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Naruto Manga Thread (OT) - The End is here

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The future is only going to be worse for them. We have the Last movie and then an entire series on the families and hints that the anime may show something in between.

First comment on that website does it again.

''Erik (9 hours ago)
I think you’re desperate and over analyzing everything. As bad a writer as Kishi is, he’s not fail enough to end his series on a illusion.

This is the most pitiful NaruSaku attempt I've ever seen.''

And given how damn long that page is I'd say that's a pretty accurate first response.

Is it the most pitiful NaruSaku attempt I've ever seen?

Man whats done is done,stuff like this really must hurt him and the die-hard NaruSaku fans inside.

and this:

I'm disappointed with all of this pairing nonsense and the fact that Kishi thought it would be more interesting to focus on this than the events that led up to Naruto becoming Hokage, what makes it worse is that it sounds poorly done. This is not the tone he chose to set for 15 years and it's not why I've been reading this manga. It sounds like trashy filler episodes I would skip in the anime.

So it's like Road to Ninja?


You know exactly what.

It's all pretty dumb when I read it in bullet point form.

I have a hard time believing Naruto, being as starved for any acknowledgement and interaction as he was, would shun Hinata, much less forget considering he can recall seemingly everything else from his childhood with perfect clarity.

Like I said, I'm not going to pass judgment until I've seen it, but what I'm reading is patchwork development after the fact, and it's unnecessary at that.

And there are people are like you who are willing to gobble whatever bottom barrel shit they have to validate their beliefs.

At the same time, it get tiring reading that if Hinata really cared about Naruto she would have tried to befriend him when he was a kid. Despite there being plenty of reasons why that might be difficult and not just because she was shy.
I'm disappointed with all of this pairing nonsense and the fact that Kishi thought it would be more interesting to focus on this than the events that led up to Naruto becoming Hokage, what makes it worse is that it sounds poorly done. This is not the tone he chose to set for 15 years and it's not why I've been reading this manga. It sounds like trashy filler episodes I would skip in the anime.

Nah bruh,I quite happy with the ending and Naruto becoming Hokage. The shipping that was done at the end was final ingredient or how you say ''secret sauce'' lol. Keeps people talking about Naruto as Hokage and his future/family long after it's done,it's literally box office material. I'm not a shipping die-hard but this was great,the only shipping meltdown I would really enjoy after all these years is the Resident Evil ones. There was even a crazy ass thread here awhile back on the shipping and sexual tension though I cant remember it(thread that is).

I wanna see these two in the next main line RE game,the time has come.

So I can finally see this LuLz..

{Okay enough of that,back on topic}
And there are people are like you who are willing to gobble whatever bottom barrel shit they have to validate their beliefs.
Having a clear focus and enjoying a author's last work is one thing but wavering between mood swings about a fictional pairing is another...

Let me entertain you with your fan fictional fantasies for a second...

If NaruSaku did happen I guarantee you that they'd add some extra content to justify Sakura's love for him exactly on how they are doing so for this movie (a 2 year timeskip)

Unless you believe that she would just go gaga over him right after chapter 699 :/


Having a clear focus and enjoying a author's last work is one thing but wavering between mood swings about a fictional pairing is another...

Let me entertain you with your fan fictional fantasies for a second...

If NaruSaku did happen I guarantee you that they'd add some extra content to justify Sakura's love for him exactly on how they are doing so for this movie (a 2 year timeskip)

Unless you believe that she would just go gaga over him right after chapter 699 :/

It was only made unbelievable because of 699. If narusaku was the end game, 699 would have been different.
Having a clear focus and enjoying a author's last work is one thing but wavering between mood swings about a fictional pairing is another...

Let me entertain you with your fan fictional fantasies for a second...

If NaruSaku did happen I guarantee you that they'd add some extra content to justify Sakura's love for him exactly on how they are doing so for this movie (a 2 year timeskip)

Unless you believe that she would just go gaga over him right after chapter 699 :/

Lawd preach!!


At the same time, it get tiring reading that if Hinata really cared about Naruto she would have tried to befriend him when he was a kid. Despite there being plenty of reasons why that might be difficult and not just because she was shy.

It's tiring but it is no less true.

For whatever reason, a large chunk of the Naruto fanbase have never been able to move past the fact Sakura talked shit about Naruto in one chapter and didn't immediately fall in love with him.

