Cheap Heat is posted! Now to listen if they're ending or whatever happens. I will miss this if this is it.
just saw his surgery video on the official WWE youtube site..
censoring blood and chair shots but posting surgery videos of their own stars.. never fails to amaze me
Cheap Heat is posted! Now to listen if they're ending or whatever happens. I will miss this if this is it.
Crazy Vince stories from Reddit:
sometimes I think lapsed fan Vince doesn't go far enough
Your girl Becky was on good form tonight. Not quite as on fire as RAW last week, but put in a solid match. She really does do a lot better when she's not having to be sidelined against Charlotte or Paige.
Went over well with the crowd too, more than Sasha did to be honest.
Okey it's a street fight so maybe we'll get something exciting and a Taker appearance. Even though he'll be on Raw.
I'd just like to say I have zero hope for Sami on the main roster. Owens is at least a rotund guy, so one could argue there's some level of intimidating there because he at least has some kind of mass going for him, but Sami Zayn is like one of those pipe cleaner figurines in terms of size. He's going to be Cesaro 2.0, in terms of existing to put others over in quality matches, except it'll be even more galling because unlike Cesaro, he has a ton of personality they could exploit.
Plus: Even though the commentary is usually poor on RAW, I did miss it at the house show. Might have made that Ryback match not feel ten hours long.
Sami is coming for that Christian role
I never understood this as a kid because of course it was real to me but
I'm so fucking dead(no pun intended). Somehow I remembered some of the words.
I like the story of how Angle and Vince had this thing where they would sneak take down each other and Taker knew nothing of it and choked Angle out lol.
Sami is coming for that Christian role
They jacked it from this...I never understood this as a kid because of course it was real to me but
I'm so fucking dead(no pun intended). Somehow I remembered some of the words.
People are saying that Go Shiozaki is going to NOAH.
What the fuck.
SHIOZAKI: "I've decided to head to NOAH's Korakuen show on the 20th. I can't speak more on the matter until that Korakuen show."
Is it just me, or is the US title already being forgotten about after Del Rio won it?
Is it just me, or is the US title already being forgotten about after Del Rio won it?
I thought the reveal was exciting. But them the match happened, and my hyoe was gone. I am, hiwever, looking forward to his match with Kalisto. If that match is anything less than brilliant, I will lose all faith in Del Rio. Meximerica needs a few more fucking citizens. If an angle can squeeze an awful promo out of Zeb Coulter, it needs a rethink.It is literally just a prop. They built it up to do absolutely jack shit with it. The reveal of Del Rio as the surprise opponent is definitely the most disappointing moment of the year for me. Feed Cena the entire midcard and some NXT guys just to have him drop it to a multi time WWE Champ who never got over in his original super pushes? GENIUS.
Cena should have ran with it till Mania or Rumble or whenever they were ready to move an NXT guy up.
No show for you until slater gets the strap, ehAnyone got a link to the house show results in Brighton tonight? I could have gone, but opted out in protest to WWE's recent efforts.
Watching 1996 Raw makes me miss the days when the champ didn't wrestle every week, the heels actually felt threatening and random TV title defenses were something special, and earned.
They had an episode where Bart Gunn wrestled Ahmed Johnson and Billy Gunn wrestled HBK for their belts. Can you see them doing the same thing with New Day and treating it as a serious threat?
No show for me until WWE earns my fucking money. I am a very tolerant WWE fan, but this week's Raw really drove home how awful things are, even in the wake of devastating ratings, but with the potential to do great thimgs, they dropped the ball in comical fashion. Fuck that.No show for you until slater gets the strap, eh
I could see it being feasible since they were all singles wrestlers first. I want to say the novelty of the 96 thing was a dedicated tag team wrestling in singles for maybe the first time? It's super fuzzy in my memory.
Also, lol @ Billy Gunn trying to go over HBK in 96.
Eh, it's alright. Honeymoon as a whole is alright. She still hasn't made anything as good as Born to Die, which is legitimately one of my favorite albums of the decade.blackest day by lana dey rey is an excellent song i recommend you all go check it out
They also pushed it as Sunny trying to gain control of all the belts.
Apollo is fucking legit guys. Great babyface fire there.
I fully believe that guy has all the potential in the world. He can be the next Cena if they let him.
WWE creative had been told that both Rock and Ronda Rousey are not going to be available to wrestle, and they were the two headliners hoped to be the mainstream draws for the show. Rousey is filming a movie in Indonesia at the time and would also need UFC clearance. Rock is currently wrestling with an insurance issue, as a movie he will be filming next year, was having an issue with insurance coverage if Dwayne Johnson did any pro wrestling before the movie was filmed due to the injury risk. Johnson can and may very well be on the show in some form, probably similar to the past two years, but not in a match situation, unless that issue is worked out, and thats why the match was changed. With the show on the network at a $9.99 price, him not in a main event match wont have as much effect as if it was still an expensive PPV show. But it does leave the show missing a lot as far as the special match feel for a WrestleMania.
Fuck that broad.![]()
which of you did this
Aqua reference in 2015!