but that doesn't make for an enjoyable ending,you spend the whole game getting into a character that does a weird 180 to end the game, you basically go from good old jaded dude to a fucking selfish psychopath within 5 min and a big THE END gets thrown in your face... The obvious ending would've been the better one, there's no need for a Shyamalan-esque twist in every story
You can probably get most of the big shows from IVPvideos or RudoReels, I'd guess.
It's natural character progression. Internal drama with the greater good vs getting a second chance at what you lost years ago is a classic story. He didn't mind putting her in danger because he was so focused on the mission and Ellie just grew on him. He finally realized that she was worth saving and keeping safe. It was actually kind of refreshing that they didn't go with the chosen girl is the cure path for the story, they pulled at the heart strings and went with the more personal option.
I still don't like the way they answered the issue : "well the limit only affects 1% of you so fuck off"
I'm actually on the opposite side of the fence. I thought the gameplay was fun but the story was cliche and predictable as fuck outside of the ending (which sucked)
It's not about you! The ending is what it is.
It is such a big and diverse game and because no one ever plays it the same, their experience going into it, and really any game this size, is all over the map.
The best advice I can give anyone, and this is from spending 30 hours with the game, is to not neglect the main storyline early on. Doing so makes it easy to lose on certain perks, equipment, weapons and a discovery of areas that shine. The turn around point for me is Diamond City and meeting with Nick valentine. At this point, you'll have access to some of the best weapons in the game, meet some of the neatest characters and see some of the best places the game has to offer. From there, you dig deeper. Eevrything before then is like a compass pointing in every direction.
And Jet packs. There are flipping Jet packs.
Which is why I wish they would have had him give her up and just not be able to live with it afterwards. Having him pull a 180 at the end and say "fuck saving the world" just didn't feel natural or right. I would have gotten a lot more feels out of watching Joel suffer with the choice after the fact. Honestly TLOU's ending feels kind of like shitty sequel bait and feels like Naughty Dog pussied out of having a really tragic ending
but does that mean I had to love it and I can't criticize it? I mean it IS a video game and not a movie, you play from a certain perspective and that builds up expectations. If it was a movie instead of a game, I would have the same problem with the ending
Your ending does still pull at the heart strings, but Joel saving Ellie at the last minute does more naturally lead to more stories in the world as you can have them living off the land and trying to outrun the people that want to use Ellie as a cure and use that as building blocks to an even greater plot. With just Joel your best option is having him turn into the lone wolf merc bad ass that eventually wanders into a plot. Face it, Joel saving Ellie was best for business.
Or have Joel die and have no Last of Us sequels. Or just make a sequel with a different cast
I'm just going to spoiler everything.
It felt like forced drama and out of character for Joel, in my opinion. Yes, he cared for her but he'd already put her in positions of danger previously where she could have easily died yet now, knowing she faces death, he suddenly gets cold feet. Plus for a good chunk of the game he seemed to be operating both from the perspective of caring for her while also respecting the "greater good" she could provide. Suddenly being okay with dooming lots of other people with the possibility of facing the tragedy he faced at the start of the game felt out of his character.
No reason to hate the creators for it. It's their vision.
No you don't have to like it.
I applaud your use of spoiler tags, and will follow your example.
That's fair enough, but I think you misunderstood what went into his decision and why it wasn't out of character at all.
They set up throughout the game that Joel has become a pretty callous and selfish person who is only out to survive, and he only cares about a very select group of people (seemingly just Tess although there would probably be more), while everybody else can get blown to hell. There are some sparks of decency in him, and you can be fooled by his gentle demeanour, but that's stuff that has been burned out of him after however many years living in the world he does. So, initially, taking Ellie to the fireflies is just a job for him that he doesn't believe in, and then when Tess dies, he does it out of some kind of loyalty for her and also, I'd imagine, because he doesn't know what else to do with himself except how he's survived so far. Over the course of the journey he ends up caring more about Ellie and thinking of her as a replacement daughter for himself - which is the whole reason the game opens with his real daughter dying - and as the audience, you can be fooled into thinking this means he's becoming a better man. When he realises that this plan of the Fireflies, which he's been happy to go along with until now, is actually going to kill Ellie in the process and take away the only thing he has any attachment to left, he decides to take her out of it - blowing everyone else to hell like he usually does - and because he knows Ellie would hate him if she knew, he lies to her about what happened.