You know what's really tiring? Reading the same old bullshit arguments that Naruto and Sakura are like brother and sister, or that she hits him to abuse him. Shit like that. Especially when it comes from people who claim Sasuke shouldn't be blamed for being a shitty person because "his mind wasn't in the right place that time." Part of his fandom has proven that they can and will come up with anything that depicts Sakura as some horrible excuse for a human being.

To that end fans will play up every thing Hinata does to make her look bad by comparison. They put Hinata on a pedestal and lavish praise that she hasn't earned.

The simple fact of the matter is that Hinata supporting Naruto from afar "all along" is nonsense. She idolised him, and she was never up front or vocal about even that until others were. i.e. her "support" for Naruto amounted to nothing, it had no value whatsoever to Naruto, to whom she was just some quiet weird girl he barely knew.
It was only made unbelievable because of 699. If narusaku was the end game, 699 would have been different.

lol ment 698 :p

Let us assume she ditched Sasuke... how will she express her love for Naruto without making it seem that he is some second place character

Sakura in tears: "Naruto I always had these feelings for you.... Yamato said...."

Naruto: "Don't worry my little tree blossom.... I made a promise I made for you to retrieve your lover but indeed that lover was me since I said to Sai"

Sakrua: "Naruuuuuuuutooooooo"

Naruto: "Sakuraaaaaaaaaaaaa"

Kakashi: "Heh.... Team 7s true feelings have returned"


Time Passes....

Scene The funeral for the fallen.... at Neji's Grave

Naruto: "Hinata I've learnt so much about you and you saved me that time but you see....."

Hinata: "No more Naruto, I understand".... "I always wanted to be with you but seeing you happy and being there to support your dreams is all I need"

Naruto: "Hinata.... Thank you"


Sakura "It seems it is that day.... make us proud" (She rubs her tummy to signify I child within)

Naruto smiles :
"You know it ;)"

Long ago The 4th Hokage sealed the 9tailed fox in a little boy... That boy grew up and defeated the ten tails and saved the world but his true victory was obtaining his love of his life that he prematurely fell in love with before it blossomed into a real romance....

This boy is now called the 7th Hokage


Nah bruh,I quite happy with the ending and Naruto becoming Hokage. The shipping that was done at the end was final ingredient or how you say ''secret sauce'' lol. Keeps people talking about Naruto as Hokage and his future/family long after it's done,it's literally box office material. I'm not a shipping die-hard but this was great,the only shipping meltdown I would really enjoy after all these years is the Resident Evil ones. There was even a crazy ass thread here awhile back on the shipping and sexual tension though I cant remember it(thread that is).

I wanna see these two in the next main line RE game,the time has come.

So I can finally see this LuLz..

{Okay enough of that,back on topic}

The implication here is that Leon finds anyone sexually attractive except for vague speaking women who try to murder him.

I mean he's ending up with ada wong weather you like it or not. LIke they have been going at it for games. Leon and Ada , Chris and Jill, I hope you like it, thats what capcom is pushing for summer slam.


Having a clear focus and enjoying a author's last work is one thing but wavering between mood swings about a fictional pairing is another...

Let me entertain you with your fan fictional fantasies for a second...

If NaruSaku did happen I guarantee you that they'd add some extra content to justify Sakura's love for him exactly on how they are doing so for this movie (a 2 year timeskip)

Unless you believe that she would just go gaga over him right after chapter 699 :/

NaruSaku wouldn't need any justification. Unlike NaruHina and SasuSaku, it had mutual development. Sakura's feelings for Sasuke were questioned by canonical sources, and if she were afforded the sanity, self-respect and dignity of a normal person, she would have moved on. More to the point her "budding" feelings for Naruto were already hinted at on numerous occasions before they were swept under the rug. All this pairing would have needed was for to Kishimoto to finish what he started with Naruto's self-imposed rule on fulfilling his promise before he could confess to her.

That's beside the point though, because this isn't about NaruSaku, it's about the questionable writing in The Last that you are defending purely because it validates a relationship we both know had no mutual basis in the actual manga and would not have come to fruition if it weren't popular, because if it was meant to happen, then you wouldn't need a movie relying on retcons to establish a love story that was nearly nonexistent and entirely one-sided in the actual manga. But of course you would rather deflect criticism than address it.


lol ment 698 :p

Let us assume she ditched Sasuke... how will she express her love for Naruto without making it seem that he is some second place character

What? She was barely in 698.

