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Nashvember Wrasslin' |OT| Big Daddy Cool's Big Sexy Diesel-Powered Month

  • Thread starter Deleted member 47027
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Kane seems to get a lot of retroactive hatred, kind of like X-Pac. X-Pac was never 'cool', but he was a decent spunky underdog who was a merely 6 feet tall, and his tagging with Kane made them both really sympathetic because they were a typical odd couple.

But the thing with Kane is until they unmasked him, people enjoyed him a lot whether he was heel or face (but especially when he was face because he works as a frankenstein who has had a hard life best). That continues until today where, even more than a decade after they took his mask off, and him suffering through corporate kane and everything else, when he shows a little of that initial personality he begins to get pops again. Not much, because the damage is almost irreparable, but people are eager to root for the Big Red Machine if you give them the slightest reason to do so.

The reason that split personality Kane worked for 10 minutes is because it was sympathetic. It brought back the old idea, which you either remember from before or immediately recognise because it's such a good archetype, that he's a really strong guy who doesn't know his own strength, and is driven by emotions he can't control due to people betraying him in the past because he's a 'freak' or a 'loser'. The split Kane also had the added benefit of being funny without making a total joke out of him.

Now Kane has looked like shit at the worst times, like right now. We know that's likely because he had some time off and was working out as Corporate Kane, but the time for him to be in shape is during a masked run, and he seemingly never has the right body at the right time - not since the big red machine, where even though they covered everything except his arm, all you had to see what that arm. There's also the fact that they won't book Kane to get over on anything other than a monthly basis because he exists right now to be a random feud for whoever the reigning WWE champion is, which he'll always lose, so there are no stakes since you know nothing will happen and things'll be reset.

Then you can get into how his movements and stuff have diminished, but that's got to do with his body always being in the wrong shape for the angle. Undertaker doesn't move how he used to either, but he's got all the other elements of the gimmick intact, while with Kane they've sacrificed almost all of it piece by piece, and when they do bring back the mask, he isn't the big red machine, he's 'demon kane', which nobody really wants to see. That's a shadow of the guy they remember. He looks diminished, it just reminds you of all the bad angles he's been involved in, he doesn't even wear eye make up to hide the fact it's just corporate kane wearing a bit of plastic and a bad wig.

Literally all they need to do is have Kane come out in his old gear (and you can leave the mouthpiece off, but he should grow some facial hair), and win a match, and everyone would be lovin' Kane. But they never do that. If there was a time to do it, where doing it didn't make him seem overpowered since they don't want that - he's what, 46? not his time - then it would've been during this brothers of destruction returning angle. That could've helped gotten this feud, which isn't working, over.

That was a long post to say 'kane should've come out with his old stuff on'.
You are quite honestly the best poster here on WrassleGAF.
Okay if we're talking Sabrina the Teenage Witch we've gone completely off the deep end of childhood nostalgia folks. Sometimes you've gotta say y'know what, I don't need to rebuild this sandcastle. I'm gonna be 30 in a few years.

Maybe Kenan and Kel talk would be borderline acceptable for five minutes, but if we're talking Sabrina we might as well talk whatever kids shows are currently on TV. Wait a minute...

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Make the call Vince


Looking so vascular. SO vacsular. Great photos.
Just over 4 hours until Tenryu's retirement show, who's watching?

Genichiro Tenryu: Revolution FINAL, 2015/11/15
Ryogoku Kokugikan


01. Jushin Liger, Ryota Chikuzen, Gurukun Mask, Shigeno Shima & Dragon JOKER vs Onryo, Kuuga, TARU, Minoru Fujita & Yasu Kubota
02. Great Kabuki, KAI & BUKI vs Great Kojika, Jun Kasai & Toru Sugiura
03. Shiro Koshinaka & Arashi vs Taiyo Kea & Yuta Aijima
04. Ricky Fuji & Sanshiro Takagi vs Kikutaro & The Winger
05. Meiko Satomura & Mochi Miyagi vs DASH Chisako & Sendai Sachiko
06. Yoshinari Ogawa & Kendo Kashin vs NOSAWA Rongai & Kennichiro Arai
07. Koki Kitahara, Ryuji Hijikata & Kotaro Nasu vs Katsuhiko Nakajima, Hikaru Sato & Kazuki Hashimoto
08. Riki Choshu & Tomohiro Ishii vs Akitoshi Saito & Ryuichi Kawakami
09. Yoshihiro Takayama & Yoshiaki Fujiwara vs Minoru Suzuki & Kazunari Murakami
10. Suwama & Yuji Okabayashi vs Kazuyuki Fujita & Daisuke Sekimoto
11. Revolution FINAL: Genichiro Tenryu vs Kazuchika Okada

