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Naruto Manga Thread (OT) - The End is here

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This is such terrible thinking. Nobody says they failed when they didn't end up with their middle school or high school crush. Hinata is a better character than Sakura, even you would have to admit that Sakura is written poorly and is largely thought of to be unlikeable.

The author decided that Naruto had never loved Sakura at all and that it was nothing but a 13-16 year old childish crush. Deal with it.

It is terrible thinking, hence why I used Leviathan's logic against him. Hinata didn't "win" Naruto. He didn't get with Sakura, two years passed, he moved on and he got with Hinata.

Hinata is a worse written character than Sakura. Literally her entire character revolves around Naruto. That is all she is concerned about.

Sakura might have been hung up on Sasuke, but she at least strived to better herself for her own sake, and to be acknowledged by her teammates and others.

The bold is just unfounded.

Yeah, in the context of the manga, they barely interacted. But I think this is a case of quality over quantity. I reminisce over Naruto and Hinata's interactions, and just about all of them are portrayed in a romantic manner. And are positive (or at bare minimum, neutral) encounters on both sides. For Naruto and Sakura, there are lots more interactions, but they are mostly of teammates going on missions and the few romantic implied encounters were mostly negative for at least one of them. Sakura never once made it known that she thought of Naruto in a romantic way. And outside of the Minato/Naruto joke in the war, Naruto hadn't stated his love for Sakura in a long while. I don't think he stopped loving her, I can agree on that. But I also don't think he was going to pursue her after that confession, either. I think after that, he knew it was a fool's errand. If Sakura knew of every bad thing Sasuke had done up till that point, and she still loved him through all of that, how in the hell could Naruto compete with that?!

If you're going to compare quality and quantity, NaruHina loses every time. The author decides where relationships between characters go and what they amount to. Every interaction between them serves as build up, a brick in the road they are heading down.

We saw Naruto and Sakura's relationship grow on both sides for the majority of the manga. Initially she dislikes him, she talks shit about them. Then they're assigned to the same team and we see from Sakura's perspective how her opinion of Naruto changes. Her initially dislike turns into tolerance, then camaraderie and friendship, and from there on out it continues to grow. His attraction to her is known to the both of them, but it's never put out in the open at first beyond him pestering her to dates, they never really talk about it until later in the manga. Their relationship is very similar to that of Jiraiya and Tsunade, their Sannin masters who have known each other for close to fifty years. They were close friends whose relationship could easily become more than that.

Now compare this to Naruto and Hinata. Initially he thinks she's a quiet weirdo, but he's drawn to her courage when she faces Neji and he sees himself in her. He encourages her to fight her hardest, and when she fails, he vows to avenge her. Before his bout with Neji, Naruto confides in Hinata, he shows a side of him he hasn't shown to anyone else, showing that he isn't just all smiles and confidence but that he has his doubts, and she encourages him like he encourages her. At this point it has a great foundation for a relationship, arguably better than the typical hero/heroine relationship Naruto/Sakura have. The problem is that Naruto doesn't begin to see Hinata in a different light from this point onwards. While Sakura was occasionally blushing around him, solicited his opinion on her "womanly looks" and was at the very least hinted at beginning to feel more for him than merely platonic feelings, Naruto never had such development with Hinata. In fact, it appeared as though their relationship regress a bit with Hinata dreaming of him, being by his side, holding his hand, etc.

The difference between NaruHina and NaruSaku is that Sakura came to care for Naruto as a friend first, she came to care about him and support his dreams, and ultimately, if Kishimoto had finished what he started, their relationship would have been established on history that wasn't entirely based on idolisation, admiration and love. Yeah, sure, Naruto and Hinata were friends, but they weren't particularly close, and for the entirety of the manga (save 700), he was never once even hinted at seeing her as more than that.

