional level, and it's just the funniest thing to think about.

Come on now, Legend of Korra isn't THAT bad...

But I do agree, there some really nice moments in Part 2, but almost all of those moments were because they referenced part 1. The best scene was after Naruto bested pain and the Village cheered for him. It was heartwarming, because in a way Naruto got exactly what he wanted, to be recognized by the in the village.


Youre always wasting everyone elses time so why not.

I should take notes from you then since you're denying something as blatant as Naruto loving Sakura, which has been reinforced time and again, in the manga, and in other canonical sources.

Having a crush and being in love are two different things, you can't possibly argue that a 13 years old (the time at which Naruto starts) Naruto could possibly know what loving someone other your than family is.

For 699 chapters Sakura couldn't show any affection other than frienship towards Naruto, for 699 chapters seriously. It was just hokey parallels to keep the fandom interested, Yamato lol-worthy "But you really...", and Sakura crying when Naruto went 4-tails on Orochimaru.

And like I said, this whole "He failed, like Obito and Jiraiya, to get the girl" is what I call straight up bullshit, he succeded where they couldn't, he moved on like any sane person would've done. Well except if you are a shitty character like Obito.

In a manga where 13 year olds hold a rank in military organisations and carry out dangerous missions, you question their capacity to know what love is? I suppose you believe Obito just had a crush on Rin as well then, since he was only thirteen during Kakashi Gaiden, and he couldn't possibly have known what love is, right?

Age is a near superfluous detail in Naruto.

Kishimoto purposefully mirrored Naruto and Sakura's relationship to that of Jiraiya/Tsunade and Obito/Rin to once again reinforce his whole BS of the new generation surpassing where the old one failed. Teasing hardly came into it considering Hinata was barely in the manga and Naruto never thought of her as more than a friend. The groundwork, the build up for Naruto/Sakura happening was there, undeniably so, and it didn't just happen by accident, it was there by design.

Evidently, Kishimoto changed his mind, but let's not partake in revisionist history to downplay what was there.

He's a little right you know when it comes to Naruto and Sakura. Now hear me out,speaking from experience who which we all can relate too. Naruto liked/loved Sakura at a young age right?

During his teenage years its totally possible to fall out of love with Sakura and for Hinata. I mean looking at it seriously,who really stays in love from that young age with the same girl? He's doesn't even know what love is and Sakura doesn't as well.

You can argue about some development over part 2,but as the outcome of the ending it seems Hinata was the winner during the time skip. Sakura no matter how she was edging to Naruto side was always deep down a endless Sasuke lover. Naruto would be a straight ''simp' if he didn't wise up and notice this in his teen years lol.

But hey that's just my 2 cents looking at it from a real perspective.

Obviously Naruto fell out of love with Sakura and in love with Hinata given the ending we were given. It just didn't happen until after 698, and there is no proof to suggest otherwise.

In the end Hinata wasn't so much as the winner as Naruto was the loser that failed to get with Sakura. Yeah, he moved on, but he did so in a fucking movie two years later.
I should take notes from you then since you're denying something as blatant as Naruto loving Sakura, which has been reinforced time and again, in the manga, and in other canonical sources.

In a manga where 13 year olds hold a rank in military organisations and carry out dangerous missions, you question their capacity to know what love is? I suppose you believe Obito just had a crush on Rin as well then, since he was only thirteen during Kakashi Gaiden, and he couldn't possibly have known what love is, right?

Age is a near superfluous detail in Naruto.

Kishimoto purposefully mirror Naruto and Sakura's relationship to that of Jiraiya/Tsunade and Obito/Rin to once again reinforce his whole BS of the new generation surpassing where the old one failed. Teasing hardly came into it considering Hinata was barely in the manga and Naruto thought of her as more than a friend. The groundwork, the build up for Naruto/Sakura happening was there, undeniably so, and it didn't just happen by accident, it was there by design.

Evidently, Kishimoto changed his mind, but let's not partake in revisionist history to downplay what was there.

Obviously Naruto fell out of love with Sakura and in love with Hinata given the ending we were given. It just didn't happen until after 698, and there is no proof to suggest otherwise.

In the end Hinata wasn't so much as the winner as Naruto was the loser that failed to get with Sakura. Yeah, he moved on, but he did so in a fucking movie two years later.
Whatever dude youre the one who always ignores canon sorces and the such.
thinking that naruto understood what love was when he was 13 is like thinking Goku understood what marriage was.
naruto didnt even know what chakra was when he was 13.
If anyone was a winner it was naruto cause he got what he always wanted, someone who loved him.
Also every single "source" you cite is about as shallow as narutos crush for sakura.


