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Nashvember Wrasslin' |OT| Big Daddy Cool's Big Sexy Diesel-Powered Month

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Even more so, imagine the after party lol



Regal is a master of understanding comedy in the ring. He was instrumental in teaching D. Bry, and recommending where to go and study that craft.

Say what you will, but heel Bryan did brilliant work.

Thank You Mr. Regal!


Zayn vs owens manina for the belt book it, and I wonder if it is reval that finn was the one who hurt Hideo .

If they do give the title to Owens not sure if they do the Zayn feud. Though if he is still the IC champ then they can do the surprise rumble entrant to start the feud.

Plus in NXT Billie Kay has a new look and manager:



1996 Re-Watch:

The whole situation with Ultimate Warrior was awkward as fuck. First of all, in this era, he's like a fish out of water because he's such a clash with the names they are building as their new stars. He's more of the 80's guard and looks nothing like anyone remaining on the roster. So when he's booked in the International Incident 6 man war between Shawn Michaels, Ahmed Johnson and Ultimate Warrior vs Owen Hart, British Bulldog and Vader, he sticks out like a sore thumb and just doesn't fit into the equation.

Then, out of nowhere, Gorilla announces at the start of Raw that Warrior had missed some dates and would be barred from future WWE appearances until he paid a fine or whatever. They still had him taped to wrestle that night on Raw though, so he would still appear.

This is where it gets awkward. You can tell in the match that they had to go back and re-do commentary and they only half re-did it. In one instance when you see one of Lawler's live jabs there is a stark contrast in audio quality when it cuts back to the studio feed. Also, they rip Warrior a new one in this match....seriously.

I do like his replacement in Sycho Sid a lot better as he does fit a lot better into the "here's a guy you can't take out" roll. Even though I know this is the B show of B shows, I'm kind of looking forward to a few matches on it. I mostly just want to get through this to Summerslam though.

A main event for the ages.
Sami Zayn and Hideo Itami update:

Looks like both won't be back till Jan.

Bummer. I was looking forward to seeing what all the excitement was about with those two. For the four guys in pic HHH took back then, I'd say Owens has definitely panned out, and Balor remains to be seen (i don't find him that interesting in the ring, and his demon gimmick needs some severe reworking to work). I hope Hideo can come back with an actual gimmick beyond JAPANESE, like Asuka who is the smiling fucker with a mask who can explode any move into a submission, and Sami is pretty much ready to go, I just want to see him go.
Never fails to make me laugh
Regal should be on fucking commentary.

He's hilarious on table for 3
Many people don't know this but the real credit of NXT is actually Virgil and Darren. Of course they're not going to step up and take all of the credit but there you go. Regal is so underrated but I'm glad he was able to redeem himself in the late 2000s for some of the ridiculous stuff he was doing in the early 2000s.


I found this funny. From Chris Charlton who translated a Kushida podcast. Kushida on Maria:

Kushi is quite the Maria fan, judging by his reaction to her being on the next tour.

Kushida: 'it's such a strong image, Maria, Matt Tavern, that guy.. Her husband.. Who is he? Michael Elgin!

lol, poor Michael Bennett.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Zayn vs owens manina for the belt book it, and I wonder if it is reval that finn was the one who hurt Hideo .
Keep plucking the "turn this guy I no longer like heel" chicken.


Crazy Vince stories from Reddit:

Vince hates sneezing. When someone sneezes, he yells at them and tells them to control themselves. On the rare occasion Vince sneezes, he angrily mutters to himself and loses focus for a few minutes (Paul Heyman, on Jericho's podcast)

Vince once raced former WWE writer Court Bauer on an open highway. Vince boxed in Court so that Court was heading straight for road construction. Court had to slam on the brakes to avoid an accident. Vince sped off, having "won" the race by almost killing a dude. (Court Bauer, on Observer Radio)

I can't remember who the guy in question was, but I love this story so I'll repeat it anyway:

Vince went bowling with someone, might have been an NBC exec. The guy had done something Vince didn't like. Obviously since they were bowling, they were wearing bowling shoes. Vince sneaked off, got the guy's real shoes from behind the counter, tossed the shoes in the garbage and left. The guy had no idea where his shoes were and had to go home wearing the gross bowling shoes. Vince contacted him later and said "That's what you get, pal!". The guy wrote a book and said that Vince was the biggest jerk he'd ever met in real life. (I can't remember the exact source, Meltzer talked about it on a podcast. The guy in question might have been a friend of Dick Ebersol).

Vince, as a prank, had real police "arrest" Jonathan Coachman for running a betting pool at work. Coach said when the cop car finally turned around and brought him back to WWE HQ, he openly wept in relief and rage. (Jonathan Coachman, from an ESPN website article)

Vince got wasted at a strip club and let the hart foundation hit their finisher on him, and they hit him really hard. (Bret Hart, from his book)

Vince used to get steroids delivered DIRECTLY TO HIS OFFICE, both for him to use and to distribute to Hulk Hogan (this is public record, from the steroid trial).