So while you have significant development on Hinata's side, Naruto never changed beyond seeing as her as a friend and some he liked, whereas with Naruto and Sakura, his crush turned to genuine love, and her initial dislike development in strong feelings that weren't entirely platonic, even if their relationship ultimately amounted to a strong friendship and nothing more.

And the "just business" isn't an excuse; it's an explanation. And it makes total sense. Sasuke never outright said that he hated Sakura and that he wanted her dead. He only hurt her when she was trying to stop him from doing what he wanted. That isn't a good thing, but it doesn't prove that he had no feelings for her. Though he didn't confess this until 698, we now know that Naruto and Team 7 reminded him of family. Meaning he felt they were a family to him. But in order to do the things he thought he should do, he needed to cut those ties. Cause if he didn't, he would never have the strength to follow through with his plans. It was a cold calculation, not done with true malice. He wasn't enjoying trying to kill, like an Orochimaru would've; he did it as an means to his end. If Naruto and Sakura could've been converted to Sasuke's way of thinking and agreed to join him, then Sasuke probably would've been fine with it. But they wouldn't, so he tried to cut ties with them. Again, not a good thing, and I'm not saying that I would have written the story in the exact same way, but this doesn't mean that he didn't care at all. Just that he was making a VERY bad judgment call.

Excuse, explanation - whatever you want to call it, it's silly to think the reason and intent between the horrible shit Sasuke did should change the impact of what he did. It's the same argument Psycho Mantis came up. "He wasn't himself!" - who gives a shit, he was still an asshole.

Sasuke might not have said he hated her nor do I believe he did. Sometimes people do shit for no reason at all, without any ill will. That doesn't make it any less reprehensible though, and it's not like we're talking about isolated incidents where there are mitigating circumstances. We're talking about a relationship between characters where the one consistently treated the other horribly, and no lack of intent or hatred will change that as significantly as you would like to believe.

The parallels between Kishi/his wife and characters in his manga don't mean anything. I hadn't read that before, but that just seems anecdotal more than anything.

The point is that Kishimoto hinted at Naruto and Sakura ending up together as well, hence the notion that an interview in which he hinted at Naruto and Hinata ending up together was definitive sign is dumb.

Now, about Jiraiya and Obito. This seems silly. Comparing Obito to Naruto in any way is foolish. They might have seemed similar, but that was up until Obito "died". Anything after that, and they are absolutely completely different characters; not to be compared in any way for parallel anything.

It's silly to make the very same comparison the manga kept making? lol. No, it isn't. They were both lonely orphans that had feelings for a girl that felt those feelings for their rival. Both failed to win over the girl in the end despite being the obvious better choice. The similarities were there by design, hence grounds for debate.

The man Obito grew up to is of no real relevance to any pairing debates.

Jiraiya, on the other hand, can be compared to Naruto, but not with regards to Tsunade, but to Orochimaru. Jiraiya wanted to save his best friend, but couldn't manage to do it. Naruto wanted the same thing, but managed to do so, finally succeeding where his master didn't. While it would've been cool for Jiraiya to get with Tsunade, she had loved someone else for so long that it didn't happen, much the same like Sakura and Naruto. And much the same, Naruto didn't wait around for Sakura to change her mind. And we all know Jiraiya probably has hundreds of little Jiraiya babies all throughout the ninja lands with how many ladies he was hitting up.

Hey, maybe Naruto and Jiraiya can have romantic parallels after all! They both abandoned their first crush.

It's amusing how you assert Naruto can only be compared to Jiraiya in terms of their respective relationships with Sasuke/Orochimaru, before you then proceed to draw a direct comparison in their relationships with Sakura/Tsunade.

Jiraiya loved Tsunade right up until the moment he died. Not being with her was one of his greatest regrets, which was even more tragic because Tsunade was hinted at perhaps finally returning those feelings.

I had hoped Sakura wouldn't make the same mistake. Of course it didn't turn out to be a mistake since Kishimoto redeemed Sasuke and made him become interested in Sakura and she forgave him completely - all within the span of a single chapter.