I hope you just realized that you called someone a loser that got the hint that someone wasn't into them and moved on to someone who loved him more? You do realize how silly it is.

A real loser would have kept trying after a girl who obviously wasn't interested in was into Sasuke more anyway.
I hope you just realized that you called someone a loser that got the hint that someone wasn't into them and moved on to someone who loved him more? You do realize how silly it is.

A real loser would have kept trying after a girl who obviously wasn't interested in was into Sasuke more anyway.
Wanna know who else took a hint and moved onto someone much better? Simon from Gurren Lagann. Leader of team dai-gurren whos power comes from manly will power and never gave up and pierces the heavens. He moved on from his childhood crush when he found out she was in love with someone else.


In the end Hinata wasn't so much as the winner as Naruto was the loser that failed to get with Sakura.

This is such terrible thinking. Nobody says they failed when they didn't end up with their middle school or high school crush. Hinata is a better character than Sakura, even you would have to admit that Sakura is written poorly and is largely thought of to be unlikeable.

The author decided that Naruto had never loved Sakura at all and that it was nothing but a 13-16 year old childish crush. Deal with it.
All these "This pairing was so obvious" posts are such disingenuous bullshit. They were obvious to you, were they really, even though the rest of the fandom were debating the merits and likelihood of said pairings for over a decade?

Yeah, it was so obvious how Naruto was going to end up with Hinata even though barely spoke to her and pined for Sakura right up until the epilogue. Kishimoto doubling down on Naruto and Sakura with yet another parallel towards the end by liking Sakura to Kushina was such an obvious feint.

I suppose "Just business" can join the long list of excuses for Sasuke's douchebaggery, right under "he was crazy that time."
Yeah, in the context of the manga, they barely interacted. But I think this is a case of quality over quantity. I reminisce over Naruto and Hinata's interactions, and just about all of them are portrayed in a romantic manner. And are positive (or at bare minimum, neutral) encounters on both sides. For Naruto and Sakura, there are lots more interactions, but they are mostly of teammates going on missions and the few romantic implied encounters were mostly negative for at least one of them. Sakura never once made it known that she thought of Naruto in a romantic way. And outside of the Minato/Naruto joke in the war, Naruto hadn't stated his love for Sakura in a long while. I don't think he stopped loving her, I can agree on that. But I also don't think he was going to pursue her after that confession, either. I think after that, he knew it was a fool's errand. If Sakura knew of every bad thing Sasuke had done up till that point, and she still loved him through all of that, how in the hell could Naruto compete with that?!

And the "just business" isn't an excuse; it's an explanation. And it makes total sense. Sasuke never outright said that he hated Sakura and that he wanted her dead. He only hurt her when she was trying to stop him from doing what he wanted. That isn't a good thing, but it doesn't prove that he had no feelings for her. Though he didn't confess this until 698, we now know that Naruto and Team 7 reminded him of family. Meaning he felt they were a family to him. But in order to do the things he thought he should do, he needed to cut those ties. Cause if he didn't, he would never have the strength to follow through with his plans. It was a cold calculation, not done with true malice. He wasn't enjoying trying to kill, like an Orochimaru would've; he did it as an means to his end. If Naruto and Sakura could've been converted to Sasuke's way of thinking and agreed to join him, then Sasuke probably would've been fine with it. But they wouldn't, so he tried to cut ties with them. Again, not a good thing, and I'm not saying that I would have written the story in the exact same way, but this doesn't mean that he didn't care at all. Just that he was making a VERY bad judgment call.

Kishimoto also said in an interview that Sakura was a lot like his wife (because Oda of all people made the connection) and that Naruto was like himself.

Naruto was supposed to succeed where Jiraiya and Obito and failed, but in the end he, of all people, the one guy that never gives up on anything, gives up on reaching the girl he loved, just like Jiraiya and Obito. The fuck was the point in setting up those two other relationships to mirror Naruto and Sakura?

This. NaruHina never got the development it should have. If it was the intended pairing all along, then the manga would reflect that, but it doesn't.
The parallels between Kishi/his wife and characters in his manga don't mean anything. I hadn't read that before, but that just seems anecdotal more than anything.

Now, about Jiraiya and Obito. This seems silly. Comparing Obito to Naruto in any way is foolish. They might have seemed similar, but that was up until Obito "died". Anything after that, and they are absolutely completely different characters; not to be compared in any way for parallel anything. Jiraiya, on the other hand, can be compared to Naruto, but not with regards to Tsunade, but to Orochimaru. Jiraiya wanted to save his best friend, but couldn't manage to do it. Naruto wanted the same thing, but managed to do so, finally succeeding where his master didn't. While it would've been cool for Jiraiya to get with Tsunade, she had loved someone else for so long that it didn't happen, much the same like Sakura and Naruto. And much the same, Naruto didn't wait around for Sakura to change her mind. And we all know Jiraiya probably has hundreds of little Jiraiya babies all throughout the ninja lands with how many ladies he was hitting up.

