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Nashvember Wrasslin' |OT| Big Daddy Cool's Big Sexy Diesel-Powered Month

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This gif is exactly what I want to do to about 50 co-workers at the moment. Is this wrong?
Bayley is female version plus worst aspects of John Cena.
I've never heard Bayley use misogyny and homophobia to run down a heel, when did that happen?

People like Bayley because she doesn't try to be cool, and because she is actually someone to look up to. She's authentic. She's not taking HGH, other wrestlers actually like her, and she actually likes other wrestlers.

If you have to compare her to a male wrestler, she is way more like Dusty Rhodes.


So not worth it
Watching The Sheik on Netflix and it has a small interview Ron Simmons and he puts Sheik over and still manages to get his catchphrase in there.

Just had to get his shit in, carny ass motherfucker.


Why did Shiozaki go to NOAH? Isn't that essentially NXT for New Japan, now? ):

He's going to go in as a top star to NOAH and perhaps they might even build around him unlike AJPW where he wasn't chosen as the ace for some reason and unlike NJPW where he'd be mid tier talent at best.


Reigns vs Lesnar is only going to hurt getting Reigns over. I can't see fans never mind the type of fans paying to go to mania boo somebody like Lesnar.
Can't wait to see Brock do the arm raise of Roman and the Dwayne "he's the man, clap for him" pointing schtick after making him look strong at Mania.


“I want to make it perfectly clear that steroids wasn’t the reason that [tag-team partner] Hawk died. What killed Hawk and messed him up was going to Australia and getting free Xanax and Cocaine from people and doing the ‘yo-yo’ effect. That’s what caused Curt Henning to die, that’s what caused Rick Rude to die, and that’s what caused Davey Boy Smith to die. You do all the upper stuff like Cocaine and then you do Morphine or whatever to bring you down and that’s what leads to making your heart explode. I was with Hawk in Australia and his resting pulse rate was 190…”


Undertaker is one guy who's gimmick will work really well with long black hair and thin/bald on top. I hope that's what he's going for and by Wrestlemania we have a full mane of glory.

Go Shiozaki signs with NOAH.


Unexpected. But isn't signing with NOAH also technically signing with NJPW?

Still, Shiozaki is a proven draw and would liven up NJPW's stagnant main event scene, just have him take the IC title off of Nakamura or AJ and he can have great matches with Tanahashi and whathaveyou, maybe even give him a New Japan Cup win. In NOAH? A bunch of guys you've already faced in a company that struggles to sell out frigging Korakuen. Not a good plan.


Unexpected. But isn't signing with NOAH also technically signing with NJPW?

Still, Shiozaki is a proven draw and would liven up NJPW's stagnant main event scene, just have him take the IC title off of Nakamura or AJ and he can have great matches with Tanahashi and whathaveyou, maybe even give him a New Japan Cup win. In NOAH? A bunch of guys you've already faced in a company that struggles to sell out frigging Korakuen. Not a good plan.

This is actually what I thought the plan was. I have no idea how long AJ will be with NJPW, but I assumed Wrestle Kingdom would be his last major date, then they'd have Nakamura offer more of an open challenge, which would allow Shiozaki to take the belt off of him and get an instant notice in the company.


I watched Drew Galloway's match at Evolve 51.

If there was ever a man to be the actual new Undertaker I don't think anyone else quite has the look nailed down as a modern Undertaker like Galloway. Did WWE really miss the boat on him?
Unexpected. But isn't signing with NOAH also technically signing with NJPW?

Still, Shiozaki is a proven draw and would liven up NJPW's stagnant main event scene, just have him take the IC title off of Nakamura or AJ and he can have great matches with Tanahashi and whathaveyou, maybe even give him a New Japan Cup win. In NOAH? A bunch of guys you've already faced in a company that struggles to sell out frigging Korakuen. Not a good plan.