I think we need to stop with this idea that Naruto either deserved Sakura (like she is some kind of prize) or that he shouldn't have given up on her (like she was some sort of mission). This isn't Sasuke trying to commit mass murder. You try to stop that, no matter what. This is LOVE. You can't force someone, through sheer willpower and repetitiveness, to fall in love with you. That would be a horrible lesson to try to teach kids. If your crush isn't feeling you, then you let it go and move on. I think Naruto will always love Sakura, to some degree. But that doesn't mean you can't find someone else who you not only fall in love with but is in love with YOU! He isn't "settling" with Hinata. He deserves someone who reciprocates his feelings. In all honesty, he upgraded from being in an unrequited relationship into a healthy one.

Within the context of a story, it's perfectly reasonable and acceptable to want characters that are deserving of love to have their unrequited love reciprocated by the one they love, especially when the one they love has feelings for another that doesn't treat them right.

Like I, and others in this thread that would have preferred NS over NH, have stated already: we are not opposed to NaruHina per se, and I don't want to talk for the others when I get this blunt, but when it comes to the main character that I believe deserves to be happy and other characters that suffer of unrequited love, I want him to have what he wants.

I wanted Naruto to beat Sasuke. I wanted Naruto to become Hokage. I wanted Naruto to have his feelings reciprocated by Sakura. Two out of three ain't bad, but since I believed he loved Sakura more than she loved Sasuke and more than Hinata loved him, I wanted him fulfil all three desires.

In the end though, and this in particular disappoints me about this fandom, the majority of people just don't seem to care how Naruto feels.

Who cares if he loved Sakura? She's a bitch. Hinata is so much better.

^ This seems to be the consensus amongst fans, who then, in the same breath, will praise the shit out of Hinata and claim how she deserved Naruto, or how Sakura deserved to be with Sasuke.

It's the double standards in particular that do my head in.


at this point if anyone's ignoring criticisms its you.
naruto and hinata had good development, not a shit load but the development were all rocket jumps to where they were originally .
Hinata went from "the dark shy weirdo" to "the person whos been standing next to me this whole time."
We didnt need a movie for that.

however we do need to rub all the salt we can on NaruSakus corpse.

That and finally make Hanabi a character


lol this fandom

and with that im out. Goodbye naruto gaf I cannot deal with this level of stupidity.


Unconfirmed Member
Its alright man....just let them live in their delusional world if thats what makes them happy.

What was the villain's plan/goal?

I had to check to make sure I wasn't making this up.
Villainous plan:
They want to punish humanity for using chakra as a weapon.
If you knew noting about Naruto and came in this thread you would think that it was a love story.

Although I am talking about Hinata and Naruto's fate in 700, I'm not really talking about romance.

I guess to add fuel to the flame, I'll quote something I read on reddit

Dyuga said:
Now to the names, it is known the word "Hyuga" (日向) Means "Towards the sun" or "place in the sun", and we Know Kaguya and her heir were the founders of the Hyuga clan. so lets look at some of the members first name:

Hiashi = "daytime" or "position of the sun"
Hizashi = "sunlight", or "rays of the sun"

And "Hinata", written the same in kanji as "Hyuga" (日向) has the exact same meaning as the word Hyuga, which is "place in the sun".

So you can see that the Hyuga clan has a lot to do with the sun, even the Hyugas clan crest when looking from affar, looks like a sun (a round Yin Yang symbol with little straight lines surrounding it), But it appears Both Hinata's first and last name and last name got the exact same meaning.

Hanabi breaks this pattern a bit, because her name means fireworks. It's still focused on brightness in the sky.

However the biggest outlier is Hyuuga Neji. If you search Neji in Japanese on google image search, you get this:


screws? why screws? When I first started reading Naruto I wondered why Neji's name was such a big departure from the Hyuga naming convention.

Could it be because he was the first one created? Nope, that was Hinata. Supposedly her creation even predates the pilot of Naruto.

