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Nashvember Wrasslin' |OT| Big Daddy Cool's Big Sexy Diesel-Powered Month

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Have a couple of spots where Brock eliminates someone, and then slides under the ropes to beat his ass for another 30 secs because he's bored while waiting for the next dude.

Just have Brock suplex everyone until elimination and have Heyman count along so that the crowd counts along.

You know the fans would eat that up.
Have a couple of spots where Brock eliminates someone, and then slides under the ropes to beat his ass for another 30 secs because he's bored while waiting for the next dude.

Make the Royal Rumble be Brock vs Bo 29 times. Like Bo gets eliminated, runs to the back, the countdown hits 0:00 and Bo comes out again.

The twist is that the 29th Bo Dallas eliminates Brock.


oh well, i'm sure it was Steiners fault, HHH is a god

that 2011 Sting vs Hardy match though, god damn

Triple H vs Steiner was not good. Not good at all.

Then they had a rematch where HHH ended up being cheered over Steiner in the end. And that was it.

Just have Brock suplex everyone until elimination and have Heyman count along so that the crowd counts along.

You know the fans would eat that up.

Funny enough, I could imagine that happening. It would be amusing.
Let's face it, this bracket was never going to amount to much. They had all of a few days to plan it out and get Vince's stamp of approval on it.

To ask much more than what were getting of this would be a feat WWE Creative is incapable of doing in a month's time, let alone a few days.
It's straight. But my favourites have no chance of winning.


I'd rather see Cody, Miz, or Titus win the belt than everyone else.

Sure! I have nothing against any of those guys, but we all know how WWE is going to book this. 2 minute squash matches. Forgotten the next week. that's why I can't get excited for any of the d-tier guys scheduled for this tournament. Replace them with some guys a little higher up the totem pole and not only is the tournament more believable, but we'd probably get some better matches, too.
Sure! I have nothing against any of those guys, but we all know how WWE is going to book this. 2 minute squash matches. Forgotten the next week. that's why I can't get excited for any of the d-tier guys scheduled for this tournament. Replace them with some guys a little higher up the totem pole and not only is the tournament more believable, but we'd probably get some better matches, too.
Kofi and Big E are the only guys I think are missing tbh. Then again some wrestlers have been off WWE tv for so long, I don't remember who's on the roster. But you could bring in mystery opponents like RVD, D'Lo, Billy Gunn, Ken Shamrock, Val Venis, X-Pac, Bobby Lesnar, etc

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"

Not to brag, but I really think my bullshit bracket that I pulled out of my ass in 10 minutes is not only infinitely more interesting but also does a better job at hiding the shallow ass talent pool they have going at the moment.

why the fuck is Stardust, Kalisto, Tidus and Miz in this bracket? What have they done in the past year that tells me they deserve to be anywhere near the title picture? They barely have televised matches, let alone wins. Where are the New Day? The Dudleys? You know, characters that are actually over? characters with wins? characters with TV time and are frequently in the main event of Raws? In the case of New Day, three young up and comers? If the issue is that they're tag team champs, then why are the IC and US champs involved? If the issue is breaking up tag teams, then why is Kalisto and Tidus involved? If the issue is "keeping them strong", well FUCKING SPOILER, everyone is taking a loss besides Reigns. Breeze is going to lose his first main roster match! Kalisto will lose his first match, I'm sure that will do wonders for the Latin American viewership. Please, can someone give me a reason why the new day is not involved in this tournament? It baffles me.

fucking kalisto and tidus. and MIZ.

Guys does anyone really care who is in the bracket? Can we just not black bar the conversation about the bracket? Just don't post the results, the actual bracket is the tiniest spoiler ever.

The reason those people are in it is because the New Day are defending the tag belts and the Wyatts are in the Undertaker program.
Guys does anyone really care who is in the bracket? Can we just not black bar the conversation about the bracket? Just don't post the results, the actual bracket is the tiniest spoiler ever.

The reason those people are in it is because the New Day are defending the tag belts and the Wyatts are in the Undertaker program.
So what? It's still a nice surprise factor. You remember that? It's been so long since we've had it that you probably don't.

Wait wtf is


Guys does anyone really care who is in the bracket? Can we just not black bar the conversation about the bracket? Just don't post the results, the actual bracket is the tiniest spoiler ever.

The reason those people are in it is because the New Day are defending the tag belts and the Wyatts are in the Undertaker program.

Knowing who's in the brackets pretty much spoils every single match outcome due to how predictable it is.


The reason those people are in it is because the New Day are defending the tag belts and the Wyatts are in the Undertaker program.

did that get announced? I missed it entirely.

I still think that match should be dropped and they should be in the tournament. That's where the money is on this show. If they aren't going to defend the US or IC title on the card, fuck the tag titles...


did that get announced? I missed it entirely.

I still think that match should be dropped and they should be in the tournament. That's where the money is on this show. If they aren't going to defend the US or IC title on the card, fuck the tag titles...

They're defending it against the Lucha Dragons,
but Kalisto is in this tournament lol


"Besides Kane, who was the Undertaker's best partner?"


I don't remember any of these. Team USA at Survivor Series 93, for me.

I only remember him teaming up with Big Show aside from Kane.

I'm guessing the teamup with Rock was during his biker days nd the teamup with Austin was probably like 1 time against Kane and Mankind or something.

I don't even know when he teamed with Batista.


Lesnar should enter at Number 1.

Then proceed to eliminate EVERYONE and have the record of 29 eliminations in a Rumble.

At least that would be believable and entertaining and a way to not get everyone to shit on the Rumble for a 3rd year in a row.

Naw, lesnar should enter 30 and when he enters the ring everyone jumps out.


