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Naruto Manga Thread (OT) - The End is here

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How are guys handling it? Kinda feels weird not expecting a chapter every week.
Fucking Kishi! We still don't know what Kakashi looks like without a mask!



That was before chapter 471. Kishi definitely had it planned. how far back was it planned I can't say but it certainly wasn't decided the last minute. If only he was as good planning ahead as not to neuter neji like he did. Neji and Sakura remains some of kishi's bigger mistakes... as much as I dislike sakura, She was definitely given a bs hand by kishi.

I read UQ Holder or reread Negima! That's how I deal with with the void left by Naruto's retirement.

edit: I also do a power read of Naruto all over again while I juggle UQ Holder and Negima!. Looks like I'm not ready to let it go after all :/



That was before chapter 471. Kishi definitely had it planned. how far back was it planned I can't say but it certainly wasn't decided the last minute. If only he was as good planning ahead as not to neuter neji like he did. Neji and Sakura remains some of kishi's bigger mistakes... as much as I dislike sakura, She was definitely given a bs hand by kishi.

I read UQ Holder or reread Negima! That's how I deal with with the void left by Naruto's retirement.

edit: I also do a power read of Naruto all over again while I juggle UQ Holder and Negima!. Looks like I'm not ready to let it go after all :/
I'm currently dropping UQ Holder for a bit as the current arc is not interesting.


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
How are guys handling it? Kinda feels weird not expecting a chapter every week.
Fucking Kishi! We still don't know what Kakashi looks like without a mask!
I revisited Bleach and made an OT about it.

I don't even like Bleach. :(

And yeah, that is annoying. Fanart to the rescue?



If you were given the option to change anything in the story: what would it be, and why?

Would have replaced Nagato with a geriatric Madara. Would have improved the whole "who is pain" mystery.

Also would have changed the ending of the Sasuke vs. Itachi fight, so that instead of being sealed away, Orochimaru would spring forth and steal Itachi's body.


This little diddy is the crowning achievement of dumb shit Kishi has written. How do you just completely overwrite the major theme of the manga's titular character?

Because with out hard work naruto would have found out anything , gotten stronger and would probably be dead with the jinchuriki extracted somewhere. At the end of the day , hard work is why naruto is where is . Hard work and training.

Even if you have natural talent, you gotta work hard
So this was a good read, brilliant post. it makes alot of sense, baykugan was super hyped in the beginning("not only is it stronger than sharingan, but it came FIRST!") but uzumaki, senju, hyuga, and uchiha are all connected by blood in some form or another altho most of them are many years separated.

Heh, thanks for reading it.

the tl;dr version for people who couldn't tolerate my babbling:
-All the hyuuga character names reference the sun, the exception is Neji, who's name means screw
-Kishimoto was looking for a name that referred to spirals the same way Naruto's name does
-Neji was killed off in the manga and that eventually anchors Hinata and Naruto's future relationship, they have a son that references him
-Because Neji's name was made similar to Naruto's on purpose, and Boruto is too good of a reference to both Neji and Naruto's names, I come to the conclusion that Neji was always meant to be killed off for the sake of this shipping
-Because he was always meant to be killed off, NH was always intended


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
Heh, thanks for reading it.

the tl;dr version for people who couldn't tolerate my babbling:
-All the hyuuga character names reference the sun, the exception is Neji, who's name means screw
-Kishimoto was looking for a name that referred to spirals the same way Naruto's name does
-Neji was killed off in the manga and that eventually anchors Hinata and Naruto's future relationship, they have a son that references him
-Because Neji's name was made similar to Naruto's on purpose, and Boruto is too good of a reference to both Neji and Naruto's names, I come to the conclusion that Neji was always meant to be killed off for the sake of this shipping
-Because he was always meant to be killed off, NH was always intended
Seems too far fetched to me. Neji was always an obvious nod to his Kaiten abilities, which involve twirling around like a screw. Bolt is an homage to Neji, no doubt, but I don't think it extends as far as you're implying.



how are the naruto fighting games?

They are fun, but nothing too deep.

Get Storm 1-3 if you want an awesome retelling of the story. (More so with Storm 2 and 3)

Get Storm Revolution for the most balanced game of the series with the most content and costumes.
how are the naruto fighting games?

The newer ones, i.e. the Storm games, are extremely basic. The combos are basically just pressing X over and over, with maybe a directional input that creates a visually different combo sequence. That is not an exaggeration. An example combo is just "XXX Hold UP XX". You get four substitutions which recharge over time, which allow you get out of combos. Justus have their own dedicated button associated with them.

The games are more about looking cool than any inherent strategy or skill, so just be aware what you're getting going in. If you're looking for a Naruto themed Street Fighter / Tekken type game, this is not it.