Could it be because he was part of the branch family? Nope, his father follows the naming convention.

Could it be a reference to the Kaiten technique? That would be weird, because usually character creation and naming comes first...then technique. Like it's an accessory that complements the character. Additionally Kaiten didn't make an appearance in the manga until Neji's 4th prominent showing. And spinning around with energy to shield yourself is such a huge departure from the pressure point fighting style that the hyuga characters debuted with. To me it seems like the move was inspired by the name than the other way around.

At the time, I settled for the idea that his name references this and left it at that. Team Gai is based on a Chinese theme, so it would make sense.


I think someone in here mentioned an interview where Gaara used to have a surname? I read that interview too. Kishimoto also said he had a difficult time naming Neji because his ideas made his name sound too similar to Naruto's name.

Reading this I thought two things: Since I was convinced I was right, I thought what martial art is there, to make a name sound like Naruto's? Second, why would you be concerned about naming Neji similar to Naruto in the first place? It's not like they're related

Meet Bolt, or Boruto, Naruto and Hinata's son. Not only is his name phonetically similar to his father's but it's straight up references his dead uncle as well. Bolts and screws as you know, aren't just about spinning, but they're also known for the spiral ridge around the shaft as the defining characteristic. They're more associated with Naruto's symbols and name than with the Hyuugas. So was Neji given his weird name, all because he was going to be linked to Naruto in this way in the future?

Well if the Hyuuga's were that important and planned in advance where were they in part 2? Neji and Hinata's plot in the Chuunin exams appear within the first 100 chapters of the series, or the first 2 years. Kishimoto recently stated in an interview that he wasn't sure if Naruto was going to last 5 years, let alone 15. So something that was started in the beginning, and didn't get resolved until the end, makes a lot of sense. Byakugan was hyped at the beginning of the series then disappears until it the final villain of the series has it.

Anyway, I really doubt that Naruto and Hinata as a family were decided at the last minute. Keyword being family, not a teen couple. Family. Because this is a fighting shounen manga, so all the lovey dovey stuff is skipped. Like I said in my previous post, Neji died for the sake of this family, and Kishimoto's main characters are the furthest thing from expendable. And this kid name's sake? It works out too conveniently.


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
How can you say that Hinata is a worst written character than Sakura?

Just because Sakura got a lot of screen time in the manga doesn't mean she was well written, in fact she never developed that much aside from the powerups and respecting Naruto instead of being a bitch to him. Her character was almost pratically the same from the beginning to the end, when she begged to Sasuke to let her come with him with innocent puppy eyes after all that happened between the two that's evidence enough that the character never grew and never developed.

Hinata on the other hand with much less screen time managed to go from shy girl to someone that stood against Pain (at that time he was strongest enemy the village has ever faced) to protect her man while everyone in the village stood by including Sakura, from someone that was casted aside by her father to earning her father's and neji's respect, from someone that fainted at the mention of Naruto to stand side by side with him and even bitch-slap him to wake him up from Obito's TnJ.

At least Hinata got her character arc by the end she had outgrown her shyness and became a different, better and more assured person than at the beginning series. What has Sakura's character arc?
Hinata is a better character than Sakura by proxy of not being in a relationship with someone who didn't try to kill or belittle her.

So, yeah, there's that.
this thread.......

I just can't understand how a "romance" subplot so ignored, badly developed and written can garner so much of a fanbases attention.


Fuck it, since there's a desperate desire for a change of topic (even though we all know we'll come back to pairings inevitably): -

If you were given the option to change anything in the story: what would it be, and why?

I personally would have never included the feud of Ashura and Indra, and I would have changed the Child of Prophecy completely. I think part of the reason most fans found Naruto such an endearing protagonist was because he was a true underdog. He was the dead-last, the class clown, the perceived failure everyone underestimated and belittled. I was drawn to Naruto because he had so much to prove and I wanted him to do it, I wanted him achieve his dreams with hard work and guts.

