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Naruto Manga Thread (OT) - The End is here

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If this movie is set after the events of the current story, should this air after the story ends? I mean, one thing is that the manga ends in december, but what about the anime?


I just got caught up on the manga after a 2 year break. Things really got interesting as of late. The War Arc up until the five kages got resurrected is the worst in the series.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Can't wait for the anime to air this episode and follow it up with 6 weeks of Rin-Obito filler episodes. It's gonna happen. Trust me.

They're going to make you feel sorry for the guy. Watch. I don't care though because Obito killed Konan and led to the death of another favorite kunoichi of mine (Kushina). Rot in hell bastard.

Okay, I'm off. Have to work.

Led to the death? He extracted the 9 tails from her. He killed her.


No, not thats bullshit.

He was a terrorist, he ruined lives. Sasuke is still young and hasn't done much, he can fix some shit.

This guy? He fucked up, bad, alot for a very long time.

Thats some bullshit logic.

It's not bullshit, it's a matter of perspective. All shinobi kill, therefore all shinobi ruin lives. Obito was manipulated into believing he lived in a world plagued by a broken system that had been wiped away from reality itself. To that end, as all shinobi do, he killed to achieve his objectives.

I find the "terrorist" label laughable considering we're discussing a manga about shinobi, who aren't exactly the most morally adjusted types. Do you think none of the supposed good guys we root for haven't killed and subsequently ruined lives?

Jiraiya's whole point was that the world is hurting because people keep hurting each other out of hate, because they hurt and hurt others, and he wanted to find a way to make it stop. Nagato thought becoming a god of pain would put an end to it. Obito thought warping reality was the correct way of going about it.

Another quote comes to mind, one by Itachi.

"We are humans, not fish. We don't know what kind of people we truly are until the moment before our deaths. As death comes to embrace you, you will realise what you are. That's what death is, don't you think?"

Both Nagato and Obito, in their final moments, not only realised their mistakes, who they truly were, and they did what they could to redeem themselves, and Naruto choose to remember them as they died, not as they lived, because they were truest to themselves at that time, and that may be idealistic, but consistent with his idealism that allows him to see the good in people.

So even if you call it bullshit, which I obviously disagree with it, it is still bullshit that is consistent with Naruto's character.

That depends, were they killers that manipulated and murdered time and time again? I don't think anyone's really going to think of all the good things that Charles Manson did that's for sure. Nelson Mandella? yeah, Mother Teresa maybe, the leader of the grand knights of the ku klux klan? Not so much.

No, it doesn't. You don't need to be a saint to be remembered in a positive light. Even a KKK member can have a relative who absolutely despise that part of him but chose to remembers the good that had nothing to do with that.

Even in a show about Ninja's "right" and "wrong" has already been established in the Naruto universe. So the "everyone's a little ___" argument doesn't apply and is a bad argument to begin with. Especially since everyone who's been considered the "bad guy" has been killed/dealt with as all shounens do, even in this manga about redemption and forgiveness. They didn't HAVE to become murdering bastards but they did.

Of course it applies because even the "good guys" do bad things. I mean, do you seriously think none of the Konoha characters kill unless it's self defence? Of course they do, they're ninja. The fact that we don't see it from the perspective of other characters doesn't mean it doesn't happen.

I believe Danzō, as a character, was meant to show us that not even a seemingly peaceful village like Konoha is above committing atrocities.

That all could just as easily be explained by circumstances. No one has time to be pissed off about anything he did when they're trying to bring down someone who's trying to destroy the world-and the fact that he aided them with unclear motives does not really change that.

Hiruzen and Orochimaru have had enough exchanges to make it pretty clear that there is no grudge because the former knows he isn't necessarily above the later. Orochimaru did heinous shit, but as the leader of one of the Great Five, a veteran of several wars and a shinobi for 60 years, Hiruzen's hands weren't going to be clean either.

Again your argument isn't taking into account free will or choice, and is playing far too much off absolutes. Nothing is absolute here. "For every yes answer there are a thousand no's" - Mark Ruddock. For every yes answer logically there will always be a no as well . Orochimaru didn't have to kill, manipulate, and experiment on all those people, but he CHOOSE to do so; there was always a no don't do it. Zabuza is an extreme case, but there are plenty of people who walk away from abusive situations as well and don't turn out to be murdering bastards. Same goes for every other person you listed, ie Itachi was never forced into killing his whole clan-he choose to do so as to prevent a civil war in the land of fire, because as the manga implied all the way up to his 2nd death he would do anything for the safety of the hidden leaf village that he loved. Village > Clan.