If the plan is for NOAH to eventually invade New Japan then all this really does is add another name guy to be part of that storyline.
Drew was kinda stale in WWE, felt like he came up in a time where smackdown midcard was constantly in long fueds with the same guys. Felt like JoMo,Truth, Dolph, and Drew were constantly in matches with each other and it never changed.

Kinda telling that just about every guy they tried to start building in the late 00s is nowhere now, come to think of it.... think Dolph and Kofi are the only ones anywhere of note on the card nowadays.

Drew would've probably have found a good home in NXT actually.

Future Shock looked damn good on some opponents, Kofi took that move like a champ.


So I'm 7 hours into Fallout 4 and I have yet to hit the first mission objective after the opening sequence. I've been roaming the wastes and have had a couple of short quests and one speech encounter so far, so it's mostly been looting as much stuff as possible, then going back to my fort/campsite/base thing and trying to fortify it.

No problems with freezes or dropped framerates or anything so far, but I'll give it time. I remember the 360 versions chugging bad later in the game, so I wouldn't be surprised by it here.

Seems cool so far, small changes to things like looting containers and making junk have an actual use is definitely for the better. The main gripe I have, which seems like a dumb one since it makes since in context of the game's world, is
so many songs from Fallout 3 showing up

But so far, I like it. I can't speak to the story since I'm avoiding it for as long as possible, but the rest is good to me.


¡HarlequinPanic!;185163773 said:
Drew was kinda stale in WWE, felt like he came up in a time where smackdown midcard was constantly in long fueds with the same guys. Felt like JoMo,Truth, Dolph, and Drew were constantly in matches with each other and it never changed.

Kinda telling that just about every guy they tried to start building in the late 00s is nowhere now, come to think of it.... think Dolph and Kofi are the only ones anywhere of note on the card nowadays.

Drew would've probably have found a good home in NXT actually.

Future Shock looked damn good on some opponents, Kofi took that move like a champ.

So what your saying is that the midcard never changes

Yup. Drew is dope.



Anyone here able to offer some advice on how the WWE shirts run? I'm looking into picking up a Cesaro shirt before TLC, but I'm 6'3 180 (skinny build) so shirts need to be both long and slim. American Apparel shirts fit wonderfully in that regard. I've heard from a friend that WWE gear runs a bit wider than most. Just looking for y'alls impressions on what might be a good size to go for.


So not worth it
This Table For 3 starting with the three of them acknowlodging that being King of The Ring is the worst thing ever, that Sheamus and Barrett both almost never won a match after winning it and Regal just going "I didn't wrestle at all, I was GM and then got suspended and never recovered from that" is so telling of everything that is wrong with WWE, ever.



If the plan is for NOAH to eventually invade New Japan then all this really does is add another name guy to be part of that storyline.

But does New Japan need invaders? Like, it was crowded enough with Bullet Club and Suzuki-gun.

Then there's the fact they could even make interplay with CMLL and ROH invasions. Los Ingobernables would be the most ideal if we're talking invasion angles. Two guys are already there in New Japan!


This Table For 3 starting with the three of them acknowlodging that being King of The Ring is the worst thing ever, that Sheamus and Barrett both almost never won a match after winning it and Regal just going "I didn't wrestle at all, I was GM and then got suspended and never recovered from that" is so telling of everything that is wrong with WWE, ever.

Regal has a bunch of little digs at WWE's creative during that, and he'll probably never be punished for it because of how respected he is.


He didn't do anything because shortly after winning it, he got suspended, again, for substance abuse policy. I thought I read around that time, before getting suspended, he was going to get a substantial push. Who knows.

Jamie OD

He didn't do anything because shortly after winning it, he got suspended, again, for substance abuse policy. I thought I read around that time, before getting suspended, he was going to get a substantial push. Who knows.

On TV it definitely felt like he would. The big angle at the time was him cutting off Raw during the final moments of a HHH Vs Orton title match right when HHH applied the Crippler Crossface. I think his suspension was given a week or two later.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I was going to say, he was building up a feud with HHH and then he got busted for drugs.

That shit's on him. Threw away the biggest push of his career
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