The newer ones, i.e. the Storm games, are extremely basic. The combos are basically just pressing X over and over, with maybe a directional input that create a visually different combo sequence. That is not an exaggeration. An example combo is just "XXX Hold UP XX". You get four substitutions which recharge over time, which allow you get out of combos. Justus have their own dedicated button associated with them.

The games are more about looking cool than any inherent strategy or skill, so just be aware what you're getting going in. If you're looking for a Naruto themed Street Fighter type game, this is not it.

This too, they are fun games nothing too deep. Though there are a few things that people miss. Like the ability to cancel any combo at any time, and the exclusive tilt move which pretty much act as a second jutsu for some characters.


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
Clash of Ninja/Gekitou Ninja Taisen is the most mechanically complex of the fighting games. It peaked at GNT4, which came out at the end of Part I, and it's still one of the only games to have the Sound 4 as playable characters. Wasn't a fan of the Shippuden entries - Storm is better for those.


Clash of Ninja/Gekitou Ninja Taisen is the most mechanically complex of the fighting games. It peaked at GNT4, which came out at the end of Part I, and it's still one of the only games to have the Sound 4 as playable characters. Wasn't a fan of the Shippuden entries - Storm is better for those.

Naruto GNT4 still the goat.


Ultimiate Ninja 3 and 5 ps2 I think are legit two of the best games in the series.

Though 3 only has part 1 characters and 5 only goes up to the Sasuke and Naruto's reunion early in Part 2
Seems too far fetched to me. Neji was always an obvious nod to his Kaiten abilities, which involve twirling around like a screw. Bolt is an homage to Neji, no doubt, but I don't think it extends as far as you're implying.


I said this in my original post, but it doesn't make sense that a character ability, especially something as extravagant as Kaiten, would come before a character's name. It's like naming Naruto based on the Rasengan.

It would make sense if Kaiten actually resembled something...but not really. Jyuuken references typical lore about pressure point kung fu for instance.

I honestly thought his name was a reference to this, word play turned it into Neji, and Kaiten was derived from that. But of all the things to have wordplay about, why screws. Unless there was some sort of hidden intention in having him a name that alluded to spinning and spirals in the first place. I understand the reasoning behind a kung fu reference, but why turn it into something that would give him a parallel reference with Naruto, who's name also refers to spiral imagery? Unless they were meant to be connected in the future.

EDIT: I can't believe I forgot this. Look at the first section of the wiki I posted then look at this



Although I am talking about Hinata and Naruto's fate in 700, I'm not really talking about romance.

I guess to add fuel to the flame, I'll quote something I read on reddit

Hanabi breaks this pattern a bit, because her name means fireworks. It's still focused on brightness in the sky.

However the biggest outlier is Hyuuga Neji. If you search Neji in Japanese on google image search, you get this:


screws? why screws? When I first started reading Naruto I wondered why Neji's name was such a big departure from the Hyuga naming convention.

Could it be because he was the first one created? Nope, that was Hinata. Supposedly her creation even predates the pilot of Naruto.

Could it be because he was part of the branch family? Nope, his father follows the naming convention.

Could it be a reference to the Kaiten technique? That would be weird, because usually character creation and naming comes first...then technique. Like it's an accessory that complements the character. Additionally Kaiten didn't make an appearance in the manga until Neji's 4th prominent showing. And spinning around with energy to shield yourself is such a huge departure from the pressure point fighting style that the hyuga characters debuted with. To me it seems like the move was inspired by the name than the other way around.

At the time, I settled for the idea that his name references this and left it at that. Team Gai is based on a Chinese theme, so it would make sense.


I think someone in here mentioned an interview where Gaara used to have a surname? I read that interview too. Kishimoto also said he had a difficult time naming Neji because his ideas made his name sound too similar to Naruto's name.

Reading this I thought two things: Since I was convinced I was right, I thought what martial art is there, to make a name sound like Naruto's? Second, why would you be concerned about naming Neji similar to Naruto in the first place? It's not like they're related

Meet Bolt, or Boruto, Naruto and Hinata's son. Not only is his name phonetically similar to his father's but it's straight up references his dead uncle as well. Bolts and screws as you know, aren't just about spinning, but they're also known for the spiral ridge around the shaft as the defining characteristic. They're more associated with Naruto's symbols and name than with the Hyuugas. So was Neji given his weird name, all because he was going to be linked to Naruto in this way in the future?

Well if the Hyuuga's were that important and planned in advance where were they in part 2? Neji and Hinata's plot in the Chuunin exams appear within the first 100 chapters of the series, or the first 2 years. Kishimoto recently stated in an interview that he wasn't sure if Naruto was going to last 5 years, let alone 15. So something that was started in the beginning, and didn't get resolved until the end, makes a lot of sense. Byakugan was hyped at the beginning of the series then disappears until it the final villain of the series has it.

