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Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm 2 |OT| Finally, Tenten's Turn To Shine!


udivision said:
Do awakened forms not have Ougi's?

Nope, as stated in one of the interviews:

Ougis in awakened mode were taken out due to awakenings being really powerful.
Awakened chars can also not be grabbed and ougid, since it would look odd on some forms (bee, itachi, kankuro ...).
desu said:
I forgot, "little" devs like CC2 have unlimited budget. Pardon me ...

Guess I will never understand people raging over "OMG NOT 2834284626263 OUGIS" while in the end they only use one anyway...
How is it hard to understand? More special moves = more choices. UN2 and UN3 had additional effects with moves on top of the variable damage. I never used only one move...maybe you did.

I gave them a chance with the first game. Sorry for expecting more from CC2 in their second try at a next gen Naruto game.


desu said:
I forgot, "little" devs like CC2 have unlimited budget. Pardon me ...

Guess I will never understand people raging over "OMG NOT 2834284626263 OUGIS" while in the end they only use one anyway...

What if I like one more than another? What if the 2nd or 3rd supers had gameplay implications, such as being used in different situations.

Guess I will never understand people who defend developers that limit a players options.


Crewnh said:
How is it hard to understand? More special moves = more choices. UN2 and UN3 had additional effects with moves on top of the variable damage. I never used only one move...maybe you did.

I gave them a chance with the first game. Sorry for expecting more from CC2 in their second try at a next gen Naruto game.
It's not enough that the team have done a great job with the animation for story events, tonnes more characters and adding in the team dynamic with the supers?

Personally I'd rather see a bit more meat to the fundamental combat. The clearly have the gimmicky super stuff down just fine already.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Actually, they had "tons more characters" even before, so yeah, kinda disappointed about the limited ougi (felt like they just ported the PSP's system XD).

Then again, I'm comparing this to the Narutimate Hero series.
OneMoreQuestion said:
Still waiting for my copy from gameplay.co.uk...

Estimated dispatch date: 23rd.

I got no confirmation of my order. At gameplay.co.uk stands only that they're preparing my order for despatch. But they cancelled the order of a good friend. She ordered the Limited Edition, too.


What sort of adventure mode is there? I know most of you hated the UBISOFT Montréal's games but I'm sort of sad they abandoned or lost the rights to do the games. No question that Cyberconnect2 had art and animation perfected, but I really liked the deeper fighting exploring and doing missions of Rise of a Ninja and Broken bond.

Edit: hmm there is an adventure mode. Reading up on it.
Edit2: and its not very deep. :\ I'll still get it. but missed opportunity.


If I ever post something in Japanese which I don't understand, please BAN me.

Score: 8.0

I'm not super into the Naruto anime, and I'm not all that into fighting games, but I enjoyed the hell out of Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja: Storm 2. It's so strikingly beautiful that it drew me into the narrative despite my general ambivalence to the TV show, and really won me over with its easy-to-learn-but-hard-to-master fighting system. Ultimate Ninja Storm 2 is a fun fighter, with a well-fleshed out Adventure Mode and is a game any fighting game enthusiast should consider.


Sn4ke_911 said:

Score: 8.0

Eh, so NUNS2 surpasses its previous game in almost every aspect but gets a lower score :lol ?

Anyway reading:

No one wants to buy a fighting game, invite their friends over, and then realize they need to play hours of a story mode just to get their favorite characters. Still, this is a fun fighter, even if you don’t really care for the subject matter.

made me wonder if he even played the game at all and if I would read the same complaint on Street Fighter games as well. Anyway you dont need to play a second of story mode to unlock all the characters, just get some storm points and unlock them in versus/online, I would assume someone who has played this game for a few minutes would know this ...
So basically he said "I'm not so much into fighters, I don't really know much about them and even less for this series. But its all so shiny and pretty...let me try and give this game a review anyway."

Does anyone ever peer review anything?
Actually, a ton of people complained about having to unlock characters in Street Fighter 4. That's why in SSF4 everyone's unlocked from the start.

I'm with him on that. Being forced to unlock the characters you want to play as in fighting games always sucks and needs to go away for good.


desu said:
Eh, so NUNS2 surpasses its previous game in almost every aspect but gets a lower score :lol ?

Anyway reading:

made me wonder if he even played the game at all and if I would read the same complaint on Street Fighter games as well. Anyway you dont need to play a second of story mode to unlock all the characters, just get some storm points and unlock them in versus/online, I would assume someone who has played this game for a few minutes would know this ...
You still have to unlock them. Replace hours if story with hours if versus and it's still the same.


FullMetal said:
So basically he said "I'm not so much into fighters, I don't really know much about them and even less for this series. But its all so shiny and pretty...let me try and give this game a review anyway."