It really isn't out of character at all. It's not a plot twist, but a character twist - you've been lulled into thinking Joel's a different kind of person than he is, because you've seen him soften over the course of the game, but he wasn't becoming a better person, he was just making a new bond. He doesn't care about the greater good at all because he doesn't think it exists. He was a member of thieving murder gangs and thinks that's how the world is. This stuff is all in his dialogue, and in how other characters like his brother and Tess describe him.
Joel's just an emotional man with strong paternal instincts. He was probably that way before the outbreak, but wouldn't have been to put to the test like he is with Ellie at the end. It's probably what he would always have done.
As for putting Ellie in danger, I don't remember any specific incident like that but I figure he does earlier on in the game. That's because she's still just some kid to him at that point and it's only in the last 25% of the game his attitude really changes.
Geez what is this Pinball Wizard? Where someone loses once and they're booed out of the building or some such shaming?
Rousey tried to fight a striker bout and never went to her grappling. She learned that she's tough as hell but sooner or later you can't rely on that and out tough someone. She needs to stick with her guns and will probably do so next time. No need for the internet to dog her so much over it.
Is The Last of Us a shoot or a work?
i've been meaning to ask you, what source does IVPvideos use for their releases of old Japan shows? do they record form VHS and clean the video up then transcode? or were these shows released on DVD in Japan and they use that as source?
Joe might save the world sacrificing Ellie, but his world is over. So fuck the world.
I was poking into areas that I had no business walking into which frustrated me. Felt overwhelmed at that point and just took a step back. Currently focused on being able to make money from shops to make enough caps to buy ammo for my explosive weapons and buying perks that will let me build power armor upgrades. There have been some amazing gifs of power armor combat in the OT.
Shaowebb, I shared the exact sentiments here over this weekend. I just thought the parallel between RotTR and that fight was amusing. Agreed on all accounts though.
I do like how Rhonda predicted the way in which she would lose. Skip to 0:30 seconds.
Nikki's doing rehab and trying to avoid surgery for her injury (bulging discs in her neck). There's fluid in her central nervous system, discs pushing on her spinal cord. Hope is the rehab will be enough to heal it, but essentially she was pulled because (like Edge, Austin, Kidd, etc) one more bump could have paralyzed her. No timetable for her return.
Damn that's messed up. Besides AJ quitting, Nikki was the best thing to happen to the Divas division this year. I hope she stays #fearless and is able to bounce back. Saddest injury news since Kidd tbh.Nikki's doing rehab and trying to avoid surgery for her injury (bulging discs in her neck). There's fluid in her central nervous system, discs pushing on her spinal cord. Hope is the rehab will be enough to heal it, but essentially she was pulled because (like Edge, Austin, Kidd, etc) one more bump could have paralyzed her. No timetable for her return.
I hope you're going in with incredibly low expectations for the Texans.So...
Everyone watching Raw tonight!
not me. Football!
Habs are playing and I don't care about any of the current storylines, so that's an easy choice
Damn that's messed up. Besides AJ quitting, Nikki was the best thing to happen to the Divas division this year. I hope she stays #fearless and is able to bounce back. Saddest injury news since Kidd tbh.
I hope you're going in with incredibly low expectations for the Texans.
Everyone watching Raw tonight!
not me. Football!
No way. Texans are gonna crush the Bengals!
Yeah the Habs storyline is pretty boring ATM. Price's return will be a huge ratings spike though.
No way. Texans are gonna crush the Bengals!
So Orton, Cena, and Nikki are gone. You'd think people would be having a party.
It doesn't matter, ain't nobody gonna stop the Panther train.
Poor Nikki
Watched that Legends episode about Taker. Shawn Michaels never adds anything to the conversation, in everything he shows up to. He's inoffensive but just nothing. Completely neutral.
Poor Nikki
Watched that Legends episode about Taker. Shawn Michaels never adds anything to the conversation, in everything he shows up to. He's inoffensive but just nothing. Completely neutral.
Just let me believe goddamnit.LOL pushing Kalisto. He's not 6'3", brah.