699 is when she keeps making googly eyes at Sasuke after completely forgiving him even after (fake) stabbing her.

To make narusaku believable after 699, all we would have needed was for them to actually converse. (which didn't happen at all in reality)
What? She was barely in 698.

699 is when she keeps making googly eyes at Sasuke after completely forgiving him even after (fake) stabbing her.

To make narusaku believable after 699, all we would have needed was for them to actually converse. (which didn't happen at all in reality)

after 698 my fiction above happens

my previous post said after 699 accidentally but you all know that Sasuke poke happened in 699


Kishi should do a seinen manga, a mist village type story. Lots of blood and actions, lots of tits and ass too!

really though, I want a ninja academy story with lots of shitty romance and shipping
NaruSaku wouldn't need any justification. Unlike NaruHina and SasuSaku, it had mutual development. Sakura's feelings for Sasuke were questioned by canonical sources, and if she were afforded the sanity, self-respect and dignity of a normal person, she would have moved on. More to the point her "budding" feelings for Naruto were already hinted at on numerous occasions before they were swept under the rug. All this pairing would have needed was for to Kishimoto to finish what he started with Naruto's self-imposed rule on fulfilling his promise before he could confess to her.

That's beside the point though, because this isn't about NaruSaku, it's about the questionable writing in The Last that you are defending purely because it validates a relationship we both know had no mutual basis in the actual manga and would not have come to fruition if it weren't popular, because if it was meant to happen, then you wouldn't need a movie relying on retcons to establish a love story that was nearly nonexistent and entirely one-sided in the actual manga. But of course you would rather deflect criticism than address it.

Naruto never had as many interactions with Hinata then compared to Sakura, I agree but other then Sakura always crying while Naruto was confronting her did we ever see Sakura confronting Naruto and by doing so saving him from a point of distraught like how Hinata did?

If I recall the closet thing was Sakura saying she will be there with him in order to get Sasuke back.... which really isn't addressing Naruto's personal struggles and beliefs rather then just encouraging him to help complete his promise.

If you look at all the times Naruto seriously interacts with Hinata in a serious situation either one of them is helped mentally in a time of need

Screw the whole Hinata stepping in to save Naruto when Pain had him pinned down.... Naruto basically knew what Hinata was feeling when he saved her back in that War Arc scene with the Zetsus

And when Naruto was mentally in the slumps Hinata was the one who saved him and knew what he was thinking in his time of need....

Of course you have those laughing/smiling scenes with Naruto and Sakura but they are in the same bloody team and hence speak/interact with each other every day....
Oh but Sakura did save Naruto with that CPR.... great they would've lost the war without him

From him considering Hinata as some weirdo to mentally knowing when she is down or in danger just shows how much progress they had
Hinata was a shy/pessimistic girl who had her Father looking down on her... I wouldn't be shocked if she tried to confront Naruto but Naruto pushed her away.....

Kishi focused most of part 2 on Team 7 trying to save Sasuke.... being a battle shonen series + feeling embarrassed when trying to create romance scenarios I am not shocked that this movie is trying to address his short comings but saying this isn't Naruto or that Kishi was pressured in following this route by Editors/Fans when he chose his protag to be with a girl that he created compared to another girl that the editors actually forced on him is a load of bull


Naruto never had as many interactions with Hinata then compared to Sakura, I agree but other then Sakura always crying while Naruto was confronting her did we ever see Sakura confronting Naruto and by doing so saving him from a point of distraught like how Hinata did?

If I recall the closet thing was Sakura saying she will be there with him in order to get Sasuke back.... which really isn't addressing Naruto's personal struggles and beliefs rather then just encouraging him to help complete his promise

If you look at all the times Naruto seriously interacts with Hinata in a serious situation either one of them are helped mentally in a time of need

Screw the whole Hinata stepping in to save Naruto when Pain had him pinned down.... Naruto basically knew what Hinata was feeling when he saved her back in that War Arc scene with the Zetsus

And when Naruto was mentally in the slumps Hinata was the one who saved him and knew what he was thinking in his time of need....