Does anyone ever peer review anything?
This is game journalism, silly goose. We're lucky if they mash buttons for a couple hours on easy mode before putting hands to keyboard.


Skilletor said:
You still have to unlock them. Replace hours if story with hours if versus and it's still the same.

So what? Guess I missed the point when unlocking became the new evil thing. Pretty sure if everything was unlocked from the beginning, I would read reviews about that it sucks that everything is unlocked from the beginning. Can't please everyone ...
It is extremely illogical for a competitive 1 vs 1 fighting game that has an online mode to force people to play for hours in order to unlock characters. The amount of people who would complain would be a fraction of the amount of people who would be extremely relieved. One or two secret characters needed to be unlocked or something of the sort is fine. But you should start with 10-15 characters of a 30-40 character roster, it's just silly.
desu said:
So what? Guess I missed the point when unlocking became the new evil thing. Pretty sure if everything was unlocked from the beginning, I would read reviews about that it sucks that everything is unlocked from the beginning. Can't please everyone ...
Marvel vs. Cacpcom 2 XBLA/PSN says otherwise.


AwakenedCloud said:
Marvel vs. Cacpcom 2 XBLA/PSN says otherwise.

Totally different target audience? I perfectly understand it for games like Tekken, SF or BB, for NUNS? Well I like my unlocking in a NH game.

mr jones

Ethnicity is not a race!
I'm not super into the Naruto anime, and I'm not all that into fighting games, but I enjoyed the hell out of Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja: Storm 2. It's so strikingly beautiful that it drew me into the narrative despite my general ambivalence to the TV show, and really won me over with its easy-to-learn-but-hard-to-master fighting system. Ultimate Ninja Storm 2 is a fun fighter, with a well-fleshed out Adventure Mode and is a game any fighting game enthusiast should consider.

GODDAMN what the hell is this garbage? You're not into the anime, AND you're not into fighters, but you like it because its pretty, easy to mash buttons and feel like you're accomplishing something?

Why is stuff like this able to be put on a professional site? How are you going to have someone who completely discredits himself from describing the story from the "well-fleshed out Adventure Mode" and makes himself sound like an idiot for even mentioning that its a game that "any fighting game enthusiast should consider"? GTFOOH.


desu said:
Totally different target audience? I perfectly understand it for games like Tekken, SF or BB, for NUNS? Well I like my unlocking in a NH game.
And I don't. See how that works? It's a legit complaint.


People like to gripe about the combat and say its easy, but there is a lot of strategy as well. I guarantee that if these people go online in a week, they will get owned. Hell, I've played the series a ton, and I'm sure I'll get owned, too :lol
mr jones said:
GODDAMN what the hell is this garbage? You're not into the anime, AND you're not into fighters, but you like it because its pretty, easy to mash buttons and feel like you're accomplishing something?

Why is stuff like this able to be put on a professional site? How are you going to have someone who completely discredits himself from describing the story from the "well-fleshed out Adventure Mode" and makes himself sound like an idiot for even mentioning that its a game that "any fighting game enthusiast should consider"? GTFOOH.
Why the hell are you people going crazy over that review? The writer comes from a different perspective (a completely legitimate perspective) and is transparent about it.

Would you really have it the other way where people write reviews from the perspective of the genre's fan and not from their own perspective (and yes, your own perspective is the only one you can really write about with any sense of credibility)? You people are being silly.


Fans of more serious fighters would consider this game a limited, shallow affair whose only saving grace is its graphics. I'm glad I don't have to read that in review after review.


Out of the review:
"No one wants to buy a fighting game, invite their friends over, and then realize they need to play hours of a story mode just to get their favorite characters. Still, this is a fun fighter, even if you don’t really care for the subject matter."

What??!! Really, That's my main complaint on many fighting games of today. If you gives us all everything from the beginning what is gonna get me to play adventure mode or finish the game for the endings etc. I love unlockables from fighting games it adds to their longevity. SSFIV doesn't count here because it is a sort of expansion, but for an original game to give you everything there is from the get go...That's just bad and just boring. I love spending time unlocking all the stuff, then when I play vs seriously I know the game and can have lots of more fun.


desu said:
Eh, so NUNS2 surpasses its previous game in almost every aspect but gets a lower score :lol ?

Anyway reading:

made me wonder if he even played the game at all and if I would read the same complaint on Street Fighter games as well. Anyway you dont need to play a second of story mode to unlock all the characters, just get some storm points and unlock them in versus/online, I would assume someone who has played this game for a few minutes would know this ...

Yea I heard the reviewer talking about the game on a podcast last night and he seemed to enjoy it so I wouldn't worry about him not playing the game.
Whatever though I'm still hyped for this game and can't wait for next week.


Foxtastical said:
Why the hell are you people going crazy over that review? The writer comes from a different perspective (a completely legitimate perspective) and is transparent about it.