And for a long time it seemed that was what was happening. Naruto worked his ass off and began to improve, he became stronger and stronger, and it was very gratifying to observe his growth.

Unfortunately the prophecy was later introduced and retroactively diminished the value of his efforts.

If I could I would either have removed it entirely or, perhaps better yet, modified the story by making it crystal clear that Naruto was not the intended Child of Prophecy, that he was well and truly a nobody that worked his way to the top, and that he became the hero in the end not because he was the descendant of some demigod figure, but because he was just another guy with capacity of both good and evil, someone who didn't allow his potential for his greatness to be dictated by notions fate or destiny. To me, Naruto was the kind of guy that told the world and everyone in it to go fuck themselves if they underestimated him and watch him prove them wrong.

I get it'd be a little hard to depict the son of the Fourth Hokage as all this, but go with it, he was an orphan, he didn't know who his parents were, and honestly, if it was just Minato, I think most could have totally bought this.

Anyway, the biggest reason I was never fond of the Prophecy in particular was because it retroactively ruined Naruto VS Neji for me, which was a fight I believe to be integral to Naruto's development, a fight in which he fought and bested the prodigy of the Hyūga Clan that everyone believed to have the fight in the bag before it even started.

What made his fight so important was the fact Neji, a genius, told him, the dead-last, that his dream of becoming Hokage was hopeless and would amount to nothing, that he would never achieve his dream to become Hokage because he wasn't meant to, because he wasn't fated to.

In the end Naruto fucking clawed his way to victory and won, proving everyone wrong - most of all Neji.

The exchange he had with Neji after he beat him remains one of my favourite moments of all time in the manga.

Also, come on, the moment everyone began to cheer for him when he won - that was just great. It was very satisfying to see Naruto be acknowledged by the village, even if it was only for his skill, I was grinning like an idiot when I saw this for the first time.

Naruto VS Neji is one of my favourite fights because it captured the essence of Naruto, of the underdog spirit this manga was founded in, and it's unfortunate the meaning of that fight, and more importantly Neji's death, were retroactively devalued because Naruto ended up not just being the orphan son of the Yondaime Hokage, but he also ended up being Child of Prophecy and the transmigrant Ashura.

In a way, Neji died believing in a lie, and that's pretty disappointing, so if I could change anything about Naruto, it would be that.
I mentioned before that I would have wanted to story to be structered so that Pain ended up the final villain, don't really feel like typing it again so I'll add one thing I didn't say before.

I would have liked it if Pain was indeed the real Child of Prophecy and he knew it. It feeds into his god complex and what better way for Naruto to prove destiny wrong than to beat the guy who was pre-determined to win?


Wasn't the Naruto Games Pro NaruHina?
Apparently, if you pair Naruto and Hinata in a team in Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 2, 3, Generations and Revolution, you get "secret lovers". I'm sure this was fanservice but going back to 2010 making that call? I said Damn. Even the games knew ahead of time :lol:

Neji's death will always be a kishi mess up. especially given how things went. Kishi lacks foresight.


Can someone in a civil manner, explain the reasoning behind Naru X Saku? What was the evidence?

No trolling.

Naruto had a crush on her as a child
Sasuke is a psychopath serial killer who Naruto should have killed without any shame
Sasuke has treated Sakura like shit
Sakura "confessed" to Naruto

That being said I don't think the pairing makes any sense. Hinata has done more for Naruto and risked more to save him.


I mentioned before that I would have wanted to story to be structered so that Pain ended up the final villainm don't really feel like typing it again so I'll add one thing I didn't say before.

I would have liked it if Pain was indeed the real Child of Prophecy and he knew it. It feeds into his god complex and what better for Naruto to prove destiny wrong than to beat the guy who was pre-determined to win?

Nagato being the intended Child of Prophecy is pretty much what I meant, since the candidates came down to him, Minato and Naruto.