These guys are terrorist who destroyed peoples lives. They didn't absolutely have to do that, but they choose to none the less.

That's not true, I'm not ignoring free will, I'm simply making the point that people are shaped by their circumstances, and the shinobi system machine is clear a very, very bad thing that is at least partially responsible for the way certain characters turn out because they were born to a world shaped by that very system. Not all of them turned out evil.

For example, Gaara is a victim of machine, because it necessitated the existence of jinchūriki to maintain balance, and his status as jinchūriki scarred him mentally and it made him a murderous individual - but he eventually changed for the better.

And of course Itachi was forced into killing his clan. If you think he had an actual choice when in both scenarios his clan would be wiped out but in one of them the one that mattered the most to him lived, what choice did he really have? In that instance choice was an illusion.

If we can acknowledge that people might turn to thievery if they're born in a system that makes it hard for them to come by, then by the same token we should be able to understand that shinobi, born to a world of constantly killing, may commit atrocities of their own.

Manga's and any entertainment media are based on real world logic though. The base is always going to triumph, and a conflict between the authors bastardizing of real world logic is going to happen with the reader if something isn't quite right, regardless of their appeal to emotions. Your logic, like the manga is really bad here.

See that's where suspension of disbelief comes in. If you know something that's happening in a book wouldn't make sense in the real world, you suspend your disbelief so you can still enjoy it while it happens in the book. It's actually got little to do with logic because the point of prioritising internal logic of real world logic is to make shit easier to enjoy.

The argument your presenting basically boils down to blaming the system in lieu of personal responsibility and free will. If the Naruto-verse truly functioned like that no one would be punished for anything as long as a little 16 year old boy said "its ok, I forgive you and your so awesome!!!", right to the guy who, up until a few chapters ago, was just trying to murder him and is also the murderer of his parents no less. There would be no reason to seek justice for anyone and would invalidate half the fights that took place throughout the manga.

Why even go after Orochimaru, Akatsuki or anyone who does bad things with that kind of logic. That's just taking the forgive and forget thing way to far, and is a slap in the face to the readers and basic human emotions.

You're being a little disingenuous here. My argument doesn't assert free will has nothing to do with what happens. It asserts that the shinobi world is fucked and that various characters are fucked up because of it, which is pretty much the entire subtext of Part II.

Knowing why these characters all end up the way do doesn't mean they're not evil, it doesn't mean they shouldn't be stopped, it simply means that Naruto understands them, that he can relate to them, because you have to keep in mind Naruto himself acknowledged on more than one occasion that he could have turned out like a Gaara, he could have let hatred consume him and who knows what would have happened then.


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.

Finally caught up while pretending to work today. The most memorable part in the whole series for me is watching Danzo waste all those izanagi and getting chumpetized by an OP (at the time) Sasuke. I dislike Sasuke, but that was just embarrassing.
Why isn't Sasuke using his arrows against Kaguya, apparently those things were so fast that Danzo and Kakashi couldn't physically react to them, had to use sharingan hax.


Led to the death? He extracted the 9 tails from her. He killed her.
Kurama finished the job though. She was still alive till then and could have live longer too if not for it. Fuck you too, Kurama. Your little excuse of being controlled by Obito doesn't count since you wanted out from all three of your hosts.


Why isn't Sasuke using his arrows against Kaguya, apparently those things were so fast that Danzo and Kakashi couldn't physically react to them, had to use sharingan hax.
Can't see them being any more effective than they were against Obito. Seems to be stuck with these mountain-dicing blades when his Susanoō is in this stabilized state anyways.

Disappointing, by the way. Was hoping for large scale Enton shenanigans, not just Madara's "perfect" Susanoō part deux.
Can't see them being any more effective than they were against Obito. Seems to be stuck with these mountain-dicing blades when his Susanoō is in this stabilized state anyways.

Disappointing, by the way. Was hoping for large scale Enton shenanigans, not just Madara's "perfect" Susanoō part deux.

I don't even remember him using the arrows on Obito, he should have mountain slicing arrows.

Sasuke just can't hang with the big boys anymore, smh.


Kurama finished the job though. She was still alive till then and could have live longer too if not for it. Fuck you too, Kurama. Your little excuse of being controlled by Obito doesn't count since you wanted out from all three of your hosts.

Kushina would have likely lived with enough rest.