Of course you have those laughing/smiling scenes with Naruto and Sakura but they are in the same bloody team and hence speak/interact with each other every day....
Oh but Sakura did save Naruto with that CPR.... great they would've lost the war without him

From him considering Hinata as some weirdo to mentally knowing when she is down or in danger just shows how much progress they had
Hinata was a shy/pessimistic girl who had her Father looking down on her... I wouldn't be shocked if she tried to confront Naruto but Naruto pushed her away.....

Kishi focused most of part 2 on Team 7 trying to save Sasuke.... being a battle shonen series + feeling embarrassed when trying to create romance scenarios I am not shocked that this movie is trying to address his short comings but saying this isn't Naruto or that Kishi was pressured in following this route by Editors/Fans when he chose his protag to be with a girl that he created compared to another girl that the editors actually forced on him is a load of bull

You're missing the point entirely. This isn't about NaruSaku VS NaruHina, and let's not make it be about that because we both know that's a dead end.

Despite all these "serious moments" in the manga, as you put it, and there were only three by my count, following each and every single one of them Naruto still did not love Hinata. He still was not attracted to her on any level, not even superficially. He never felt anything for her beyond friendship all throughout the manga, and that is an indisputable fact.

So, yes, NaruHina as one of the endgame pairings does contradict the manga, and if you think popularity of characters and pairings amongst the fandom have no influence on editors whatsoever then you are naive.


Neo Member
My god!

This was a shonen battle manga!
If you all want a romance manga with character development and content that actually indicates anyones feelings for one another (outside of the incredible number of feels that Naruto and Sasuke have for each other) go start a shojo manga thread!

There is only one pairing that makes sense with how things are written, and that is... none

The characters barely have enough depth to create emotional connections to one another.

Naruto became obsessed with Sakura after she was one of the only kids that would actually talk with him when he was a kid. I don't think Naruto actually knows what love is until he bonds with and then loses Jiraiya.

Hinata was obsessed with Naruto because he stood up after getting the crap beat out of him, and he stopped bullies that one time. I'd actually be worried that her relationship with Naruto would be super unhealthy, considering her level of obsession she's shown to have.

Sasuke... fuck Sasuke. He has the emotional depth of a sponge, and his 'emotions' are often changed and used as a plot device to make him a foil for Naruto.

Sakura is possibly the worst written character in this entire manga. She has a ton of great moments of awesome where she shines and seems to progress as a character. Too bad those moments are always followed by an instant relapse into her being helpless and useless. She 'loves' Sasuke, despite the fact that she knows next to nothing about him. When Sasuke first left, he pretty much told her as much. She hasn't learned anything about him since then, except that he wouldn't hesitate to kill her.

This was an awesome battle manga, and I will watch the movie. It was not in any way, shape, or form a romance manga. Ship whoever you feel like shipping, it's a free world. Just don't try and say that X should have ended up with Y in canon, that's the author's prerogative, and he made his choices, even though all of them were poorly written.
The plain and simple fact is SasuSaku is fucking disgusting. Fucking PERIOD.

Even more disgusting is how Sakura was shown basically throwing away the last shred of dignity as Sasuke's feet once again only to have her pride be kicked in teeth...again.

Seriously no one reasonable is angry at NaruHina. But anyone that is remotely a fan of Sakura as a character was completely pissed on by Kishimoto.


frog-fu's post. :lol:

So naruto realizes Hinata AFTER she gets taken away...

naruto gonna naruto i guess. at least he aint as bad as that loser ichigo from bleach.
You're missing the point entirely. This isn't about NaruSaku VS NaruHina, and let's not make it be about that because we both know that's a dead end.

Despite all these "serious moments" in the manga, as you put it, and there were only three by my count, following each and every single one of them Naruto still did not love Hinata. He still was not attracted to her on any level, not even on superficially. He never felt anything for her beyond friendship all throughout the manga, and that is an indisputable fact.
So, yes, NaruHina as one of the endgame pairings does contradict the manga, and if you think popularity of characters and pairings amongst the fandom have no influence on editors whatsoever then you are naive.
Some people find extreme bonds and effects of those bonds before they realize that they truly love the person

Naruto and Hinata undertanding each other feelings to the mental level and also knowing when they are in danger is something beyond friendship

Naruto is a dunce so him realizing that what he is feeling is true love would take some time

The plain and simple fact is SasuSaku is fucking disgusting. Fucking PERIOD.