Anyway, I really doubt that Naruto and Hinata as a family were decided at the last minute. Keyword being family, not a teen couple. Family. Because this is a fighting shounen manga, so all the lovey dovey stuff is skipped. Like I said in my previous post, Neji died for the sake of this family, and Kishimoto's main characters are the furthest thing from expendable. And this kid name's sake? It works out too conveniently.

Great post.

Makes me hope for a part 3 that explores Hyuga, Hamura, Uzumaki clan origins, and all that good stuff.


Unconfirmed Member
Sorry this is late, I forgot about this thread.

All these "This pairing was so obvious" posts are such disingenuous bullshit. They were obvious to you, were they really, even though the rest of the fandom were debating the merits and likelihood of said pairings for over a decade?

Yeah, it was so obvious how Naruto was going to end up with Hinata even though barely spoke to her and pined for Sakura right up until the epilogue. Kishimoto doubling down on Naruto and Sakura with yet another parallel towards the end by liking Sakura to Kushina was such an obvious feint.

I suppose "Just business" can join the long list of excuses for Sasuke's douchebaggery, right under "he was crazy that time."
It's not disingenuous bullshit, or at least not as much as the shit you're peddling anyway. I don't give a shit what the rest of the fandom thought, Hinata existed as a character even before Sakura and Sasuke were concepts. Sasuke's shown over and over again how much he cared about Sakura in Part 1 and the war arc. Sai and Ino had a hint when they first met (basically the only guy she's blushed over besides Sasuke), Temari was featured in Shika's genjutsu dream, not including the Rescue Sasuke arc or the date joke Naruto threw their way... They were all obvious.

The 'pining for Sakura' Naruto did only lasted until her fake confession at the very latest. In reality, Naruto gave up persuing her in Part 1 when he saw Sasuke letting Sakura in. NaruSaku fans in general talk a lot about "parallels", but they overlook the fact that both NaruHina and SasuSaku stand up without those bullshit rationalizations, even before the baby ever after ending. But I don't expect someone like you, who blatantly doesn't have even a modicum of basic reading comprehension, to understand that.

tl;dr: hey look, I can be condescending as fuck too! But I can actually do that without trying to twist the story to fit my narrative!


Wasn't the Naruto Games Pro NaruHina?
Apparently, if you pair Naruto and Hinata in a team in Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 2, 3, Generations and Revolution, you get "secret lovers". I'm sure this was fanservice but going back to 2010 making that call? I said Damn. Even the games knew ahead of time :lol:

Neji's death will always be a kishi mess up. especially given how things went. Kishi lacks foresight.

The Ninja Storm games are also the only source I can think of where Tenten ever shows interest in running a shop instead of being a ninja.

I wouldn't be surprised if Cyberconnect got some information from Kishi himself.


Cyberconnect2 shipped the fuck out of naruhina if you chose both they were called secret lovers, not to mention their combo is a ode to their feeling for each other.


We still talking about shipping? NaruHina is da bes. Everyone upset about SasuSaku is ignoring Sakura's feelings. She won. She got what she wanted, and getting upset because of what Sauce did is irrelevant because she clearly doesn't give a fuck.


Wasn't the Naruto Games Pro NaruHina?
Apparently, if you pair Naruto and Hinata in a team in Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 2, 3, Generations and Revolution, you get "secret lovers". I'm sure this was fanservice but going back to 2010 making that call? I said Damn. Even the games knew ahead of time :lol:

Neji's death will always be a kishi mess up. especially given how things went. Kishi lacks foresight.

Just watched the "secret lovers" that's in Ninja Storm Revolution on youtube and man... it's a must-watch for naruhina fans.


Everyone that has anything to do with Naruto in an official capacity is pro-NaruHina. Kishimoto was probably the slowest to get there. Studio Pierrot, CyberConnect2, the editors.


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
If Part 3 does happen, would you all rather see...

A) A focus on Bolt and classmates, with Naruto and older ninja functioning as supporting cast (AKA Part I redux)

B) Focus to remain on Naruto, with Bolt and co. serving supporting roles (Konohamaru style)

C) A mix of both

D) A complete shift where it's something totally different (Prequel, focus on another village, etc.)


If Part 3 does happen, would you all rather see...

A) A focus on Bolt and classmates, with Naruto and older ninja functioning as supporting cast (AKA Part I redux)

B) Focus to remain on Naruto, with Bolt and co. serving supporting roles (Konohamaru style)

C) A mix of both

D) A complete shift where it's something totally different (Prequel, focus on another village, etc.)
A, because I really enjoyed part 1


If Part 3 does happen, would you all rather see...

A) A focus on Bolt and classmates, with Naruto and older ninja functioning as supporting cast (AKA Part I redux)

B) Focus to remain on Naruto, with Bolt and co. serving supporting roles (Konohamaru style)

C) A mix of both

D) A complete shift where it's something totally different (Prequel, focus on another village, etc.)