Even so, I find it hard to blame Kurama. He was sealed into one host after another for close to a hundred years if not more. What right did humans have to do that to him? If I were Kurama, you're damn right I'd kill whoever tried to take my freedom away.
Kushina would have likely lived with enough rest.

Even so, I find it hard to blame Kurama. He was sealed into one host after another for close to a hundred years if not more. What right did humans have to do that to him? If I were Kurama, you're damn right I'd kill whoever tried to take my freedom away.

No even Naruto was going to die after getting Kurama ripped, Kushina was finished.


Kurama wasn't just sealed in Kushina, mother fucker was crucified on a red hot magma ball inside her.

At least Minato just put him in a cage, with a little room to stretch his feet.


I don't even remember him using the arrows on Obito, he should have mountain slicing arrows.

Sasuke just can't hang with the big boys anymore, smh.
His "perfect" Susanoō, and his new Rinnegan technique are allowing him to just barely hang, but it's all stuff he could have realistically achieved before, when he had the Eien no Mangekyō Sharingan. It just comes off as so underwhelming, knowing he had to get the ultimate dōjutsu, ain't doing much with it, and slacking compared to the results of Naruto's Rikudō Senjutsu, and Bijū powers.

If he acquires a right Rinnegan, I'm hoping he'll be afforded a buff similar to the one Madara had when he retrieved his left Rinnegan from Obito; his Rinbo: Hengoku was significantly improved.


Kaguya can absorb chakra with hungry ghost realm.
I know it doesn't really come up much since neither Mads or Obito ever bothered to use it, but Zetsu and Naruto both commented on it saying ninjutsu was pointless. So Sasuks arrows wouldn't do anything other then feed her chakra.


While the jutsu have gotten stronger nothing has me wowed me like when Madara got introduced and used the meteor, perfect susanoo and all the mokuton jutsu. The Shinsuusenju was cool too.


It's certainly a factor, but Kaguya's been so inconsistent about it. She straight up absorbs the Enton cast by Amaterasu, yet goes out of her way to dodge the flames Sasuke manipulated to escape the glacier he and Naruto were stuck in. And even in this week's chapter, she got an arm lopped off by Naruto's chakra-based attack.


No even Naruto was going to die after getting Kurama ripped, Kushina was finished.

Naruto had been fighting over a day and supplying an entire army his chakra before Kurama was extracted from him. Minato left Kushina to rest after she had Kurama taken from her, she was going to be fine, but then had to restrain the fox with her chakra, and on top of that got stabbed. If Kushina had received proper rest and medical attention afterwards, she would have survived, but she didn't due to the fact Minato needed her to restrain the fox.

Even without all of that, given how B survived the extract by just being super strong, do you really think Kushina wouldn't have had survived even though she's an Uzumaki with exceptionally powerful chakra even by their standards?
Kaguya can absorb chakra with hungry ghost realm.
I know it doesn't really come up much since neither Mads or Obito ever bothered to use it, but Zetsu and Naruto both commented on it saying ninjutsu was pointless. So Sasuks arrows wouldn't do anything other then feed her chakra.

his arrows are made up of the same stuff his swords are yet he has no problem trying to attack her with those, Sasuke would be a complete idiot to engage her in close combat over flying around and raining down arrows.

so either Sasuke no longer access to his arrows(another reason his rinnegan sucks) or he's an idiot.


Ya IDK, Kishi hasn't really been paying attention to his own established rules all war arc.

Hungry Ghost Realm is a really stupid power that never should have been introduced, it was kind of balanced being stuck on the fat Pein.

Just honestly, everything about the Rinnegan is super inconsistent, it should have stayed in Nagato's corpse.
Naruto had been fighting over a day and supplying an entire army his chakra before Kurama was extracted from him. Minato left Kushina to rest after she had Kurama taken from her, she was going to be fine, but then had to restrain the fox with her chakra, and on top of that got stabbed. If Kushina had received proper rest and medical attention afterwards, she would have survived, but she didn't due to the fact Minato needed her to restrain the fox.

Even without all of that, given how B survived the extract by just being super strong, do you really think Kushina wouldn't have had survived even though she's an Uzumaki with exceptionally powerful chakra even by their standards?

You have absolutely no proof she would have survived, if she could have survived they would have said it, bijuu getting ripped is a death sentence, it's been said by everyone over and over and nothing to the contrary has been stated or shown.

Bee only survived because the Gyuuki removed a tail before he got swallowed, the entire bijuu wasn't ripped out.