Would you really have it the other way where people write reviews from the perspective of the genre's fan and not from their own perspective (and yes, your own perspective is the only one you can really write about with any sense of credibility)? You people are being silly.

Seriously, that review pretty much sold me on the game.

The direction he came from was pretty much what I am, I am not really hardcore into fighters, nor have I really followed Naruto in a good 4 years or so, but the game did look visually appealing and apparently according to the review it does have decent gameplay to go with it. Also his minus of having to unlock stuff is pretty much a plus for me since I enjoy having a carrot on a stick in most my games.


My first Ultimate Ninja game and i have to say i'm really enjoying it. Just got to chapter 2 and i love the way how they're telling the story, haven't missed much out, in fact had fights i didn't expect
Team Guy mirror matches
and only a few non-story missions. The fight system is interesting, haven't played online or against another human yet but it seem like spacing is one of the most important aspects of it.

One question regarding Substitution Jutsu: Can you Sub out of any hit or is it only specific hits during a combo?
AwakenedCloud said:
Marvel vs. Cacpcom 2 XBLA/PSN says otherwise.

Don't make me avatar quote myself.

For a game that old, they better be unlocked. Whatever happened to entering long codes to unlock everything? :(

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
StylusX said:
My first Ultimate Ninja game and i have to say i'm really enjoying it. Just got to chapter 2 and i love the way how they're telling the story, haven't missed much out, in fact had fights i didn't expect
Team Guy mirror matches
and only a few non-story missions. The fight system is interesting, haven't played online or against another human yet but it seem like spacing is one of the most important aspects of it.

One question regarding Substitution Jutsu: Can you Sub out of any hit or is it only specific hits during a combo?

If it's like the narutimate hero series, it's timed. Essentially if you hit block at the same moment as you get hit, you use substitution.


Maaseru said:
Out of the review:
"No one wants to buy a fighting game, invite their friends over, and then realize they need to play hours of a story mode just to get their favorite characters. Still, this is a fun fighter, even if you don’t really care for the subject matter."

What??!! Really, That's my main complaint on many fighting games of today. If you gives us all everything from the beginning what is gonna get me to play adventure mode or finish the game for the endings etc. I love unlockables from fighting games it adds to their longevity. SSFIV doesn't count here because it is a sort of expansion, but for an original game to give you everything there is from the get go...That's just bad and just boring. I love spending time unlocking all the stuff, then when I play vs seriously I know the game and can have lots of more fun.

If you're that interested in the story, wouldn't getting to see the cutscenes/story be enough reward for you to play the story?

If I want to jump online and play Minato vs. 8-tails, I should be able to. If I want to see WHY Minato is in the game, I'll play the story mode.

Reknoc said:
Having unlockables and having maybe your favourite character locked aren't really the same.

Yep. If they want unlockables in this game, make outfits or something unlockable. Unfortunately, things like that are now relegated to DLC. /sigh


Skilletor said:
Yep. If they want unlockables in this game, make outfits or something unlockable. Unfortunately, things like that are now relegated to DLC. /sigh

Exactly. Hell it's not like the previous game was lacking unlockables, I would have been happy if playing through the story mode just got me the dioramas and music tracks.


FinKL said:
I like how you can see this person and opponent spam block like no other so they can teleport behind each other

Early indication of what to expect online :p

this is the core of the gameplay. the fighting system is based on the timing of your button presses. matching your block with your opponent's attack will cause the teleport to happen. it just doesn't happen automagically and if you believe that, you're going to get owned by more experienced players. if you're used to fighting your opponent, there will be a shit tonne of teleportation in the match, again, core aspect of the gameplay. you need to vary the timing of your button presses to throw your opponent off and continue your combo. you don't always have to do teleportation either, some characters like choji benefit more from general blocking because of slow attacks.

much depth to the series, some videos i made from the ps2 games



I haven't seen an in depth look at the online for this game. Makes me worried it'll be tacked on/laggy/buggy/boring/etc.

Anyone able to remedy this for me? :D


Ephemeris said:
So. What console are you guys getting it for? I'd say PS3 all the way, but there's doubt in my heart ...

I haven't tried the 360 demo to see if I prefer the controls but I'll probably get it on PS3 since it's what I have the original on.


zlatko said:
I haven't seen an in depth look at the online for this game. Makes me worried it'll be tacked on/laggy/buggy/boring/etc.

Anyone able to remedy this for me? :D

It's ok. Interface is similar to Street Fighter IV vanilla, with characters getting points to rank up and customizable title/image. From what I played yesterday lag is not too bad, the inputs take slightly longer to register than in off-line mode at times but it's playable. That might not be true when the game is actually out worldwide, but it should be fun to play with friends anyway.
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