It would've added more significance to Naruto VS Pain were it the nobody orphan VS the self-proclaimed God of Pain that was prophesied to either be a force good or a harbinger of calamity.

I also would've liked it if Madara didn't make a comeback like he did in the manga, and perhaps had taken over Obito's body, which could've been an interesting dynamic.

One of my old theories from back in the day was that, because we knew at least one Nagato's parents was an Uzumaki, that Madara had manipulated an Uchiha and an Uzumaki to find one another and have a child together, before he orchestrated their deaths which awakened the Rinnegan, and thus turned Nagato into his agent of evil and so on.

After Nagato's death, there might have been a fake out where it turned out that the prophecy might have actually referred to Sasuke (though it may have been best to keep this vague), and have Rinnegan Sasuke face off against Naruto in their final battle.


Neji's death was messed up. Because he was right all along, Part 2 destroyed the underdog message of part 1. All of his accomplishments, all of his feats were because his mom was super awesome. (Despite being super smart, the Forth was still a regular person without any super genes)

So even when we knew that his dad was the forth it wasn't a big deal.

The Naruto and Neji fight probably spoke to a lot of kids and people about how no matter where you came from or how you are treated you can do something amazing.


How the hell did you guys react when Bulma got with Vegeta?
This is a very good question nobody is answering.
Personally I felt nothing. I was like "whatever", because it's DBZ. All I cared about was who was next on the jobber list to be fed to either Goku or his friends. Goku being bill goldberg and I wanted to see "who's next"?


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
Lots of stuff
I agree with most of this completely, but my major beef with Indra and Ashura was that they did not have to introduce reincarnation at all. They had already set up the theme of "inherited will" with the Will of Fire the Senju carried (represented as love) and the Curse of Hatred the Uchiha carried (represented as a corruption of love). The reincarnation is an extra layer of in-your-face parallel that we didn't need on top of all the other (still too obvious and exact) parallels in the series. The Child of Prophecy I always took to be more of an idea or a concept than a specific person, much like the Will of Fire, which would personify itself in an exemplary individual. This is why Nagato and Naruto were both the able to be the Child of Prophecy - not because they were born as that Child, but because they became that Child through their actions.

I would also give Team Gai and Team Kurenai MUCH more attention in part 2. Kishi was headed towards it during the Itachi Pursuit arc and even the Five Kage Summit arc, but they ended up merely being sidelined, even if they were present.

On that note, Sasuke should have returned to Konoha after killing Itachi. He lost a lot of sympathy with the fanbase after he chose to still be a tool after learning the truth, and not only a tool but an even bigger tool than he was before. The fight with Danzo could have still been written to be possible even without him becoming an international criminal, and the final battle with Naruto still could have happened. He should have turned around way sooner than he did.

Speaking of Nagato, do the databooks explain how Madara gave him the Rinnegan?

*insert Sai signal*
This was the biggest retcon in the series and it was obvious the Rinnegan didn't have an origin story until later. Once its origin was fully realized, they had to go back and patch up the holes it created. It's happened plenty of other times in this series, but this was the only really transparent example.
I honestly don't even understand the thought process that goes into the reincarnation crap. Like how does it even get to a point where you debate adding in something completely unnecessary at the last minute like that? That said, Naruto being the fourth's son bothered me more in relation to the Neji stuff than this did.

I wish that Itachi would have stayed evil/bad. Always seemed like a retcon to me anyway, as there would be little reason for secretly good Itachi to go the extra mile in making Sasuke suffer through mental anguish and become deranged, not to mention encouraging him to murder his best friend. I think I'm more angry about Sasuke's reaction to it more than the twist itself though.