Hey, maybe Naruto and Jiraiya can have romantic parallels after all! They both abandoned their first crush.

I think we need to stop with this idea that Naruto either deserved Sakura (like she is some kind of prize) or that he shouldn't have given up on her (like she was some sort of mission). This isn't Sasuke trying to commit mass murder. You try to stop that, no matter what. This is LOVE. You can't force someone, through sheer willpower and repetitiveness, to fall in love with you. That would be a horrible lesson to try to teach kids. If your crush isn't feeling you, then you let it go and move on. I think Naruto will always love Sakura, to some degree. But that doesn't mean you can't find someone else who you not only fall in love with but is in love with YOU! He isn't "settling" with Hinata. He deserves someone who reciprocates his feelings. In all honesty, he upgraded from being in an unrequited relationship into a healthy one.

Well it's been a very very long time since I have reread Naruto, I remember Naruto and Hinata getting more romantic development then Naruto and Sakura. Not a lot mind you, but it is a battle manga for 10 year olds, so it's not exactly surprising.

When Naruto and Hinata interacted it was usually played straight, with her showing how much she loved him, and him liking and respecting her as a person.

With Sakura, it was usually always comedic, and a lot of him teasing her. The only time they had serious moments was when it was about Sasuke, or during that awful confession.

I guess it can be kinda weird because of the Jiraya/Tsunade parallel, and his mom being a creep.

To be honest, I remember Naruto getting over Sakura in like the middle of part 1, when he realized how weirdly devoted Sakura was to Sasuke, and realized he had no chance. Since then, they just had a brother/sister type relationship, and he just really enjoyed teasing her.

Then again, I'm not exactly an expert on love, especially when it's written by someone who understands it even less then I do.
I recall it much like this as well.

But stuff that happened in the manga made it obvious to me. The paralolz was the only thing keeping the NS ship afloat during part 2, NH got a lot more pivotal scenes and Naruto didn't outright reject her like Sasuke with Sakura.

There aren't any moments between Naruto and Sakura that can compare to Hinata protecting Naruto from Pain, Hinata slap to Naruto, or the holding hand moment.

And when Minato is fading away when the edo tensei techinique is wearing off in the final arc after the fight with Kaguya, Naruto tells him that he didn't follow Kushina's advice by the letter, that he did stuff differently. Implying that NS was not happening
This too.

Let's totally ignore the fact that Sakura LITERALLY held Naruto's heart in her hand to save his life by any means necessary.
Yeah, a teammate to whom she knew the importance of keeping alive, for the sake of winning this war. Especially since being a medical ninja is her JOB, and with her being the second coming of Tsunade, the best medical ninja out there, she better damn well be good enough to do her job.

Again, nothing that she has said or done had any indication that she had actual romantic feelings for Naruto. Any time she showed any romantic feeling outwardly in the manga, it was directed towards Sasuke. Every time. We can argue whether that was a good thing or not, but that is another argument.


I agree that the manga fails to give you believable relationships for all of the pairs

One of the good parts about the anime is that they really gave Hinata more moments with Naruto, even in a filler Naruto says to himself that she finds her pretty.

For anime only fans, I'm sure the development of the relationship will make more sense.

Also I love how the entire studio is blatantly NaruHina and they don't even try to hide it. I'm sure they had a lot of fun making The Last
Sasuke said in his monologue that Naruto was trying to gain attention in his own way

Plus he later said that they were looking for love in a world filled with hate

Naruto running around kissing up to Sakura was likely one of those attention things (well in the beginning anyway) of course he got closer to Sakura and was amazed at times for her character but he himself knew that she wanted Sasuke so his romantic feelings for her didn't evolve.
Eventually he started to get some love from everyone and people looked at him without hatred... With that void filled he was able to finally find his true love seeing as the world of hated finally ended pushing away that fog that skewed his view on things which eventually matured him

Edit: I also agree that Sakura had more time with Naruto seeing as she is in the same team as him and is the main female character
of course she would get some more time with the protag in scenes that are not all about battles

Kishi didn't have time to flesh out the other team lifestyles and or chemistry seeing as this was an action shonen with many characters


I agree that the manga fails to give you believable relationships for all of the pairs

One of the good parts about the anime is that they really gave Hinata more moments with Naruto, even in a filler Naruto says to himself that she finds her pretty.

For anime only fans, I'm sure the development of the relationship will make more sense.

