How did I lose? Twitch died and I went to bed.
And he was a gassed-up super mutant. I demand a wellness policy put into place immediately.
He passed. Deal with it.
Do the job
How did I lose? Twitch died and I went to bed.
And he was a gassed-up super mutant. I demand a wellness policy put into place immediately.
It's insane to me that you can have Cena gone, Orton hurt, Rusev hurt, Seth hurt, shit tier ratings, and change FUCKING NOTHING about how you run your product and treat newer talent.
They probably came up with ideas but they were shot down by Vince.Remember this friends...
Last night's Raw was the best they could come up with after 4 straight all nighters rewriting the script.
Shoutouts to sunny for last nights GWF, Fox got screwed and so did Bronson, but it was a fun night overall
Dean Ambrose explodes on starts shooting on why he isn't given any promo time on Raw, can't believe they let this go up on youtube.not
He passed. Deal with it.
Do the job
I'm convinced that they dont allow Ambrose on tv like that for fear he might get more over than Roman.Dean Ambrose explodes on starts shooting on why he isn't given any promo time on Raw, can't believe they let this go up on youtube.not
My reaction to Raw
Hype levels for Survivor Series have gone from 100 to 0.
I still think my wrestler should look and wrestle more like an NWA wrassler.
I'm convinced that they dont allow Ambrose on tv like that for fear he might get more over than Roman.
How the fuck isn't Ambrose your top star?
Dean Ambrose explodes on starts shooting on why he isn't given any promo time on Raw, can't believe they let this go up on youtube.not
Ambrose appeals to the justin bieber crowd. I see no value in his character whatsoever.
Ambrose appeals to the justin bieber crowd. I see no value in his character whatsoever.
I still think my wrestler should look and wrestle more like an NWA wrassler.
Ambrose appeals to the justin bieber crowd. I see no value in his character whatsoever.
So do his soft leaps out of the ring, his soft punches which never connect, his hair,...
There is nothing dangerous or intimidating about his character. No impact. The only positive I can say is that he brings a lot of ring entrance energy
I'm convinced that they dont allow Ambrose on tv like that for fear he might get more over than Roman.
How the fuck isn't Ambrose your top star?
He's over with the crowd in every facet.Have you seen literally anything he does?
but guys, he's like roddy piper
Let's compile a list of WWE sports-entertainers that aren't considered to be complete trash.
Let's compile a list of WWE sports-entertainers that aren't considered to be complete trash.
I was like you guys once. I thought Ambrose was cool too.
But it'll pass.
I'd rather Ambrose ramble about cows on TV than this sort of shit:Ambrose incoherently rambling is funny and all, but why on earth would you want him to do that shit on TV? I'm all for less scripting, but just randomly shouting things doesn't really do anything for me.
If we're complaining about shit that should be on Raw? This is it.
Ronda Rousey's falling from grace so far so fast between her mom, her coach, and the dumb shit she spews that she's going to beg Vinny Mac to be booked on WrestleMania 33. And then Vinny Mac is going to book her to lose to Stephanie.
I'd rather Ambrose ramble about cows on TV than this sort of shit:
"Well WWE Universe, fans of the Divas Revolution, I am Ryback®, the man, who loves the Feed Me More®, as Superstars and Divas know. My opponent is sports entertainer Dean Ambrose®, he is a man, the man known as Lunatic Fringe. Hashtag WWE RAW, hashtag Feed Me More®."
Ambrose incoherently rambling is funny and all, but why on earth would you want him to do that shit on TV? I'm all for less scripting, but just randomly shouting things doesn't really do anything for me.
If we're complaining about shit that should be on Raw? This is it.
Ronda Rousey's falling from grace so far so fast between her mom, her coach, and the dumb shit she spews that she's going to beg Vinny Mac to be booked on WrestleMania 33. And then Vinny Mac is going to book her to lose to Stephanie.
Brock Lesnar
that's about it
What happened with Rousey?