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Nashvember Wrasslin' |OT| Big Daddy Cool's Big Sexy Diesel-Powered Month

  • Thread starter Deleted member 47027
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The lineup for the tenryu retirement card is pretty insane. Almost or every promotion is involved

The lineup has:

*Jushin Liger & Ryota Chikuzen & Gurukun Mask & Shigeno Shima & Dragon Joker vs. Onryo & Kuuga & Taru & Minoru Fujita & Yasu Kubota

*Great Kabuki (67 years old) & Kai & Buki vs. Great Kojika (73 years old, the oldest active wrestler in Japan) & Jun Kasai & Toru Sugiura

*Shiro Koshinaka (57) & Arashi (a former sumo) vs. Taiyo Kea & Yuta Aijima

*Ricky Fuji & Sanshiro Takagi (owner of DDT) vs. Kikutaro & The Winger

*Meiko Satomura & Tomoka Miyagi vs. Dash Chisako & Sendai Sachiko in a women’s match

*Yoshinari Ogawa (Tenryu’s protege from the All Japan days, now in NOAH) & Kendo Ka Shin (IGF) vs. Nosawa & Kennichiro Arai (Dragon Gate)

*Koki Kitahara (a Tenryu protege coming out of retirement for this show) & Ryuji Hijikata & Kotaro Nasu vs. Katsuhiko Nakajima (NOAH) & Hikaru Sato (All Japan) & Kazuki Hashimoto (Big Japan)

*Riki Choshu (63, one of Tenryu’s all-time great rivals) & Tomohiro Ishii (New Japan) vs. Akitoshi Saito (NOAH) & Ryuichi Kawakani (Big Japan)

*Yoshiaki Fujiwara (66) & Yoshihiro Takayama vs. Minoru Suzuki (GHC champion) & Kazunari Murakami (former MMA star)

*Suwama (All Japan) & Yuji Okabayashi (Big Japan) vs. Daisuke Sekimoto (Big Japan) & Kazuyuki Fujita (IGF). This not only matches up Okabayashi vs. Sekimoto, rivals for Big Japan’s Strong title, but it’s the first-ever meeting of Suwama and Fujita, who were both college wrestling stars who became name pros.

*Tenryu vs. Okada
The show started off strong with Madison Rayne being the NINJA QUEEN! That was about the peak of the show until Matt's awful interview. Dixie and EC3 meeting in her office, which included a WWE action figure of Kurt Angle was another highlight. Matt vs. Eddie Edwards was good, but EC3-Anderson was just 15 minutes of nothing after the chops early on.

Screens -
The laughter. WILL. NOT. DIE!

Dixie's office includes a Kurt Angle WWE figure. I'm astonished there isn't a framed photo of Stephanie sending her a retweet.


Konnan talk about Wagner unmasking himself

Wagner Jr., who has hdt his identity feverishly his entire career, accidentally posted an unmasked photo of himself on Facebook. He deleted it quickly, but it got out and was passed around. To no surprise, he looks very much like his brother, Silver King

Or more people leaving
What we know is that there is a lot of stuff going on behind-the-scenes in AAA. Many of the top stars who don’t have the second Lucha Underground contract, and if they have big enough names that they can make a living on indies, are at least talking about leaving. The unhappiness surrounds all the Americans being brought in this month, and some are unhappy Wagner Jr. was brought back, although that isn’t the main problem. The ones talking of leaving are those with heat with Konnan. Konnan and Cibernetico have been at odds on-and-off forever and he sees is that Konnan is trying to replace top guys with foreigners an replace the older established stars with younger stars. Konnan has tried to get rid of the older stars except the ones who are legends and can still draw off their name, like La Parka and Cibernetico, to have a younger and better working crew, trying to replicate the early 90s crew they had. Right now, Cibernetico and Averno are at least more than very seriously talking of leaving (and both have taken a booking in Brooklyn on 12/5 for Johnny Rodz on the same show that Caristico is appearing at Club LaBoom in Queens, NY, the same day as Guerra de Titanes was planned), but given it’s Mexico and guys talk of leaving, and agree to jumps, and then end up staying all the time, nothing is yet certain. While not publicly saying anything, those at LLE are saying that Cibernetico will be at Arena Mexico on 11/15 “with friends” and the belief is he’ll be at Arena Mexico and not in Nuevo Laredo. This would be the first time Cibernetico has ever wrestled in Arena Mexico


Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Wagner's mask has been ripped so many times that anyone could spot him. Just look for the 48 year old dressed like a 24 year old and hold your hand out like this

If he responds, you found your man

I hope Averno isn't leaving AAA. Unless it's to take Mephisto's place in CMLL.


Neo Member
I'm completely unfamiliar with lucha...what's the story with AAA? I see a lot of people from their roster leaving and people here talking about it but no clue on the details..

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I'm completely unfamiliar with lucha...what's the story with AAA? I see a lot of people from their roster leaving and people here talking about it but no clue on the details..

Working theory is that they're cursed.

Obviously that seems like a joke but when you look at the year they've had, you start to believe it.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
There's also the theory that Konnan is taking the AAA style and making it more like American wrestling and that rubs some people the wrong way.

Mysteziz just left because he didn't want to work rudo and didn't want to lose his mask to Rey. Because Rey wasn't going to lose.


There's also the theory that Konnan is taking the AAA style and making it more like American wrestling and that rubs some people the wrong way.

Mysteziz just left because he didn't want to work rudo and didn't want to lose his mask to Rey. Because Rey wasn't going to lose.
Well konnan has been doing that for years, it's not just a recent thing

The cibernetico /chessman one is definitely the weird leave


What's WrassleGAF without JPeeples83 posting yet another random creepshot of a woman's crotch without anyone batting an eye.


I finally got around to watching the first season of Fargo. Lester Nygaard is the cowardly heel every wrestler wishes they could be. Even my boy Seth wouldn't have made Linda wear that coat.
I've been thinking Reigns vs. Cena for a while, now, because I don't think they'll do Reigns vs. Lesnar again a second year in a row after the disastrous build last year.

However, that leaves both 'Taker and Barack fucked and without opponents, so I dunno.


WWE Brighton Update at intermission:

Opened up with Neville vs Stardust. Neville's had the loudest pop of the night so far. Neville won.

Fandango & Sandow vs Adam Rose & Heath Slater. Crowd was almost dead whenever Sandow wasn't in the ring, a "We Want Sandow" chant kept cropping up throughout. I am amongst my people. Crowd did the Fandango-dance at the start and end though. Fandango/Sandow win with Fandango pinning Slater.

Alberto Del Rio vs King Barrett vs Jack Swagger for the U.S Championship. Crowd was surprisingly crazy for Swagger who got the biggest cheers all match. ADR pinned Swagger for the win.

Wyatt Family (No Bray) vs The Usos and Ryback.
Wyatts won with Strowman causing one of The Usos to pass out. Then the Wyatts came back and prolonged things for another five minutes and got fed to Ryback. So he "won".

Second half of WWE Brighton:

Naomi & Sasha Banks vs Becky Lynch & Bayley. Match was played for laughs a bunch of times, but was also the only match of the night to feature any real angles or storytelling, with the focus being Team BAD going for Becky's left arm at any opportunity to try and take her out of the match. Crowd popped like mad for Bayley and there was a solid "Woman's Wrestling" chant for a while.

Next was Lucha Dragons v Los Matadores v The Ascension. Solid match when the Dragons and Ascension were fighting. Los Maradores sucked up any enthusiasm the match was getting at any point when they came in the ring. Sin Cara botched once. Lucha Dragons won after El Torino interfered and helped take out Los Matadores.

Main Event was Roman Reigns v Bray Wyatt in a No-Holds Barred match. Roof nearly came down at the pop Reigns got when he came in, but there were "Let's go Roman/Roman Sucks" chants throughout the match.

