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Nashvember Wrasslin' |OT| Big Daddy Cool's Big Sexy Diesel-Powered Month

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According to The Wrestling Observer, the very latest on Daniel Bryan’s WWE in-ring status is that company officials are waiting on the results of a third doctor’s findings as it pertains to Bryan potentially returning to the ring.

As noted, WWE Doctor Joseph Maroon concluded in the past that Daniel Bryan should not wrestle again due to the number of concussions he had suffered. However, Bryan sought the advice of his own doctor, who works with the NFL’s Arizona Cardinals, and that doctor concluded Bryan’s brain tested above average for his age and cleared him to wrestle.

The Observer is reporting that the third doctor’s results might already have been submitted, as Vince McMahon is said to be going “back and forth” on whether or not to put Bryan back in a WWE ring.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
dream, you need to handle your girl


I honestly think wrestlemania 2000 was the beginning of the end of wrestling being so mainstream.

It should have been rock lifting the belt up.

Wrestlemania 2000 was kliq culture and poison politicking it's way to the top by means of sexual relations.
I'm on a new laptop, so I don't have many disgusting DM gifs to hand - but I will do, soon enough. I need to watch more IWA Japan, they're pretty much untouchable when it comes to "holy shit that was dumb" deathmatch moments.

That stairs spot is like half a foot away from being an impressively safe dangerous looking spot, but no, edge of the stair in the small of the back
Yeah, I'm pretty sure Shadow WX was never the same again after taking that spot, but he was always kind of shit anyways so it was hard to tell the difference.


I honestly think wrestlemania 2000 was the beginning of the end of wrestling being so mainstream.

It should have been rock lifting the belt up.

Wrestlemania 2000 was kliq culture and poison politicking it's way to the top by means of sexual relations.

wm2000 was a misstep. 2000 was still the GOAT year from an in ring and story perspective.

wwf buying wcw was the real beginning of the end. it happened too late to ruin the GOAT mania, but literally the night after mania on raw... you can tell it was done. X7 was the perfect way to cap off and end the hottest period in wrasslin history

Evening Musuko

Black Korea
wm2000 was a misstep. 2000 was still the GOAT year from an in ring and story perspective.

wwf buying wcw was the real beginning of the end. it happened too late to ruin the GOAT mania, but literally the night after mania on raw... you can tell it was done. X7 was the perfect way to cap off and end the hottest period in wrasslin history

Austin's heel turn and the Invasion pretty much turned me off of WWF for most of 2001. Jericho winning the Undisputed title brought me back though because I had to see how the hell that happened, but by that time only a handful of people I knew were watching WWF. It was nowhere near the phenomenon it was, although I think Hogan coming back helped a bit.

It probably didn't help that X-7 was in my hometown so I'm sure to a lot of people who went, that was probably the peak of their fandom and it was all downhill from there.
It's great that Jericho got kicked off the main event because reasons

I can understand Vince wanting Mick to finally main event a Mania but I know it had to sting for Chris.

I honestly think wrestlemania 2000 was the beginning of the end of wrestling being so mainstream.

It should have been rock lifting the belt up.

Wrestlemania 2000 was kliq culture and poison politicking it's way to the top by means of sexual relations.
Everyone knows this PPV is one of the worst WMs of all time, top 5 to be exact but christ how do you allow your biggest baby face at the time to lose only to win at backlash? That PPV needed something to make you go back and watch but it doesn't(myself I haven't watched that Mania since our happened. Do yourself a favour and just youtube the only 2 matches that matter) . Backlash is what WM should've been. Then Rocky drops the title the next the PPV hifuckinglarious.

And you're right about that, it basically became what Jericho was promised what wouldn't happen.

I mean fucking serious look at the results of this and the results of 17. They should've saved Vince's thing for next year.
Kane seems to get a lot of retroactive hatred, kind of like X-Pac. X-Pac was never 'cool', but he was a decent spunky underdog who was a merely 6 feet tall, and his tagging with Kane made them both really sympathetic because they were a typical odd couple.

But the thing with Kane is until they unmasked him, people enjoyed him a lot whether he was heel or face (but especially when he was face because he works as a frankenstein who has had a hard life best). That continues until today where, even more than a decade after they took his mask off, and him suffering through corporate kane and everything else, when he shows a little of that initial personality he begins to get pops again. Not much, because the damage is almost irreparable, but people are eager to root for the Big Red Machine if you give them the slightest reason to do so.

The reason that split personality Kane worked for 10 minutes is because it was sympathetic. It brought back the old idea, which you either remember from before or immediately recognise because it's such a good archetype, that he's a really strong guy who doesn't know his own strength, and is driven by emotions he can't control due to people betraying him in the past because he's a 'freak' or a 'loser'. The split Kane also had the added benefit of being funny without making a total joke out of him.

Now Kane has looked like shit at the worst times, like right now. We know that's likely because he had some time off and was working out as Corporate Kane, but the time for him to be in shape is during a masked run, and he seemingly never has the right body at the right time - not since the big red machine, where even though they covered everything except his arm, all you had to see was that arm. There's also the fact that they won't book Kane to get over on anything other than a monthly basis because he exists right now to be a random feud for whoever the reigning WWE champion is, which he'll always lose, so there are no stakes since you know nothing will happen and things'll be reset.

Then you can get into how his movements and stuff have diminished, but that's got to do with his body always being in the wrong shape for the angle. Undertaker doesn't move how he used to either, but he's got all the other elements of the gimmick intact, while with Kane they've sacrificed almost all of it piece by piece, and when they do bring back the mask, he isn't the big red machine, he's 'demon kane', which nobody really wants to see. That's a shadow of the guy they remember. He looks diminished, it just reminds you of all the bad angles he's been involved in, he doesn't even wear eye make up to hide the fact it's just corporate kane wearing a bit of plastic and a bad wig.

Literally all they need to do is have Kane come out in his old gear (and you can leave the mouthpiece off, but he should grow some facial hair), and win a match, and everyone would be lovin' Kane. But they never do that. If there was a time to do it, where doing it didn't make him seem overpowered since they don't want that - he's what, 46? not his time - then it would've been during this brothers of destruction returning angle. That could've helped gotten this feud, which isn't working, over.

That was a long post to say 'kane should've come out with his old stuff on'.


Austin's heel turn and the Invasion pretty much turned me off of WWF for most of 2001. Jericho winning the Undisputed title brought me back though because I had to see how the hell that happened, but by that time only a handful of people I knew were watching WWF. It was nowhere near the phenomenon it was, although I think Hogan coming back helped a bit.

It probably didn't help that X-7 was in my hometown so I'm sure to a lot of people who went, that was probably the peak of their fandom and it was all downhill from there.

Austin's heel turn was one of the only consistently good things about 2001.
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