Ninja Scooter
Who has the worse face Bayley or Summer Rae
Kevin Owens
Who has the worse face Bayley or Summer Rae
Who has the worse face Bayley or Summer Rae
just like big show and obesity, it's only ok to make fun of braun stromans face in wrasslegaf right
It's so sad that I picture Hogan doing the exact same thing back in his day.So if Kalisto wins the tournament and becomes WWE Champion is John Cena gonna come out from the back and tell him his win means nothing unless he defends against him immediately?
How much you wanna bet when Vince finally lets him in, he makes sure he goes in with a bigger WWE name as the final "Fuck You" to Stang's WWE run.
Rey Mysterio - Isn't bigger than Sting
bro, sting hasn't been bigger than mysterio since 2002
To the nerds who care about WWE Hall of Fame inductions (i.e., us), isn't Sting bigger than Mysterio?
To the nerds who care about WWE Hall of Fame inductions (i.e., us), isn't Sting bigger than Mysterio?
that's pretty coolRey Mysterio ‏@reymysterio 17h17 hours ago
Will always be thankful to Mr. Tenryu for the hospitality every time I toured in Japan for the company WAR!
Macho Man(kayfabe 93 Raw commentart) calls Jerry The King Lawler a legend in his own mind but at the end of the day The King is probably a bigger legend than Macho Man.
The great thing about Hogan being out of the HoF is it opens up possibilities
He's the king of the ring...
Rey Mysterio helped bring in cruiserweights to mainstream wrestling. Rey is Godly in Mexico and in Japan as well as the States. He helped usher in what is the modern equivalent of wrestling with guys like Psicosis, Ultimo Dragon and the likes.
Sting is just a heavyweight Hogan knockoff who screamed real loud and played a shitty mute that couldn't cut a promo as anything other than being a loud Hogan knockoff.
Smarks and marks both should recognize that Mysterio is thrice over more important to pro wrestling than Sting has ever been. Even if his last WWE run made you hate him.
Warrior >>>>cause that'll somehow be different
The shots taken at Hogan would draw show much. I would bring the damn vhs tape out just to record it.Scott Steiner's HOF speech would be legendary, which is why it will never happen. Hunter is too shook for that.
To the nerds who care about WWE Hall of Fame inductions (i.e., us), isn't Sting bigger than Mysterio?
Rey Mysterio actually won the WWE Championship (for 20 mins but he still got it). Somebody post the Mysterio champagne celebration gif
How appropriate that we talk about Rey Jr.'s WWE HOF prospects for this WM in Nashvember.
I'd induct Rey Jr. in a minute, but there's no way Vince and company or most fans would consider Rey Jr. to be bigger than Sting because they only care about how he drew on top, not all of the valid points that Data raised.
Macho Man(kayfabe 93 Raw commentart) calls Jerry The King Lawler a legend in his own mind but at the end of the day The King is probably a bigger legend than Macho Man.
The best part of Billy & Chuck is that they never really...acted gay. Like they never touched each other beyond like typical tag team stuff and Rico was way more gay than either one of them. And they worked everyone so good, they were getting spots on Good Morning America and gifts from GLAAD. lol
The best part of Billy & Chuck is that they never really...acted gay. Like they never touched each other beyond like typical tag team stuff and Rico was way more gay than either one of them. And they worked everyone so good, they were getting spots on Good Morning America and gifts from GLAAD. lol
How do you act gay?
Just be happyHow do you act gay?
The great thing about Hogan being out of the HoF is it opens up possibilities
Kinda old but yeah Hunter and HBK didn't like The Rock. Hunter didn't like Rock because he got a push after being in the league for 2 years while Hunter was still serving time for MSG. You remember that promo wheb it was Corporate and The Rock was saying the phrases of (Hogan, Bret, Macho,) Hunter went off the script stating "Like yours is any better."(hilarious that Hunter didn't have a catchphrase other than" Suck it") basically Rocky never cared for the off script ribs. That's when he went back and made that comment about him saying things that weren't written. After that, it was on.
I've been pretty disappointed to find that I absolutely hate Shawn Michaels on the mic. What an insufferable douche. I liked him as a kid.This is hilarious, the crowd is chanting Shawn is Gay and he's still killing it on the microphone. Your baby wrestlers today wouldn't even be able to stay on subject or keep consistency if the same happened to them.