The mission costs $2.5 billion.
Curiosity took the picture. It relayed it to earth using Odyssey.
It's a freakin shame this had to happen on the same day as the Wisconsin tragedy. This should be celebrated as a triumph of humanity. One of the days that truly makes me feel good about human creativity and ingenuity.
What is that in the horizon :O
So badass.Guys guys guys
We mother fucking landed a mother fucking car on MARS.
It is awesome. Don't really get the hype of the photo. Spirit, Opportunity, Pathfinder and the Viking missions provided those.
Yes a Mini Cooper SUVGuys guys guys
We mother fucking landed a mother fucking car on MARS.
All the US rovers have been successful. Spirit and Opportunity both lasted well beyond their 90 day life expectancy. They both landed in 2004. Spirit ran until 2010, and Opportunity is still going.
Yes a Mini Cooper SUV
It is awesome. Don't really get the hype of the photo. Spirit, Opportunity, Pathfinder and the Viking missions provided those.
It is awesome. Don't really get the hype of the photo. Spirit, Opportunity, Pathfinder and the Viking missions provided those.
Damn. the actual transit time was only 6 months right? Is 8 years the amount of time since the last rover was sent to Mars?
Better pics will come. I'm sure it has a better cam, but they're just sending small pics so they can get them faster, right? It takes longer to send high res pics.
It's additional confirmation of a successful landing.It is awesome. Don't really get the hype of the photo. Spirit, Opportunity, Pathfinder and the Viking missions provided those.
So does that mean it's not going to get any better, or is it going to send hi-res pics but they're just going to take longer to get here?
Here's an even better one...
Crappy picture did nothing for me. Guess I'm spoiled having seen all the pictures Spirit and his twin took. Can't wait for better high-res ones. It's too bad the landscape is so monotonous in every direction.
It just shows us that it landed safely and is working. The photo itself is not the point.It is awesome. Don't really get the hype of the photo. Spirit, Opportunity, Pathfinder and the Viking missions provided those.
Why can't we send another guy to the moon now?
president obama's science advisor
AKA the guy he never talks to
It is awesome. Don't really get the hype of the photo. Spirit, Opportunity, Pathfinder and the Viking missions provided those.
F YEAH! Dude, I exploded with excitement as well just watching the live stream. What a freaking rush. I can't even imagine what those guys must have felt at that moment. Just heartwarming and inspiring as hell. :bow: to all involved.
I wish he was around to see it