Also I love how the entire studio is blatantly NaruHina and they don't even try to hide it. I'm sure they had a lot of fun making The Last

Not only that, but CC2 is also big Hinata fans as well, usually always giving her a love mini mission in the games and giving her a team ultimate with Naruto.
Not only that, but CC2 is also big Hinata fans as well, usually always giving her a love mini mission in the games and giving her a team ultimate with Naruto.
In an interview kishi was asked who he was like and he said naruto or kiba. Then he was asked if he had to date one of the girls he said hed probably choose Hinata.
Kishimoto purposefully mirrored Naruto and Sakura's relationship to that of Jiraiya/Tsunade and Obito/Rin

No. This is where you fail because unlike Tsunade and Rin, Sakura was deeply in love with Sasuke.

One of the biggest themes in Naruto is that you make your own destiny and I find it extremely amusing parallels are used as a way to justify pairings.....like what that doesn't make the tiniest bit of sense. Lets conveniently ignore the actual characters and their ambitions but focus on what was written in a book or some obscure parallel.

One the topic of parallels, Kishi uses them deliberately to further emphasize that Naruto, Sakura and Sasuke are actually nothing like the previous generations. Naruto and Sasuke eventually are able to become friends again unlike Madara and Hashirama, Team 7 reunite unlike the legendary Sannin.
This is now starting to feel like you all want it NH to happen for the sake of happening and being right. Fuck development. Because there's no way any of you should be satisfied with what you were given.

They didn't even talk at all FFS before bam relationship, lol movie tho!
they guy clearly had some bond with Hinata even if he was dubious to it

how he went insane when Pain stabbed her... how he knows what she is thinking by just looking at her (when he saved her from those Zetus) and how he knows when she is in danger (when she was wrapped up by the IT, he sensed it and was about to rush out and save her but Sasuke stopped him)

this slowly evolved over time to what it is know... the movie will be the last push in where he releases it after she gets into danger again


This is now starting to feel like you all want it NH to happen for the sake of happening and being right. Fuck development. Because there's no way any of you should be satisfied with what you were given.

They didn't even talk at all FFS before bam relationship, lol movie tho!

This a battle shonen , who Naruto ends up with is way down the list of things I care about. And there way more reason for Naruto going with Hintata then Saurka.
This is now starting to feel like you all want it NH to happen for the sake of happening and being right. Fuck development. Because there's no way any of you should be satisfied with what you were given.

They didn't even talk at all FFS before bam relationship, lol movie tho!

He starts to talk to her more often (seeing as it is a time of peace) and then he is like
BAM "Holy Shit! Why haven't I noticed this Goddess"

Happens all the time in real life (crushing on someone so much thinking it is love but then you grow out of your teens and you find someone else who you truly love and eventually get married to)
From the perspective of someone who was not shipping, even "I'm an emotional robot" Sai recognized that Naruto loved Sakura and I see no reason not to take that evaluation at face value (Sakura recognizes it as well). But I also don't minimize the fake confession scene and Naruto's reaction, that restructured their relationship dynamic fundamentally. I don't see a reset moment that 'undoes' or gives closure to this fight.

But it's also important to note that moment was just part of a turning point in Naruto's character. This was about much more than just Sakura's burden on Naruto; Obito revealed Itachi's secret history, Gaara revealed the depths of Sasuke's descent. Naruto is overwhelmed with the weight of everything he's learned and pushed to the breaking point in his quest to save Sasuke.

He is challenged to really evaluate himself at his core; what does he stand for and why, how far is he willing to go, who is he really doing this for, etc. I think this is the moment where Naruto fully internalizes these issues and really comes to terms with his identity (writing quality issues aside). It's not about Sakura or fulfilling his promise to her, it's about saving his 'brother' Sasuke.
In the end there was one difference that the NaurHina "ship" had compared to the NaruSaku "ship" that eventually made it win the "sea battle" against the NaruSaku "ship"...



I'll see myself out
In the end there was one difference that the NaurHina "ship" had compared to the NaruSaku "ship" that eventually made it win the "sea battle" against the NaruSaku "ship"...



I'll see myself out
Okay thumbs up from me
This is now starting to feel like you all want it NH to happen for the sake of happening and being right. Fuck development. Because there's no way any of you should be satisfied with what you were given.

They didn't even talk at all FFS before bam relationship, lol movie tho!
at this point if anyone's ignoring criticisms its you.
naruto and hinata had good development, not a shit load but the development were all rocket jumps to where they were originally .
Hinata went from "the dark shy weirdo" to "the person whos been standing next to me this whole time."
We didnt need a movie for that.
can we talk about the new Naruto movie coming out.....oh wait its about Naruhina and Sasusaku as well lol

I wonder what the villain's plans are though?
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