Vince said something insulting to Kofi on a plane, and Kofi didn't do anything. As they were getting off the plane, Jericho told Kofi that if he didn't confront and fight Vince immediately, Kofi's career was effectively over in Vince's mind. This was how Vince tested his talent or something. So Kofi got in Vince's face and they actually got in a fight on the plane. Kofi still hasn't gotten much of a push. (Jericho's podcast)

This is more of a Steph story, but I love it so much:

Former 90210 writer Larry Mollin joined Stephanie's creative team. They were in a meeting with Vince. Vince was talking, Larry was nodding. Stephanie pulled Larry out of the room. She told him, "You need to stop nodding. VINCE HATES NODDING." She explained that if there's one thing Vince hates, it's "yes men". This is extra hilarious because everyone always says that Vince is surrounded by yes men. Poor Larry lasted just a couple of weeks (Larry Mollin, Observer Radio).

sometimes I think lapsed fan Vince doesn't go far enough


The full Apollo vs Finn match is going to be incredible, it was just about to take off before the run in. Finn really turned up the intensity in that match.
Crazy Vince stories from Reddit:

sometimes I think lapsed fan Vince doesn't go far enough
What Vince said to Kofi was something about him finally getting over(2010). Kofi charged at him and as he was getting up Vince laughed and said that's what I wanted to see. He likes to be challenged and wants his employees to tell him what they want. That's how Jericho got his push. He confronted Vince and vince responded with something similar to, I was wondering when you would come to me lol.


Second half of WWE Brighton:

Naomi & Sasha Banks vs Becky Lynch & Bayley. Match was played for laughs a bunch of times, but was also the only match of the night to feature any real angles or storytelling, with the focus being Team BAD going for Becky's left arm at any opportunity to try and take her out of the match. Crowd popped like mad for Bayley and there was a solid "Woman's Wrestling" chant for a while.

Next was Lucha Dragons v Los Matadores v The Ascension. Solid match when the Dragons and Ascension were fighting. Los Maradores sucked up any enthusiasm the match was getting at any point when they came in the ring. Sin Cara botched once. Lucha Dragons won after El Torino interfered and helped take out Los Matadores.

Main Event was Roman Reigns v Bray Wyatt in a No-Holds Barred match. Roof nearly came down at the pop Reigns got when he came in, but there were "Let's go Roman/Roman Sucks" chants throughout the match.

Most importantly, "Save The Tables" was chanted out every time they were pulled out. Roman won, good performance but I've seen enough of this match-up to last a lifetime.

Overall, a solid 7/10.
Second half of WWE Brighton:

Naomi & Sasha Banks vs Becky Lynch & Bayley. Match was played for laughs a bunch of times, but was also the only match of the night to feature any real angles or storytelling, with the focus being Team BAD going for Becky's left arm at any opportunity to try and take her out of the match. Crowd popped like mad for Bayley and there was a solid "Woman's Wrestling" chant for a while.

Next was Lucha Dragons v Los Matadores v The Ascension. Solid match when the Dragons and Ascension were fighting. Los Maradores sucked up any enthusiasm the match was getting at any point when they came in the ring. Sin Cara botched once. Lucha Dragons won after El Torino interfered and helped take out Los Matadores.

Main Event was Roman Reigns v Bray Wyatt in a No-Holds Barred match. Roof nearly came down at the pop Reigns got when he came in, but there were "Let's go Roman/Roman Sucks" chants throughout the match.

Most importantly, "Save The Tables" was chanted out every time they were pulled out. Roman won, good performance but I've seen enough of this match-up to last a lifetime.

Overall, a solid 7/10.
The advertised match here is Reigns v. Bray for Tuesday. Hmmm I wonder what will it be switched with.
could you imagine seeing a dude showing up at the gym with a pro wrestler themed gym bag?

I got a D. Brine gym bag, it was on sale for $10 for some reason. It's a good bag. I have not had any injuries since I got it.

Now, could you imagine a guy at the gym who is only ever seen there wearing an Impact Wrestling t-shirt? Because that guy goes to my gym. Well, maybe I don't notice him when he's wearing a different shirt, but that is the only wrestling shirt he (or anybody) wears. One time my wife heard him excitedly conversing about TNA with some other guy, too.


The advertised match here is Reigns v. Bray for Tuesday. Hmmm I wonder what will it be switched with.

It'll still be Reigns vs Bray. They still had Kane vs Rollins going in Dublin even though the feud was well over by the time the show rolled around.

It was the main reason I didn't go to the Dublin house show because fuck Kane in 2015 they ain't getting my money for that. At least I missed the death of Seth kun :(


It'll still be Reigns vs Bray. They still had Kane vs Rollins going in Dublin even though the feud was well over by the time the show rolled around.

It was the main reason I didn't go to the Dublin house show because fuck Kane in 2015 they ain't getting my money for that. At least I missed the death of Seth kun :(

Your girl Becky was on good form tonight. Not quite as on fire as RAW last week, but put in a solid match. She really does do a lot better when she's not having to be sidelined against Charlotte or Paige.

Went over well with the crowd too, more than Sasha did to be honest.
It'll still be Reigns vs Bray. They still had Kane vs Rollins going in Dublin even though the feud was well over by the time the show rolled around.

It was the main reason I didn't go to the Dublin house show because fuck Kane in 2015 they ain't getting my money for that. At least I missed the death of Seth kun :(
Okey it's a street fight so maybe we'll get something exciting and a Taker appearance. Even though he'll be on Raw.
It was Reigns v Bray in Glasgow, too. They run matches which are either established as over, safe, or both. Shouldn't take too much from house show line ups unless they continuously do odd match ups over a period of a month or two. Bray V Roman is the opoosite of that. They're just making some money.

As much as I say kids love Roman and that is why he is about to be the guy, they hate Bray in the exact same way - love him, as lame as he is. Let's keep in mind who this show is for, folks.
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