Most importantly, "Save The Tables" was chanted out every time they were pulled out. Roman won, good performance but I've seen enough of this match-up to last a lifetime.

Overall, a solid 7/10.

Anyone got a link to the house show results in Brighton tonight? I could have gone, but opted out in protest to WWE's recent efforts.

There you go.
“I want to make it perfectly clear that steroids wasn’t the reason that [tag-team partner] Hawk died. What killed Hawk and messed him up was going to Australia and getting free Xanax and Cocaine from people and doing the ‘yo-yo’ effect. That’s what caused Curt Henning to die, that’s what caused Rick Rude to die, and that’s what caused Davey Boy Smith to die. You do all the upper stuff like Cocaine and then you do Morphine or whatever to bring you down and that’s what leads to making your heart explode. I was with Hawk in Australia and his resting pulse rate was 190…”



So not worth it
Was that Maddox taking the tombstone?

The Mad Ox has just about the best job ever.

I have no clue what he does the rest of the year, but he's literally getting paid to do nothing but a couple of house shows and take a tombstone in a turkey outfit on Fallon's Late Night show.
The Mad Ox has just about the best job ever.

I have no clue what he does the rest of the year, but he's literally getting paid to do nothing but a couple of house shows and take a tombstone in a turkey outfit on Fallon's Late Night show.
He's an undervalued performer by the company for sure.
KUSHIDA referred to Juice Robinson as more of an "exchange student" than a young lion...wonder if that's an official thing, or just that Juice/CJ is planning to return to NXT someday.


So not worth it
KUSHIDA referred to Juice Robinson as more of an "exchange student" than a young lion...wonder if that's an official thing, or just that Juice/CJ is planning to return to NXT someday.

The whole reason he left was to gain indie experience, wasn't it?
Friends, I'm struggling with an an asshole of a relapse into drinking. I've beaten it before, and I will again, I was just wondering if there are any folks in wrasslegaf with a similar problem who can offer some words of support. My previous sober run was for 8 months until June. Was a heck of a run. Ratings were through the roof. Then the last 4 and half months have been a real asshole and I've been a real asshole. WWE, despite what you might think, is unrelated. I was sober for Brock's entire WWE Championship run and more. Say what you will about The Beast, is it merely a coincidence I was sober for his reign?

So any fellow Scott Halls in the house or what? (Ric Flairs are certainly in the house, but you need to be aware you might have a bit of a problem before being admitted into the Scott Hall Of Fame)


What'd Mr Lucha get got for?

Jim Sterling thread by the looks of things; seems a few took a hit in that thread.


real_slime: Brock is clearly your saviour - I recommend WWE2K16, where you can be Brock everyday.

In all seriousness, I have no real experience in this field - but the fact that you've identified you have a problem is the first step in overcoming it. Yes, you'll probably have to take it one day at a time - perhaps a wallchart or similar can function as a visual motivator for you. I'd suggest trying to remember how good things were when you were sober. Can you pinpoint any other occurrences in your switching to drinking? (Other than GodKingBrock?)
Undertaker delivering a tombstone live on Jimmy Fallon



thanks for the concern browny. yeah i'm pretty seasoned in the ways of getting sober by now, it's just up to me to buckle down and do it. when i'm sober i'm generally pretty happy and my life improves, when i'm drinking it's chaos and i end up doing crazy stuff like insulting my girlfriend and my family. addiction is tough to break but i believe in myself. i'm a bit of a mess right now but this is me coming clean and saying i've got a major problem again and i intend to deal with it, and get back to business. the reason i'm bringing it up here is cos this is a place i come to hang out, drunk or sober, and i know there must be a few folks dealing with this here whether themselves or a close person to them, so i just wanted to put it on the surface. especially cos i sometimes come on here dranked up and talk shit. you're good people i think, and i say bullshit about that sometimes.
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