Even more disgusting is how Sakura was shown basically throwing away the last shred of dignity as Sasuke's feet once again only to have her pride be kicked in teeth...again.

Seriously no one reasonable is angry at NaruHina. But anyone that is remotely a fan of Sakura as a character was completely pissed on by Kishimoto.

I never really liked Sakura because of her love for Sasuke

I eventually stopped hating Sasuke but Sakura as a character continued to spiral downhill... any time she had after any time she had a significant moment
Sasuke involved or not
If NaruHina was so developed why the fuck does it need a movie to explain how they fell in love?

Moreover, why does said movie take place TWO years after the war. Naruto ignored her for two years until she got kidnapped and *that's* when the lightbulb came on?

Outside of a Naruto context it'd be *okay*, not great, not bad, but okay. But after all their supposed development in the war, he acts as if nothing happens for TWO YEARS.

Yeah, but it's *not* an asspull.

I don't really care about NH as a pairing in and of itself, but Jesus. Where's my mutual development? Because all evidence points to up till 700, that shit was one sided as all hell.
Despite all these "serious moments" in the manga, as you put it, and there were only three by my count, following each and every single one of them Naruto still did not love Hinata. He still was not attracted to her on any level, not even on superficially. He never felt anything for her beyond friendship all throughout the manga, and that is an indisputable fact.

Some people find extreme bonds and effects of those bonds before they realize that they truly love the person

Naruto and Hinata undertanding each other feelings to the mental level and also knowing when they are in danger is something beyond friendship

Naruto is a dunce so him realizing that what he is feeling is true love would take some time

Hm? No acknowledgement is not the same as rejection, or contemplation.

Kishimoto deliberately tip toeing around it actually is a big red flag. It's not as if he's against portraying the otherside of a one-sided relationship. He did it via Sakura with Lee, Sasuke with Sakura etc. It's just that kind of confrontation on Naruto's part, would lead to Kishimoto's inability to tease the readers.

I mean the people who take this as, "Why didn't Naruto address Hinata's confession is he a jackass" are kind of missing the point. It isn't about the character. It's about the story.


Some people find extreme bonds and effects of those bonds before they realize that they truly love the person

Naruto and Hinata undertanding each other feelings to the mental level and also knowing when they are in danger is something beyond friendship

Naruto is a dunce so him realizing that what he is feeling is true love would take some time

People that bond usually interact with another for more than a few minutes at a time. Naruto's bond with Sasuke is questionable and he spent close to a year with that guy on the same team and had a one-sided rivalry with him when they were in the academy together.

Hinata interacted with Naruto in probably less than 20 chapters (being generous), and there were only three moments that were meaningful interaction - including her outright telling him she loved him- and yet their relationship never advanced beyond friendship.

This pairing needed a 2 year timeskip and a damsel in fucking distress plot device to establish itself.

Are you really that intellectually dishonest that you would contend that is good writing, that NaruHina was planned all along, and that it is ultimately legitimately validated because of contrived writing in a movie that relies on retcons, really?

Naruto is slow. He's not retarded. He knew exactly what Hinata's confession meant, and he didn't feel the same way, hence why he didn't give her a response. In fact, not long after her confession, he was hugging Sakura and his feelings for her were dragged into focus.

Just admit it, NaruHina has no backing in the manga despite being a popular pairing and needs a movie to justify the ending. NH "won" in the end, but not because it was meant to be all along.


Even a hand on her shoulder at the funeral would have gone leaps and bounds in making this less contrived...


You know, all the people here saying that the fact that NH needs a movie is proof enough that the relationship is forced..,

Do you realize that the manga is not called "Love Hina(ta)"? as in, the focus for the last chapters had to be the conclusion of all the battles. Its a battle manga.

The romance is always rushed and sometimes like Reborn, solved in some "I will leave everyone behind and go train, bye bitches"

Even if somehow Sakura was end game, this movie would still happen.

Its focusing on a part of the characters this kind of mangas usually ignore. And that's why its a brilliant product. It gives you something you were left wanting to see.

That said, no matter how forced you may think this pairing is, it has enough backstory to be explored in a movie. Sakuras role in a movie like this would be "lol rebound" its the only kind of story you can pull off with what's happened in the manga.


