Taz can't even FIND work.
I forgot Sunny is one of those 'Obsidigawds~' types. That explains a lot. #OccupyBethesda
Wrong, pal. Dungeon Siege 3 sucked.
so did Alpha Protocol no matter how many 'michael thornton cray cray lel' videos can be made of it
He said on the podcast that he is not and has said that process for him to get in shape is something he doesn't want to do.
Even still, he's not out of shape and is still capable of doing TV and movies. I think he just needs the right situation to be motivated to get in ring shape.
Is Mad Max more fun to play then Fallout 4?
Is Mad Max more fun to play then Fallout 4?
Is Mad Max more fun to play then Fallout 4?
no need to feel sorry for Bryan friends, the man is happy
Wrestling and doing TV and movies are two different things, the rock who was in much better shape than Austin is right now could barley go 5 min without getting gas.Even still, he's not out of shape and is still capable of doing TV and movies. I think he just needs the right situation to be motivated to get in ring shape.
So far, absolutely
To play, absolutely.
It's not anyone's problem, yet people think it's their problem over on the other side of the fence. Ridiculous. It's almost as silly as caring about WWE's ratings!
Is Mad Max more fun to play then Fallout 4?
I'll add it to my rental list.
I'd be pleased if poor sales discouraged future multi-platform titles from going exclusive for dubiously explained reasons that read like PR nonsense, that's all. Also, the worse the game does, the less chance of SquareEnix selling it to PS4 customers a year late and for a premium price - of course they'll bundle all the DLC, call it the Ultimate Edition and sell it for a premium anyway, but fuck 'em.
oh my
Taz thinks the Rousey fight was a work
Oh sweet, Ex Machina is just $5.99 to rent at iTunes.
I'd be pleased if poor sales discouraged future multi-platform titles from going exclusive for dubiously explained reasons that read like PR nonsense, that's all. Also, the worse the game does, the less chance of SquareEnix selling it to PS4 customers a year late and for a premium price - of course they'll bundle all the DLC, call it the Ultimate Edition and sell it for a premium anyway, but fuck 'em.
Is Mad Max more fun to play then Fallout 4?
Oh sweet, Ex Machina is just $5.99 to rent at iTunes.
1 Cities Skylines
2 Assassin's Creed Syndicate
3 Blues and Bullets episode 1
4 Until Dawn
5 Mad Max
Yakuza 5 will trump them all and I guess I need to play more Fallout
That's the right price for Ex Machina.
I wonder who our next generation of grumpy Japanese veterans will be.
I absolutely hated B&B - what did you like about it?
Exclusivity itself isn't inherently a problem. The problem was Tomb Raider going exclusive to the system it sold the worst on.
That's the right price for Ex Machina.
I wonder who our next generation of grumpy Japanese veterans will be.
If you asked me this a month ago, I'd say hell fucking naw. But now? I'd say Glam Rock Dolph gets the Bronx-Man Seal of Approval.Sounds like somebody is getting the strap tonight.
Is the world ready for wwe champ dolph Ziggler?
Take your pick
None of those dudes, except maybe Sugiura, are the 'next generation' of grumpy veterans - they're grumpy veterans already. I think Sekimoto's going to be a good one. Shibata, as well.
Yeah, they have those green screen studio bits in the US version as well and, yeah, they're so low-rent and awful looking, it really does TNA's presentation no favours whatsoever.
I mean it's a fine counter so long as the dude doesn't get dumped on his head
It's somehow worse than the WWE's Virtual Studio for Raw pre show they hyped up ridiculously, and I didn't think it was possible to look more amateur than that.
ROH is off Destination America and on some channel called COMET starting December 2nd...not sure if that's better or worse. Probably worse.
If you want to talk younger guys as future grumps then I'd say Fujita Jr Hayato. Fujita is already angry from getting kicked in the head by Shibata, Otani and Kanemoto all the time. He's definitely the next Koji
The Hydro announcement was very interesting, it's where WWE do their shows up here, and thrice the size of SECC. Hopefully it all works out.
Nobody bought it so now you can't enjoy it.