Preview; https://ello.co/senorlariato/post/KCGlB8MIZHbPbmfxd-8iNQ

The undercard is total indie sleaze, I love it maggle. Some interesting stuff in there though, looking forward to match 7 and 9. Also, Choshu & Ishii teaming again is rad, really looking forward to that. Ishii & Kawakami will beat the piss out of each other, I'm sure. It's all about that main event though, not expecting anything MOTY worthy, but it should be a great spectacle at the least. Okada's character seems tailor made for Tenryu to slap around, can't wait.
Alex Obert: I have a feeling that Bubba will test those breaking into the business in order to see if they can tough it out and to earn his respect. Would you say that is accurate? If so, did that happen with you?

Samuel Shaw: I think for him, he’s just very old school minded. That old school mentality is “If this kid really wants it, let’s test him. Let’s test him not only physically, but mentally.” And I think that weeds out the guys that can’t really fathom this business. There’s a lot of people that want to be wrestlers, but when you’re actually grinding and not making very much money on the indy scene and possibly living on somebody’s couch for years and just grinding, grinding, grinding, it wears on you. And then going into Team 3D Academy four to five times a week like I was doing. There was just times when I was just like, “I really don’t want to go to training today. I don’t want to deal with Bubba’s shit today.” But at the same time, I knew this is what I wanted to do. Even if he was gonna say something to test you or make you feel like you don’t belong, I always took it as like, “Okay, that’s a challenge. I’m here to prove him wrong.”

I do have one particular story regarding this. I was getting a lot of extra work at TNA years and years ago. Bubba would always call me and I would be at work, I was a caricature artist at Universal Studios. So that was literally my plan, to live in Orlando, it’s a wrestling hub. You had WWE/FCW an hour and a half away in Tampa, you got TNA in Universal, Team 3D Academy, you had a bunch of indies. I was in Orlando, trying to be as close as I could so I could possibly knock on the door at TNA each and every day. I just wanted to see if there was any opportunity. Bubba knew that, he saw my work ethic and I think he saw my talent. He may not have necessarily liked me as a person, but he definitely gave me the opportunities because he knew I wanted it.

He’d call me and he’d say, “Hey, can you come up to TNA? We got a spot for you today.” On one particular occasion, he called me the night before and he said, “I need you to get three or four other students and you guys dress nice. Come up here and you’re gonna do some stuff with Jeff Jarrett, the Team Jarrett MMA gimmick.” And I said, “Sure, we’ll be there.” We show up there and some of us are wearing jeans. I think he expected us to wear suits. That’s a lesson that I learned. Every time I go for a tryout, I’m wearing a suit. I am dressing extremely nice now, no ifs, ands or buts about it. And I’ll tell you why, we show up and some of us are wearing jeans and just not looking as sharp as guys that are trying to represent Team 3D Academy, Bubba and D-Von, and be professionals. We’re not looking very professional walking in. You can just tell that Bully is just so pissed and just giving us that death stare and making us very uncomfortable all day long. They still used us that night and we performed well. We thought everything was gold. Bubba kinda cut a promo on us. Like I said, we were uncomfortable all day, but we did a good job for Jeff Jarrett. Bubba said, “There’s no heat, everything’s good.”

Well I didn’t go to the training the next day because I was working, but a bunch of the guys did that were involved with this thing in TNA the day before. Bubba tells them all to get in the ring and he tells them, “Do a thousand squats. Right now. Otherwise you’re kicked out of the school.” He felt like we needed to be disciplined for not being a good representation for the school. I got text messages from all these guys and they’re all like, “Oh my God, Bubba made us do a thousand squats. None of us could do a thousand. Guys were puking. Some guy ripped his asshole out, tore his hamstring. Guys are just dropping like flies. Bubba’s disappointed in everybody. He said ‘Don’t think I won’t get Sam cause I’ll go to one of his little indy shows and I’ll make him do it in front of all the boys there.'” I was just waiting for mine. I was like, “Okay, I’ve never done a thousand squats before. I’m gonna go in every day and if that’s what he wants me to do, I’m ready for it.”