NaruSaku wouldn't need any justification. Unlike NaruHina and SasuSaku, it had mutual development. Sakura's feelings for Sasuke were questioned by canonical sources, and if she were afforded the sanity, self-respect and dignity of a normal person, she would have moved on. More to the point her "budding" feelings for Naruto were already hinted at on numerous occasions before they were swept under the rug. All this pairing would have needed was for to Kishimoto to finish what he started with Naruto's self-imposed rule on fulfilling his promise before he could confess to her.

That's beside the point though, because this isn't about NaruSaku, it's about the questionable writing in The Last that you are defending purely because it validates a relationship we both know had no mutual basis in the actual manga and would not have come to fruition if it weren't popular, because if it was meant to happen, then you wouldn't need a movie relying on retcons to establish a love story that was nearly nonexistent and entirely one-sided in the actual manga. But of course you would rather deflect criticism than address it.

The problem with that is that no matter what they do it wouldn't enough with that attitude. If they actually do make it so that Hinata tried to talk to Naruto when they were kids, what then? Would it really be that horrible of a change? Would giving a little more justification for their relationship be that bad?

It shows that Hinata wasn't just some stalker and was probably scared away from Naruto's harsh reaction. It would be in character for her at least, either that or something else stopped her from talking to him, like her family not wanting to be associated with him.

Also I think the end result was more for the Sakura/Sasuke fans than the Naruto/Hinata ones since the former is the most popular ship and Sakura can't end up with two guys.

I mean, the movie was to make it more believable and perhaps somewhat solve the criticisms of both pairings. (Hinata never actually trying to talk to Naruto and Sasuke's behavior.) Something a lot of people wanted to be addressed anyway.
When I first started this series I was like

"Sure whatever Naruto loves Sakura"

"Oh Sakura is an ass to Naruto... well he will show her that she is wrong"

*Naruto saves her countless times and she still fan girls over Sasuke and even at times believes that Sasuke was the one who saved her even though Sasuke denies it....
If you look at that scene were Kakashi asks them to introduce themselves, Naruto and Sasuke have both set some goals while Sakura's only thing was being with Sasuke.

I used to give the character some slack but became weary near the end of Part 1..... Part 2 began and my hope was somehow reawakened only to completely give up on the character after the Sasuke retrieval arc

Some people claim that Sakura had sooooooo much development and that her blushing for Sasuke near the end is out of character for her...

Which is completely wrong since if you look back at all the redeming Sakura scenes she then falls down flat in the face whenever Sasuke is involved

This is exactly like her character!

#1 Sasuke Fangirl... In her mind she won since she got the guy and if that calms her whining then so be it

I wouldn't care less
I mean, the movie was to make it more believable and perhaps somewhat solve the criticisms of both pairings. (Hinata never actually trying to talk to Naruto and Sasuke's behavior.) Something a lot of people wanted to be addressed anyway.

I don't think the movie is trying to convince anyone. The reason there are retcons is because it doesn't make sense to have the pivotal moment in a romantic arc happen in a flashback 2 years in past in an unrelated storyline from the movie.


People that bond usually interact with another for more than a few minutes at a time. Naruto's bond with Sasuke is questionable and he spent close to a year with that guy on the same team and had a one-sided rivalry with him when they were in the academy together.

Hinata interacted with Naruto in probably less than 20 chapters (being generous), and there were only three moments that were meaningful interaction - including her outright telling him she loved him- and yet their relationship never advanced beyond friendship.

This pairing needed a 2 year timeskip and a damsel in fucking distress plot device to establish itself.

Are you really that intellectually dishonest that you would contend that is good writing, that NaruHina was planned all along, and that it is ultimately legitimately validated because of contrived writing in a movie that relies on retcons, really?

Naruto is slow. He's not retarded. He knew exactly what Hinata's confession meant, and he didn't feel the same way, hence why he didn't give her a response. In fact, not long after her confession, he was hugging Sakura and his feelings for her were dragged into focus.

Just admit it, NaruHina has no backing in the manga despite being a popular pairing and needs a movie to justify the ending. NH "won" in the end, but not because it was meant to be all along.

Goku and Chichi. nuff said.

And when did Naruto hug Sakura? All I remember was the opposite and that was in the Pain arc after he just save the village, and I think during the "confession" scene.