The focus needs to be on the new kids, and secondary focus on the old guys and that will by them being related to the old guys , eventually explain what happened with the old guys.
If Part 3 does happen, would you all rather see...

A) A focus on Bolt and classmates, with Naruto and older ninja functioning as supporting cast (AKA Part I redux)

B) Focus to remain on Naruto, with Bolt and co. serving supporting roles (Konohamaru style)

C) A mix of both

D) A complete shift where it's something totally different (Prequel, focus on another village, etc.)

B would be dreadfully boring after maybe a dozen chapters.

Naruto's so powerful he could probably solo the entire Narutoverse without a sweat at this point.


Focus on the kids growing up and doing actual ninja missions with stealth, genjutsus and getting involved with people from far away countries. That would be cool.

And I'd like to see gaara return in some way. He's my favorite character by far.

Or a comedy anime like Gintama.


If Part 3 does happen, would you all rather see...

A) A focus on Bolt and classmates, with Naruto and older ninja functioning as supporting cast (AKA Part I redux)

B) Focus to remain on Naruto, with Bolt and co. serving supporting roles (Konohamaru style)

C) A mix of both

D) A complete shift where it's something totally different (Prequel, focus on another village, etc.)

Definitely A. I want to see shurikens, kunais, scrolls, paper bombs, taijutsu and the occasional ninjutsu and genjutsu. Keep it simple and ninja-like, no rasengans or other kind of kamehamehas.

Maybe show what the adults are doing a couple of times (I'd be the first to sign up for some nice NaruHina husband/wife interaction), but keep 85% of the focus on the kids.


Focus on everything.

The kids and the adults.

Explore history and travel into the future.

Part 3 should be a celebration of characters and the universe.


Something like Girl Meets World. The old generation is there and appears often, but it is the new generation that is the focus.
If Part 3 does happen, would you all rather see...

A) A focus on Bolt and classmates, with Naruto and older ninja functioning as supporting cast (AKA Part I redux)

B) Focus to remain on Naruto, with Bolt and co. serving supporting roles (Konohamaru style)

C) A mix of both

D) A complete shift where it's something totally different (Prequel, focus on another village, etc.)

A would be my choice. Bolt, Sarada, and lets say Lee's kid on a team under Konohamaru-sensei, exploring the new world Naruto and co created and it's various issues. Much more like part 1, then part 2. Bolt won't be Naruto 2.0, but have his own ideal and goals. We may or may not also meet Naruto's genin team (come on, he had to have one) who are now Chunin/jounin themselves.


Just watched the "secret lovers" that's in Ninja Storm Revolution on youtube and man... it's a must-watch for naruhina fans.
There is no Ultimate combo for NaruSaku. Says it all really. CC knew ahead or they too were pro NaruHina.

If Part 3 does happen, would you all rather see...

A) A focus on Bolt and classmates, with Naruto and older ninja functioning as supporting cast (AKA Part I redux)

B) Focus to remain on Naruto, with Bolt and co. serving supporting roles (Konohamaru style)

C) A mix of both

D) A complete shift where it's something totally different (Prequel, focus on another village, etc.)

I like Fox318's answer. though if only picking from here, A.
" how does she look like karin"

"s-... she wears glasses"

" that doesn't make any sense "

hahaha I remember some crazy people saying that she was Karin's child and Sasuke forced Sakura to take care of her while he left.......

Anyway she clearly has Sakura's forehead and eyes while getting Sasuke's hair and eye colour.

If Part 3 does happen, would you all rather see...

A) A focus on Bolt and classmates, with Naruto and older ninja functioning as supporting cast (AKA Part I redux)

B) Focus to remain on Naruto, with Bolt and co. serving supporting roles (Konohamaru style)

C) A mix of both

D) A complete shift where it's something totally different (Prequel, focus on another village, etc.)

Something like Girl Meets World. The old generation is there and appears often, but it is the new generation that is the focus.

This. I don't want the older genenration to be left out much, I want to see how they cope with their families etc.

Before any of this we need to see what Sasuke does in his 2 year journey :/
If Part 3 does happen, would you all rather see...

A) A focus on Bolt and classmates, with Naruto and older ninja functioning as supporting cast (AKA Part I redux)

B) Focus to remain on Naruto, with Bolt and co. serving supporting roles (Konohamaru style)

C) A mix of both

D) A complete shift where it's something totally different (Prequel, focus on another village, etc.)

Or hear me out on this, Naruto: Advance Warfare!


A) Macbooks,skyscrapers,military vehicles and aircraft.

B) EXO suits, I mean come on chakra powered Exo suits is the future

C) Story revolves around Bolt and his generation class making through the ranks

D) ??????


(crickets chirping)............

I'll see myself out...
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