I went in every day and he never showed up for about two weeks. And then all of a sudden, he showed up one day. Everybody thought he’d forget about it and that it’s all water under the bridge. But nope, he sees me and he says, “Get your ass in the ring. A thousand squats. You gotta go past parallel. If you don’t do a thousand, I’ll just know what kind of man you are and you’re not welcome back here.” I proceeded to do a thousand squats and I never thought that I could do that. It was a challenge. The thought of doing it sucked, but once I completed that, I realized that was all mental. He tested me and I did it. I went in the office and I thanked him. I’m not saying that he had ultimate respect for me after that or anything, but I think he was like, “Okay, I see this kid. He fessed up to fucking up. He paid the price and he did it.” He’s always gonna test you. You’re gonna screw up in this business, especially as a young guy just trying to come up and make it. Hopefully you don’t screw up in front of a Vince McMahon or something like that. Screwing up in front of a Bully Ray, that’s probably worse. I just made it a goal of mine to just always make him proud.

hardass bubba


So with all of these injuries and now Rock backing out of Wrestlemania, will Vince just go "Fuck it" and throw Bryan out there?

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I wonder if Kazuki will ever ascend past 'young hand that gets beaten up by old heads'

I've really liked his work. He could fit into a NEVER title scene well enough


So with all of these injuries and now Rock backing out of Wrestlemania, will Vince just go "Fuck it" and throw Bryan out there?

He is actually thinking about it:

The latest word on Daniel Bryan's WWE status is that company officials were still waiting on the results of a third doctor's findings in regards to Bryan's health and if he should be put back in the ring.

As we've noted, WWE's Dr. Joseph Maroon ruled that Bryan should not wrestle again due to the number of concussions he's suffered. Bryan later got a doctor that works with the NFL's Arizona Cardinals to test him and his brain tested above average for his age. That doctor cleared him to wrestle.

If the third doctor's tests have been done, The Wrestling Observer Newsletter notes that results are being kept secret but they could be back in as Vince McMahon has reportedly been going back-and-forth on Bryan's status.


If Vince want to fill those 100000 seats , all he has is cena vs taker, he gonna need something else. Basically what I'm saying is Bryan vs Brock for the belt.


If Vince want to fill those 100000 seats , all he has is cena vs taker, he gonna need something else. Basically what I'm saying is Bryan vs Brock for the belt.

I'm not even sure Taker Cena would do it.

His booking handicaped creaing new stars and their reluctance to put people over Cena and HHH hurts them.

No reason why Owens should have lost to Cena the 3rd time.


So who is HH facing at WM ? With no seth or rock ,there no one in the roster that is big enough to face him.. This gonna be a very inserting WM booking wise.
Just over 4 hours until Tenryu's retirement show, who's watching?

Genichiro Tenryu: Revolution FINAL, 2015/11/15
Ryogoku Kokugikan


01. Jushin Liger, Ryota Chikuzen, Gurukun Mask, Shigeno Shima & Dragon JOKER vs Onryo, Kuuga, TARU, Minoru Fujita & Yasu Kubota
02. Great Kabuki, KAI & BUKI vs Great Kojika, Jun Kasai & Toru Sugiura
03. Shiro Koshinaka & Arashi vs Taiyo Kea & Yuta Aijima
04. Ricky Fuji & Sanshiro Takagi vs Kikutaro & The Winger
05. Meiko Satomura & Mochi Miyagi vs DASH Chisako & Sendai Sachiko
06. Yoshinari Ogawa & Kendo Kashin vs NOSAWA Rongai & Kennichiro Arai
07. Koki Kitahara, Ryuji Hijikata & Kotaro Nasu vs Katsuhiko Nakajima, Hikaru Sato & Kazuki Hashimoto
08. Riki Choshu & Tomohiro Ishii vs Akitoshi Saito & Ryuichi Kawakami
09. Yoshihiro Takayama & Yoshiaki Fujiwara vs Minoru Suzuki & Kazunari Murakami
10. Suwama & Yuji Okabayashi vs Kazuyuki Fujita & Daisuke Sekimoto
11. Revolution FINAL: Genichiro Tenryu vs Kazuchika Okada

Preview; https://ello.co/senorlariato/post/KCGlB8MIZHbPbmfxd-8iNQ

The undercard is total indie sleaze, I love it maggle. Some interesting stuff in there though, looking forward to match 7 and 9. Also, Choshu & Ishii teaming again is rad, really looking forward to that. Ishii & Kawakami will beat the piss out of each other, I'm sure. It's all about that main event though, not expecting anything MOTY worthy, but it should be a great spectacle at the least. Okada's character seems tailor made for Tenryu to slap around, can't wait.

As Voices of Wrestling described this week, this is Japanese indie sleaze at its finest.
This is the happiest I've been about any sport related thing since Anderson Silva got KO'd while taunting

Will change again this month if Reigns wins the belt and isn't cashed in on

We coming home, Verendus :')
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