When I first started this series I was like

"Sure whatever Naruto loves Sakura"

"Oh Sakura is an ass to Naruto... well he will show her that she is wrong"

*Naruto saves her countless times and she still fan girls over Sasuke and even at times believes that Sasuke was the one who saved her even though Sasuke denies it....
If you look at that scene were Kakashi asks them to introduce themselves, Naruto and Sasuke have both set some goals while Sakura's only thing was being with Sasuke.

I used to give the character some slack but became weary near the end of Part 1..... Part 2 began and my hope was somehow reawakened only to completely give up on the character after the Sasuke retrieval arc

Some people claim that Sakura had sooooooo much development and that her blushing for Sasuke near the end is out of character for her...

Which is completely wrong since if you look back at all the redeming Sakura scenes she then falls down flat in the face whenever Sasuke is involved

This is exactly like her character!

#1 Sasuke Fangirl... In her mind she won since she got the guy and if that calms her whining then so be it

I wouldn't care less

something frog-fu and the rest of the sakura fans will never acknowledge.

she was never out of character in the first place. what manga are these guys reading that dictated otherwise? :lol:

I can't take frog-fu's posts seriously for this very reason.
Guys lets stop this ''who's the winner'' talk.....

Because we know damn well there can ONLY be one lol!

Winner: Hyuuga Hiashi

''The Uzumaki and Hyuuga bloodline shall reign supreme over Konoha,all non-believer heretics aka NaruSaku fans will convert one way or another.''

- Hyuuga Hiashi


something frog-fu and the rest of the sakura fans will never acknowledge.

she was never out of character in the first place. what manga are these guys reading that dictated otherwise? :lol:

I can't take frog-fu's posts seriously for this very reason.

Lol yeah, whenever Sasuke is in the picture, Sakura shows her true character. Hell, even in the Kage Summit arc, she couldn't go through with killing him.
The plain and simple fact is SasuSaku is fucking disgusting. Fucking PERIOD.

Even more disgusting is how Sakura was shown basically throwing away the last shred of dignity as Sasuke's feet once again only to have her pride be kicked in teeth...again.

Seriously no one reasonable is angry at NaruHina. But anyone that is remotely a fan of Sakura as a character was completely pissed on by Kishimoto.

From the point of a NaruSaku fan sure lol

Sakura fans that do not fall in such a category are probably happy since unlike said fans in the category they have been paying attention to the manga and realise that throughout the near entirety of the manga Sakura has been in love with Sasuke and Sasuke finally being saved and now showing affection to Sakura has only made her happier.


The problem with that is that no matter what they do it wouldn't enough with that attitude. If they actually do make it so that Hinata tried to talk to Naruto when they were kids, what then? Would it really be that horrible of a change? Would giving a little more justification for their relationship be that bad?

It shows that Hinata wasn't just some stalker and was probably scared away from Naruto's harsh reaction. It would be in character for her at least, either that or something else stopped her from talking to him, like her family not wanting to be associated with him.

Also I think the end result was more for the Sakura/Sasuke fans than the Naruto/Hinata ones since the former is the most popular ship and Sakura can't end up with two guys.

I mean, the movie was to make it more believable and perhaps somewhat solve the criticisms of both pairings. (Hinata never actually trying to talk to Naruto and Sasuke's behavior.) Something a lot of people wanted to be addressed anyway.

It doesn't matter how they write it, a retcon is a retcon, and that will always be valid grounds for criticism.

SasuSaku is the bigger ship, but it's not as marketable. Sakura's VA is virtually a nobody afaik and Sasuke's is popular enough, but not quite Nana Mizuki popular.

Also, NaruHina involves the hero of the show, so there's that to consider.

Goku and Chichi. nuff said.

And when did Naruto hug Sakura? All I remember was the opposite and that was in the Pain arc after he just save the village, and I think during the "confession" scene.

Yes, because Goku and Chichi are the defining standard for a shōnen couple.

Guys lets stop this ''who's the winner'' talk.....

Because we know damn well there can ONLY be one lol!

Winner: Hyuuga Hiashi

''The Uzumaki and Hyuuga bloodline shall reign supreme over Konoha,all non-believer heretics aka NaruSaku fans will convert one way or another.''

- Hyuuga Hiashi

this was the best thing that came out of this pairing
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