FGC Waterboy
Crowd would cheer Heel Cena, though. Especially over Face Reigns.

Owens is the best option. Lots of storyline ties/reasons to do it, elevates the IC Title and Owens to new Mega Heel status. Takes heat off WWE for 'only pushing the muscle-bound idiots who can't do jack' with a guy carrying a keg everywhere as your Top Two Champions.

They won't do it though.

I think Owens wins the title at SS due to Authority interference. They've already set it up
also, Reigns is stripped of his #1 contendership for refusing to join the Authority at the beginning of RAW tonight
from the beginning with HHH granting Owens a match against Cena for the US Title. You have a zillion feuds to set up with Owens (conservative list off the top - Zayn, Itami, Balor, Cena, Reigns, Rollins, Rusev, Ambrose, Cesaro) - 3 of which would be perfect ways to bring NXT stars onto the main roster - and it would set up a future Lesnar / Owens match at some point as well.

After reading the spoilers for RAW, I kind of think the best option would be
Authority fuckery screws Ambrose out of his first round match, and Authority fuckery screws Reigns against ADR or Owens. This sets up Ambrose and Reigns chasing the Authority 2.0, and even builds towards a long-term story when Rollins returns.

Lesnar should enter at Number 1.

Then proceed to eliminate EVERYONE and have the record of 29 eliminations in a Rumble.

At least that would be believable and entertaining and a way to not get everyone to shit on the Rumble for a 3rd year in a row.

One addendum - have the first three people out be The New Day, who starts cutting promos and throwing jobbers out till like #11 or so, where Lesnar comes out and proceeds to obliterate them. Have him set the record by one, just so you have the option of beating the record again at some point.

Just have Brock suplex everyone until elimination and have Heyman count along so that the crowd counts along.

You know the fans would eat that up.

This would be fantastic.
And you guys said that
wouldn't even make the bracket, I can't wait to see them throw down in the finals.

Kane as far as the eye can see...
Wrestling Observer being a bunch of smelly haters, Something like Kane vs HHH absolutely fits seeing as that's the infamous Katie Vick saga.
The rest just seem like lacklustre feuds as opposed to truly dreadful, does anyone even remember Kane vs Big Daddy V? sounds more forgettable than anything else.
/Salty Kaneanite

Okay Kane/Rey was a load of poop, Kane jobbing every PPV to Rey collapsing off the top rope with his pillow like cruiserweight impact was hard to watch.
I think Owens wins the title at SS due to Authority interference. They've already set it up
also, Reigns is stripped of his #1 contendership for refusing to join the Authority at the beginning of RAW tonight
from the beginning with HHH granting Owens a match against Cena for the US Title. You have a zillion feuds to set up with Owens (conservative list off the top - Zayn, Itami, Balor, Cena, Reigns, Rollins, Rusev, Ambrose, Cesaro) - 3 of which would be perfect ways to bring NXT stars onto the main roster - and it would set up a future Lesnar / Owens match at some point as well.

After reading the spoilers for RAW, I kind of think the best option would be
Authority fuckery screws Ambrose out of his first round match, and Authority fuckery screws Reigns against ADR or Owens. This sets up Ambrose and Reigns chasing the Authority 2.0, and even builds towards a long-term story when Rollins returns.

One addendum - have the first three people out be The New Day, who starts cutting promos and throwing jobbers out till like #11 or so, where Lesnar comes out and proceeds to obliterate them. Have him set the record by one, just so you have the option of beating the record again at some point.

This would be fantastic.
Perfectly sets up Kevin V. The Rock


There's a buy one get one sale on t-shirts on the shop zone. So if you want that cool Razor shirt with the gold silhouette, now is the time.
There's a buy one get one sale on t-shirts on the shop zone. So if you want that cool Razor shirt with the gold silhouette, now is the time.
Send me an HBK shirt. My large just barely fits and I need one for the SD event.

Always loved Bulldog but these damn jeans. Fucking hilarious.

Mark Bollons said:
Rumblr, an app that helps people find and engage in recreational fighting, is set for a test release Monday.

A beta trial version will go to the first 2,000 individuals who registered to use the app, and more than 78,000 people had shown an initial interest, per Alfred Ng of the New York Daily News.

While this might sound like a bit of a joke, the creators insist it's a serious proposition and that they have "substantial funding" to make a "Tinder for fighting" happen.


You know what sucks? They never release any of his retro attire which is more loud. I get tired of the dame black shirts everytime.

You don't want any of that. The best shirt he was on was the Wrestlemania 12 shirt he shared with Bret/UT/Diesel.


Someone has to carry him to an interest match.

Bjork, I don't think you understand lol. My love for HBK is something like Shakespeare.

You would wear that blue glitter shirt in public?

I have an HBK standee that was my mom's. It's just upstairs, collecting dust. I also have a display piece from around WM 13 or so that is HHH/HBK that came out of a Toys R Us. Why? Who knows.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
did that get announced? I missed it entirely.

I still think that match should be dropped and they should be in the tournament. That's where the money is on this show. If they aren't going to defend the US or IC title on the card, fuck the tag titles...

It hasn't, but I'm sure its happening

Knowing who's in the brackets pretty much spoils every single match outcome due to how predictable it is.

Having a vague idea of who is on the WWE roster spoils every match outcome
You would wear that blue glitter shirt in public?

I have an HBK standee that was my mom's. It's just upstairs, collecting dust. I also have a display piece from around WM 13 or so that is HHH/HBK that came out of a Toys R Us. Why? Who knows.
Man I tried to bid on his tights he wore once lmfao!

My fiancée shakes her head.
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