Life is Strange getting a physical release with an artbook/soundtrack and some extra goodies
It's the GOTY, bitches
Finished LiS on Sunday and I still hate the ending. But it's still the GotY
Life is Strange getting a physical release with an artbook/soundtrack and some extra goodies
It's the GOTY, bitches
Bloodborne is objectively literally shootfully the worst souls game
Bloodborne is objectively literally shootfully the worst souls game
Let be serious, Mario maker is Goty guys.
You didn't know this? It's like a few minutes from my job. He stays 30 minutes away from me lol.Oh Shit!
Mario Maker is in no way GOTY, even if the only thing you own is a WiiU.
I really liked Assassin's Creed this year
not in a world where Dark Souls 2 exists
EDIT: beaten like a government mule by friend Sephzilla
Not when Dark Souls 2 exists, especially not when Dark Souls 2 Scholar of the First Romhack exists
Oh yeah, my man Barrett was in a title tourney.![]()
Neville vs Barrett was a pretty solid TV match guys
I can agree with this. (I should probably try to actually play more of the witcher mind you)Mario Maker > Bloodborne > Witcher 3
Damn, that name got me good.Not when Dark Souls 2 exists, especially not when Dark Souls 2 Scholar of the First Romhack exists
I still feel like I'm racing to catch up, got Undertale and Axiom Verge done recently, good stuff all round.Basically, 2015 has been an impeccable year for video games
Bloodborne is objectively literally shootfully the worst souls game
yes it's worse than the game of the generation and the fucking great runner up to the game of the generation
that makes it GOTY 2015. MGS V comes close too
Splatoon is the runner up. fuck mario maker it's a level editing tool ffs.
Dark souls 2 gets a lot of shit but it's years ahead of Bloodborne in terms of EVERYTHING except combat pace
This is absolutely wrong. Dark Souls 2 is loaded with bad ideas, most of which Bloodborne improved upon / fixed.
1) Dark Souls 2 has a fuckton of weapons that are pretty much pointless. Dark Souls 2 fell victim to the same problem Armored Core had where it had a ton of guns, but 80% of those weapons were outclassed by weapons that were straight up better in every way. Bloodborne cut a lot of the fat away and made every weapon viable in the process.
2) Dark Souls 2's world design is really poor. Most of the time it's straight linear baths to a final bonfire to send you back to Majula. It's nowhere near as intricately designed as Dark Souls, Demons, or Bloodborne were. Also, parts of the world make no fucking sense in general - like the elevator to Iron Keep that makes no fucking sense given the layout of the area before. Bloodborne has probably the best designed world since Demons.
3) Bonfires. Bonfires fucking everywhere
4) Too many fucking humanoid bosses with shieids and swords/spears.
5) DS2 ruined the nice Estus Flask system DS1 had. The Blood Vials in BB aren't much better but they're still better than healing gems and an Estus Flask where you have to level up a stat to drink from it faster.
6) The other Souls games are generally way more fair than DS2 is. The other souls games will play nice and then punish you if you fuck up. Dark Souls 2 has too many moments where completely unfair stupid bullshit happens. DS2 Next Gen Romhack Edition is even worse about this.
7) Enemies no longer spawning after you kill them 10 times over. Rewards players for attrition instead of GITTING GUD and also hurts the ability to grind out for levels. This is just a stupid fucking idea.
8) Dark Souls 2 somehow graphically looks worse than Dark Souls 1.
I really hope From Software got all of their bad ideas out of their system with Dark Souls 2.
GOTY is One Piece Treasure Cruise.
Oh my god no
Souls games being yearly releases and gaf not saying a word about it is always curious
I agree with a lot of what you say, and would still play Dark Souls 2 any day of the week before touching Bloodborne again
I don't understand why bloodborne has shitty load times AND forces you to teleport to hunter's dream every time you want to manage your shit
Dark Souls 1 (aka the GOAT) let you do all that shit at any bonfire. and it was perfect that way. why deviate from perfection? ugh
If the games manage to stay at a DS1 or Bloodborne-tier, I'll be okay with yearly releases. If we get more Dark Souls 2 tier games as a result, then fuck that noise.
Well you hate Bailey so what do you know!
Souls games being yearly releases and gaf not saying a word about it is always curious
Majora's Mask 3DS and Pokemon Rumble World are my GOTY choices. The former is the best Zelda game ever made, and the latter scratches my Gauntlet itch.
Majora's Mask 3DS and Pokemon Rumble World are my GOTY choices. The former is the best Zelda game ever made, and the latter scratches my Gauntlet itch.
I still like Rumble World more.That shit is from like 2000 years ago and THEY MADE ANOTHER GAUNTLET
MM3d is cheating, as it's a re-release of the greatest game of all time. of course it's GOTY if you want to count it.
I didn't include OOT 3D or WWHD in their respective years for the same reason. it's cheating, Beef.
¡HarlequinPanic!;185217059 said:even REmake HD?~
¡HarlequinPanic!;185217059 said:even REmake HD?~