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
they guy clearly had some bond with Hinata even if he was dubious to it

how he went insane when Pain stabbed her... how he knows what she is thinking by just looking at her (when he saved her from those Zetus) and how he knows when she is in danger (when she was wrapped up by the IT, he sensed it and was about to rush out and save her but Sasuke stopped him)

this slowly evolved over time to what it is know... the movie will be the last push in where he releases it after she gets into danger again

the 699.5 of naruto you could say, 19 years of build up amirite


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
Although I am talking about Hinata and Naruto's fate in 700, I'm not really talking about romance.

I guess to add fuel to the flame, I'll quote something I read on reddit

Hanabi breaks this pattern a bit, because her name means fireworks. It's still focused on brightness in the sky.

However the biggest outlier is Hyuuga Neji. If you search Neji in Japanese on google image search, you get this:


screws? why screws? When I first started reading Naruto I wondered why Neji's name was such a big departure from the Hyuga naming convention.

Could it be because he was the first one created? Nope, that was Hinata. Supposedly her creation even predates the pilot of Naruto.

Could it be because he was part of the branch family? Nope, his father follows the naming convention.

Could it be a reference to the Kaiten technique? That would be weird, because usually character creation and naming comes first...then technique. Like it's an accessory that complements the character. Additionally Kaiten didn't make an appearance in the manga until Neji's 4th prominent showing. And spinning around with energy to shield yourself is such a huge departure from the pressure point fighting style that the hyuga characters debuted with. To me it seems like the move was inspired by the name than the other way around.

At the time, I settled for the idea that his name references this and left it at that. Team Gai is based on a Chinese theme, so it would make sense.


I think someone in here mentioned an interview where Gaara used to have a surname? I read that interview too. Kishimoto also said he had a difficult time naming Neji because his ideas made his name sound too similar to Naruto's name.

Reading this I thought two things: Since I was convinced I was right, I thought what martial art is there, to make a name sound like Naruto's? Second, why would you be concerned about naming Neji similar to Naruto in the first place? It's not like they're related

Meet Bolt, or Boruto, Naruto and Hinata's son. Not only is his name phonetically similar to his father's but it's straight up references his dead uncle as well. Bolts and screws as you know, aren't just about spinning, but they're also known for the spiral ridge around the shaft as the defining characteristic. They're more associated with Naruto's symbols and name than with the Hyuugas. So was Neji given his weird name, all because he was going to be linked to Naruto in this way in the future?

Well if the Hyuuga's were that important and planned in advance where were they in part 2? Neji and Hinata's plot in the Chuunin exams appear within the first 100 chapters of the series, or the first 2 years. Kishimoto recently stated in an interview that he wasn't sure if Naruto was going to last 5 years, let alone 15. So something that was started in the beginning, and didn't get resolved until the end, makes a lot of sense. Byakugan was hyped at the beginning of the series then disappears until it the final villain of the series has it.

Anyway, I really doubt that Naruto and Hinata as a family were decided at the last minute. Keyword being family, not a teen couple. Family. Because this is a fighting shounen manga, so all the lovey dovey stuff is skipped. Like I said in my previous post, Neji died for the sake of this family, and Kishimoto's main characters are the furthest thing from expendable. And this kid name's sake? It works out too conveniently.
So this was a good read, brilliant post. it makes alot of sense, baykugan was super hyped in the beginning("not only is it stronger than sharingan, but it came FIRST!") but uzumaki, senju, hyuga, and uchiha are all connected by blood in some form or another altho most of them are many years separated.
Wasn't the Naruto Games Pro NaruHina?
Apparently, if you pair Naruto and Hinata in a team in Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 2, 3, Generations and Revolution, you get "secret lovers". I'm sure this was fanservice but going back to 2010 making that call? I said Damn. Even the games knew ahead of time :lol:

The one in Revolution is fucking amazing.

Sometimes when i feel sad, i remember NaruHina is canon, and feel like all is well in the world.


In a way, Neji died believing in a lie, and that's pretty disappointing, so if I could change anything about Naruto, it would be that.

This little diddy is the crowning achievement of dumb shit Kishi has written. How do you just completely overwrite the major theme of the manga's titular character?
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