You have absolutely no proof she would have survived, if she could have survived they would have said it, bijuu getting ripped is a death sentence, it's been said by everyone over and over and nothing to the contrary has been stated or shown.

Bee only survived because the Gyuuki removed a tail before he got swallowed, the entire bijuu wasn't ripped out.

My mistake about B.

Typically jinchūriki as soon as the bijū is ripped from their seals though. Obito remarked that Kushina's Uzumaki heritage was surprisingly strong given how she wasn't killed immediately. All evidence points to the fact she would have been fine with time. Where is your proof that she would have died?
My mistake about B.

Typically jinchūriki as soon as the bijū is ripped from their seals though. Obito remarked that Kushina's Uzumaki heritage was surprisingly strong given how she wasn't killed immediately. All evidence points to the fact she would have been fine with time. Where is your proof that she would have died?

my evidence is the stated and shown facts that bijuu getting ripped out is a death sentence and their being nothing shown to the contrary.

Naruto didn't die instantly either, they both demonstrated their extremely strong life force that their clan is known for. You have nothing to support your claim she would lived, Obito was surprised she didn't die immediately, he never said she wouldn't die at all.
Gaara died when they ripped his bijou out and so did all other jinchurikies.

Kushina has him rip out, while she was weak from child birth and still manage to hang out, she is really tough. And hot,
Just for you, Winterfang, just for you

P.S. Don't google Kushina with safe search off.

Yep, Minato was a lucky guy in some aspects.

And since we are on the subject of Susanoo, I much prefer the look of Madara's Perfect Susanoo. I mean look at this badass design:

Mmm comparing with Sasuke's susanoo. Sasuke is like a leg or half a leg size compared to Madara's. So disappointing

Edit: Wait a minute. Madara's perfect Susanoo has wings also!!!!!

Deleted member 102481

Unconfirmed Member
so I assume this last naruto movie is after the war which means they won

Lol my favorite naruto movie was the one where he gets sent back in time. I don't even know if there was a movie after that


Uh, guys, the designs of Madara and Sasuke's "perfect" Susanoō are exactly the same, except for the tengu mask—Sasuke's was changed to resemble Indra's after he met with Hagoromo.

It's true that Madara's was approximately twice as large though. When we first saw Sasuke's, I thought the viewing angles and positions were skewing the sense of scale. But, at the least, Sasuke's "perfect" Susanoō has diced up a considerably larger target in Madara's Chibaku Tensei, and from a much greater distance.


I honestly could not see how Hashirama's Mokujin could logically compete with the destructive capability of Madara's stabilized Susanoō.

Shinjusenju, though, that was just overwhelmingly superior.

Anyways, to make the difference of scale between Madara and Sasuke's clear:

I honestly could not see how Hashirama's Mokujin could logically compete with the destructive capability of Madara's stabilized Susanoō.

Shinjusenju, though, that was just overwhelmingly superior.

Anyways, to make the difference of scale between Madara and Sasuke's clear:

Damn, on the matters of scale. Is Manda 2.0 as big as Madara's Susanoo? Of at least as long? I know he was the biggest summon when he came out.


my evidence is the stated and shown facts that bijuu getting ripped out is a death sentence and their being nothing shown to the contrary.

Naruto didn't die instantly either, they both demonstrated their extremely strong life force that their clan is known for. You have nothing to support your claim she would lived, Obito was surprised she didn't die immediately, he never said she wouldn't die at all.

A stated and shown fact is that when a jinchūriki has his or her bijū removed they die, immediately, as was the case for Gaara, and it would have been case for B if not for his clever trick. Another stated and shown fact is that the Uzumaki clan possess incredibly powerful chakra, life force and vitality capable of surviving extraction.

Like I have already pointed out, you're drawing comparisons between entirely different scenarios in regards to Naruto and Kushina. Naruto was fighting a war and had been fighting nonstop for who knows how long, distributing his vast amounts of chakra amongst clones and cloaks to protect hundreds if not thousands of people. By the time Kurama was ripped out of his seal, he was relying entirely on his bijū chakra.

Kushina, while giving birth and simultaneously fighting of a bijū, was not similarly taxed. Obito didn't say she was going die, but that was the obvious implication, or at least it should be obvious, seeing as nothing in Minato's demeanour suggested he was afraid for his wife or that he knew she would die, which he must have known would have been the case for a normal jinchūriki. It was restraining the Kyūbi and protecting Naruto that killed Kushina.
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