They already torching us by putting him in the tournament in the first place.Sweet Baby Jesus, please spare us from watching three shitty Alberto Del Rio matches in one night.
Sad to see Cesaro lose last night. It was actually a great match. Also Del Rio wrestling 3 times at SS? Or they giving him a free pass on defending US title
He's looked bad in the ring for about a year now.
The WrassleGAF required viewing starter deck:
Bret vs. Austin (Mania 13, aka the GOAT) - Yeah.
Shawn vs. Taker (Mania 25) - Haven't seen. I've heard it's good. I should watch it.
Shawn vs. Taker (HIAC 1997) - Nah.
John Cena vs. CM Punk (MITB 2011) - Haven't seen.
Rock vs. Austin (Mania X7) - Nah.
Rock vs. Hogan (Mania X8) - Maybe.
Mankind vs. Taker (KOTR 1998) - Yes.
TLC 2 (Mania X7) - Not sure.
literally off the top of my head and nothing before 97 because I've barely even watched that stuff
Also, would stuff like Shawn vs. Bret (SS 1997) or Brock vs. Taker (WM30) count? Average/bad matches with historic finishes/endings. I want to say no.
New lapsed fan is up
No for those last two. nWo vs. WCW is the only not-great match that's worth it for the storytelling/finish.
When I watch Ambrose wrestle now it looks like he's just going through the motions. It's not fun to watch. Not sure what's going on with him but I certainly hope something changes.Not bad enough to prevent him from having a few really solid to great matches. There's bad, and there's bad. Last night was the latter. I'd argue he's the only Shield guy who has palpably regressed as an in-ring performer since they broke up. My gut says he's just kind of lazy without driven guys like Roman and Rollins there to light a fire under him.
Honorable Mentions = Turtles in Time, Mario Kart, Super Metroid
- Chrono Trigger
- Super Mario World
- Final Fantasy 3 (FF6 in Japan)
- Super Mario RPG
- Donkey Kong Country 2
Ambrose has mid carditis. Should have pulled the trigger on him last year.
Battletoads in Battlemaniacs > Turtles in Time
Sweet Baby Jesus, please spare us from watching three shitty Alberto Del Rio matches in one night.
How many matches have been confirmed for SS. I count 5 so far
SS champ tourny
Diva match
Wyatt vs BOD
Tag match
Any more?
Sad to see Cesaro lose last night. It was actually a great match. Also Del Rio wrestling 3 times at SS? Or they giving him a free pass on defending US title
What is the deal with Ambrose? Growing up in the indy channel, you would think he would look more aggressive in the ring; his style just doesn't make any sense.
Did he hurt someone in years past?
Ambrose has mid carditis. Should have pulled the trigger on him last year.
When I watch Ambrose wrestle now it looks like he's just going through the motions. It's not fun to watch. Not sure what's going on with him but I certainly hope something changes.
What is the deal with Ambrose? Growing up in the indy channel, you would think he would look more aggressive in the ring; his style just doesn't make any sense.
Did he hurt someone in years past?
AAA in denial
I'd love to set up a poll for the Best of the Best on stuff and talk about it on legitshook...
LolAnd using WWE promo shots
EDIT: They literally just used a 2009 wallpaper
Everyone has midcarditis. Except for Roman who has the unfortunate condition of being "the next face of the company" post John Cena, which is terminal with no known cure.
idk what you guys are talking about I gave the match a watch and thought it was an interesting, different and engaging little TV bout. Lots of grappling, Dolph being more low key than usual, a really nice finish. Definitely not Cesaro TV match tier but that's not what they were trying to achieve. All Ambrose has to do is drop the rebound portion of his lariat and stop doing dives.
If you wanna talk about someone who hasn't had it in the ring for a long time
I think the only one that cares is not there ATMCesaro has a fire under his ass, except no one in the back cares
I'd love to set up a poll for the Best of the Best on stuff and talk about it on legitshook...
Cesaro has a fire under his ass, except no one in the back cares
I've been binge listening to the New Generation Project Podcasts. I can't quite get enough
If Cesaro wants an interesting, charismatic character to get over, he's gonna have to do it himself. It seems like every interview I read about the really popular guys, they mostly got over on their own. The New Day basically said on their Table for 3 that they just lobbied to do all the shit they're doing now over and over until eventually Vince gave in and let them.
Has WrassleGAF ever had it's own podcast?
Gurry! A fellow Austinite in the house. Dude, we're thinking of a gaf meetup to go see in indy show sometime. You down? I can always PM you deets later when they unfold.
To be fair Hacksaw is more over than anyone on the roster right now except maybe Daniel Bryan.Ambrose's gimmick is doing a really shitty 80s Funk impression without being near as over and not being anywhere as menacing as late 80s-early 90s Funk
And before you try to say Ambrose is over, you have to understand how over 80s Funk was
why do that when he can just make passive aggressive tweets and wear insider smarky t-shirts instead?
because that will get vince's attention
Ambrose's gimmick is doing a really shitty 80s Funk impression without being near as over and not being anywhere as menacing as late 80s-early 90s Funk
And before you try to say Ambrose is over, you have to understand how over 80s Funk was
why do that when he can just make passive aggressive tweets and wear insider smarky t-shirts instead?
because that will get vince's attention
Hacksaw was WAY more over than Daniel BryanTo be fair Hacksaw is more over than anyone on the roster right now except maybe Daniel Bryan.
I really tried with this Steam Controller, but I think I'm done. Fuck this hot mess.
Taking it back and getting a Xbox One controller for PC.
There is literally no reason that Cesaro shouldn't be in Del Rio's spot right now. Zero, nil nada. Even if Cesaro had the same disastrous creative that Del Rio has right now, that has never stopped him putting on incredible matches and for midcard titles right now, that is good enough.
Fucking hell WWE.
Don't get an Xbone controller, it's usb port is a flimsy piece of shit that'll die from dropping 2 inches
Lol are you suggesting Hacksaw would have been capable of popping a stadium of 70,000?Hacksaw was WAY more over than Daniel Bryan
Hacksaw was, unfortunately, more over than anyone not named Hulk Hogan
Professional wrestling isn't a meritocracy based on how good your wrestling matches are. It's not a real sport. It's not even a sport. It's a soap opera. Having incredible matches is good enough to make someone a background supporting actor, like one of the random assistant DAs on Law and Order SVU. If you're not entertaining in any other capacity and don't show promise of being more than that, that's all it gets you.