guys he got paid to do the commercial
also better suit game than Cena wearing his dad's suit or Cesaro wearing his little brother's.

guys he got paid to do the commercial
also better suit game than Cena wearing his dad's suit or Cesaro wearing his little brother's.
I'm pretty sure you can check off the random derail one too. I'm not sure who, but I remember some WrassleGAF member causing that
If we're gonna shoot from the hip:
Cesaro's one of the best damn wrestlers on the planet, easily. But he has no character whatsoever. He needs at least something to get Vince to pay attention to him. Daniel Bryan was in the same spot in 2010 but then he started doing goofy shit with his arms and shouting a three-letter word, then he's the biggest star on the planet. If Cesaro wants to go to the next level, he's gotta find something to take him there. It doesn't matter how small it is, but he needs some type of hook.
Roman turning heel would be amazing and the perfect thing right now. Which means he wont.
So even with the predictable match outcomes, is Raw last night worth watching? Did Cesaro and Kallisto at least look strong?
I mean sure.We should definitely blame Del Rio for not standing up for himself and rejecting this stupid MexAmerica gimmick though since we blame wrestlers for not standing up for their careers and themselves.
How about Shawn/Razor Ladder Match at WM X? That was pretty great.
And why haven't you made any Flair/Steamboat suggestions, Liquidsnake? God dang, pal.
I mean sure.
Cesaro's most charasmatic moment was the "on and on" catchphrase which doesn't get used anymore sadly, I liked it.
Oh shit, guess thats a fact.Cesaro's most charismatic moment was when Tyson Kidd was still healthy ;;;;;;
Not just Flair Steamboat
Flair Vader
Flair Whindam
Flair Vs Anyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tick it off the bingo card boys.
Cesaro looked fantastic. Kalisto looked pretty bad sadly. ADR just looks like he doesn't give a fuck.
Just come to terms with this, and it says it all
"Cesaro is such a terrible character, I can't believe they had him be a snotty rugby player. If they'd let him wrestle their top guys he would get over."
Cesaro wrestles top guys, gets a little over
"How can you expect someone to get over in the ring alone? Fuck, you people don't see his greatness."
Lots of people criticized Vince on Stone Colds podcast by saying something is missing and they all hope he finds it. I think you all need to accept that to be way the fuck over in WWE and get to that next level, he has to find that one remaining piece to make it work. Vince isn't wrong.
So even with the predictable match outcomes, is Raw last night worth watching? Did Cesaro and Kallisto at least look strong?
If only you could hear it! You come out to this:I maintain that he has enough to be in Del Rio's spot right now.
Probably not a main event guy unless he goes under some Eddie-esque transformation of personality.
Also I want to personally congratulate you on my CAW's entrance. A work of art.
FACT: Flair vs Vader was the main event for the first wrestling show I ever saw live....and it was in their mid-90's prime.
Probably just need a harder bingo square to fill, not that any of these opinions are hard to elicit on any given Tuesday
I'm gonna say the Swiss demo probably isn't as important to WWE as the Latino demo
I don't even think wwe cares about the Latino demo.I'm gonna say the Swiss demo probably isn't as important to WWE as the Latino demo
Is it me, or has UpUpDwnDwn turned into just-another-YouTube-channel over the past month or so? Superstar Savepoint is becoming the only thing worth watching on there for me now.
and their idea of appealing to the Latino demo is have heel characters call for more racial harmony and acceptance of culture, good shit
The Madden tournament is great as well. I've never bothered with the solo gameplay stuff, I'm there to see some jobbers get some promo time and play kideo games.
Some of their matches were pretty damn good. Flair could work with anyone man. I would have loved to see it live like you did.
My first live even was a house show in which Warrior squashed Andre in like 30 seconds. Long beach Arena. I think it was 1989.
Is it me, or has UpUpDwnDwn turned into just-another-YouTube-channel over the past month or so? Superstar Savepoint is becoming the only thing worth watching on there for me now.
Their idea is that Alberto was a draw in Mexico and will help house show attendance. As opposed to 'Cesaro is going to have good matches!' 'what's his arc?' '....5/5 Stars!'
Is it me, or has UpUpDwnDwn turned into just-another-YouTube-channel over the past month or so? Superstar Savepoint is becoming the only thing worth watching on there for me now.
The Madden tournament is great as well. I've never bothered with the solo gameplay stuff, I'm there to see some jobbers get some promo time and play kideo games.
It's 2015, any sort of comedy act such as the New Day in any medium will get stale without throwing a lot of different material, written and presented by talented people at the audience. So yeah, they are getting stale, its the nature of the WWE it seems.
In a perfect world they would have been allowed to do their skits with Team BAD on TV as well, which would have done some character building for both teams. It's clear from social media they have more ideas for content but are still on somewhat of a leash.
The other problem is they don't have another team to bounce off of. The Dudley's weren't given the right material or clearance to really go after them on the mic and the Usos haven't cut a single promo since they've been back?
that masturbation OT I made drained me
now I feel like a weirdo for not masturbating 4 times a day on average
Wrestle Kingdom 10 - Have You Ever Seen the Rain?
I made a hype video for the WK10 main event, give it a watch if you will, friends.
If only you could hear it! You come out to this:
british wrestling....
When you wake up in the morning, you do yourself a favor, You pattern your life after Ric Flair and youll be something.